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Rio 2016 unveils innovative Olympic torch
The innovative design, which is _________________ by the warmth of the Brazilian people, features moveable segments that expand vertically to reveal the colours of Brazil when the Olympic flame is passed from one torchbearer to another. The triangular shape of the torch, meanwhile, alludes to the three Olympic Values of excellence, friendship and respect, while the floating effect of its different segments represents the efforts of the athletes.
<>Acesso em: 28.07.2015. Adaptado.
Text 4
Eclipse in Africa: 'Ring of Fire' eclipse wows stargazers
Stargazers in parts of Africa have been treated to a spectacular "ring of fire" in the sky as the sun was almost - but not completely - eclipsed.
An annular eclipse happens when the moon is farther away from the Earth than during a total eclipse.
The result is a bright circle of sunshine surrounding a dark, shadowy core.
The best views were seen in Tanzania, where the event lasted about three minutes.
The eclipse could also be viewed in parts of Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, and the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion.
The moon does not move in a perfect circle around the earth - instead, its orbit is slightly elliptical. That means the distance of the moon varies between around 225,000-252,000 miles (362,000-405,555 km).
When the moon is farther away from the earth, it appears smaller - and does not totally cover the sun's disc during a total eclipse. The result is also known as a "ring of fire" eclipse.
The next eclipse is due to take place in February 2017, and can be seen from parts of South America and Africa.
Avaiable at: Accessed on 02/09/16.
Answer the question below, according to the Text 4.
Text 4
Eclipse in Africa: 'Ring of Fire' eclipse wows stargazers
Stargazers in parts of Africa have been treated to a spectacular "ring of fire" in the sky as the sun was almost - but not completely - eclipsed.
An annular eclipse happens when the moon is farther away from the Earth than during a total eclipse.
The result is a bright circle of sunshine surrounding a dark, shadowy core.
The best views were seen in Tanzania, where the event lasted about three minutes.
The eclipse could also be viewed in parts of Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, and the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion.
The moon does not move in a perfect circle around the earth - instead, its orbit is slightly elliptical. That means the distance of the moon varies between around 225,000-252,000 miles (362,000-405,555 km).
When the moon is farther away from the earth, it appears smaller - and does not totally cover the sun's disc during a total eclipse. The result is also known as a "ring of fire" eclipse.
The next eclipse is due to take place in February 2017, and can be seen from parts of South America and Africa.
Avaiable at: Accessed on 02/09/16.
Answer the question below, according to the Text 4.
Text 4
Eclipse in Africa: 'Ring of Fire' eclipse wows stargazers
Stargazers in parts of Africa have been treated to a spectacular "ring of fire" in the sky as the sun was almost - but not completely - eclipsed.
An annular eclipse happens when the moon is farther away from the Earth than during a total eclipse.
The result is a bright circle of sunshine surrounding a dark, shadowy core.
The best views were seen in Tanzania, where the event lasted about three minutes.
The eclipse could also be viewed in parts of Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, and the French Indian Ocean island of La Reunion.
The moon does not move in a perfect circle around the earth - instead, its orbit is slightly elliptical. That means the distance of the moon varies between around 225,000-252,000 miles (362,000-405,555 km).
When the moon is farther away from the earth, it appears smaller - and does not totally cover the sun's disc during a total eclipse. The result is also known as a "ring of fire" eclipse.
The next eclipse is due to take place in February 2017, and can be seen from parts of South America and Africa.
Avaiable at: Accessed on 02/09/16.
Answer the question below, according to the Text 4.
The Mice In Council
One day a group of mice decided to call a meeting to see what they could do about the cat which was always trying to catch them. They talked about lots of plans but none of them seemed like they would work. At last, a young mouse got up and said that a bell should be hung around the cat's neck so all the mice would be able to hear when he was coming closer. All the mice thought this was an excellent idea. However, an older mouse got up and spoke, "This is a really good idea but who is going to tie the bell around the cat's neck?"
Avaiable at: Acessed on 22/08/16.
Answer the question below, according to the Text 3.
The Mice In Council
One day a group of mice decided to call a meeting to see what they could do about the cat which was always trying to catch them. They talked about lots of plans but none of them seemed like they would work. At last, a young mouse got up and said that a bell should be hung around the cat's neck so all the mice would be able to hear when he was coming closer. All the mice thought this was an excellent idea. However, an older mouse got up and spoke, "This is a really good idea but who is going to tie the bell around the cat's neck?"
Avaiable at: Acessed on 22/08/16.
Answer the question below, according to the Text 3.
Text 2
Rio Olympics 2016: Opening Ceremony celebrates Brazil to open games.
The 2016 Olympics have been formally opened ………………… a colourful and pulsating ceremony at Rio's Maracana stadium.
Broadcast to an estimated audience of three billion, it celebrated Brazil's history, culture and natural beauty, before former marathon runner Vanderlei de Lima lit the Olympic cauldron.
Wimbledon champion Andy Murray led the Great Britain team into the arena.
The build-up to Rio 2016 has been played ……………. against a deep recession and political protests in Brazil.
The Games, the first to be held in South America, have also been disrupted by concerns ……….. the Russian doping scandal, the Zika virus and problems with the city's security, infrastructure and venues.
But organisers will hope the focus can now shift to the action ……….. 28 sports, with 207 teams, after the Games of the 31st Olympiad were officially opened.
The cauldron was lit …………… De Lima, who won bronze for Brazil in the marathon at the 2004 Games after he was grappled by a spectator while leading the race.
Football legend Pele had ruled himself out of performing the role saying he was not in the right "physical condition".
Avaiable at: Accessed on 22/08/16
Answer the questions below, according to the Text 2.
Text 2
Rio Olympics 2016: Opening Ceremony celebrates Brazil to open games.
The 2016 Olympics have been formally opened ………………… a colourful and pulsating ceremony at Rio's Maracana stadium.
Broadcast to an estimated audience of three billion, it celebrated Brazil's history, culture and natural beauty, before former marathon runner Vanderlei de Lima lit the Olympic cauldron.
Wimbledon champion Andy Murray led the Great Britain team into the arena.
The build-up to Rio 2016 has been played ……………. against a deep recession and political protests in Brazil.
The Games, the first to be held in South America, have also been disrupted by concerns ……….. the Russian doping scandal, the Zika virus and problems with the city's security, infrastructure and venues.
But organisers will hope the focus can now shift to the action ……….. 28 sports, with 207 teams, after the Games of the 31st Olympiad were officially opened.
The cauldron was lit …………… De Lima, who won bronze for Brazil in the marathon at the 2004 Games after he was grappled by a spectator while leading the race.
Football legend Pele had ruled himself out of performing the role saying he was not in the right "physical condition".
Avaiable at: Accessed on 22/08/16
Answer the questions below, according to the Text 2.
Answer the question below, according to the Text 1.
Read the bubbles above and match their numbers with the correct use of the modal, according to their meanings.
( ) It is permission.
( ) It is a advice.
( ) It is ability.
( ) It is a light possibility.
( ) It is a logical deduction
Mark the correct alternative according to the order of numbers from top to bottom.
Wearable tech for kids coming from LeapFrog
By Doug Gross, CNN
updated 12:57 PM EDT, Thu May 1, 2014
(CNN) – The wearable technology movement is in full effect, and exercise-based activity trackers lead the way. Now, it’s becoming child’s play.
LeapFrog, the maker of education-oriented tablets and apps for children, has unveiled1 LeapBand, a wearable activity tracker designed with kids in mind.
The band fits around the user’s wrist and looks a lot like a kids version of a smartwatch. By performing actions like “walk like a crab,” “spin like a helicopter” or “pop like popcorn,” kids can unlock new games and a group of Pokemon-like “digital pets” on the device.
The band connects to a website or app that lets parents monitor their children’s activities and choose which challenges they can select, and which they can’t.
Moving past smartphones and tablets, wearable tech has become arguably the hottest digital trend in the past year or so.
( Acesso em: 20.07.2014. Adaptado)
Glossário 1
unveil: revelar, apresentar.
Wearable tech for kids coming from LeapFrog
By Doug Gross, CNN
updated 12:57 PM EDT, Thu May 1, 2014
(CNN) – The wearable technology movement is in full effect, and exercise-based activity trackers lead the way. Now, it’s becoming child’s play.
LeapFrog, the maker of education-oriented tablets and apps for children, has unveiled1 LeapBand, a wearable activity tracker designed with kids in mind.
The band fits around the user’s wrist and looks a lot like a kids version of a smartwatch. By performing actions like “walk like a crab,” “spin like a helicopter” or “pop like popcorn,” kids can unlock new games and a group of Pokemon-like “digital pets” on the device.
The band connects to a website or app that lets parents monitor their children’s activities and choose which challenges they can select, and which they can’t.
Moving past smartphones and tablets, wearable tech has become arguably the hottest digital trend in the past year or so.
( Acesso em: 20.07.2014. Adaptado)
Glossário 1
unveil: revelar, apresentar.
Wearable tech for kids coming from LeapFrog
By Doug Gross, CNN
updated 12:57 PM EDT, Thu May 1, 2014
(CNN) – The wearable technology movement is in full effect, and exercise-based activity trackers lead the way. Now, it’s becoming child’s play.
LeapFrog, the maker of education-oriented tablets and apps for children, has unveiled1 LeapBand, a wearable activity tracker designed with kids in mind.
The band fits around the user’s wrist and looks a lot like a kids version of a smartwatch. By performing actions like “walk like a crab,” “spin like a helicopter” or “pop like popcorn,” kids can unlock new games and a group of Pokemon-like “digital pets” on the device.
The band connects to a website or app that lets parents monitor their children’s activities and choose which challenges they can select, and which they can’t.
Moving past smartphones and tablets, wearable tech has become arguably the hottest digital trend in the past year or so.
( Acesso em: 20.07.2014. Adaptado)
Glossário 1
unveil: revelar, apresentar.
Wearable tech for kids coming from LeapFrog
By Doug Gross, CNN
updated 12:57 PM EDT, Thu May 1, 2014
(CNN) – The wearable technology movement is in full effect, and exercise-based activity trackers lead the way. Now, it’s becoming child’s play.
LeapFrog, the maker of education-oriented tablets and apps for children, has unveiled1 LeapBand, a wearable activity tracker designed with kids in mind.
The band fits around the user’s wrist and looks a lot like a kids version of a smartwatch. By performing actions like “walk like a crab,” “spin like a helicopter” or “pop like popcorn,” kids can unlock new games and a group of Pokemon-like “digital pets” on the device.
The band connects to a website or app that lets parents monitor their children’s activities and choose which challenges they can select, and which they can’t.
Moving past smartphones and tablets, wearable tech has become arguably the hottest digital trend in the past year or so.
( Acesso em: 20.07.2014. Adaptado)
Glossário 1
unveil: revelar, apresentar.
Wearable tech for kids coming from LeapFrog
By Doug Gross, CNN
updated 12:57 PM EDT, Thu May 1, 2014
(CNN) – The wearable technology movement is in full effect, and exercise-based activity trackers lead the way. Now, it’s becoming child’s play.
LeapFrog, the maker of education-oriented tablets and apps for children, has unveiled1 LeapBand, a wearable activity tracker designed with kids in mind.
The band fits around the user’s wrist and looks a lot like a kids version of a smartwatch. By performing actions like “walk like a crab,” “spin like a helicopter” or “pop like popcorn,” kids can unlock new games and a group of Pokemon-like “digital pets” on the device.
The band connects to a website or app that lets parents monitor their children’s activities and choose which challenges they can select, and which they can’t.
Moving past smartphones and tablets, wearable tech has become arguably the hottest digital trend in the past year or so.
( Acesso em: 20.07.2014. Adaptado)
Glossário 1
unveil: revelar, apresentar.
( Acesso em: 18.07.2014. Original colorido)
uh - oh: representação escrita do som que as pessoas produzem quando descobrem que fizeram algo de errado.
De acordo com a situação apresentada no cartum, o relógio do rapaz
What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty?
Donald Trump recently proposed to cut legal immigration to the US by half over in the next decade and to establish a merit-based immigration program. Under the plan, applicants with certain credentials, such as English proficiency, doctorates, high salaries, Olympic medalists and Nobel prizes winners would be given preference.
Many people viewed the proposal as an attack on American values like equality and opportunity. Trump’s plan also led to a heated exchange in a press briefing when CNN’s Jim Acosta asked White House aide Stephen Miller if the Emma Lazarus poem The New Colossus that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty is still relevant. In response, we’d like you to write poems that riff on the final lines Lazarus’s work:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
We’d like to invite our readers to join the Guardian’s Lady Liberty poetry challenge What poem would Trump like to see at the base of the Statue of Liberty? How would Trump rewrite the message of American compassion? We’ll publish a selection of our favorite reader-submitted poems. The Guardian also asked 21 American poets to imagine in writing what type of poem would Trump like to see at the statue? For inspiration, read the submission from the poet John Yau below.
The New Colossus as Donald Trump
I don’t need more tired or poor
Let the mucky masses camp on their own dirty shore
Let them stay wretched, it is what they deserve
Send me only those who know how to bow, scrape and
Or else I will close the gate to my golden hotel
— John Yau
(Adaptado de: What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty? The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em 10 ago. 2017.
Huddled masses? Losers! Trump v the Statue of Liberty. The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 ago. 2017.)
What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty?
Donald Trump recently proposed to cut legal immigration to the US by half over in the next decade and to establish a merit-based immigration program. Under the plan, applicants with certain credentials, such as English proficiency, doctorates, high salaries, Olympic medalists and Nobel prizes winners would be given preference.
Many people viewed the proposal as an attack on American values like equality and opportunity. Trump’s plan also led to a heated exchange in a press briefing when CNN’s Jim Acosta asked White House aide Stephen Miller if the Emma Lazarus poem The New Colossus that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty is still relevant. In response, we’d like you to write poems that riff on the final lines Lazarus’s work:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
We’d like to invite our readers to join the Guardian’s Lady Liberty poetry challenge What poem would Trump like to see at the base of the Statue of Liberty? How would Trump rewrite the message of American compassion? We’ll publish a selection of our favorite reader-submitted poems. The Guardian also asked 21 American poets to imagine in writing what type of poem would Trump like to see at the statue? For inspiration, read the submission from the poet John Yau below.
The New Colossus as Donald Trump
I don’t need more tired or poor
Let the mucky masses camp on their own dirty shore
Let them stay wretched, it is what they deserve
Send me only those who know how to bow, scrape and
Or else I will close the gate to my golden hotel
— John Yau
(Adaptado de: What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty? The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em 10 ago. 2017.
Huddled masses? Losers! Trump v the Statue of Liberty. The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 ago. 2017.)
A partir da leitura dos dois poemas presentes no texto, atribua V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) às afirmativas a seguir.
( ) Em seu poema, John Yau usou o mesmo eu-lírico do poema de Lazarus como estratégia para acrescentar ênfase às atuais mudanças ideológicas.
( ) No poema de Yau, o uso de “or else”, no início do último verso, reflete o temor do eu-lírico frente à ameaça da chegada de imigrantes.
( ) No verso “Give me your tired, your poor” do poema da Lazarus, a escolha verbal enfatiza o desejo de acolher os imigrantes. A oposição a essa vontade é expressa pelos versos “Let the mucky masses. . . ” e “Let them stay wretched...”, no poema de Yau.
( ) No último verso do poema de Lázarus, “the golden door” refere-se literalmente à passagem pelo departamento de imigração americano.
( ) No poema de John Yau, o verso “Let the mucky masses camp on their own dirty shore” denota o desprezo que o eu-lírico tem pelos imigrantes e suas origens.
Assinale a alternativa que contém, de cima para baixo, a sequência correta.
What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty?
Donald Trump recently proposed to cut legal immigration to the US by half over in the next decade and to establish a merit-based immigration program. Under the plan, applicants with certain credentials, such as English proficiency, doctorates, high salaries, Olympic medalists and Nobel prizes winners would be given preference.
Many people viewed the proposal as an attack on American values like equality and opportunity. Trump’s plan also led to a heated exchange in a press briefing when CNN’s Jim Acosta asked White House aide Stephen Miller if the Emma Lazarus poem The New Colossus that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty is still relevant. In response, we’d like you to write poems that riff on the final lines Lazarus’s work:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
We’d like to invite our readers to join the Guardian’s Lady Liberty poetry challenge What poem would Trump like to see at the base of the Statue of Liberty? How would Trump rewrite the message of American compassion? We’ll publish a selection of our favorite reader-submitted poems. The Guardian also asked 21 American poets to imagine in writing what type of poem would Trump like to see at the statue? For inspiration, read the submission from the poet John Yau below.
The New Colossus as Donald Trump
I don’t need more tired or poor
Let the mucky masses camp on their own dirty shore
Let them stay wretched, it is what they deserve
Send me only those who know how to bow, scrape and
Or else I will close the gate to my golden hotel
— John Yau
(Adaptado de: What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty? The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em 10 ago. 2017.
Huddled masses? Losers! Trump v the Statue of Liberty. The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 ago. 2017.)
Com relação à matéria do jornal, considere as afirmativas a seguir.
I. Em resposta ao projeto de lei, o jornal desafiou os seus leitores a enviarem uma versão dos versos de Lazarus que reflita a proposta de alteração das leis de imigração.
II. Vários poetas americanos foram convidados pelo jornal a imaginar o poema que o presidente gostaria de ver gravado no pedestal da Estátua da Liberdade.
III. Os leitores e poetas que participarem do concurso devem enviar suas versões atualizadas do poema para o gabinete da presidência em protesto ao projeto de lei de imigração.
IV. O jornal lançou um concurso de poesia em parceria com o governo norte-americano para substituir o poema gravado na Estátua da Liberdade.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty?
Donald Trump recently proposed to cut legal immigration to the US by half over in the next decade and to establish a merit-based immigration program. Under the plan, applicants with certain credentials, such as English proficiency, doctorates, high salaries, Olympic medalists and Nobel prizes winners would be given preference.
Many people viewed the proposal as an attack on American values like equality and opportunity. Trump’s plan also led to a heated exchange in a press briefing when CNN’s Jim Acosta asked White House aide Stephen Miller if the Emma Lazarus poem The New Colossus that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty is still relevant. In response, we’d like you to write poems that riff on the final lines Lazarus’s work:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
We’d like to invite our readers to join the Guardian’s Lady Liberty poetry challenge What poem would Trump like to see at the base of the Statue of Liberty? How would Trump rewrite the message of American compassion? We’ll publish a selection of our favorite reader-submitted poems. The Guardian also asked 21 American poets to imagine in writing what type of poem would Trump like to see at the statue? For inspiration, read the submission from the poet John Yau below.
The New Colossus as Donald Trump
I don’t need more tired or poor
Let the mucky masses camp on their own dirty shore
Let them stay wretched, it is what they deserve
Send me only those who know how to bow, scrape and
Or else I will close the gate to my golden hotel
— John Yau
(Adaptado de: What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty? The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em 10 ago. 2017.
Huddled masses? Losers! Trump v the Statue of Liberty. The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 ago. 2017.)
What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty?
Donald Trump recently proposed to cut legal immigration to the US by half over in the next decade and to establish a merit-based immigration program. Under the plan, applicants with certain credentials, such as English proficiency, doctorates, high salaries, Olympic medalists and Nobel prizes winners would be given preference.
Many people viewed the proposal as an attack on American values like equality and opportunity. Trump’s plan also led to a heated exchange in a press briefing when CNN’s Jim Acosta asked White House aide Stephen Miller if the Emma Lazarus poem The New Colossus that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty is still relevant. In response, we’d like you to write poems that riff on the final lines Lazarus’s work:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
We’d like to invite our readers to join the Guardian’s Lady Liberty poetry challenge What poem would Trump like to see at the base of the Statue of Liberty? How would Trump rewrite the message of American compassion? We’ll publish a selection of our favorite reader-submitted poems. The Guardian also asked 21 American poets to imagine in writing what type of poem would Trump like to see at the statue? For inspiration, read the submission from the poet John Yau below.
The New Colossus as Donald Trump
I don’t need more tired or poor
Let the mucky masses camp on their own dirty shore
Let them stay wretched, it is what they deserve
Send me only those who know how to bow, scrape and
Or else I will close the gate to my golden hotel
— John Yau
(Adaptado de: What poem would Trump like to see on the Statue of Liberty? The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em 10 ago. 2017.
Huddled masses? Losers! Trump v the Statue of Liberty. The Guardian. (Online) 10 ago. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 ago. 2017.)
Com base na matéria do jornal, atribua V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) às afirmativas a seguir.
( ) Muitos consideraram o projeto apresentado pelo presidente uma afronta aos princípios de igualdade e oportunidade tão prezados pelos americanos.
( ) Segundo o novo projeto de lei, na concessão de vistos, serão favorecidos os imigrantes que apresentarem ótimo conhecimento da língua inglesa.
( ) O novo projeto sobre imigração prevê a manutenção do índice de entrada de imigrantes legais desde que imigrantes ilegais com antecedentes criminais sejam deportados.
( ) A reforma nas leis de imigração estabelece a concessão de vistos aos imigrantes que atendam a determinado conjunto de qualificações.
( ) A Estátua da Liberdade está sendo chamada pelos jornalistas de “The New Colossus” numa referência às bases da antiga lei de imigração.
Assinale a alternativa que contém, de cima para baixo, a sequência correta.