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Ano: 2015 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2015 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1348214 Inglês

    Finally, vindication for power nappers. Far from being lazy louts, siesta-takers are actually doing their bit for the firm. According to Sara Mednick and her colleagues at Harvard, just 60 minutes of shut-eye in the middle of the day can make you perform like the fresh daisy you were first thing in the morning. But it has to be bona fide sleep; a mere rest, they found, has no effect.
    Dr. Mednick, whose results have just been published in Nature Neuroscience, wanted to know what effect power napping would have on people’s visual perception. She asked 30 student volunteers to come into her laboratory. Four times on the same day, at 9am, noon, 4pm and 7pm, they were required to stare at a computer screen for an hour. Their task was to pick out a vertical or horizontal bar from a striped background - an established test of visual perceptiveness. The more quickly they picked out the bar, the more acute their perception.
    All the volunteers had slept well in the days before the test, and had been warned off alcohol. During the test day, nicotine addicts were allowed to indulge their habits, but everyone had to remain uncaffeinated. Despite this cosseting, the performance of the ten volunteers who went straight through the day without a nap deteriorated rapidly. Their best scores were first thing in the morning, and it was downhill from there on. By the last session, they were taking 52% longer, on average, to identify the orientation of the bar than they had in the first.
The Economist
According to the text, the wrong alternative is
Ano: 2015 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2015 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1348213 Inglês

    Finally, vindication for power nappers. Far from being lazy louts, siesta-takers are actually doing their bit for the firm. According to Sara Mednick and her colleagues at Harvard, just 60 minutes of shut-eye in the middle of the day can make you perform like the fresh daisy you were first thing in the morning. But it has to be bona fide sleep; a mere rest, they found, has no effect.
    Dr. Mednick, whose results have just been published in Nature Neuroscience, wanted to know what effect power napping would have on people’s visual perception. She asked 30 student volunteers to come into her laboratory. Four times on the same day, at 9am, noon, 4pm and 7pm, they were required to stare at a computer screen for an hour. Their task was to pick out a vertical or horizontal bar from a striped background - an established test of visual perceptiveness. The more quickly they picked out the bar, the more acute their perception.
    All the volunteers had slept well in the days before the test, and had been warned off alcohol. During the test day, nicotine addicts were allowed to indulge their habits, but everyone had to remain uncaffeinated. Despite this cosseting, the performance of the ten volunteers who went straight through the day without a nap deteriorated rapidly. Their best scores were first thing in the morning, and it was downhill from there on. By the last session, they were taking 52% longer, on average, to identify the orientation of the bar than they had in the first.
The Economist
“Bona Fide” in the text is the same as
Ano: 2015 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2015 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1348212 Inglês

    Finally, vindication for power nappers. Far from being lazy louts, siesta-takers are actually doing their bit for the firm. According to Sara Mednick and her colleagues at Harvard, just 60 minutes of shut-eye in the middle of the day can make you perform like the fresh daisy you were first thing in the morning. But it has to be bona fide sleep; a mere rest, they found, has no effect.
    Dr. Mednick, whose results have just been published in Nature Neuroscience, wanted to know what effect power napping would have on people’s visual perception. She asked 30 student volunteers to come into her laboratory. Four times on the same day, at 9am, noon, 4pm and 7pm, they were required to stare at a computer screen for an hour. Their task was to pick out a vertical or horizontal bar from a striped background - an established test of visual perceptiveness. The more quickly they picked out the bar, the more acute their perception.
    All the volunteers had slept well in the days before the test, and had been warned off alcohol. During the test day, nicotine addicts were allowed to indulge their habits, but everyone had to remain uncaffeinated. Despite this cosseting, the performance of the ten volunteers who went straight through the day without a nap deteriorated rapidly. Their best scores were first thing in the morning, and it was downhill from there on. By the last session, they were taking 52% longer, on average, to identify the orientation of the bar than they had in the first.
The Economist
Researchers have found out that
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348113 Inglês

Considere o cartoon abaixo para responder a questão.

O temor do personagem de óculos está relacionado
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348112 Inglês

Considere o cartoon abaixo para responder a questão.

O cartoon apresenta uma crítica ao processo democrático. Apoiando-se nas informações do cartoon, indique a alternativa que apresenta essa crítica.
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348111 Inglês
Considere o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

Democracy and hypocrisy

    REMEMBER the opprobrium heaped on Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s prime minister, in June for using tear gas and water-cannon against his people? Imagine the outrage if Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops to fire live ammunition into demonstrators on the streets of Moscow. But over the weekend, when Egypt’s generals set about killing scores of protesters, the West responded with furrowed brows and pleas for all sides to refrain from violence. Such meekness betrays not only a lack of moral courage, but also a poor sense of where Egypt’s—and the West’s—real interests lie.
    The shooting took place in Cairo early on July 27th near the parade ground where, three decades earlier, President Anwar Sadat had been assassinated. Supporters of Muhammad Morsi, ousted in a coup at the beginning of July, were marching to demand that the army should restore him to the presidency. Riot police (and their civilian supporters) opened fire. More than 80 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mr Morsi’s party, died; many more were injured.
( - acesso em 07/08/2013)
De acordo com o texto, é verdadeiro:
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348110 Inglês
Considere o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

Democracy and hypocrisy

    REMEMBER the opprobrium heaped on Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s prime minister, in June for using tear gas and water-cannon against his people? Imagine the outrage if Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops to fire live ammunition into demonstrators on the streets of Moscow. But over the weekend, when Egypt’s generals set about killing scores of protesters, the West responded with furrowed brows and pleas for all sides to refrain from violence. Such meekness betrays not only a lack of moral courage, but also a poor sense of where Egypt’s—and the West’s—real interests lie.
    The shooting took place in Cairo early on July 27th near the parade ground where, three decades earlier, President Anwar Sadat had been assassinated. Supporters of Muhammad Morsi, ousted in a coup at the beginning of July, were marching to demand that the army should restore him to the presidency. Riot police (and their civilian supporters) opened fire. More than 80 members of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mr Morsi’s party, died; many more were injured.
( - acesso em 07/08/2013)
A reação do Ocidente à atitude do governo do Egito, citada no primeiro parágrafo do texto, foi:
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348109 Inglês
Considere o texto sobre as manifestações ocorridas em meados de 2013 no Brasil para responder a questão.

Brazil Leader Suffers Setback on Overhaul

    While the president and other politicians have publicly sympathized with the protesters, passing major changes remains daunting and demonstrations continue to simmer across the country. Still, some changes have come at a surprising pace, including harsher penalties for government corruption and rollbacks of transit fares. Legislation to put 75 percent of oil royalties toward education and 25 percent toward health care — two areas that have been a focus of the protests — is moving quickly through Congress.
    But political change has proved sticky for Ms. Rousseff. She first called for a constituent assembly, but withdrew the proposal under criticism from politicians and legal experts. Then she proposed a plebiscite to be held in time for changes to take effect by next year’s election, meaning the vote would have to be held, and subsequent congressional legislation enacted, by early October.
( - acesso em 08/07/2013)
No texto, são mencionadas mudanças reivindicadas pelas manifestações. Assinale a alternativa que apresente uma mudança efetivamente em curso:
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348108 Inglês
Considere o texto sobre as manifestações ocorridas em meados de 2013 no Brasil para responder a questão.

Brazil Leader Suffers Setback on Overhaul

    While the president and other politicians have publicly sympathized with the protesters, passing major changes remains daunting and demonstrations continue to simmer across the country. Still, some changes have come at a surprising pace, including harsher penalties for government corruption and rollbacks of transit fares. Legislation to put 75 percent of oil royalties toward education and 25 percent toward health care — two areas that have been a focus of the protests — is moving quickly through Congress.
    But political change has proved sticky for Ms. Rousseff. She first called for a constituent assembly, but withdrew the proposal under criticism from politicians and legal experts. Then she proposed a plebiscite to be held in time for changes to take effect by next year’s election, meaning the vote would have to be held, and subsequent congressional legislation enacted, by early October.
( - acesso em 08/07/2013)
De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo do texto, é correto afirmar que:
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348107 Inglês
Considere o texto sobre as manifestações ocorridas em meados de 2013 no Brasil para responder a questão.

Brazil Leader Suffers Setback on Overhaul

    While the president and other politicians have publicly sympathized with the protesters, passing major changes remains daunting and demonstrations continue to simmer across the country. Still, some changes have come at a surprising pace, including harsher penalties for government corruption and rollbacks of transit fares. Legislation to put 75 percent of oil royalties toward education and 25 percent toward health care — two areas that have been a focus of the protests — is moving quickly through Congress.
    But political change has proved sticky for Ms. Rousseff. She first called for a constituent assembly, but withdrew the proposal under criticism from politicians and legal experts. Then she proposed a plebiscite to be held in time for changes to take effect by next year’s election, meaning the vote would have to be held, and subsequent congressional legislation enacted, by early October.
( - acesso em 08/07/2013)
Baseado nas informações contidas no texto, é correto afirmar que a Presidenta Dilma Roussef
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348106 Inglês
Considere as definições de democracia do humorista Johnny Carson para responder a questão:

“What Democracy Means to Me”

    Democracy is people of all races, colors, and creeds united by a single dream: to get rich and move to the suburbs away from people of all races, colors, and creeds. [...]

    Democracy is buying a big house you can’t afford with money you don’t have to impress people you wish were dead. And, unlike communism, democracy does not mean having just one ineffective political party; it means having two ineffective political parties. [...]

    Yes, democracy means fighting every day for what you deserve, and fighting even harder to keep other weaker people from getting what they deserve. Democracy means never having the Secret Police show up at your door. Of course, it also means never having the cable guy show up at your door. It’s a tradeoff. Democracy means free television. Not good television, but free.

( - acesso em 07/08/2013)
Em relação às informações sobre o acesso à informação em um sistema democrático, pode-se afirmar mais corretamente que
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348105 Inglês
Considere as definições de democracia do humorista Johnny Carson para responder a questão:

“What Democracy Means to Me”

    Democracy is people of all races, colors, and creeds united by a single dream: to get rich and move to the suburbs away from people of all races, colors, and creeds. [...]

    Democracy is buying a big house you can’t afford with money you don’t have to impress people you wish were dead. And, unlike communism, democracy does not mean having just one ineffective political party; it means having two ineffective political parties. [...]

    Yes, democracy means fighting every day for what you deserve, and fighting even harder to keep other weaker people from getting what they deserve. Democracy means never having the Secret Police show up at your door. Of course, it also means never having the cable guy show up at your door. It’s a tradeoff. Democracy means free television. Not good television, but free.

( - acesso em 07/08/2013)
Segundo o que é afirmado sobre os sistemas democrático e comunista, pode-se inferir que o humorista
Ano: 2013 Banca: Esamc Órgão: Esamc Prova: Esamc - 2013 - Esamc - Vestibular |
Q1348104 Inglês
Considere as definições de democracia do humorista Johnny Carson para responder a questão:

“What Democracy Means to Me”

    Democracy is people of all races, colors, and creeds united by a single dream: to get rich and move to the suburbs away from people of all races, colors, and creeds. [...]

    Democracy is buying a big house you can’t afford with money you don’t have to impress people you wish were dead. And, unlike communism, democracy does not mean having just one ineffective political party; it means having two ineffective political parties. [...]

    Yes, democracy means fighting every day for what you deserve, and fighting even harder to keep other weaker people from getting what they deserve. Democracy means never having the Secret Police show up at your door. Of course, it also means never having the cable guy show up at your door. It’s a tradeoff. Democracy means free television. Not good television, but free.

( - acesso em 07/08/2013)
Segundo Johnny Carson, a democracia
Ano: 2014 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2014 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1347835 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão
The sentence that does NOT make sense according to the comic strip is
Ano: 2014 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2014 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1347834 Inglês
Female Prisoners Post Sexy Pictures of Themselves on Social Network
At least two detainees have taken pictures and published them on social networking sites from inside Guarapuava Public Jail, in the state of Paraná.
The pictures, taken on a phone, were found by prison guards and posted online last April.
The 30 year-old detainees are in jail after being accused of drug trafficking. Both are serving provisional sentences, and are yet to be convicted.
One has been in jail since April, and the other for a year.
Detainees are not granted possession of cell phones, and, due to this breach, they were awarded a disciplinary sanction and have since been prevented from receiving visits or food sent by family members for 30 days.
Additionally, this occurrence may prevent them from shortening their sentences if they are eventually convicted.
They appear posing in underwear on concrete beds in the female dormitory, which is decorated with animal print.
After the prison guards discovered the images, they inspected the room the two women shared and found the cell phone used to take the pictures.
“This unfortunately happens. Detainees can hide things very well”, the prison chief, Altemir Nascimento, said.
According to Nascimento, 40 cell phones have been seized so far this year in the prison (which also houses men).
The location of the prison in downtown Guarapuava makes matters worse. According to the prison chief, during sunbathing, pedestrians toss cell phones over the wall.
“Cell phones and drugs are thrown over the wall. This happens regularly. On every sunny day two or three items are thrown”, Nascimento said.
At the beginning of the year, in order to bring the “deliveries” to a halt, the prison chief decided to install a protective net over the patio. Since then 77 cell phones have been caught on the net.
The only alternative where all the phrases are in the PASSIVE VOICE is
Ano: 2014 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2014 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1347833 Inglês
Female Prisoners Post Sexy Pictures of Themselves on Social Network
At least two detainees have taken pictures and published them on social networking sites from inside Guarapuava Public Jail, in the state of Paraná.
The pictures, taken on a phone, were found by prison guards and posted online last April.
The 30 year-old detainees are in jail after being accused of drug trafficking. Both are serving provisional sentences, and are yet to be convicted.
One has been in jail since April, and the other for a year.
Detainees are not granted possession of cell phones, and, due to this breach, they were awarded a disciplinary sanction and have since been prevented from receiving visits or food sent by family members for 30 days.
Additionally, this occurrence may prevent them from shortening their sentences if they are eventually convicted.
They appear posing in underwear on concrete beds in the female dormitory, which is decorated with animal print.
After the prison guards discovered the images, they inspected the room the two women shared and found the cell phone used to take the pictures.
“This unfortunately happens. Detainees can hide things very well”, the prison chief, Altemir Nascimento, said.
According to Nascimento, 40 cell phones have been seized so far this year in the prison (which also houses men).
The location of the prison in downtown Guarapuava makes matters worse. According to the prison chief, during sunbathing, pedestrians toss cell phones over the wall.
“Cell phones and drugs are thrown over the wall. This happens regularly. On every sunny day two or three items are thrown”, Nascimento said.
At the beginning of the year, in order to bring the “deliveries” to a halt, the prison chief decided to install a protective net over the patio. Since then 77 cell phones have been caught on the net.
Ano: 2014 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2014 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1347832 Inglês
Female Prisoners Post Sexy Pictures of Themselves on Social Network
At least two detainees have taken pictures and published them on social networking sites from inside Guarapuava Public Jail, in the state of Paraná.
The pictures, taken on a phone, were found by prison guards and posted online last April.
The 30 year-old detainees are in jail after being accused of drug trafficking. Both are serving provisional sentences, and are yet to be convicted.
One has been in jail since April, and the other for a year.
Detainees are not granted possession of cell phones, and, due to this breach, they were awarded a disciplinary sanction and have since been prevented from receiving visits or food sent by family members for 30 days.
Additionally, this occurrence may prevent them from shortening their sentences if they are eventually convicted.
They appear posing in underwear on concrete beds in the female dormitory, which is decorated with animal print.
After the prison guards discovered the images, they inspected the room the two women shared and found the cell phone used to take the pictures.
“This unfortunately happens. Detainees can hide things very well”, the prison chief, Altemir Nascimento, said.
According to Nascimento, 40 cell phones have been seized so far this year in the prison (which also houses men).
The location of the prison in downtown Guarapuava makes matters worse. According to the prison chief, during sunbathing, pedestrians toss cell phones over the wall.
“Cell phones and drugs are thrown over the wall. This happens regularly. On every sunny day two or three items are thrown”, Nascimento said.
At the beginning of the year, in order to bring the “deliveries” to a halt, the prison chief decided to install a protective net over the patio. Since then 77 cell phones have been caught on the net.
According to the text,
Ano: 2014 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2014 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1347831 Inglês
The Rolling Stones Impose High Ticket Prices for U.S. Tour
“Is that a lot?” says Mick Jagger
By Jerry Hopkins November 15, 1969

Mick Jagger performing on stage circa 1969.

LOS ANGELES—The Rolling Stones have returned to the United States for their first tour in more than three years.

It begins with two evening shows at the Forum in Los Angeles November 8th, with tickets priced from $5.50 to $8.50. (This compares to a $7.50 top price for a Blind Faith concert in the same arena, a $6.50 top for the Doors. And in both those concerts, tickets started at $3.50.) In arranging this show, a previously-set hockey game between the Los Angeles Kings and the New York Rangers was rescheduled – at the request of the man who owns both the Forum and the Kings.

Acts appearing at the concerts here will include Terry Reid, who will appear on all the dates, and the Ike and Tina Turner Revue. Negotiations were continuing to have Ike and Tina, B. B. King and Chuck Berry join the Stones in several other cities.

Promoters of the L.A. concerts said the gross for the evening would exceed $275,000 if the Stones filled the 18,000 seats in the Forum both shows. Similar grosses, on a per show basis, were expected throughout the tour, with the Stones getting guarantees of $25,000 a concert and up, against take home percentages running close to $60,000.

Although figures such as these are not unusual for tours by groups of this magnitude, they did bring strong criticism from, among others, Ralph Gleason in the San Francisco Chronicle.

“Can the Rolling Stones actually need all that money?” Gleason asked. “If they really dig the black musicians as much as every note they play and every syllable they utter indicates, is it possible to take out a show with, say, Ike and Tina and some of the older men like Howlin’ Wolf and let them share in the loot? How much can the Stones take back to Merrie England after taxes, anyway? How much must the British manager and the American manager and the agency rake off the top?”

“Paying five, six and seven dollars for a Stones concert at the Oakland Coliseum for, say, an hour of the Stones seen a quarter of a mile away because the artists demand such outrageous fees that they can only be obtained under these circumstances, says a very bad thing to me about the artists’ attitude towards the public. It says they despise their own audience.”

When Mick Jagger was confronted by this criticism at a press conference at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, he left the door slightly open to giving a free concert sometime during the 13-city, 18-concert tour, but his tone didn’t seem too promising.

“There has been talk of that,” he said. “I should think toward the end. We’ll have to see how things go. I don’t want to plan that right now, ‘cause we’re gonna be here some while. We’ve got time for all that. I don’t want to say that’s what we want to do or not do. I’m leaving it rather blurry. I’m not committing myself.”

And about the ticket cost, he strongly indicated that if some people thought prices were high, they might have been a lot worse.

“We were offered a lot of money to do some very good dates – money in front in Europe, before we left, really a lot of bread. We didn’t accept because we thought they’d be too expensive on the basis of the money we’d get. We didn’t say that unless we walk out of America with X dollars, we ain’t gonna come. We’re really not into that sort of economic scene. Either you’re gonna sing and all that crap, or you’re gonna be an economist. I really don’t know whether this is more expensive than recent tours by local bands. I don’t know how much people can afford. I’ve no idea. Is that a lot? You’ll have to tell me.”
The question that the promoters were asked and whose answer can be found in the phrase from $5.50 to $8.50 was probably:
Ano: 2014 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2014 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1347830 Inglês
The Rolling Stones Impose High Ticket Prices for U.S. Tour
“Is that a lot?” says Mick Jagger
By Jerry Hopkins November 15, 1969

Mick Jagger performing on stage circa 1969.

LOS ANGELES—The Rolling Stones have returned to the United States for their first tour in more than three years.

It begins with two evening shows at the Forum in Los Angeles November 8th, with tickets priced from $5.50 to $8.50. (This compares to a $7.50 top price for a Blind Faith concert in the same arena, a $6.50 top for the Doors. And in both those concerts, tickets started at $3.50.) In arranging this show, a previously-set hockey game between the Los Angeles Kings and the New York Rangers was rescheduled – at the request of the man who owns both the Forum and the Kings.

Acts appearing at the concerts here will include Terry Reid, who will appear on all the dates, and the Ike and Tina Turner Revue. Negotiations were continuing to have Ike and Tina, B. B. King and Chuck Berry join the Stones in several other cities.

Promoters of the L.A. concerts said the gross for the evening would exceed $275,000 if the Stones filled the 18,000 seats in the Forum both shows. Similar grosses, on a per show basis, were expected throughout the tour, with the Stones getting guarantees of $25,000 a concert and up, against take home percentages running close to $60,000.

Although figures such as these are not unusual for tours by groups of this magnitude, they did bring strong criticism from, among others, Ralph Gleason in the San Francisco Chronicle.

“Can the Rolling Stones actually need all that money?” Gleason asked. “If they really dig the black musicians as much as every note they play and every syllable they utter indicates, is it possible to take out a show with, say, Ike and Tina and some of the older men like Howlin’ Wolf and let them share in the loot? How much can the Stones take back to Merrie England after taxes, anyway? How much must the British manager and the American manager and the agency rake off the top?”

“Paying five, six and seven dollars for a Stones concert at the Oakland Coliseum for, say, an hour of the Stones seen a quarter of a mile away because the artists demand such outrageous fees that they can only be obtained under these circumstances, says a very bad thing to me about the artists’ attitude towards the public. It says they despise their own audience.”

When Mick Jagger was confronted by this criticism at a press conference at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, he left the door slightly open to giving a free concert sometime during the 13-city, 18-concert tour, but his tone didn’t seem too promising.

“There has been talk of that,” he said. “I should think toward the end. We’ll have to see how things go. I don’t want to plan that right now, ‘cause we’re gonna be here some while. We’ve got time for all that. I don’t want to say that’s what we want to do or not do. I’m leaving it rather blurry. I’m not committing myself.”

And about the ticket cost, he strongly indicated that if some people thought prices were high, they might have been a lot worse.

“We were offered a lot of money to do some very good dates – money in front in Europe, before we left, really a lot of bread. We didn’t accept because we thought they’d be too expensive on the basis of the money we’d get. We didn’t say that unless we walk out of America with X dollars, we ain’t gonna come. We’re really not into that sort of economic scene. Either you’re gonna sing and all that crap, or you’re gonna be an economist. I really don’t know whether this is more expensive than recent tours by local bands. I don’t know how much people can afford. I’ve no idea. Is that a lot? You’ll have to tell me.”
The text explains that
Ano: 2014 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2014 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1347829 Inglês
The Rolling Stones Impose High Ticket Prices for U.S. Tour
“Is that a lot?” says Mick Jagger
By Jerry Hopkins November 15, 1969

Mick Jagger performing on stage circa 1969.

LOS ANGELES—The Rolling Stones have returned to the United States for their first tour in more than three years.

It begins with two evening shows at the Forum in Los Angeles November 8th, with tickets priced from $5.50 to $8.50. (This compares to a $7.50 top price for a Blind Faith concert in the same arena, a $6.50 top for the Doors. And in both those concerts, tickets started at $3.50.) In arranging this show, a previously-set hockey game between the Los Angeles Kings and the New York Rangers was rescheduled – at the request of the man who owns both the Forum and the Kings.

Acts appearing at the concerts here will include Terry Reid, who will appear on all the dates, and the Ike and Tina Turner Revue. Negotiations were continuing to have Ike and Tina, B. B. King and Chuck Berry join the Stones in several other cities.

Promoters of the L.A. concerts said the gross for the evening would exceed $275,000 if the Stones filled the 18,000 seats in the Forum both shows. Similar grosses, on a per show basis, were expected throughout the tour, with the Stones getting guarantees of $25,000 a concert and up, against take home percentages running close to $60,000.

Although figures such as these are not unusual for tours by groups of this magnitude, they did bring strong criticism from, among others, Ralph Gleason in the San Francisco Chronicle.

“Can the Rolling Stones actually need all that money?” Gleason asked. “If they really dig the black musicians as much as every note they play and every syllable they utter indicates, is it possible to take out a show with, say, Ike and Tina and some of the older men like Howlin’ Wolf and let them share in the loot? How much can the Stones take back to Merrie England after taxes, anyway? How much must the British manager and the American manager and the agency rake off the top?”

“Paying five, six and seven dollars for a Stones concert at the Oakland Coliseum for, say, an hour of the Stones seen a quarter of a mile away because the artists demand such outrageous fees that they can only be obtained under these circumstances, says a very bad thing to me about the artists’ attitude towards the public. It says they despise their own audience.”

When Mick Jagger was confronted by this criticism at a press conference at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, he left the door slightly open to giving a free concert sometime during the 13-city, 18-concert tour, but his tone didn’t seem too promising.

“There has been talk of that,” he said. “I should think toward the end. We’ll have to see how things go. I don’t want to plan that right now, ‘cause we’re gonna be here some while. We’ve got time for all that. I don’t want to say that’s what we want to do or not do. I’m leaving it rather blurry. I’m not committing myself.”

And about the ticket cost, he strongly indicated that if some people thought prices were high, they might have been a lot worse.

“We were offered a lot of money to do some very good dates – money in front in Europe, before we left, really a lot of bread. We didn’t accept because we thought they’d be too expensive on the basis of the money we’d get. We didn’t say that unless we walk out of America with X dollars, we ain’t gonna come. We’re really not into that sort of economic scene. Either you’re gonna sing and all that crap, or you’re gonna be an economist. I really don’t know whether this is more expensive than recent tours by local bands. I don’t know how much people can afford. I’ve no idea. Is that a lot? You’ll have to tell me.”
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