Questões de Vestibular CEDERJ 2016 para Vestibular - Segundo Semestre
Foram encontradas 40 questões
Identifique um dos mais emblemáticos
abolicionistas brasileiros. Engenheiro, nascido na Bahia,
foi também um dos fundadores da Sociedade Brasileira
Contra a Escravidão e recebeu como homenagem a
colocação de seu nome numa das galerias de um dos
tuneis urbanos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
A figura abaixo mostra uma das mais importantes manifestações populares do século XX, o movimento dos Caras Pintadas, que defendeu o impeachment do então presidente Fernando Collor de Melo. Sobre essa manifestação popular, é correto afirmar:
A tabela abaixo exibe as notas em quatro provas P1 , P2 ,P3 e P4 , de quatro alunos denominados por X, Y, Z e W.
A menor mediana das quatro provas é a do aluno
Se f e g são funções reais definidas por é igual a
Existem quatro números quânticos: número quântico principal; número quântico de momento angular ou azimutal (secundário); número quântico magnético e número quântico de spin. Esses quatro números quânticos, além de se complementarem, nos permitem fazer uma descrição completa dos elétrons nos átomos, pois eles representam o nível principal de energia do elétron, o subnível de energia, a orientação espacial da nuvem eletrônica e a orientação do próprio elétron na nuvem.
Considerando as informações, dentre as seguintes séries de números quânticos abaixo, aquela que descreve corretamente um elétron em um dado átomo é:
Uma amostra de CaCl2 impura foi dissolvida e titulada com solução de AgNO3 :
CaCl2 + 2AgNO3 → Ca(NO3 )2 + 2AgCl
Determinou-se que 46.35 mL de uma solução de AgNO3 0.1034 M titulam uma amostra de CaCl2 de massa 0.2843 g.
O percentual de CaCl2
na amostra é
O valor de pH quando o volume titulante adicionado for 1.00% maior do que o volume necessário para que o ponto de equivalência seja alcançado é
Houston’s Poor Neighborhoods Could Be Prime Zika Real Estate
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of the potential for the explosive spread of the Zika virus through the Americas. Margaret Chan, the director of the WHO, advised that the Americas could be hit by 4 million cases of Zika this year. The outbreak of Zika virus now centered in Brazil has been linked to a sudden increase in severe birth defects including microcephaly, babies born with smaller heads and brains. The National Public Radio – USA (NPR) recently reported that other neurological problems, such as babies born blind, may also be linked to Zika. Researchers do not fully understand Zika or have not yet proven causality, but the circumstantial evidence connecting the Zika outbreak to the sudden, large increase in birth defects is very strong.
Reports quoted experts who said that Zika was a low risk to the United States because the U.S. doesn’t have the poverty and high population densities that have caused the explosive spread of Zika in Brazil. However, Dr. Peter Hotez, a tropical disease researcher who lives in Texas, has warned that poverty and high population density makes Houston highly vulnerable to a Zika outbreak. He warned that the whole Mexican Gulf coast is already suffering from increasing levels of tropical diseases spread by mosquitoes, in particular dengue fever. Because Zika virus is related to dengue fever and has the same mosquito vector, the expansion of dengue in the Gulf coast region is a good indicator of the potential spread of Zika virus.
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Houston’s Poor Neighborhoods Could Be Prime Zika Real Estate
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of the potential for the explosive spread of the Zika virus through the Americas. Margaret Chan, the director of the WHO, advised that the Americas could be hit by 4 million cases of Zika this year. The outbreak of Zika virus now centered in Brazil has been linked to a sudden increase in severe birth defects including microcephaly, babies born with smaller heads and brains. The National Public Radio – USA (NPR) recently reported that other neurological problems, such as babies born blind, may also be linked to Zika. Researchers do not fully understand Zika or have not yet proven causality, but the circumstantial evidence connecting the Zika outbreak to the sudden, large increase in birth defects is very strong.
Reports quoted experts who said that Zika was a low risk to the United States because the U.S. doesn’t have the poverty and high population densities that have caused the explosive spread of Zika in Brazil. However, Dr. Peter Hotez, a tropical disease researcher who lives in Texas, has warned that poverty and high population density makes Houston highly vulnerable to a Zika outbreak. He warned that the whole Mexican Gulf coast is already suffering from increasing levels of tropical diseases spread by mosquitoes, in particular dengue fever. Because Zika virus is related to dengue fever and has the same mosquito vector, the expansion of dengue in the Gulf coast region is a good indicator of the potential spread of Zika virus.
Adapted from: <
Houston’s Poor Neighborhoods Could Be Prime Zika Real Estate
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of the potential for the explosive spread of the Zika virus through the Americas. Margaret Chan, the director of the WHO, advised that the Americas could be hit by 4 million cases of Zika this year. The outbreak of Zika virus now centered in Brazil has been linked to a sudden increase in severe birth defects including microcephaly, babies born with smaller heads and brains. The National Public Radio – USA (NPR) recently reported that other neurological problems, such as babies born blind, may also be linked to Zika. Researchers do not fully understand Zika or have not yet proven causality, but the circumstantial evidence connecting the Zika outbreak to the sudden, large increase in birth defects is very strong.
Reports quoted experts who said that Zika was a low risk to the United States because the U.S. doesn’t have the poverty and high population densities that have caused the explosive spread of Zika in Brazil. However, Dr. Peter Hotez, a tropical disease researcher who lives in Texas, has warned that poverty and high population density makes Houston highly vulnerable to a Zika outbreak. He warned that the whole Mexican Gulf coast is already sufferingfrom increasing levels of tropical diseases spread by mosquitoes, in particular dengue fever. Because Zika virus is related to dengue fever and has the same mosquito vector, the expansion of dengue in the Gulf coast region is a good indicator of the potential spread of Zika virus
Adapted from: <
O TEXTO 2, como um todo, tem por objetivo primordial mostrar: