Questões de Concurso Militar PM-MG 2015 para Professor de Educação Básica - Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês

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Q498236 Legislação Estadual
Assinale a alternativa INCORRETAsobreasdisposições da Lei Estadual de Minas Gerais nº 869 de 05/07/1952 no tocanteàapuraçãodeirregularidades.
Q498237 Legislação Estadual
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre as disposições da Lei Estadual de Minas Gerais nº 869 de 05/07/1952 no tocante às providências a serem tomadas na apuração de irregularidades.
Q498238 Legislação Estadual
Assinaleaalternativacorretasobreasdisposiçõesda Lei Estadual de Minas Gerais nº 869 de 05/07/1952 com referênciaàrealizaçãodeconcursos.
Q498239 Legislação Estadual
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre o que a Lei Estadual de Minas Gerais nº 7.109 de 13/10/1977 estabelece para o desenvolvimento da carreira do pessoal do magistério.
Q498240 Legislação Estadual
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre o que a Lei Estadual de Minas Gerais nº 7.109 de 13/10/1977 estabelece como determinação de deslocamento do funcionário de uma para outra localidade.
Q498241 Legislação Estadual
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre a carga horária semanal que a Lei Estadual de Minas Gerais nº 15.301 de 10/08/2004 estabelece para os servidores que ingressarem na carreira de Analista da Polícia Civil e foremdesignadosparaodesempenhodasfunçõesde Médico, Odontólogo, Enfermeiro e Fisioterapeuta em exercício na Polícia Civil do Estado de Minas Gerais.
Q498242 Legislação Estadual
A Resolução nº 4.209 de 16/04/2012 aprova o regulamento da Diretoria de Educação Escolar e Assistência Social (DEEAS) da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais. Com base na citada Resolução, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q498243 Legislação Estadual
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre a Resolução nº 4.209 de 16/04/2012 que aprova o regulamento da Diretoria de Educação Escolar e Assistência Social (DEEAS) da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais.
Q498244 Legislação Estadual
Assinale a alternativa correta sobre a Resolução nº 4.025 de 26/03/2012 que defne normas para organização do ensino fundamental com nove anos de duração no Sistema de Ensino da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais.
Q498245 Legislação Estadual
Considerando a Resolução nº 4.025 de 26/03/2012 que define normas para organização do ensino fundamental com nove anos de duração no Sistema de Ensino da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Q719470 Inglês

Religious Intolerance in India


Hope is in danger of crumbling that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would rein in the divisive agenda of his militant Hindunationalist supporters and allow India to concentrate on the important work of economic reform, and the blame lies squarely with Mr. Modi.

During the last days of its winter session ending on Tuesday, Parliament was unable to deal with important legislative business because of repeated adjournments and uproar over attempts by Hindu groups to convert Christians and Muslims. The issue has come to a head following a “homecoming” campaign by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad — groups dedicated to transforming India’s secular democracy into a Hindu state — to “reconvert” Christians and Muslims to Hinduism.

In recent weeks, Hindu militants have engineered conversions of Muslims and Christians in Agra and in the states of Gujarat and Kerala. Police are investigating accusations that people have been induced to participate in mass conversion meetings by a combination of intimidation and bribery, including the promise of food ration cards. Attacks on Christians and their places of worship have intensified in recent weeks. One of New Delhi’s biggest churches burned down on Dec. 1 — arson is being blamed — and Christmas carolers were attacked on their way home in the city of Hyderabad on Dec. 12.

More than 80 percent of Indians are Hindus, but Muslims, Christians and Sikhs form important religious minorities with centuries of history in India. Religious pluralism and freedom are protected by India’s Constitution. The issue of religious conversion is contentious in India. Many Dalits, known formerly as untouchables, and other low-caste Hindus and Tribals admit they convert to Islam or Christianity primarily to escape crushing caste prejudice and oppression. The main architect of the Constitution, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, born a Dalit, famously converted to Buddhism to escape caste-oppression under Hinduism.

A version of this editorial appears in print on December 26, 2014, in The International New York Times.

According to the text what are being investigated by the police.
Q719471 Inglês

Religious Intolerance in India


Hope is in danger of crumbling that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would rein in the divisive agenda of his militant Hindunationalist supporters and allow India to concentrate on the important work of economic reform, and the blame lies squarely with Mr. Modi.

During the last days of its winter session ending on Tuesday, Parliament was unable to deal with important legislative business because of repeated adjournments and uproar over attempts by Hindu groups to convert Christians and Muslims. The issue has come to a head following a “homecoming” campaign by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad — groups dedicated to transforming India’s secular democracy into a Hindu state — to “reconvert” Christians and Muslims to Hinduism.

In recent weeks, Hindu militants have engineered conversions of Muslims and Christians in Agra and in the states of Gujarat and Kerala. Police are investigating accusations that people have been induced to participate in mass conversion meetings by a combination of intimidation and bribery, including the promise of food ration cards. Attacks on Christians and their places of worship have intensified in recent weeks. One of New Delhi’s biggest churches burned down on Dec. 1 — arson is being blamed — and Christmas carolers were attacked on their way home in the city of Hyderabad on Dec. 12.

More than 80 percent of Indians are Hindus, but Muslims, Christians and Sikhs form important religious minorities with centuries of history in India. Religious pluralism and freedom are protected by India’s Constitution. The issue of religious conversion is contentious in India. Many Dalits, known formerly as untouchables, and other low-caste Hindus and Tribals admit they convert to Islam or Christianity primarily to escape crushing caste prejudice and oppression. The main architect of the Constitution, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, born a Dalit, famously converted to Buddhism to escape caste-oppression under Hinduism.

A version of this editorial appears in print on December 26, 2014, in The International New York Times.

According to the sentence “The issue of religious conversion is contentious in India” Choose a synonym for the word “issue
Q719472 Inglês

Religious Intolerance in India


Hope is in danger of crumbling that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would rein in the divisive agenda of his militant Hindunationalist supporters and allow India to concentrate on the important work of economic reform, and the blame lies squarely with Mr. Modi.

During the last days of its winter session ending on Tuesday, Parliament was unable to deal with important legislative business because of repeated adjournments and uproar over attempts by Hindu groups to convert Christians and Muslims. The issue has come to a head following a “homecoming” campaign by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad — groups dedicated to transforming India’s secular democracy into a Hindu state — to “reconvert” Christians and Muslims to Hinduism.

In recent weeks, Hindu militants have engineered conversions of Muslims and Christians in Agra and in the states of Gujarat and Kerala. Police are investigating accusations that people have been induced to participate in mass conversion meetings by a combination of intimidation and bribery, including the promise of food ration cards. Attacks on Christians and their places of worship have intensified in recent weeks. One of New Delhi’s biggest churches burned down on Dec. 1 — arson is being blamed — and Christmas carolers were attacked on their way home in the city of Hyderabad on Dec. 12.

More than 80 percent of Indians are Hindus, but Muslims, Christians and Sikhs form important religious minorities with centuries of history in India. Religious pluralism and freedom are protected by India’s Constitution. The issue of religious conversion is contentious in India. Many Dalits, known formerly as untouchables, and other low-caste Hindus and Tribals admit they convert to Islam or Christianity primarily to escape crushing caste prejudice and oppression. The main architect of the Constitution, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, born a Dalit, famously converted to Buddhism to escape caste-oppression under Hinduism.

A version of this editorial appears in print on December 26, 2014, in The International New York Times.

Choose the alternative that describes why many Dalits, known as untouchables, and Tribals admit they convert to Islam, Christianity or Buddhism according to the article
Q719473 Inglês

Religious Intolerance in India


Hope is in danger of crumbling that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would rein in the divisive agenda of his militant Hindunationalist supporters and allow India to concentrate on the important work of economic reform, and the blame lies squarely with Mr. Modi.

During the last days of its winter session ending on Tuesday, Parliament was unable to deal with important legislative business because of repeated adjournments and uproar over attempts by Hindu groups to convert Christians and Muslims. The issue has come to a head following a “homecoming” campaign by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad — groups dedicated to transforming India’s secular democracy into a Hindu state — to “reconvert” Christians and Muslims to Hinduism.

In recent weeks, Hindu militants have engineered conversions of Muslims and Christians in Agra and in the states of Gujarat and Kerala. Police are investigating accusations that people have been induced to participate in mass conversion meetings by a combination of intimidation and bribery, including the promise of food ration cards. Attacks on Christians and their places of worship have intensified in recent weeks. One of New Delhi’s biggest churches burned down on Dec. 1 — arson is being blamed — and Christmas carolers were attacked on their way home in the city of Hyderabad on Dec. 12.

More than 80 percent of Indians are Hindus, but Muslims, Christians and Sikhs form important religious minorities with centuries of history in India. Religious pluralism and freedom are protected by India’s Constitution. The issue of religious conversion is contentious in India. Many Dalits, known formerly as untouchables, and other low-caste Hindus and Tribals admit they convert to Islam or Christianity primarily to escape crushing caste prejudice and oppression. The main architect of the Constitution, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, born a Dalit, famously converted to Buddhism to escape caste-oppression under Hinduism.

A version of this editorial appears in print on December 26, 2014, in The International New York Times.

The word “prejudice” can be replaced by:
Q719474 Inglês

Read the following sentence: “Many Tolkien fans might be thrilled to watch the Hobbit: The battle of the five armies.”

As used in the sentence, thrilled means

Q719475 Inglês

Read the following paragraph and choose the best alternative to fill the blanks:

I don´t really enjoy cold weather. My first experience of heavy winter was when I was 9 years old and my family went to Canada. I was used to the kind of snow that falls back home, which turned into ____________with all people walking in it. Our winters meant a little bit of white ___________ in my garden. I´ve never experienced the ____________ and _____________. When the Earth ____________and the snow _____________away in spring, everything looks more amazing than ever.

Q719476 Inglês


Choose the correct alternative that presents the translation for the word Borrow:
Q719477 Inglês


The Translation for the word Library is:
Q719478 Inglês


In the sentence “They´ll let you take it home” The object pronoun “it” refers to:
Q719479 Inglês


The negative form of the sentence “They´ll let you take it home” is:
21: A
22: B
23: D
24: B
25: A
26: B
27: C
28: A
29: C
30: D
31: A
32: C
33: D
34: C
35: B
36: A
37: B
38: A
39: B
40: A