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Q1645941 Medicina
Segundo a classificação de Borrmann, o adenocarcinoma gástrico que apresenta lesão ulcerada com bordas elevadas pode ser considerado como do tipo
Q1645940 Medicina

Em pacientes portadores de neoplasia endócrina múltipla do tipo I (NEM-I), o tumor pancreático mais frequente é

Q1645939 Medicina
A classificação de Forrest na hemorragia digestiva alta foi criada para avaliar o risco do sangramento com base em achados endoscópicos. O que significa o grau III?
Q1645938 Medicina
O triângulo de Killian é uma região anatômica do pescoço relacionada com a fisiopatologia do
Q1645937 Medicina
Qual dos marcadores tumorais no câncer de pâncreas apresenta maior sensibilidade e especificidade?
Q1645936 Medicina
É uma indicação absoluta e indiscutível de colecistectomia em portadores de colelitíase assintomática:
Q1645935 Medicina
Constituem fatores de risco para complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias:
Q1645934 Medicina
O "bico de pássaro" ou "ás de espadas" é uma imagem radiológica indicativa de:
Q1645933 Medicina
Paciente L.L.S., 63 anos, sexo masculino, é submetido à herniorrafia inguinal à esquerda pela técnica de Bassini. Retorna cerca de 1 ano depois relatando recorrência do abaulamento inguinal na região operada. É submetido a novo procedimento operatório, onde é observado grande conteúdo herniário, insinuando-se tanto superior e lateralmente quanto inferior e medialmente aos vasos epigástricos profundos. Dessa vez, em seu tratamento é utilizado um reparo livre de tensão (técnica de Liechtenstein). Essa hérnia, pela classificação de Nyhus, corresponde ao tipo
Q1645932 Medicina
Hérnia oblíqua externa com anel inguinal interno dilatado e destruição da parede posterior. Qual a classificação de L. Nyhus?
Q1645931 Medicina
Qual o tumor gástrico responde melhor ao tratamento da erradicação do Helicobacterpylori?
Q1645930 Medicina
A principal causa de apendicite aguda é:
Q1645929 Medicina
As úlceras gástricas podem ocorrer em qualquer região do estômago. Porém, 60% das úlceras estão na seguinte localização, e são classificadas como úlceras gástricas tipo 1 aquelas que estão
Q1645928 Medicina
A sonda de Sengstaken-Blakemore pode ser usada para tamponar varizes gastresofagianas sangrando ativamente. Ela tem três luzes: uma para aspirar o estômago, outra para inflar o balão gástrico e a terceira para inflar o balão esofágico. O valor máximo da pressão deste último balão (esofágico), quando insuflado, deve estar situado em torno de
Q1645927 Medicina
O triângulo de Calot é uma referência anatômica imprescindível na cirurgia da vesícula biliar (laparoscópica ou aberta), sendo fundamental o seu conhecimento pelos cirurgiões. Ele é formado pelo(a)
Q1645926 Medicina
De acordo com a classificação de Spaulding, o que são artigos não críticos?
Q1623387 Inglês
Britain bans gasoline and diesel cars starting in 2040

      Britain will ban sales of new gasoline and diesel cars starting in 2040 as part of a bid to clean up the country’s air. The decision to phase out the internal combustion engine heralds a new era of low-emission technologies with major implications for the auto industry, society and the environment. “We can’t carry on with diesel and petrol cars”, U.K. environment secretary Michael Gove told the BBC on Wednesday. “There is no alternative to embracing new technology”. Almost 2.7 million new cars were registered in the U.K. in 2016, making it the second biggest market in Europe after Germany.
      Meeting the 2040 deadline will be a heavy lift. British demand for electric and fuel cell cars, as well as plug-in hybrids, grew 40% in 2015, but they only accounted for less than 3% of the market. Still, experts say sales of clean cars are likely to continue on their dramatic upward trajectory.
      The car industry says that demand for electric vehicles will only reach a tipping point once they're cheaper to own than conventional vehicles.
      The deadline was announced by the government on Wednesday as part of a plan to reduce air pollution. The blueprint highlighted roughly £1.4 billion in government investment designed to help ensure that every vehicle on the road in Britain produces zero emissions by 2050.
     Gove said action was needed because gasoline and diesel engines contribute to health problems, “accelerate climate change, do damage to the planet and the next generation”. Roughly 40,000 deaths in Britain each year are attributable to outdoor air pollution, according to a study published last year by the Royal College of Physicians. Dirty air has been linked to cancer, asthma, stroke and heart disease, among other health issues.
     The problem is especially pronounced in big cities. London surpassed the European Union’s annual limit for nitrogen dioxide exposure just five days into the new year, according to King’s College. The university estimates that air pollution is responsible for 9,400 premature deaths in the city every year.
     The timeline for ending sales of internal combustion engines mirrors one proposed in early July by France. President Emmanuel Macron has given the auto industry the same deadline to make the switch to cleaner tech.
     “We are quite rightly in a position of global leadership when it comes to shaping new technology”, Gove said. But the auto industry, which supports over 800,000 jobs in the U.K., is wary of hard deadlines.
     Other countries have been even more ambitious than the U.K. India is planning to stop selling gas-powered vehicles by 2030.
      The German car industry and government officials will meet in early August to discuss the future of diesel engine technology. Manufacturers are trying to avoid diesel cars being banned from German towns and cities. 
Consider the following excerpt taken from the text:

British demand for electric and fuel cell cars, as well as plug-in hybrids, grew 40% in 2015, but they only accounted for less than 3% of the market.

Choose the alternative that conveys the same meaning of the excerpt above.
Q1623386 Inglês
Britain bans gasoline and diesel cars starting in 2040

      Britain will ban sales of new gasoline and diesel cars starting in 2040 as part of a bid to clean up the country’s air. The decision to phase out the internal combustion engine heralds a new era of low-emission technologies with major implications for the auto industry, society and the environment. “We can’t carry on with diesel and petrol cars”, U.K. environment secretary Michael Gove told the BBC on Wednesday. “There is no alternative to embracing new technology”. Almost 2.7 million new cars were registered in the U.K. in 2016, making it the second biggest market in Europe after Germany.
      Meeting the 2040 deadline will be a heavy lift. British demand for electric and fuel cell cars, as well as plug-in hybrids, grew 40% in 2015, but they only accounted for less than 3% of the market. Still, experts say sales of clean cars are likely to continue on their dramatic upward trajectory.
      The car industry says that demand for electric vehicles will only reach a tipping point once they're cheaper to own than conventional vehicles.
      The deadline was announced by the government on Wednesday as part of a plan to reduce air pollution. The blueprint highlighted roughly £1.4 billion in government investment designed to help ensure that every vehicle on the road in Britain produces zero emissions by 2050.
     Gove said action was needed because gasoline and diesel engines contribute to health problems, “accelerate climate change, do damage to the planet and the next generation”. Roughly 40,000 deaths in Britain each year are attributable to outdoor air pollution, according to a study published last year by the Royal College of Physicians. Dirty air has been linked to cancer, asthma, stroke and heart disease, among other health issues.
     The problem is especially pronounced in big cities. London surpassed the European Union’s annual limit for nitrogen dioxide exposure just five days into the new year, according to King’s College. The university estimates that air pollution is responsible for 9,400 premature deaths in the city every year.
     The timeline for ending sales of internal combustion engines mirrors one proposed in early July by France. President Emmanuel Macron has given the auto industry the same deadline to make the switch to cleaner tech.
     “We are quite rightly in a position of global leadership when it comes to shaping new technology”, Gove said. But the auto industry, which supports over 800,000 jobs in the U.K., is wary of hard deadlines.
     Other countries have been even more ambitious than the U.K. India is planning to stop selling gas-powered vehicles by 2030.
      The German car industry and government officials will meet in early August to discuss the future of diesel engine technology. Manufacturers are trying to avoid diesel cars being banned from German towns and cities. 
Com base no texto, considere as seguintes afirmativas:

1. No primeiro parágrafo, a palavra em negrito e sublinhada (“it”) refere-se ao Reino Unido.
2. No segundo parágrafo, a palavra em negrito e sublinhada (“they”) refere-se a “electric, fuel cell and pug-in hybrid cars”.
3. No terceiro parágrafo, a palavra em negrito e sublinhada (“they”) refere-se a “conventional vehicles”.
4. No oitavo parágrafo, a palavra “we” em negrito e sublinhada refere-se ao governo da França.

Assinale a alternativa correta.
Q1623385 Inglês
Britain bans gasoline and diesel cars starting in 2040

      Britain will ban sales of new gasoline and diesel cars starting in 2040 as part of a bid to clean up the country’s air. The decision to phase out the internal combustion engine heralds a new era of low-emission technologies with major implications for the auto industry, society and the environment. “We can’t carry on with diesel and petrol cars”, U.K. environment secretary Michael Gove told the BBC on Wednesday. “There is no alternative to embracing new technology”. Almost 2.7 million new cars were registered in the U.K. in 2016, making it the second biggest market in Europe after Germany.
      Meeting the 2040 deadline will be a heavy lift. British demand for electric and fuel cell cars, as well as plug-in hybrids, grew 40% in 2015, but they only accounted for less than 3% of the market. Still, experts say sales of clean cars are likely to continue on their dramatic upward trajectory.
      The car industry says that demand for electric vehicles will only reach a tipping point once they're cheaper to own than conventional vehicles.
      The deadline was announced by the government on Wednesday as part of a plan to reduce air pollution. The blueprint highlighted roughly £1.4 billion in government investment designed to help ensure that every vehicle on the road in Britain produces zero emissions by 2050.
     Gove said action was needed because gasoline and diesel engines contribute to health problems, “accelerate climate change, do damage to the planet and the next generation”. Roughly 40,000 deaths in Britain each year are attributable to outdoor air pollution, according to a study published last year by the Royal College of Physicians. Dirty air has been linked to cancer, asthma, stroke and heart disease, among other health issues.
     The problem is especially pronounced in big cities. London surpassed the European Union’s annual limit for nitrogen dioxide exposure just five days into the new year, according to King’s College. The university estimates that air pollution is responsible for 9,400 premature deaths in the city every year.
     The timeline for ending sales of internal combustion engines mirrors one proposed in early July by France. President Emmanuel Macron has given the auto industry the same deadline to make the switch to cleaner tech.
     “We are quite rightly in a position of global leadership when it comes to shaping new technology”, Gove said. But the auto industry, which supports over 800,000 jobs in the U.K., is wary of hard deadlines.
     Other countries have been even more ambitious than the U.K. India is planning to stop selling gas-powered vehicles by 2030.
      The German car industry and government officials will meet in early August to discuss the future of diesel engine technology. Manufacturers are trying to avoid diesel cars being banned from German towns and cities. 
The main idea of the text is related to:
Q1623384 Inglês
Britain bans gasoline and diesel cars starting in 2040

      Britain will ban sales of new gasoline and diesel cars starting in 2040 as part of a bid to clean up the country’s air. The decision to phase out the internal combustion engine heralds a new era of low-emission technologies with major implications for the auto industry, society and the environment. “We can’t carry on with diesel and petrol cars”, U.K. environment secretary Michael Gove told the BBC on Wednesday. “There is no alternative to embracing new technology”. Almost 2.7 million new cars were registered in the U.K. in 2016, making it the second biggest market in Europe after Germany.
      Meeting the 2040 deadline will be a heavy lift. British demand for electric and fuel cell cars, as well as plug-in hybrids, grew 40% in 2015, but they only accounted for less than 3% of the market. Still, experts say sales of clean cars are likely to continue on their dramatic upward trajectory.
      The car industry says that demand for electric vehicles will only reach a tipping point once they're cheaper to own than conventional vehicles.
      The deadline was announced by the government on Wednesday as part of a plan to reduce air pollution. The blueprint highlighted roughly £1.4 billion in government investment designed to help ensure that every vehicle on the road in Britain produces zero emissions by 2050.
     Gove said action was needed because gasoline and diesel engines contribute to health problems, “accelerate climate change, do damage to the planet and the next generation”. Roughly 40,000 deaths in Britain each year are attributable to outdoor air pollution, according to a study published last year by the Royal College of Physicians. Dirty air has been linked to cancer, asthma, stroke and heart disease, among other health issues.
     The problem is especially pronounced in big cities. London surpassed the European Union’s annual limit for nitrogen dioxide exposure just five days into the new year, according to King’s College. The university estimates that air pollution is responsible for 9,400 premature deaths in the city every year.
     The timeline for ending sales of internal combustion engines mirrors one proposed in early July by France. President Emmanuel Macron has given the auto industry the same deadline to make the switch to cleaner tech.
     “We are quite rightly in a position of global leadership when it comes to shaping new technology”, Gove said. But the auto industry, which supports over 800,000 jobs in the U.K., is wary of hard deadlines.
     Other countries have been even more ambitious than the U.K. India is planning to stop selling gas-powered vehicles by 2030.
      The German car industry and government officials will meet in early August to discuss the future of diesel engine technology. Manufacturers are trying to avoid diesel cars being banned from German towns and cities. 
According to the text, choose the correct alternative.
14021: A
14022: B
14023: D
14024: D
14025: B
14026: A
14027: C
14028: A
14029: B
14030: C
14031: B
14032: B
14033: C
14034: D
14035: A
14036: C
14037: E
14038: A
14039: A
14040: C