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Considere a seguinte situação hipotética:
O Serviço de Informações ao Cidadão – SIC da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo recebe pedido de informação de documento cujo teor não possui qualquer restrição de acesso. Todavia constata-se que a manipulação do documento que contém a informação solicitada pode prejudicar sua integridade, por se tratar de documento muito antigo cuja conservação não foi realizada de forma adequada.
Nesse caso, a correta conduta a ser tomada pelo SIC, conforme previsto na Lei Federal n° 12.527/11, é
Considere a seguinte situação hipotética:
Governador do Estado de São Paulo declara que a construção de teatro com grande capacidade em Município de pequeno porte, com recursos públicos estaduais, deu-se para atender a um pedido da sogra dele.
Diante dessa constatação, seria possível aplicar aos fatos hipotéticos o previsto na Lei Estadual n° 10.177/1998 para fins de decretar a invalidação dos atos administrativos praticados no caso, pois estes desatenderam os pressupostos legais e regulamentares de sua edição, por

Nessas condições, se a empresa adotar h1 = 10 cm para P1, a medida do raio de P2, em centímetros, deverá ser igual a
Em um sistema de coordenadas cartesianas ortogonais, a circunferência de centro O e raio r é definida pela equação: (x – 4)2 + (y – 5)2 = 9
Sendo o lado de um quadrado inscrito nessa circunferência,
é correto afirmar que o perímetro desse quadrado mede
Para avaliar a aptidão física, fase eliminatória em um concurso, todos os candidatos foram submetidos a uma bateria de 5 testes. Sabe-se que, para cada teste, os dois únicos resultados possíveis eram: reprovado, e, nesse caso, o candidato receberia zero ponto; ou aprovado, e, nesse caso, o candidato receberia 50 pontos, sendo o resultado final dado pela soma dos pontos obtidos nos 5 testes. A tabela mostra a porcentagem de candidatos aprovados em cada um dos cinco testes.
Nessas condições, é correto afirmar que a média aritmética
do número de pontos obtidos pelos candidatos nessa avaliação foi igual a
Em uma circunferência de raio igual a 5 cm, c1 é o comprimento do arco π/6 de radianos e c2 é o comprimento da corda AB determinada por este arco, conforme mostra a figura.
Nessas condições, é correto afirmar que mede, em
Um terreno, com a forma de um triângulo ABC, foi dividido em duas regiões pelo segmento ED, conforme mostra a figura.
A área da região delimitada pelo quadrilátero ABDE é,
em m2
, igual a
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Police in England and Wales consider making
misogyny a hate crime
September 10, 2016
Police forces across England and Wales are considering expanding their definition of hate crime to include misogyny (hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women, or prejudice against women) after an experiment in one city that saw more than 20 investigations launched in two months.
The initial success of Nottingham’s crackdown against sexist abuse has drawn national interest after the city’s police revealed that they investigated a case of misogyny every three days during July and August, the first months to see specially trained officers targeting behaviour ranging from street harassment to unwanted physical approaches.
Several other forces have confirmed they are sending representatives to Nottingham this month to discuss the introduction of misogyny as a hate crime. Police and campaigners said the initial figures were broadly in line with other categories of hate crime such as Islamophobia and antisemitism but were likely to rise significantly as awareness increased.
Dave Alton, the hate crime manager for Nottingham police, said: “The number of reports we are receiving is comparable with other, more established, categories of hate crime. We have received numerous reports and have been able to provide a service to women in Nottinghamshire who perhaps would not have approached us six months ago. The reality is that all of the reports so far have required some form of police action.”
( Adaptado)
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Police in England and Wales consider making
misogyny a hate crime
September 10, 2016
Police forces across England and Wales are considering expanding their definition of hate crime to include misogyny (hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women, or prejudice against women) after an experiment in one city that saw more than 20 investigations launched in two months.
The initial success of Nottingham’s crackdown against sexist abuse has drawn national interest after the city’s police revealed that they investigated a case of misogyny every three days during July and August, the first months to see specially trained officers targeting behaviour ranging from street harassment to unwanted physical approaches.
Several other forces have confirmed they are sending representatives to Nottingham this month to discuss the introduction of misogyny as a hate crime. Police and campaigners said the initial figures were broadly in line with other categories of hate crime such as Islamophobia and antisemitism but were likely to rise significantly as awareness increased.
Dave Alton, the hate crime manager for Nottingham police, said: “The number of reports we are receiving is comparable with other, more established, categories of hate crime. We have received numerous reports and have been able to provide a service to women in Nottinghamshire who perhaps would not have approached us six months ago. The reality is that all of the reports so far have required some form of police action.”
( Adaptado)
Leia o texto para responder à questão.
Police in England and Wales consider making
misogyny a hate crime
September 10, 2016
Police forces across England and Wales are considering expanding their definition of hate crime to include misogyny (hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women, or prejudice against women) after an experiment in one city that saw more than 20 investigations launched in two months.
The initial success of Nottingham’s crackdown against sexist abuse has drawn national interest after the city’s police revealed that they investigated a case of misogyny every three days during July and August, the first months to see specially trained officers targeting behaviour ranging from street harassment to unwanted physical approaches.
Several other forces have confirmed they are sending representatives to Nottingham this month to discuss the introduction of misogyny as a hate crime. Police and campaigners said the initial figures were broadly in line with other categories of hate crime such as Islamophobia and antisemitism but were likely to rise significantly as awareness increased.
Dave Alton, the hate crime manager for Nottingham police, said: “The number of reports we are receiving is comparable with other, more established, categories of hate crime. We have received numerous reports and have been able to provide a service to women in Nottinghamshire who perhaps would not have approached us six months ago. The reality is that all of the reports so far have required some form of police action.”
( Adaptado)
Leia o texto para responder à questão.
Police in England and Wales consider making
misogyny a hate crime
September 10, 2016
Police forces across England and Wales are considering expanding their definition of hate crime to include misogyny (hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women, or prejudice against women) after an experiment in one city that saw more than 20 investigations launched in two months.
The initial success of Nottingham’s crackdown against sexist abuse has drawn national interest after the city’s police revealed that they investigated a case of misogyny every three days during July and August, the first months to see specially trained officers targeting behaviour ranging from street harassment to unwanted physical approaches.
Several other forces have confirmed they are sending representatives to Nottingham this month to discuss the introduction of misogyny as a hate crime. Police and campaigners said the initial figures were broadly in line with other categories of hate crime such as Islamophobia and antisemitism but were likely to rise significantly as awareness increased.
Dave Alton, the hate crime manager for Nottingham police, said: “The number of reports we are receiving is comparable with other, more established, categories of hate crime. We have received numerous reports and have been able to provide a service to women in Nottinghamshire who perhaps would not have approached us six months ago. The reality is that all of the reports so far have required some form of police action.”
( Adaptado)