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Calcule o valor da massa B, sabendo-se que a tração no fio foi de 20 N enquanto as duas massas se moviam em relação à roldana, e assinale a opção correta.
Dado: g = 10 m/s2
Dado: π=3,14
Dado: g = 10 m/s2
Na figura acima, fora de escala, a água e o óleo estão em repouso e a pressão do gás é de 103,00 x 103 N/m2. Ao abrir a válvula e liberar o gás para a atmosfera, o nível da água muda. Calcule o quanto o nível da água desce e assinale a opção correta.
Dados: A1= A2= 2A3; h0 = 0,250 m ; g = 10,0 m/s2 ; Págua = 1000 kg/m3 ; Póleo = 800 kg/m3 ; Patm = 100,00 x 103 N/m2
Dado: nar=1,0
Dados: calor latente de fusão da água = 300 kJ/kg ; calor específico da água = 4200 J/kg
Dado: g = 10 m/s2
Brazil has joined Combined Maritime Forces (CMF)
“On July 30th, the Brazilian Navy ________ the invitation letter from the CCFM accepting the affiliation as a full member of the CMF. The Brazilian Navy ________ this kind of event an excellent opportunity ________ ties of friendship, as well as ________ cooperation and mutual respect among the participating navies,” a spokesperson for the Brazilian Navy ________.
(Adapted from
_______ advice do you follow more, your parents' or your friends' advice?
Social engineering: here's how you _______ be hacked
Lean how social engineering ________ affect you, plus common examples to help you identify and stay safe from these schemes.
Social engineering is an important term in the security world, but you _______ not be familiar with exactly what it means. While it is a broad subject, there are specific types of social engineering that we _______ examine to leam more. Let's look at social engineering as a concept so you _______ avoid falling victim to it. Social engineering is the act of manipulating people to steal private information from them, or make them give up such confidential details. (Adapted from https:/
In February, the Royal Navy's submarine HMS Talent (S92) ______ the upgraded Spearfish torpedo near the Isle of Skye to rigorously test it before it ______ service.
During the three-day trial, the torpedo ______ at Talent three times and ______ to safely pass the submarine.
The trials ______ valuable data in the final stages of the upgraded torpedo's development ahead of its entry into service.
The operational version of the weapon ______ to all front-line Royal Navy submarines by 2025.
(Adapted from https:/
A good CV
It starts with a brilliant summary that makes people ________ more; it is daring, lively. You rarely need _______ trivial details of your early education or training except in passing.
Your CV is a creative document that allows you ________ what you think is appropriate, compared with forms, which confine self-expression; you might as well ________ that freedom!
Ao aplicarmos uma transformação linear A. P = Q, geramos uma nova figura na qual seus pontos são representados sob a forma . Sendo A = , assinale a opção que representa a figura formada pela transformação A .P.
Se x = a, y = b, u = c, v = d e w = e constituem a solução do sistema, assinale a opção que apresenta a soma a + b + c + d + e.
Tempo min 3 5 8 3 9 6 5 5
Percebendo a média x dos tempos observados, o corredor pretende realizar o percurso mais n vezes com o tempo exatamente igual à média, cada vez, para que o desvio padrão, de todos os tempos observados, diminua 1 unidade. Dessa forma, n deve ser igual a: