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Choose the correct alternative to complete the gap in the comic strip.

The sentence “But I’ve developed a new philosophy” is an example of Present Perfect. Choose the alternative which follows the same grammar rule.
According to the text, Mariko Okada
( ) can be considered an extrovert person. ( ) spent more than eleven months in a foreign country. ( ) thinks that she would speak more if she weren’t so shy. ( ) regrets investing her time and money on a trip to an English-speaking country.
According to the text, Carla Fonseca
( ) expected London to be a bigger place. ( ) didn’t feel confident about her English. ( ) sounds disappointed at her experience abroad. ( ) felt lonely because she had to live abroad on her own.
According to the text, Alvin Chen
( ) sounds disappointed at his experience abroad. ( ) had a good time abroad, despite studying hard. ( ) was able to make written notes about his daily routine. ( ) doesn’t think that he had enough English speaking practice.
“A alegria de Perpétua foi quase tamanha como a do pai e da mãe, se não maior.” (Machado de Assis)