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Ano: 2022 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete |
Q1901501 Inglês
Consider the following piece of news: 
Coal fire crackdown and London mosque stabbing
(Available in:
The headline in a British newspaper refers to:
Ano: 2022 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete |
Q1901500 Inglês
The following text refer to question. 

The surprising history of India’s vibrant sari tradition

   South Asian women have draped themselves in colorful silks and cottons for eons. The ways they’re made and worn are dazzling and diverse.
   The word “sari” means “strip of cloth” in Sanskrit. But for the Indian women – and a few men – who have been wrapping themselves in silk, cotton, or linen for millennia, these swaths of fabric are more than just simple garments. They’re symbols of national pride, ambassadors for traditional (and cutting-edge) design and craftsmanship, and a prime example of the rich differences in India’s 29 states.
   “The sari both as symbol and reality has filled the imagination of the subcontinent, with its appeal and its ability to conceal and reveal the personality of the person wearing it,” says Delhi-based textile historian Rta Kapur Chishti, author of Saris of India: Tradition and Beyond and co-founder of Taanbaan, a fabric company devoted to reviving and preserving traditional Indian spinning and weaving methods.
   The first mention of saris (alternately spelled sarees) is in the Rig Veda, a Hindu book of hymns dating to 3,000 B.C.; draped garments show up on Indian sculptures from the first through sixth centuries, too. What Delhi-based textile historian Rta Kapur Chishti calls the “magical unstitched garment” is ideally suited to India’s blazingly hot climate and the modest-dress customs of both Hindu and Muslim communities. Saris also remain traditional for women in other South Asian countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. 

(Available in:
In the fourth paragraph, Delhi-based textile historian Rta Kapur Chishti calls the sari the “unstitched garment” because it:
Ano: 2022 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete |
Q1901499 Inglês
The following text refer to question. 

The surprising history of India’s vibrant sari tradition

   South Asian women have draped themselves in colorful silks and cottons for eons. The ways they’re made and worn are dazzling and diverse.
   The word “sari” means “strip of cloth” in Sanskrit. But for the Indian women – and a few men – who have been wrapping themselves in silk, cotton, or linen for millennia, these swaths of fabric are more than just simple garments. They’re symbols of national pride, ambassadors for traditional (and cutting-edge) design and craftsmanship, and a prime example of the rich differences in India’s 29 states.
   “The sari both as symbol and reality has filled the imagination of the subcontinent, with its appeal and its ability to conceal and reveal the personality of the person wearing it,” says Delhi-based textile historian Rta Kapur Chishti, author of Saris of India: Tradition and Beyond and co-founder of Taanbaan, a fabric company devoted to reviving and preserving traditional Indian spinning and weaving methods.
   The first mention of saris (alternately spelled sarees) is in the Rig Veda, a Hindu book of hymns dating to 3,000 B.C.; draped garments show up on Indian sculptures from the first through sixth centuries, too. What Delhi-based textile historian Rta Kapur Chishti calls the “magical unstitched garment” is ideally suited to India’s blazingly hot climate and the modest-dress customs of both Hindu and Muslim communities. Saris also remain traditional for women in other South Asian countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. 

(Available in:
In the first sentence of the text, the underlined and in bold type word “eons” means:
Ano: 2022 Banca: NC-UFPR Órgão: PM-PR Prova: NC-UFPR - 2022 - PM-PR - Cadete |
Q1901498 Inglês
The following text refer to question. 

The surprising history of India’s vibrant sari tradition

   South Asian women have draped themselves in colorful silks and cottons for eons. The ways they’re made and worn are dazzling and diverse.
   The word “sari” means “strip of cloth” in Sanskrit. But for the Indian women – and a few men – who have been wrapping themselves in silk, cotton, or linen for millennia, these swaths of fabric are more than just simple garments. They’re symbols of national pride, ambassadors for traditional (and cutting-edge) design and craftsmanship, and a prime example of the rich differences in India’s 29 states.
   “The sari both as symbol and reality has filled the imagination of the subcontinent, with its appeal and its ability to conceal and reveal the personality of the person wearing it,” says Delhi-based textile historian Rta Kapur Chishti, author of Saris of India: Tradition and Beyond and co-founder of Taanbaan, a fabric company devoted to reviving and preserving traditional Indian spinning and weaving methods.
   The first mention of saris (alternately spelled sarees) is in the Rig Veda, a Hindu book of hymns dating to 3,000 B.C.; draped garments show up on Indian sculptures from the first through sixth centuries, too. What Delhi-based textile historian Rta Kapur Chishti calls the “magical unstitched garment” is ideally suited to India’s blazingly hot climate and the modest-dress customs of both Hindu and Muslim communities. Saris also remain traditional for women in other South Asian countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. 

(Available in:
Sari, which in Sanskrit means “strip of cloth”, represents more than a piece of clothing in India. In relation to the different meaning(s) attributed to the sari, consider the following affirmatives:

1. It stands for both up-to-date and conventional patterns.
2. People wear it in different ways.
3. Both men and women can wear it.
4. People cannot avoid an arrogant attitude when they put it on.

Mark the affirmative(s) that is/are present in the text. 
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780799 Direito Penal Militar
Em relação aos crimes militares de dormir em serviço e embriaguez em serviço, é correto afirmar que
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780798 Direito Penal Militar
Assinale a alternativa correta no que diz respeito aos crimes militares em tempo de paz.
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780797 Direito Penal Militar
Assinale a alternativa que descreve uma conduta que se enquadra nas hipóteses previstas no art. 9° do Código Penal Militar.
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780796 Direito Processual Penal
No que diz respeito à Lei n° 10.826/03 (Estatuto do Desarmamento) ou à Lei n° 11.340/06 (Lei Maria da Penha), é correto afirmar que
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780794 Direito Penal
Assinale a alternativa correta no que diz respeito aos crimes previstos na Lei n° 11.343/06 (Sistema Nacional de Políticas Públicas sobre Drogas).
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780793 Direito Penal
Assinale a alternativa correta no que diz respeito ao crime de omissão de cautela previsto na Lei n° 10.826/03 (Estatuto do Desarmamento).
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780791 Direito Processual Penal
Em relação às medidas cautelares diversas da prisão previstas no Código de Processo Penal, é correto afirmar que
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780790 Direito Processual Penal
Assinale a alternativa correta no que diz respeito à prisão preventiva e às demais medidas cautelares previstas no Código de Processo Penal.
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780789 Direito Processual Penal
Com relação às buscas e apreensões e à prisão em flagrante delito, assinale a alternativa correta.
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780788 Direito Penal
Em relação às contravenções penais, é correto afirmar que
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780787 Direito Penal
Com relação aos crimes previstos no Código Penal, assinale a alternativa correta.
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780786 Direito Penal
Assinale a alternativa correta no que diz respeito aos dispositivos legais relativos ao crime.
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780785 Direitos Humanos
Nos termos do Código de Conduta para os Funcionários Responsáveis pela Aplicação da Lei, é correto afirmar que
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780783 Direito Constitucional
Nos termos expressamente previstos no art. 5° da Constituição Federal, é correto afirmar que
Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780780 Raciocínio Lógico

Considere a distribuição de figuras pelas linhas da tabela:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Mantida a lógica de distribuição, na terceira posição da linha noventa e dois, constará a figura

Ano: 2018 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2018 - PM-SP - Cabo |
Q1780772 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que o emprego do sinal indicativo de crase está em conformidade com a norma-padrão.
41: A
42: C
43: B
44: D
45: D
46: A
47: C
48: D
49: D
50: A
51: B
52: C
53: A
54: C
55: B
56: D
57: A
58: B
59: B
60: D