Questões de Concurso Sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês

Foram encontradas 1.138 questões

Q3195853 Inglês
Defining English as an International Language English as lingua franca (ELF) has traditionally been defined as ‘interactions between members of two or more differentlinguaculturesin English,for none ofwhom English isthemothertongue’(HOUSE, 1999:74).In other words,ELFisthe study of the type oflanguage thatis used when second language speakers from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds interact. By definition, all first language speakers of English are excluded from the focus of ELF investigations. Jenkins (2006) argues quite strongly that the purpose of ELF research is essentially to document the features of interactions between second language speakers of English and in no way is meant to depict a particular variety of English that should become the standard for second language speakers.

McKAY, S. English as an international language: What it is and what it means for pedagogy. SAGE Journals, 23 jan. 2018. Disponível em: 7738817. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.

Como professor de inglês, ao considerar o ensino da língua inglesa como língua franca, é fundamental compreender que: 
Q3195840 Inglês
No ensino de línguas, a gramática desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas dos alunos. Segundo os estudos de Carter e McCarthy, uma abordagem comunicativa da gramática foca-se em:
Q3195839 Inglês
Com base no excerto do livro "Dimensões Comunicativas no Ensino de Línguas" de Almeida Filho, que afirma:

"O ensino comunicativo é aquele que organiza as experiências de aprender em termos de atividades relevantes/tarefas de real interesse e/ou necessidade do aluno para que ele se capacite a usar a língua-alvo para realizar ações de verdade na interação com outros falantes-usuários dessa língua." (ALMEIDA FILHO, 1993, p. 36).

De acordo com Almeida Filho, qual característica define o ensino comunicativo de línguas? 
Q3181982 Inglês
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
Analisando o trecho do texto: “Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points”, pode-se concluir que ao realizar tal tarefa, o aluno estará exercitando a habilidade comunicativa que envolve:
Q3181981 Inglês
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
Considere a seguinte situação: um professor pede aos seus alunos que assistam a um vídeo explicativo sobre a passagem do tempo antes de ensinar verbos no futuro. Esta prática está alinhada com a teoria de aquisição da linguagem chamada:
Q3181980 Inglês
Flipped learning – could it work for you?
Exploring the benefits, challenges and tips for success

By Stephanie Hirschman
October 2, 2023

Flipped learning is very much a buzz word these days, and it’s worth thinking about whether this approach is suitable for your
lessons. It’s quite easy to define: whereas a more traditional model of teaching involves some sort of initial input (for example a
lecture or demonstration) followed by some sort of related output (for example a discussion or experiment) with some homework to follow, in flipped learning, this order is disrupted. Students do their homework before the class meets by watching a recorded lecture or video or reading an article. This enables them to spend the lesson time on activities which make a more significant contribution to their deep understanding and mastery of important ideas, for example, discussion, roleplay or presentations. It sits well within blended learning as the pre-lesson homework is likely to be accessed online, while the class activities are conducted face-to-face.

Why is it important?
Flipped learning makes good use of technology, allowing students to approach the input at their own level. Some may need to view a video several times more than would be possible in a group classroom setting, with frequent pauses and rewinding to ensure that they have recognized the main points. It’s also possible for students to explore other aspects of a topic, either using further links that the teacher provides, or finding other relevant resources to explore on their own. Finally, they can do the work when and where they wish, and even make use of otherwise “dead” time, like waiting for a bus.

How relevant is it for English language teaching (ELT)?

It’s important to recognize that flipped learning was not developed with ELT contexts in mind. In a language lesson, we may find
students reading a text about, say, major infrastructure projects, but this content is merely a vehicle for some other language point like expressing high numbers or making comparisons. During a conventional English lesson, the teacher would be guiding students through the text, encouraging prediction and other strategies and setting achievable reading or listening tasks to check basic understanding, before introducing key language points in a staged presentation. This would be followed by controlled practice and freer production. It’s not easy to see how this pattern of brief but meaningful interactive activities maps onto flipped learning. ELT texts, even at advanced levels, tend to be too short to be worth exploring in depth, unlike a 30-minute lecture or video that students of other subjects may be watching. Of course, it could be argued that the true content of the lesson, ie the language point, could be the subject of flipped learning, with students watching a presentation on this subject before the class meets. However, this removes the language point from an engaging and meaningful context and furthermore, working alone robs students of the opportunity to ask questions and discuss emergent ideas about meaning, which are key elements of communicative learning.

Tips for success
Nonetheless, it is possible to flip an ELT classroom, with some adjustments:

1. Flipped learning would suit certain types of ELT which are heavily content based, like CLIL or Business. Mature students are more likely to have the motivation required to implement this approach sensibly.

2. It makes sense to devote the final stages of a lesson to introducing the content that students will explore independently before the next class meeting. This should include a justification of why the content was chosen, how students should approach it and how they can check their understanding. Providing some comprehension questions is a minimum. If answers aren’t furnished, the next class meeting could open with an activity to discuss and check these.

3. The teacher must provide an easy and reliable way for students to access the content, for example via an online learning system.

4. It’s reasonable to expect that students will require training and a settling-in period, as they come to terms with the demands of the new system. It could even be worth trialing the routine during a face-to-face lesson, with students accessing content on their phones or laptops, and with some reminders about how to approach a reading text (for example skimming and scanning) or how to make good use of technology to ensure effective listening (for example, rewinding, user slower speed settings or making use of a tape script).

5. Because of the investment required in learner training, flipped learning will be tricky to implement in programs with continuous enrolment. It’s far more suitable for a setting with a termly or yearly intake date.

6. Even when the system is up and running, there will probably always be a number of students who have not prepared adequately for the lesson. This will affect how successful follow-up activities are and the teacher needs some strategies in place to address this.

Available in:
Acesso: 17/10/2024
Considerando as concepções metodológicas referentes ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem da língua inglesa, a metodologia utilizada por um professor que solicita aos alunos que memorizem uma lista de verbos no imperativo antes da aula, com o objetivo de realizar uma atividade prática na qual os alunos executem as ações dos verbos estudados, enfatizando a aprendizagem através da prática corporal é:
Q3180333 Inglês
A teacher is using Krashen's Input Hypothesis to design a reading program for intermediate English learners. The goal is to gradually increase students' reading proficiency by exposing them to slightly challenging texts. Which of the following strategies aligns best with Krashen's Input Hypothesis for optimal language acquisition in this reading program?
Q3180332 Inglês
Incorporating multiculturalism in the English language classroom requires balancing linguistic diversity with cultural sensitivity. Which of the following teaching approaches best exemplifies this principle while addressing the challenges faced by Brazilian students learning English?
Q3179438 Inglês
Read the transcript of a conversation between two English speakers and answer the question:
A: I was wondering if you could help me with this presentation. I’m struggling with how to explain the data.
B: Sure! Let’s go over it together. Do you want to start with the charts or the written summary?
A: Probably the charts—they’re a bit confusing, especially the second one.

Based on the excerpt, select the CORRECT alternative that explains the most effective listening comprehension strategies for learners when hearing this dialogue in an authentic environment:
Q3179437 Inglês
In English teaching, different methodologies cater to specific learning objectives, ranging from focusing on linguistic structures to applying skills in practical contexts.
Based on the description of the activity below, select the CORRECT alternative that identifies the methodology used by the teacher.
In an advanced English class, the teacher asks students to plan a fictional trip to an English-speaking country. They must research destinations, create a detailed itinerary, and present the plan orally, including arguments to justify logistical and cultural choices. During the activity, the teacher provides linguistic support when necessary and delivers corrective feedback at the end.
Q3179435 Inglês
In English language teaching, methodologies have evolved to meet the needs of learners in various contexts.
Regarding traditional and contemporary methodologies in English language teaching, select the CORRECT alternative:
Q3179430 Inglês
In teaching pronunciation and listening comprehension, pedagogical strategies must account for aspects such as regional variations, natural rhythm, and intonation patterns of English. Read the following teaching scenario and answer the question:
"An English teacher aims to help students understand different English accents and develop more accurate pronunciation. The teacher plans to introduce activities that include exposure to authentic audio materials, imitation exercises, and analysis of rhythmic and intonational patterns."
Based on this approach and the principles of teaching pronunciation and listening comprehension, select the CORRECT alternative that reflects an effective strategy for developing these skills:
Q3179429 Inglês
The varieties of English exhibit significant phonological differences influenced by historical, regional, and cultural factors. These differences affect the pronunciation of specific sounds, rhythm, and intonation patterns.
Consider the following phonological characteristics and analyze the alternatives to identify the only CORRECT statement regarding the differences between British English (Received Pronunciation), American English (General American), and Australian English:
Q3179422 Inglês
Language plays a central role in shaping the cultural and social identity of individuals and communities. As a medium for communication, it also serves as a vehicle for transmitting traditions, values, and narratives across generations. In a globalized world, the interaction between local languages and dominant global languages, such as English, raises questions about the preservation of cultural identity and the impact of linguistic choices on social dynamics.
Based on this relationship, select the CORRECT alternative.
Q3179421 Inglês
The establishment of English as a global lingua franca is a linguistic and sociocultural phenomenon driven by a complex interplay of historical, economic, and geopolitical factors. From the colonial expansion of the British Empire to the influence of American culture, English has become a medium for international communication across diverse domains, including business, education, science, and entertainment.
Considering the characteristics of English as a lingua franca, select the CORRECT alternative.
Q3179420 Inglês
English, as a global language, exhibits notable variations between its regional forms, particularly British English and American English. These differences encompass spelling, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, reflecting distinct historical and cultural developments.
Regarding the distinctions between British and American English, select the CORRECT alternative. 
Q3179419 Inglês
The English language has undergone profound transformations throughout its history, influenced by various sociopolitical events, invasions, and cultural exchanges. These historical developments have significantly shaped its grammatical structure, phonology, and vocabulary.
Based on the evolution of the English language, select the CORRECT alternative.
Q3175076 Inglês
Ao ensinar inglês como segunda língua, qual dos seguintes métodos NÃO enfatiza a comunicação oral?
Q3175072 Inglês

A influência da língua inglesa no português brasileiro é inegável, permeando diversos campos do conhecimento e da vida cotidiana. Desde o século XIX, com a intensificação das relações comerciais entre Brasil e países de língua inglesa, o inglês tem se enraizado em nosso idioma, refletindo não apenas um intercâmbio linguístico, mas também cultural e social. O estudo dessa influência é crucial para a compreensão da dinâmica da língua portuguesa e sua interação com o mundo globalizado.

Com base em seus conhecimentos sobre a influência da língua inglesa no português brasileiro, analise as seguintes afirmações:

I. A presença de anglicismos no português brasileiro se intensificou a partir do século XX, com a ascensão dos Estados Unidos como potência mundial.  

II. O uso de estrangeirismos provenientes do inglês limita-se ao vocabulário técnico e científico, não afetando a linguagem coloquial.

III. A incorporação de termos ingleses no português brasileiro reflete a dinâmica de assimilação e adaptação cultural característica das línguas.

IV. A influência do inglês no português brasileiro é um fenômeno recente, impulsionado pela internet e pelas mídias sociais.

É correto apenas o que se afirma em:

Q3175069 Inglês
Qual dos seguintes elementos NÃO é um dos eixos organizadores do componente curricular de Língua Inglesa na BNCC? 
1: C
2: C
3: B
4: C
5: B
6: A
7: D
8: E
9: B
10: A
11: B
12: C
13: D
14: C
15: A
16: D
17: B
18: C
19: D
20: A