Questões de Inglês - Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa para Concurso
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Leia as afirmativas a seguir:
I. O trecho a seguir, em inglês, está corretamente grafado: ue shall rave rain (teremos chuva).
II. Aos docentes, é vedado participar da elaboração da proposta pedagógica da escola.
III. É proibido qualquer trabalho a menores de dezoito anos de idade, ainda que na condição de aprendiz.
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Building Blocks: The First Steps of Creating a Multicultural Classroom
Discovering diversity takes creativity, extra effort, diligence, and courage on the teacher's part. A
multicultural classroom must thrive on these differences and use them as a foundation for growth and
development. Differences command work, resolution, openness, and understanding. Teachers who
address these differences and add them to the curriculum will succeed in creating a multicultural
5 classroom that will advance the educational goals of all students.
(...) Teachers in multicultural classrooms must be open to their students and put forth the effort
needed to get to know their students inside and outside of class. If a teacher is hesitant about being
open, the class will reciprocate and the students will become estranged from one another and the
teacher. In order to be open, teachers must be interested in their students, fearless, willing to try new
10 and different things, sure of themselves in order to avoid taking things personally, and non-
judgmental of his or her students (Canning 196). Also, openness is not making assumptions and being
prepared for the unexpected (Canning 199). (...)Many cultures have many different mores and
folkways. Teachers must be open to what the students are doing and find out why they do what they
do. This openness will create communication in the class, which will ultimately develop into a
15 classroom that is learning, understanding, and culturally fluent.
In addition to openness, teachers must know the learning patterns of the students in their class.
Teachers must understand the learning patterns of the students who grew up in a culture other than
their own. Teachers who open themselves up to cultural difference will effectively handle culture
clash while teachers who assume that student A is rude and student B is dumb will close
20 communication in the classroom and destroy any hope of having a multicultural classroom. The best
way to handle culture clash is to be open, knowledgeable, and not be afraid to talk about the cultural
differences in class no matter what discipline the teacher is teaching (Jones 12). An open teacher will
create an open class and an open class will have open lines of communication that will create a positive
and beneficial learning environment for everyone.
25 (...) Gloria Boutte and Christine McCormick suggest six basic principles for teachers to use when
evaluating their culturally diverse classroom, these are, "1) building multicultural programs, 2)
showing appreciation of differences, 3) avoiding stereotypes, 4) acknowledging differences in
children, 5) discovering the diversity within the classroom, 6) avoiding pseudomulticulturalism"
(140). Showing appreciation of differences is very important because a teacher who does not show
30 appreciation of all the differences in their class will not get the chance to attempt any of the other five
principles. Teachers need to pay attention to their verbal and nonverbal language when he or she
responds to students who speak differently. For example, if a child reads, "Dere go the sto-man", the
teacher should avoid interrupting the student to provide the correct English version. Instead, the
teacher should thank the student for reading and then model the correct English version when she or
35 he speaks. However, the most important thing to remember about all classrooms is the premise that
every child is unique. All children are different and beautiful in their own way, no one student should
feel excluded from the class.
(...) Creating multicultural classrooms is a growing priority for all teachers and administrators. This
includes restructuring classroom evaluation and punishment techniques, but, more importantly, it
40 includes embracing difference and opening up the classroom for communication.
Larri Fish of Siena College
Which one of the options bellow is NOT one of the six basic principles for teachers to use when evaluating their culturally diverse classroom?
“All PCN, - National Curriculum Parameters - themes are supposed to be taught as cross-curricular themes, although ‘CPCCT’, - cultural plurality as a cross-curricular theme, - is the theme that receives the most emphasis within the FL (foreign language) curriculum where it is given a three-page text. The other themes are not discussed as specifically as CPCCT. The reason given for the emphasis is: ‘The cross-curricular theme of Cultural Plurality deserves special treatment due to the fact that FL teaching gives great support to this question.’ (Brazil, 1998a: 48, my translation) The document also states that ‘This theme can be focused on with the aim of demystifying the homogenous understanding of specific cultures that involve typical generalizations in FL classrooms, for instance, that the English or the French are ‘this or that way’. (Brazil, 1998a: 48, my translation)” (Adapted from Cultural Plurality in the FL National Curriculum Parameters: a study of race/ethnicity by Aparecida de Jesus Ferreira) In this context, we can reflect that:
Embora tenha papel hegemônico na sociedade globalizada, quando há consciência crítica desse fato, a aprendizagem da língua inglesa pode colaborar na formulação de contra-discursos
Por meio de atividades de aprendizagem significativas, o aprendizado de um idioma estrangeiro contribui para a formação de cidadãos críticos, ou seja, cidadãos
Um plano de ação pedagógica docente que contemple o global e o local no ensino de língua inglesa para Educação de Jovens Adultos − EJA envolve
No ensino e na aprendizagem de língua estrangeira, de acordo com uma proposta educacional, o conceito de que o ser humano é um ser social significa que
Segundo os documentos oficiais, o Projeto Pedagógico da escola
What's new in English language teaching?
This is an article about new trends in English language teaching (ELT) resources, but none of the trends that follow are, strictly speaking, new.
Take, for example, the idea of spaced repetition, which is a buzzword at the moment. Back in 1885 (I told you it wasn’t a new idea), Hermann Ebbinghaus carried out an experiment designed to measure how quickly we forget. He discovered that, unless new information is reinforced, we quickly forget what we have learned. In the 1930s, other researchers followed this up by looking at how often we need to reinforce new information, and found that spacing out repetition – revising the information every two days, then every four, then every eight, and so on – was most effective.
Another way in which digitalisation is affecting ELT resources is in the way it's connecting learners with the outside world. Students nowadays have access to an incredible amount of English-language material online. But while this is clearly beneficial, it can also be a bit overwhelming. Students don’t always know where to go for the most appropriate material. For teachers, the amount of time needed to find, select and prepare materials can be off-putting.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 fev. 2017.
De acordo com o trecho, a autora afirma que
I have ___ fascinated with the brain ever since, and I have always hoped I would ___ a way to ___ the hidden treasure of a fully-activated mind.
“Tippett admits that he hasn't actually ___ that yet. In fact, the machine __ been operational for only about 10 hours.”
A correção com os pares (peer correction) é uma forma de correção, na qual os alunos, em duplas ou trios, corrigem os textos uns dos outros. Esse tipo de correção
When giving instructions, teachers should
Pre-listening activities help learners to listen more effectively. Read the following pre-listening activity:
The teacher says: “You are going to listen to a conversation between a boy and his grandfather, Mr. Harris. His grandson is asking Mr. Harris what life was like in the 1940s, when Mr. Harris was a boy. Work in groups of four and together try to guess ten words which you think you will hear in this conversation. Write down the ten words in your notebook.” Learners listen to the dialogue to check how many words they guessed. (adapted from TANNER, R.; GREEN, C. Tasks for Teacher Education: a reflective approach. Essex: Longman, 1998, p. 36)
What type of pre-listening activity did the teacher use?
When teaching speaking, one of the typical problems faced by teachers is the following: some learners don't like speaking in English. A possible solution to this problem would be:
A aula de inglês pode ser entendida como um evento comunicativo que ocorre em um contexto bastante específico. Faz parte deste evento:
De acordo com a proposta da abordagem comunicativa, ensinar uma língua estrangeira (LE) significa
Em uma aula de língua inglesa, para que o professor efetivamente amplie os três tipos de conhecimento dos alunos (conhecimento de mundo, sistêmico e de organização textual), é essencial que ele
Leia os diálogos abaixo:
1. A: Your sister cleaned the house yesterday.
B: No, I cleaned the house yesterday.
2. A: Your sister cleaned the house yesterday.
B: No, I cleaned the house yesterday.
3. A: Your sister cleaned the house yesterday.
B: No, I cleaned the house yesterday.
Com base na ênfase dada na produção de cada uma das respostas de “B” nos diálogos 1, 2 e 3, pode-se concluir que a aprendizagem de aspectos fonológicos da língua inglesa está intimamente relacionada à
When teaching pronunciation, more especifically, sound formation, it may help students to use a sketch of the mouth or to describe the pronunciation of a sound in terms of lips, tongue, teeth etc. (UR, 1996, p. 53). Having that in mind, analyse the following cartoon:
In the text above, the sounds which are being taught are the