Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês

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Q2188981 Inglês
“Communicative activities are classroom activities designed to get learners to speak and listen to one another. We normally communicate when one of us has information (facts, opinions, ideas, etc.) that another does not have. This is known as an ‘information gap’. The aim of a communicative activity in class is to get learners to use the language they are learning to interact in realistic and meaningful ways, usually involving exchanges of information”. 
(SCRIVINER, 2003, p. 62)

Consider the definition above, choose the item that is a proposal for a communicative activity.
Q2188980 Inglês
Read the quote about error to get familiarized with the topic.
“Mistakes are often divided into errors and slips. Errors happen when learners try to say something that is beyond their current level of language processing. Usually, learners cannot correct errors themselves because they don’t understand what is wrong. Errors play a necessary and important part in language learning. Slips are the result of tiredness, worry or other temporary emotions or circumstances. These kinds of mistakes can be corrected by learners once they realize they have made them.”
Judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False.
1. There are two main reasons why learners make errors. The first reason is influence from the learner’s first language (L1) on the second language. This is called interference or transfer. Learners may use sound patterns, lexis or grammatical structures from their own language in English. The second reason is because they are unconsciously working out or organizing language, but this process is not yet complete. This kind of error is called a developmental error.
2. Errors in which learners wrongly apply a rule for one item of the language to another item are known as overgeneralization, and as a second language learners’ language ability increases, these kinds of errors also reduce.
3. Errors are part of learner’s interlanguage, which develops and progresses as they learn more. Experts think that interlanguage is an essential and unavoidable stage in language learning. In other words, interlanguage and errors are necessary to language learning.
4. Errors are a natural part of learning. They usually show that learners are learning and that their internal mental processes are working on experimenting with language.
5. Sometimes errors do not disappear, but get fossilized. These fossilized errors may be the result of lack of exposure to the second language and/or of a learner’s lack of motivation to improve their level of accuracy.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188979 Inglês

Read the following exchange between two people having breakfast together.

A – Coffee?

B – Please.

A – Milk? Sugar?

B – No milk. One sugar, thanks.

A – Toast?

B – No thanks.

A – Juice?

B – Mmm.

(Thornbury, 2005, p. 3) 

After reading the dialogue, choose the item that DOES NOT describe a correct reflection about grammar.

Q2188978 Inglês
Applied linguists for a long time have been publishing many books and materials on teaching and learning English as a second and a foreign language. So, in this question, we provoke some reflections about these studies and how they could affect practice in our English classes.
Considering language and background to language learning and teaching, match the topic to its definition. 
( 1 ) Grammar ( 2 ) Lexis ( 3 ) Phonology ( 4 ) Function 
( ) is the study of the sound features used in a language to communicate meaning. ( ) is a reason why we communicate. ( ) describes how we combine, organize and change words and parts of words to make meaning. ( ) is individual words or sets of words that have a specific meaning.
Choose the item with the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188977 Inglês
“In recent years Content-Based Instruction (CBI) has become increasingly popular as a means of developing linguistic ability. It has strong connections to project work, task-based learning and a holistic approach to language instruction and has become particularly popular within the state school secondary (11 - 16 years old) education sector. It is a kind of approach in which lesson focuses on the topic or subject matter. During the lesson students are focused on learning about something that interests them, from a serious science subject to their favorite pop star or even a topical news story or film”. 
Peachey, N. (2021), disponível em:, accessed on 15h December 2022.

According to Peachey, judge the items as (T) True or (F) False concerning CBI ADVANTAGES.
I. It can make learning a language more interesting and motivating. Students can use the language to fulfill a real purpose, which can make them both more independent and confident.
II. Taking information from different sources, re-evaluating and restructuring that information can help students to develop very valuable thinking skills that can then be transferred to other subjects. So students can also develop a much wider knowledge of the world through CBI, which can feed back into improving and supporting their general educational needs.
III. CBI is very popular among EAP (English for Academic Purposes) teachers as it helps students to develop valuable study skills such as note taking, summarizing and extracting key information from texts.
IV. The inclusion of a group work element within the framework given can also help students to develop their collaborative skills, which can have great social value. V. Particularly in monolingual classes, the overuse of the students' native language during parts of the lesson can be a problem. Because the lesson isn't explicitly focused on language practice, students find it much easier and quicker to use their mother tongue.
VI. It can be hard to find information sources and texts that lower levels can understand. Also the sharing of information in the target language may cause great difficulties.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188976 Inglês
Teachers in the history of language learning and teaching have faced several methods that have been employed to the course of language teaching and learning, among them, we have faced Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).
Choose the CORRECT item that points the basic premises of this approach.
Q2188975 Inglês
In teachers’ training programs, many methods and approaches are presented, among them, the audio-lingual method that grew into prominence in the 1950s in the USA. During the Second World War, US officials felt the need for translators and interpreters who were fluent in major foreign languages. In 1942, a special training program was organized to train fluent foreign speakers in a short time which is why this method is also referred to as the Army Method. According to the discouraged audio-lingual method, it is NOT CORRECT to say that: 
Q2188974 Inglês
“Reading comprehension strategies are intentional plans and procedures that proficient readers apply to comprehend the text (MAINE, 2013). Readers should equip themselves with multiple reading strategies to comprehend a text effectively (SOHAIL, 2016). The complexity of the reading process is often associated with grasping the intended meaning of the text (YAPP et al., 2021). In addition, the process often involves “internal thinking” (PARIS & FLUKES, 2005). Reading strategies are thus employed by the readers who deliberately attempt to monitor and alter their initiatives in decoding the text, comprehending words, and understanding the meaning of the text (AFFLERBACH et al., 2008, apud PERTANIKA, 2022).
After reading the extract from Pertanika J. (2022) about reading, choose the CORRECT item that best summarizes the main ideas about reading strategies.
Q2188973 Inglês
[…] information technology is an indivisible part of education in the twenty-first century. When used correctly in the classroom, technology can allow students to experience situations and circumstances that the students of 20 years ago could only dream about. Through technology, books and figures can suddenly become alive and applicable to the real world. In addition, information technology provides an even greater avenue for interaction between teacher and students. At the English lessons different videos, exercises, games, listening drills may be done. Information technology makes learning English available to a wider range of learners as well. (RODINADZE, & ZARBAZOIA, 2012, p. 274)
According to Rodinadze, S., & Zarbazoia, K., 2012, judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False regarding the ADVANTAGES of information technology in teaching the English language.
I. Information technology helps students as well as teachers in studying the course material easily because of fast access. Studying the subjects with the help of online libraries and dictionaries has made grasping and increasing knowledge easy for the students.
II. Information technology may facilitate learning or serve as the actual educational structure allowing learning to occur. It benefits both traditional education institutions and online educational models in fundamental ways. For example, multimedia presentations, knowledge-management softwares, apps, mobile devices such as tablets, personal digital assistants (PDAs), lap tops, video conferencing, cloud computing, and collaborative document editing are notable information technology services benefiting education that can provide teachers with an endless choice to create more exciting and interactive lessons.
III. Students and educators utilizing cloud computing to store their homework can also modify the documents access settings to allow multiple editors and contributors to participate in an assignment. This empowers educators to design work assignments for teams of students working together and, in so doing, cultivate a teamwork ethos preparing them for the workplace. Now information technology has made it easy to study as well as teach in groups or in clusters. At the English lessons with online resources they can be united together to do the desired task.
IV. Teachers can enter grades and assignment updates online, rather than in a paper grade-book. Libraries with a digital database in place of a traditional card catalog make their resources available for students to search anywhere with an Internet connection. Staff members can find and send transcript information and other records quickly by accessing a digital filing system, saving time and paper.
V. Information and communication technology opens the doors for better distance learning programs, allowing those in disadvantaged areas to have access to the same education as the privileged. Because this technology makes information accessible from nearly any location with a mobile device or laptop, courses can be more flexible; meaning those with full schedules who may not have the time or opportunity to further their education can choose to enroll in courses online and complete assignments on their own time.
VI. Interactive audio and video allow real time communication using phones and computers at the English lessons. Voice over Internet Protocol enables a person's voice to be transmitted through an Internet connection. Voice and multimedia presentations can also be delivered to a dispersed class with questions and answers taking place in real time.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188972 Inglês
“The most important difference lies in the learners and their purposes for learning English. ESP students are usually adults who already have some acquaintance with English and are learning the language in order to communicate a set of professional skills and to perform particular job-related functions. An ESP program is therefore built on an assessment of purposes and needs and the functions for which English is required. […] The ESP focal point is that English is not taught as a subject separated from the students' real world (or wishes); instead, it is integrated into a subject matter area important to the learners”. (FIORITO, 2005) Disponível em: teachers/articles/teaching-english-for-specific-purposes-esp.html, accessed on 15th December 2022.
According to Fiorito (2005), what is INCORRECT to say about English for Specific Purposes (ESP)?  
Q2188971 Inglês

Read the quote and choose the CORRECT statement that completes the given sentence.

“Throughout this paper I have been arguing that we have to go further than finding ways of improving techniques to create “real life” situations in the classroom. Teachers as decision-makers and agents need to consider the identities that are being (re)constructed by their pedagogical practices and choices. Considering that those identities are being shaped anyway, it is important that teachers become aware of the effects of their actions. One of the possible identities is that of a global citizen: not someone who knows many languages but someone who deals with the conflicts inherent in communicative events made possible by a language that has acquired a global dimension” (GIMENEZ, 2007, p. 27).

According to Gimenez, globalization and the spread of English around the world have posed new challenges to language teachers because:

Q2188970 Inglês
Rose, D. & Martin, J. (2012) have contributed to what is known as a genre approach to literacy development. According to them, genres are generic categories of written forms. The term is commonly used in literary circles to refer to the major genres of poetry, prose and drama. In relation to literacy studies, genres are broadened substantially, so as to include such generic forms as narratives, descriptions, information reports and procedural texts.
According to the authors, it is CORRECT to point that:
Q2188969 Inglês
The OCEM were published in 2006 for improving teacher’s practice in the classroom. They bring some examples of activities that teachers should put into practice in the classroom for achieving their aims concerning reading, writing and speaking (OCEM, 2006, p. 87).
Judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False about the aims of OCEM (2006).
I. To reflect on the educational function of teaching foreign languages in high school and to emphasize their importance in the curriculum;
II. To reaffirm the notion of citizenship and discuss the practice of this notion in the foreign languages teaching context without considering globalization;
III. To discuss the problem of exclusion in the teaching context in the face of “globalizing” values and the feeling of inclusion often combined with foreign languages knowledge;
IV. To introduce theories about language and new technologies emphasizing globalization and individualism.
V. To give suggestions on the practice of teaching foreign languages through literacies, multiliteracies, multimodality and hypertext.
Choose the statement with the TRUE items. 
Q2188968 Inglês
According to the "Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio" (OCEM) (2006, p. 117), there are two types of reading that can be explored by teachers in the classroom: critical reading and critical literacy. They guide students to different ways of seeing themselves and the world in this context. Choose the FALSE statement about critical literacy.
Q2184952 Inglês
Leia o fragmento a seguir e assinale a qual estratégia de leitura ele pertence: “It is a model of fast reading. It is used to get a rapid general impression of the central idea of the text. The teacher controls the reading time spent by the students.
Q2184933 Inglês
Text: The importance of the PowerPoint as a classroom resource
(Text adapted from Teachers: 5 Tips for Creating Great PowerPoint Presentations, retrieved

   PowerPoint is a resource developed by Microsoft and released initially in 1990. It is mainly used in professional meeting presentations all over the world.
    One of these professions is in educational area: teacher.
    PowerPoint presentation is spread among teachers because it is different from lecturing or teaching with a textbook; it is also a way of sharing content with students.
    To produce a PowerPoint correctly, teachers need to know how to put the slides together, it can be an effective way of reinforcing content to students so that they are better able to retain it. Otherwise, teachers can print and distribute the PowerPoint presentation or post it online, so students can go back and access it as reference material. However, if it is not put together correctly, a PowerPoint presentation can disengage and make students bored.
   To develop PowerPoint presentation is simple and it can also provide a fun time noticed by its characteristics: basic, simple, and not distracting, it can be focused on keywords; for instance, always be sure to include a summary slide of what the presentation is intending to accomplish as well as a table of contents on the different topics that will be covered in the program. The summary slide serves as the main topic and what students should learn after viewing the presentation. Then, at the end of the PowerPoint presentation, teachers should include another summary slide, going over everything that was just covered and, again, highlighting the main point.

Bottom line
    PowerPoint presentations need to have a purpose and the teacher must make sure that the purpose is understood.

Add pictures
    Teachers can reinforce the content with pictures, charts, symbols, and other images. In fact, sometimes it’s better to have more pictures than text in a PowerPoint presentation, because images work to reinforce a content main point.
     Teachers typically will just share it with their classes, so they can pull images straight from the Internet. However, for teachers who are making more public and widespread presentations, copyright law needs to be considered (Brazil Information Access Law nº 12.527; Art. 31; paragraph 3; item II). 

Add video
      Pictures can help to reinforce a main point or support content, as well as videos. Some research affirm that students enjoy watching videos and retain information from them well, especially if the video is engaging, interesting and informative. Teachers can embed videos right from YouTube or from their desktops to complement a PowerPoint presentation.

      Nothing turns off a class like a poorly put together PowerPoint presentation, so teachers should always be sure to do a quick rehearsal before they present it to the class. While testing it, make sure all the images load up on the slides, videos load up properly and audio works, too. Also, it’s important for teachers to make sure that there’s a way to connect their computer, or upload anything that’s storing the PowerPoint presentation, to a larger TV monitor or projector screen so the whole class does not have to huddle around a computer screen to view it. Teachers should also make sure that any text can be read and understood. Be sure that the color scheme is good.

Make it fun
    A PowerPoint presentation can be an innovative way of teaching. It’s a more interesting and engaging way for students to learn than the typical lecture. Teachers should embrace this teaching resource and have fun with it. Throw in some jokes, possibly some funny pictures and be sure to get creative with presentations.

      As we previously noted, the more students enjoy a lecture, presentation, or activity, the more likely they are to retain information. 
In reading strategies there are nominal groups. The main word of them is called Headword. Choose the correct alternative that marks the Headword in this fragment: “a larger TV monitor”.
Q2184925 Inglês
Text: The importance of the PowerPoint as a classroom resource
(Text adapted from Teachers: 5 Tips for Creating Great PowerPoint Presentations, retrieved

   PowerPoint is a resource developed by Microsoft and released initially in 1990. It is mainly used in professional meeting presentations all over the world.
    One of these professions is in educational area: teacher.
    PowerPoint presentation is spread among teachers because it is different from lecturing or teaching with a textbook; it is also a way of sharing content with students.
    To produce a PowerPoint correctly, teachers need to know how to put the slides together, it can be an effective way of reinforcing content to students so that they are better able to retain it. Otherwise, teachers can print and distribute the PowerPoint presentation or post it online, so students can go back and access it as reference material. However, if it is not put together correctly, a PowerPoint presentation can disengage and make students bored.
   To develop PowerPoint presentation is simple and it can also provide a fun time noticed by its characteristics: basic, simple, and not distracting, it can be focused on keywords; for instance, always be sure to include a summary slide of what the presentation is intending to accomplish as well as a table of contents on the different topics that will be covered in the program. The summary slide serves as the main topic and what students should learn after viewing the presentation. Then, at the end of the PowerPoint presentation, teachers should include another summary slide, going over everything that was just covered and, again, highlighting the main point.

Bottom line
    PowerPoint presentations need to have a purpose and the teacher must make sure that the purpose is understood.

Add pictures
    Teachers can reinforce the content with pictures, charts, symbols, and other images. In fact, sometimes it’s better to have more pictures than text in a PowerPoint presentation, because images work to reinforce a content main point.
     Teachers typically will just share it with their classes, so they can pull images straight from the Internet. However, for teachers who are making more public and widespread presentations, copyright law needs to be considered (Brazil Information Access Law nº 12.527; Art. 31; paragraph 3; item II). 

Add video
      Pictures can help to reinforce a main point or support content, as well as videos. Some research affirm that students enjoy watching videos and retain information from them well, especially if the video is engaging, interesting and informative. Teachers can embed videos right from YouTube or from their desktops to complement a PowerPoint presentation.

      Nothing turns off a class like a poorly put together PowerPoint presentation, so teachers should always be sure to do a quick rehearsal before they present it to the class. While testing it, make sure all the images load up on the slides, videos load up properly and audio works, too. Also, it’s important for teachers to make sure that there’s a way to connect their computer, or upload anything that’s storing the PowerPoint presentation, to a larger TV monitor or projector screen so the whole class does not have to huddle around a computer screen to view it. Teachers should also make sure that any text can be read and understood. Be sure that the color scheme is good.

Make it fun
    A PowerPoint presentation can be an innovative way of teaching. It’s a more interesting and engaging way for students to learn than the typical lecture. Teachers should embrace this teaching resource and have fun with it. Throw in some jokes, possibly some funny pictures and be sure to get creative with presentations.

      As we previously noted, the more students enjoy a lecture, presentation, or activity, the more likely they are to retain information. 
Complete this text definition with one of the reading strategies alternatives.
(I) ______ is reading rapidly to get a general overview of the material. (II) ______ is reading rapidly to find specific facts. While (III) ______ shows you a general information, (IV) ______ helps you locate a particular information.
Q2184924 Inglês
Text: The importance of the PowerPoint as a classroom resource
(Text adapted from Teachers: 5 Tips for Creating Great PowerPoint Presentations, retrieved

   PowerPoint is a resource developed by Microsoft and released initially in 1990. It is mainly used in professional meeting presentations all over the world.
    One of these professions is in educational area: teacher.
    PowerPoint presentation is spread among teachers because it is different from lecturing or teaching with a textbook; it is also a way of sharing content with students.
    To produce a PowerPoint correctly, teachers need to know how to put the slides together, it can be an effective way of reinforcing content to students so that they are better able to retain it. Otherwise, teachers can print and distribute the PowerPoint presentation or post it online, so students can go back and access it as reference material. However, if it is not put together correctly, a PowerPoint presentation can disengage and make students bored.
   To develop PowerPoint presentation is simple and it can also provide a fun time noticed by its characteristics: basic, simple, and not distracting, it can be focused on keywords; for instance, always be sure to include a summary slide of what the presentation is intending to accomplish as well as a table of contents on the different topics that will be covered in the program. The summary slide serves as the main topic and what students should learn after viewing the presentation. Then, at the end of the PowerPoint presentation, teachers should include another summary slide, going over everything that was just covered and, again, highlighting the main point.

Bottom line
    PowerPoint presentations need to have a purpose and the teacher must make sure that the purpose is understood.

Add pictures
    Teachers can reinforce the content with pictures, charts, symbols, and other images. In fact, sometimes it’s better to have more pictures than text in a PowerPoint presentation, because images work to reinforce a content main point.
     Teachers typically will just share it with their classes, so they can pull images straight from the Internet. However, for teachers who are making more public and widespread presentations, copyright law needs to be considered (Brazil Information Access Law nº 12.527; Art. 31; paragraph 3; item II). 

Add video
      Pictures can help to reinforce a main point or support content, as well as videos. Some research affirm that students enjoy watching videos and retain information from them well, especially if the video is engaging, interesting and informative. Teachers can embed videos right from YouTube or from their desktops to complement a PowerPoint presentation.

      Nothing turns off a class like a poorly put together PowerPoint presentation, so teachers should always be sure to do a quick rehearsal before they present it to the class. While testing it, make sure all the images load up on the slides, videos load up properly and audio works, too. Also, it’s important for teachers to make sure that there’s a way to connect their computer, or upload anything that’s storing the PowerPoint presentation, to a larger TV monitor or projector screen so the whole class does not have to huddle around a computer screen to view it. Teachers should also make sure that any text can be read and understood. Be sure that the color scheme is good.

Make it fun
    A PowerPoint presentation can be an innovative way of teaching. It’s a more interesting and engaging way for students to learn than the typical lecture. Teachers should embrace this teaching resource and have fun with it. Throw in some jokes, possibly some funny pictures and be sure to get creative with presentations.

      As we previously noted, the more students enjoy a lecture, presentation, or activity, the more likely they are to retain information. 
You are a teacher that uses PowerPoint during your classes. Mark the correct alternative that identify the approach or method that has PowerPoint as a resource.
Q2184910 Inglês

Text: Paulo Freire and Communication Studies

(Adapted from Tania Ramalho article in Communication

- Oxford University Press

       Paulo Freire, the Brazilian activist educator and philosopher of education, affirmed that communication is at the heart of pedagogy, as teaching, and learning through praxis that involves reflection and action ultimately to address social injustice and dehumanization. Dialogue is at the center of his pedagogical approach, as means to individualization and humanization. Dialogue assumes participants from EJA - young and adult education- to be on an equal level even in the presence of difference. In his literacy work, Freire required teacher-facilitators to co-investigate the most important themes in the lives of students. These themes were codified into pictures and brought to dialogue that animated the re-creation of knowledge of participants’ world in the process of learning how to read, achieving the meaning of the word. The objective of this approach was not to reproduce “banking” education but to promote revolutionary emancipation of individual and society. Freire developed his work in life context at the state of Pernambuco, in the challenging circumstances – socially, historically, and geographically – of the Brazilian Northeast Region. He experienced poverty and hunger and was lucky in his access to education thanks to the efforts of his mother. He rose through the ranks of civil service, serving at state and national levels, addressing the literacy and emancipatory needs of the population, particularly adults in rural areas. Exiled during the military dictatorship in Brazil, Freire lived in Chile, the United States, and Switzerland, where he worked on education projects worldwide. 

A questão foi desenvolvida em língua portuguesa oficial do Brasil.

Em relação à compreensão e à interpretação do texto apresentado, assinale a alternativa incorreta.
Q2169482 Inglês
A. Read the definition on communicative activities.
“Communicative activities are the ones designed to motivate students to interact speaking and listening to each other. During these activities students generally communicate when one of the speakers have some information (facts, opinions, ideas, etc) and the others don’t. They aim at making students use the language they are learning to interact in a real and meaningful way, generally involving exchange of information” (SCRIVENER, 1994, p. 62) 
B. Considering the definition above which item on the following list is a communicative activity? 
541: E
542: D
543: E
544: A
545: C
546: B
547: C
548: B
549: D
550: A
551: D
552: A
553: E
554: E
555: C
556: D
557: B
558: A
559: C
560: E