Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre ensino da língua estrangeira inglesa em inglês

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Q1724747 Inglês
Alguns métodos de leitura são utilizados em língua inglesa, possibilitando aos professores maior reflexão sobre a prática, sendo um deles método cognitivo assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1724588 Inglês

Read the following context.

I - […] teachers cannot assume that students who are good readers in their native language can simply apply successfully the same skills to reading in English. Reading in English requires a set of thinking skills and attitudes that grow out of the spoken and written use of the English language.

II - Teaching reading in standard English to second-language learners and other limited English proficient students means helping them acquire the literate behaviors, the ways of thinking about text, that are practiced by non-native speakers of English.

III - In fact, learning to read and comprehend a second language requires learning a secondary literacy: alternative cultural interpretations, cultural beliefs about language and discourse, and culturespecific formal and content schemata.

IV - It is important to realize that learning to read effectively in a second language literally alters the learner’s cognitive structures and values orientations.

Observing the context above, choose the correct option.

Q1722411 Inglês
Read the following text.
The Direct Method Teaching of receptive skills (listening and reading) rather than teaching of productive skills (speaking and writing) was encouraged as the first step.
I - Contrastive analysis of the native language of the learner with the mother language was done; II - Teachers are required to have a good knowledge of phonetics of the language they teach, but they would use it to teach pronunciation and not phonetics; III - As this method uses conversation as the main tool in the teaching of a foreign language, the other tools are discussion and reading in the target language itself. Grammar is taught inductively. (
Identify the correct option according to the context.
Q1722409 Inglês
Read the fragment below.
Words, expressions, and structures are continually added or discarded. When spoken and written, language takes on tangible and perceptible forms. We can see written language, and we hear language when spoken. These tangible forms can be described through language. (Moran, P. Language and culture. In Teaching culture: Perspectives in practice. 2001)
According to the context, we should remember that:
Q1722407 Inglês

Examine the description below.

[…] many dialogues; mimicry; memorization of set phrases; presentation of new structural patterns and vocabulary through oral repetition and memorization of scripted dialogues; reading and written work based on earlier oral work, sometimes given as homework.


The methods above are referring to:

Q1722406 Inglês

Analyze the fragment.

Sociocultural issues:

I - Offer the opportunity to identify with the foreign and national culture through artistic productions;

II - Explore verbal, non-verbal and visual activities that contextualize a production historically and artistically;

III - Promote extracurricular activities, preventing students to become agents of transformation.

(Perna, C. B. L., Molsing, K. V., & Ramos, Y. S. Teaching and Learning English)

Choose the correct option according to the context.

Q1719184 Inglês
The root of this problem is often evident in the teacher training itself, which is usually guided by an emphasis on the theoretical aspects of learning and teaching techniques, as if learning to be an English teacher restricted himself to learning to use techniques. In training courses, little or nothing is said that in terms of reflection on the nature and social function of this practice. Considering the role of meaningful learning, choose the CORRECT alternative.
Q1719183 Inglês
Several researchers committed to The English Language have reflected on the attitude of the English teacher and students. Observes the existence of a certain adoration of the foreign culture on the part of some professors, fact that according to the author reflects a current social model of increasing appreciation of the foreigner and absorption of certain cultural models. However, we can see that the goals when we refer to learning of a foreign language on the part of the students are the most varied and the attitude of worship usually does not present itself so frequently. Considering this, choose the CORRECT alternative about the process of learning the English Language.
Q1703926 Inglês
In accordance with the Curricular Frameworks for High School Teaching in the State of Mato Grosso (Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio do Estado de Mato Grosso-OCEM-MT), "[...] in times of globalization, English as a language acquires a new configuration" (OCEM-MT, 2012, p. 90).
Which one of the statements below does not constitute "a new configuration" under the referred document?
Q1703925 Inglês
The Curricular Frameworks for High School Teaching (Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio-OCEM) proposes the association between citizenship and the contextualized teaching of reading and writing, the concepts of literacy and multiliteracy have such a central role in what it refers to. Mark A (in agreement with) or D (in disagreement with) in the statements below according to the referred document.
( ) Reading has to do with the distribution of knowledge and power in a society. ( ) Writing is related to the production of meaningful and contextualized uses of the foreign language. ( ) The reader is considered someone who assumes a position or an epistemological relation with regard to values, ideologies, discourses, and world perspectives. ( ) Writing is defined as a set of various sociocultural practices.
The CORRECT sequence is:
Q1703924 Inglês
According to the National Curriculum Parameters (High School) [Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Ensino Médio) - PCNEM], "[...] the different school subjects may and have to interconnect" (PCNEM, 2000, p. 29). An example given by the document is related to the vocabulary about food. Number (from 1 to 4) the sequence of steps that the document suggests to approach this issue in an interdisciplinary way.
( ) It is conducted then a discussion about eating habits. ( ) The teacher instigates the students to identify how to name in the foreign language some typical Brazilian food that is little or unknown in other places, specially in those ones where the target language is used. ( ) Learning is then understood as a source of expansion of cultural horizons. ( ) Together with the Geography teacher, it is conducted a study about the climate and of the place where the target language is used.
The CORRECT sequence is:
Q1703923 Inglês
According to the Curricular Frameworks for High School Teaching in the State of Mato Grosso (Orientações Curriculares para o Ensino Médio do Estado de Mato Grosso-OCEM-MT), regarding language education, specifically related to the teaching of English, "[...] some political attitudes are necessary" (OCEM-MT, 2012, p. 92).
Which one of the attitudes below is not mentioned by the document?
Q1703920 Inglês
After reading Dirgeyasa's dialogue about genre-based approach, choose the alternative that it is not true. [...] Then recently, genre is also used in linguistics study. In linguistic study, genre becomes a kind language object to study. As a matter of fact, the study of genre in linguistics literacy is based on Systemic Functional Linguistic-SFL (Halliday, 1978; Swales, 1990; Hyland, 2003). Then, Christie dan Martin (2000) adds that linguistic functional becomes a basic and fundamental reference in the framework of the usage of the language in term of genre. So what is genre in terms of the language and linguistics? Martin (1999) states that genre is communication activity having and orienting goal. Then, Swales (1990) simply defines genre as a communication event in which the members have a set of communication goal. By referring two statements above, it can be said that genre is a process of communication which has a certain goal (goal oriented) for its members in a certain event of communication due to certain social context. Genre is a matter of communication event by social context. Consequently, the different social context then, tends to lead to different genre. [...] In addition, Swales (1990) further argues that: A class of communication events, the members of which share some ethnographical communication, but typically need further validation set of communicative purposes. The purposes are recognized by the expert members of the parent discourse community, and thereby constitute the rationale for the genre. This rationale shapes the schematic structure of the discourse and influences and constraints choice of the content and style. Communicative purpose is both a privileged criterion and one that operate to keep the scope of a genre as here conceived narrowly focused on comparable rhetorical action. In addition to purpose, exemplars of a genre exhibit various patterns of similarities in terms of structure, style, content and intended audiences..The genre name inherited and produced by discourse communities and imported by others constitute valuable.
What Swales has stated is seemingly clear that genre has a number of characteristic and features such as a) genre has a particular communication event, b) genre has a specific goal (goal oriented), c) genre is different and various in accordance to its typical features, d) each genre has a matter of limitation and rules including content, physical form, and shape, and e) every genre belongs to a certain discourse community. In line with discourse community, (Widdoson, 2007) adds that genre is shaped or existing due to the existing discourse community. It is a fact that different discourse community has different genre. Talking about discourse community and genre in connection to the discourse community, Swales (1990), as cited by (Ohoiwutun, 1996), clarifies that characteristics of discourse community in terms of the usage of language in social context is a) a certain discourse community has certain communication goals approved, b) the discourse community communicate within its members, c) a certain discourse community use a certain pattern of communication for its members, d) the discourse community tends to have more than one types of genre to communicate , and e) the discourse community, at last gains a number specific register. (p.45)
Dirgeyasa, I Wy. Genre-Based Approach: What and How to Teach and to Learn Writing. English Language Teaching; Vol. 9, No. 9; 2016
Q1703919 Inglês
For a long time, we have studied about language learning and new approaches. After reading the extract from Richards (2006, p. 32), choose the correct alternative that complements the argument against P-P-P (Presentation - Practice - Production).
"How does TBI (Task Based Instruction) in practice differ from more traditional teaching approaches? Recall our earlier discussion above of the principles of a P-P-P lesson or teaching format: Presentation: The new grammar structure is presented, often by means of a conversation or short text. The teacher explains the new structure and checks students' comprehension of it. Practice: Students practice using the new structure in a controlled context, through drills or substitution exercises. Production: Students practice using the new structure in different contexts often using their own content or information, in order to develop fluency with the new pattern. Advocates of TBI reject this model on the basis that (a) it doesn't work; and (b) it doesn't reflect current understanding of second language acquisition. They claim that students do not develop fluency or progress in their grammatical development through a P-P-P methodology."
Q1703918 Inglês
After reading Richards (2006, p.12-13), judge the items (T) true or (F) false and choose the correct alternative.
"As well as rethinking the nature of a syllabus, the new communicative approach to teaching prompted a rethinking of classroom teaching methodology. It was argued that learners learn a language through the process of communicating in it, and that communication that is meaningful to the learner provides a better opportunity for learning than through a grammar-based approach. [...] "In applying these principles in the classroom, new classroom techniques and activities were needed, and as we saw above, new roles for teachers and learners in the classroom. Instead of making use of activities that demanded accurate repetition and memorization of sentences and grammatical patterns, activities that required learners to negotiate meaning and to interact meaningfully were required."
( ) Make real communication is the focus of language learning. ( ) Provide opportunities for learners to experiment and try out what they know. ( ) Use drills to make students awareness of language grammar. ( ) Be tolerant of learners' errors as they indicate that the learner is building up his or her communicative competence. ( ) Focus on receptive skills more than productive skills. ( ) Provide opportunities for learners to develop both accuracy and fluency. ( ) Link the different skills such as speaking, reading, and listening together, since they usually occur so in the real world. ( ) Use controlled activities for developing students language learning.
Q1703917 Inglês
"A method is theoretically related to an approach, is organizationally determined by a design, and is practically realized in procedure." (Richards and Rodgers, 1999, p. 16). So we can say that a method is an umbrella term referring to a broader relationship between theory and practice.
Match the elements to their subelements of method according to Richards & Rodgers (1986) in Brown (2000).
(1) Approach (2) Design (3 ) Procedure
( ) a theory of native language. ( ) a theory of the nature of language learning. ( ) the general and the specific objectives of a method. ( ) a syllabus model. ( ) types of learning and teaching activities. ( ) learner roles. ( ) teacher roles. ( ) the role of instructional material. ( ) classrooms techniques, practices, and behaviors observed when the method is used.
Now choose the correct sequence:
Q1700804 Inglês
A BNCC aponta seis competências específicas da Língua Inglesa para o Ensino Fundamental, dentre elas:
I. Identificar similaridades e diferenças entre a língua inglesa e a língua materna/outras línguas, articulando-as a aspectos sociais, culturais e identitários, em uma relação intrínseca entre língua, cultura e identidade. II. Conhecer diferentes patrimônios culturais, materiais e imateriais, difundidos na língua inglesa, com vistas ao exercício da fruição e da ampliação de perspectivas no contato com diferentes manifestações artístico-culturais. III. Utilizar novas tecnologias, com novas linguagens e modos de interação, para pesquisar, selecionar, compartilhar, posicionar-se e produzir sentidos em práticas de letramento na língua inglesa, de forma ética, crítica e responsável. IV. Identificar o lugar de si e o do outro em um mundo plurilíngue e multicultural, refletindo, criticamente, sobre como a aprendizagem da língua inglesa contribui para a inserção dos sujeitos no mundo globalizado, inclusive no que concerne ao mundo do trabalho. V. Comunicar-se na língua inglesa, por meio do uso variado de linguagens em mídias impressas ou digitais, reconhecendo-a como ferramenta de acesso ao conhecimento, de ampliação das perspectivas e de possibilidades para a compreensão dos valores e interesses de outras culturas e para o exercício do protagonismo social.
Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Q1694626 Inglês
Sobre o aprendizado de Inglês e sua relação com a língua materna do aprendiz, verifique se cada afirmação abaixo é verdadeira (V) ou falsa (F): I. Reduz o conhecimento sobre linguagem que o aluno construiu sobre sua língua materna, por meio de comparações com o inglês. II. Impossibilita que o aluno se constitua em um ser discursivo no uso do inglês. III. Aprender a ler em outra língua pode colaborar no desempenho do aluno como leitor em sua língua materna.
O resultado para I – II – III é:
Q1694237 Inglês
Com relação ao ensino e aprendizagem de língua inglesa:
Q1694098 Inglês

Alguns recursos que podem ser utilizados como apoio nas aulas de produção escrita em Língua Inglesa são:

I. Dicionário, mono ou bilíngue.

II. Glossário construído em sala de aula.

III. Guias de apoio, que contenham conjugações, elementos gramaticais e características dos tipos de textos em estudo.

Está correto o que se afirma em: 

721: C
722: B
723: C
724: D
725: B
726: A
727: C
728: C
729: A
730: C
731: B
732: E
733: E
734: E
735: A
736: A
737: E
738: B
739: A
740: D