Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre falso cognatos | false cognates em inglês

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Q2471843 Inglês

What is Validity?
by Evelina Galaczi
July 17th, 2020

The fundamental concept to keep in mind when creating any assessment is validity. Validity refers to whether a test measures what it aims to measure. For example, a valid driving test should include a practical driving component and not just a theoretical test of the rules of driving. A valid language test for university entry, for example, should include tasks that are representative of at least some aspects of what actually happens in university settings, such as listening to lectures, giving presentations, engaging in tutorials, writing essays, and reading texts.

Validity has different elements, which we are now going to look at in turn.

Test Purpose – Why am I testing?

We can never really say that a test is valid or not valid. Instead, we can say that a test is valid for a particular purpose. There are several reasons why you might want to test your students. You could be trying to check their learning at the end of a unit, or trying to understand what they know and don't know. Or, you might want to use a test to place learners into groups based on their ability, or to provide test takers with a certificate of language proficiency. Each of these different reasons for testing represents a different test purpose.

The purpose of the test determines the type of test you're going to produce, which in turn affects the kinds of tasks you're going to choose, the number of test items, the length of the test, and so on. For example, a test certifying that doctors can practise in an English-speaking country would be different from a placement test which aims to place those doctors into language courses.

Test Takers – Who am I testing?

It’s also vital to keep in mind who is taking your test. Is it primary school children or teenagers or adults? Or is it airline pilots or doctors or engineers? This is an important question because the test has to be appropriate for the test takers it is aimed for. If your test takers are primary school children, for instance, you might want to give them more interactive tasks or games to test their language ability. If you are testing listening skills, for example, you might want to use role plays for doctors, but lectures or monologues with university students.

Test Construct – What am I testing?

Another key point is to consider what you want to test. Before designing a test, you need to identify the ability or skill that the test is designed to measure – in technical terms, the ‘test construct’. Some examples of constructs are: intelligence, personality, anxiety, English language ability, pronunciation. To take language assessment as an example, the test construct could be communicative language ability, or speaking ability, or perhaps even a construct as specific as pronunciation. The challenge is to define the construct and find ways to elicit it and measure it; for example, if we are testing the construct of fluency, we might consider features such as rate of speech, number of pauses/ hesitations and the extent to which any pauses/hesitations cause strain for a listener.

Test Tasks – How am I testing?

Once you’ve defined what you want to test, you need to decide how you’re going to test it. The focus here is on selecting the right test tasks for the ability (i.e. construct) you're interested in testing. All task types have advantages and limitations and so it’s important to use a range of tasks in order to minimize their individual limitations and optimize the measurement of the ability you’re interested in. The tasks in a test are like a menu of options that are available to choose from, and you must be sure to choose the right task or the right range of tasks for the ability you're trying to measure. 

Test Reliability - How am I scoring?

Next it’s important to consider how to score your test. A test needs to be reliable and to produce accurate scores. So, you’ll need to make sure that the scores from a test reflect a learner's actual ability. In deciding how to score a test, you’ll need to consider whether the answers are going to be scored as correct or incorrect (this might be the case for multiple–choice tasks, for example) or whether you might use a range of marks and give partial credit, as for example, in reading or listening comprehension questions. In speaking and writing, you’ll also have to decide what criteria to use (for example, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, essay, organisation in writing, and so on). You’ll also need to make sure that the teachers involved in speaking or writing assessment have received some training, so that they are marking to (more or less) the same standard.

Test Impact - How will my test help learners?

The final – and in many ways most important – question to ask yourself is how the test is benefitting learners. Good tests engage learners in situations similar to ones that they might face outside the classroom (i.e. authentic tasks), or which provide useful feedback or help their language development by focusing on all four skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking). For example, if a test has a speaking component, this will encourage speaking practice in the classroom. And if that speaking test includes both language production (e.g. describe a picture) and interaction (e.g. discuss a topic with another student), then preparing for the test encourages the use of a wide range of speaking activities in the classroom and enhances learning.

Adapted from: Acesso em: 15 dez. 2023.

Dentre as palavras abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, aquela que é considerada um falso cognato é: 
Q2357424 Inglês
Text 1

In an effort to attract younger Hispanic voters, campaigns are turning to Spanglish

¹ Mayra Alejandra Rodriguez is used to seamlessly toggling between Spanish and English in conversation. If she doesn’t know the Spanish version of a word, she’ll use the English, and vice versa. The mishmash, known as Spanglish, comes naturally. Those around her understand her, at least most of the time.

² The Silver Spring, Md., resident is the kind of young Hispanic voter attracting increasing attention from political operatives who advocate that campaigns use the blended language in advertising and other outreach as the 2024 election cycle accelerates.

³ The language — a portmanteau of English and Spanish that blends words, grammar and dialects from both tongues — is growing in popularity in the United States as the country’s Hispanic population grows. Currently, 19 percent of the U.S. population identifies as Hispanic, a new high according to the Pew Research Center, which also found that 63 percent of Hispanics in the United States speak Spanglish at least sometimes in their day-to-day life. Forty percent say they speak it often.

4 Operatives who are urging campaigns to reach young voters in Spanglish argue that its use not only reflects the nation’s changing demographics, but is also a way to meet voters with a lingo that feels more familiar and approachable.

Source: Adapted from “In an effort to attract younger Hispanic voters, campaigns are turning to Spanglish”, by Mariana Alfaro, 2023. Available on: nglish-campaigns-young-hispanic-voters/ 

Examine the following statements about ‘Text 1’:
I. Mishmash, as said in the text, means a smooth mix of things and can be changed to 'hodgepodge'.
II. Seamlessly, as used in the text, means with no sudden changes or interruptions, and can be changed to ‘smoothly’.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Q2346536 Inglês

        Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Based on this poem, which letter of the alphabet is being introduced?

Q2297182 Inglês

Mistakes help you learn
Maija Kozlova
May 19, 2021

It is not uncommon for English language lessons to favour communication over accuracy: real life is nothing like a classroom! In real-life situations, when you make a mistake in the language you are learning, context provides ample information as to what the intended message is. In fact, most of the time, impeccable accuracy is not needed at all! “Don’t worry about making mistakes,” I used to tell my English language students. “Communicating is the most important thing!”

While making mistakes when trying to master a language might seem counter-intuitive, letting learners freely communicate and negotiate meaning is key to success. A learner who communicates a lot while making a few mistakes is much more likely to develop confidence for dealing with real-life situations than a learner who communicates very little because they’re afraid of making any. In communicative language teaching, for example, the teacher is tasked with both encouraging the learner to express themselves and with providing corrective feedback in a way that is not obstructive to communication. 

This means that if a learner says, “I go swimming last night,” it is much more effective to respond with, “Oh, that’s nice, you went swimming. What did you do after?” rather than, “No! You went swimming! Use past simple for past events!” – the former encourages the learner to continue their narrative while the latter is much more likely to make the learner stop in their tracks, re-evaluate the context, and think twice before expressing themselves again in the future, for the fear of making a mistake again. Teachers need to be careful not to parrot back everything the students say in this manner, of course, but the technique can be an effective method of acknowledging the content of a student’s response, while also providing feedback on accuracy.

The importance of the freedom to make mistakes in language learning is also supported by research in psychology, which suggests that learners who try a task without having mastered it completely experience improved retention of new information. A similar experiment in the context of language learning also indicates that the process of making mistakes activates a greater network of related knowledge in the brain, which leads to superior learning outcomes.

It is believed that the key to help learners feel relaxed and ready for communicating freely in the classroom is authenticity. This means that there should be both a real communicative need for a learner to speak and the authentic reaction from those around to what the learner has said.

Here are a few ways of how such authentic communicative interactions can be practiced in the classroom: 

• surround learners with the English language – encourage them to speak to you and each other in English;

• don’t worry about diverging from topics that are not strictly covered in your lesson plan;

• model communication by telling your students stories and anecdotes about your own life and encourage them to do the same;

• let your learners have fun with English – give them colloquial expressions to try and ask them to share some expressions

; • do not overcorrect – make a note of errors and cover it in subsequent lessons;

• avoid the temptation to turn what was intended as speaking practice into a full-on grammar lesson.

While easier said than done, especially when the outcome of an exam is at stake, it is worth remembering that people that our learners might come to interact with outside of the classroom are driven by the natural desire to understand the people they communicate with. This is especially powerful when practiced in the context of a classroom. They set the learners up for success in real-life communication. In other words, when communication is the goal, mistakes are secondary, and that’s real life, isn’t it?

Adapted from:
Dentre as palavras abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, o falso cognato é:
Q2281605 Inglês

     In the quest for technological advancements that can revolutionize our world, the scientific community has always been captivated by the elusive phenomenon of superconductivity. For decades, researchers have strived to unlock its full potential, seeking to discover materials that can exhibit superconducting properties at room temperature. And now, the wait might finally be over! Enter LK-99, a groundbreaking potential room-temperature superconductor that has sent shockwaves through the scientific world, spearheaded by a team of brilliant minds from Korea University, led by esteemed researchers Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim. 

     Superconductors are materials that can conduct electricity with zero resistance, leading to unprecedented energy efficiency and technological advancements. In summary, LK-99 represents an exciting prospect as a potential room-temperature superconductor, but its superconducting properties have yet to be confirmed and independently verified.

     Room temperature superconductors could revolutionize the energy sector by enabling lossless power transmission over long distances. With reduced energy dissipation during transmission, electricity could be distributed more efficiently, lowering carbon footprints and electricity costs.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

According to the preceding text, judge the following item. 

It is correct to affirm that the word “elusive” (first sentence of the first paragraph) has a similar meaning to its cognate word in Portuguese.

Q2272370 Inglês
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

(1º§) Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.

(2º§) There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical needs or a disability, and for classes focused on digital skills. The ban is not legally enforceable but may become so in the future. "Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom," said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. "Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this."

(3º§) Various studies have found limiting children's screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration. Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban. The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices __ schools.

(4º§) The scheme is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools and related organisations. It will be reviewed at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to see how well it had worked and whether a legal ban is needed. The announcement follows a similar decision by Finland last week.

(5º§) Its government announced it would change the law to make it easier __ restrict the use of phones in schools. Other countries, including England and France, have also proposed banning mobile phones to improve learning. 
Considering the context of the sentence, choose the alternative that presents a false cognate.
Q2184951 Inglês
No item sobre palavras cognatas e falsos cognatos, há uma especificidade que são as palavras cognatas reais ou idênticas, tanto na forma quanto no significado. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta essa cognata.
Q2184930 Inglês
Text: The importance of the PowerPoint as a classroom resource
(Text adapted from Teachers: 5 Tips for Creating Great PowerPoint Presentations, retrieved

   PowerPoint is a resource developed by Microsoft and released initially in 1990. It is mainly used in professional meeting presentations all over the world.
    One of these professions is in educational area: teacher.
    PowerPoint presentation is spread among teachers because it is different from lecturing or teaching with a textbook; it is also a way of sharing content with students.
    To produce a PowerPoint correctly, teachers need to know how to put the slides together, it can be an effective way of reinforcing content to students so that they are better able to retain it. Otherwise, teachers can print and distribute the PowerPoint presentation or post it online, so students can go back and access it as reference material. However, if it is not put together correctly, a PowerPoint presentation can disengage and make students bored.
   To develop PowerPoint presentation is simple and it can also provide a fun time noticed by its characteristics: basic, simple, and not distracting, it can be focused on keywords; for instance, always be sure to include a summary slide of what the presentation is intending to accomplish as well as a table of contents on the different topics that will be covered in the program. The summary slide serves as the main topic and what students should learn after viewing the presentation. Then, at the end of the PowerPoint presentation, teachers should include another summary slide, going over everything that was just covered and, again, highlighting the main point.

Bottom line
    PowerPoint presentations need to have a purpose and the teacher must make sure that the purpose is understood.

Add pictures
    Teachers can reinforce the content with pictures, charts, symbols, and other images. In fact, sometimes it’s better to have more pictures than text in a PowerPoint presentation, because images work to reinforce a content main point.
     Teachers typically will just share it with their classes, so they can pull images straight from the Internet. However, for teachers who are making more public and widespread presentations, copyright law needs to be considered (Brazil Information Access Law nº 12.527; Art. 31; paragraph 3; item II). 

Add video
      Pictures can help to reinforce a main point or support content, as well as videos. Some research affirm that students enjoy watching videos and retain information from them well, especially if the video is engaging, interesting and informative. Teachers can embed videos right from YouTube or from their desktops to complement a PowerPoint presentation.

      Nothing turns off a class like a poorly put together PowerPoint presentation, so teachers should always be sure to do a quick rehearsal before they present it to the class. While testing it, make sure all the images load up on the slides, videos load up properly and audio works, too. Also, it’s important for teachers to make sure that there’s a way to connect their computer, or upload anything that’s storing the PowerPoint presentation, to a larger TV monitor or projector screen so the whole class does not have to huddle around a computer screen to view it. Teachers should also make sure that any text can be read and understood. Be sure that the color scheme is good.

Make it fun
    A PowerPoint presentation can be an innovative way of teaching. It’s a more interesting and engaging way for students to learn than the typical lecture. Teachers should embrace this teaching resource and have fun with it. Throw in some jokes, possibly some funny pictures and be sure to get creative with presentations.

      As we previously noted, the more students enjoy a lecture, presentation, or activity, the more likely they are to retain information. 

About the cognate words, choose the alternative that has:

real cognate – cognate – false cognate, respectively

Q2184927 Inglês
Text: The importance of the PowerPoint as a classroom resource
(Text adapted from Teachers: 5 Tips for Creating Great PowerPoint Presentations, retrieved

   PowerPoint is a resource developed by Microsoft and released initially in 1990. It is mainly used in professional meeting presentations all over the world.
    One of these professions is in educational area: teacher.
    PowerPoint presentation is spread among teachers because it is different from lecturing or teaching with a textbook; it is also a way of sharing content with students.
    To produce a PowerPoint correctly, teachers need to know how to put the slides together, it can be an effective way of reinforcing content to students so that they are better able to retain it. Otherwise, teachers can print and distribute the PowerPoint presentation or post it online, so students can go back and access it as reference material. However, if it is not put together correctly, a PowerPoint presentation can disengage and make students bored.
   To develop PowerPoint presentation is simple and it can also provide a fun time noticed by its characteristics: basic, simple, and not distracting, it can be focused on keywords; for instance, always be sure to include a summary slide of what the presentation is intending to accomplish as well as a table of contents on the different topics that will be covered in the program. The summary slide serves as the main topic and what students should learn after viewing the presentation. Then, at the end of the PowerPoint presentation, teachers should include another summary slide, going over everything that was just covered and, again, highlighting the main point.

Bottom line
    PowerPoint presentations need to have a purpose and the teacher must make sure that the purpose is understood.

Add pictures
    Teachers can reinforce the content with pictures, charts, symbols, and other images. In fact, sometimes it’s better to have more pictures than text in a PowerPoint presentation, because images work to reinforce a content main point.
     Teachers typically will just share it with their classes, so they can pull images straight from the Internet. However, for teachers who are making more public and widespread presentations, copyright law needs to be considered (Brazil Information Access Law nº 12.527; Art. 31; paragraph 3; item II). 

Add video
      Pictures can help to reinforce a main point or support content, as well as videos. Some research affirm that students enjoy watching videos and retain information from them well, especially if the video is engaging, interesting and informative. Teachers can embed videos right from YouTube or from their desktops to complement a PowerPoint presentation.

      Nothing turns off a class like a poorly put together PowerPoint presentation, so teachers should always be sure to do a quick rehearsal before they present it to the class. While testing it, make sure all the images load up on the slides, videos load up properly and audio works, too. Also, it’s important for teachers to make sure that there’s a way to connect their computer, or upload anything that’s storing the PowerPoint presentation, to a larger TV monitor or projector screen so the whole class does not have to huddle around a computer screen to view it. Teachers should also make sure that any text can be read and understood. Be sure that the color scheme is good.

Make it fun
    A PowerPoint presentation can be an innovative way of teaching. It’s a more interesting and engaging way for students to learn than the typical lecture. Teachers should embrace this teaching resource and have fun with it. Throw in some jokes, possibly some funny pictures and be sure to get creative with presentations.

      As we previously noted, the more students enjoy a lecture, presentation, or activity, the more likely they are to retain information. 
From the text given, there is a false cognate word: “content”. Among the alternatives, tick the one with another false cognate word.
Q2184913 Inglês

Text: Paulo Freire and Communication Studies

(Adapted from Tania Ramalho article in Communication

- Oxford University Press

       Paulo Freire, the Brazilian activist educator and philosopher of education, affirmed that communication is at the heart of pedagogy, as teaching, and learning through praxis that involves reflection and action ultimately to address social injustice and dehumanization. Dialogue is at the center of his pedagogical approach, as means to individualization and humanization. Dialogue assumes participants from EJA - young and adult education- to be on an equal level even in the presence of difference. In his literacy work, Freire required teacher-facilitators to co-investigate the most important themes in the lives of students. These themes were codified into pictures and brought to dialogue that animated the re-creation of knowledge of participants’ world in the process of learning how to read, achieving the meaning of the word. The objective of this approach was not to reproduce “banking” education but to promote revolutionary emancipation of individual and society. Freire developed his work in life context at the state of Pernambuco, in the challenging circumstances – socially, historically, and geographically – of the Brazilian Northeast Region. He experienced poverty and hunger and was lucky in his access to education thanks to the efforts of his mother. He rose through the ranks of civil service, serving at state and national levels, addressing the literacy and emancipatory needs of the population, particularly adults in rural areas. Exiled during the military dictatorship in Brazil, Freire lived in Chile, the United States, and Switzerland, where he worked on education projects worldwide. 

A questão foi desenvolvida em língua portuguesa oficial do Brasil.

Nas estratégias de leitura, o reconhecimento dos falsos cognatos é necessário para dirimir quaisquer dúvidas de significado. Atente que um vocábulo pode ser cognato em um contexto e falso cognato em outro. Agora, leia os fragmentos a seguir e observe que há dois falsos cognatos. Assinale a alternativa que os contenha: “(…) the heart of pedagogy, teaching, and learning through praxis that involves reflection and action ultimately to address social injustice and dehumanization (…)” ; “He rose through the ranks of civil service (…)”.
Q2127440 Inglês

Consider a sentence below:

"I intend to support the next mayor of the city".

How many false cognates did you find in the sentence above?

Q2064511 Inglês
Observe a tabela, a seguir, e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a única palavra que não pode ser considerada um cognato. 
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q2064485 Inglês
A palavra “actually” é considerada um falso cognato. Asinale, dentre as alternativas, a única que pode realmente ser considerada um cognato.
Q2037152 Inglês

Text 4 (for questions 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46)


                                                                       Social networks

Going into the small room at the end of the corridor, Roberta sat down _______ 1 the computer. It was the computer she had bought when her old one’s hard disk had started to go wrong. Her new computer was a laptop with a lot of extra features and she needed it for her online work _______ 2 her students. Roberta had started to worry that her students would be bored unless she used modern technology in her teaching.

She turned_______ 3 the switch at the back of her computer. She looked at the email messages waiting for her answer, but she ignored them. Then she looked at the homework posted on a special site she created for the students, but she didn’t feel like correcting it. Instead she went to her favorite social network site and looked at the news about her friends. She sent messages to her favorite people and she had many online conversations _______ 4 teaching and other things. She posted some new messages on her own web page and then watched a film clip on a video site which her friend had told her about.

_______ 5 now, it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning.

(HARMER, J. Essential Teacher Knowledge: core concepts in English language teaching, p. 42. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2012. Adaptado.)

In the excerpt “(…) it was late and she realized that she had spent too much time talking to her friends online. She was very tired. She would have to do all her work in the morning”, there is a false cognate or false friend. Which of the words below is a false cognate? 
Q2037145 Inglês
Read the text 1 to answer question.

Text 1

Worldwide changes in food and eating habits

American fast food has certainly affected Korea. You can find American fast food restaurants everywhere and many young people don’t appreciate traditional Korean food anymore. Koreans are now using western ingredients such as ketchup, mayonnaise and butter to cook regular meals. Salad dressing, something we never used before, is also popular now.

The problem is that American companies sell their food along with American culture. Manners in restaurants are not the same before. I can give you two examples of this. Traditionally Koreans don’t use individual plates for eating main dishes. We have always eaten from one bowl, but now some people think that this habit is unsanitary.

Tipping is also new for us. Before, we had never rewarded good service with money, but now we are supposed to give a tip to waiter in some restaurants. I fear our traditional way of doing things will soon be forgotten.

By Jeong Kim, from Korea.

(PLATERO, Luciana & DONNINI, Lívia. All Set, vol. 2, student book. Boston, USA: Thompson Heinle, 2008. Adaptado.)

Observe a análise linguística abaixo e responda ao que se pede.

I. Em “Salad dressing, something we never used before, is also popular now. ”, o termo dressing, na expressão sublinhada, é um substantivo e significa, em português, molho.

II. No trecho I fear our traditional way of doing things will soon be forgotten.”, o termo sublinhado é uma expressão idiomática que corresponde a “Eu confio”.

III. No 1º parágrafo, as palavras affected, restaurants, traditional e ingredients são palavras cognatas, mas popular é falsa cognata.

IV. No trecho “Traditionally Koreans don’t use individual plates for eating main dishes.”, as palavras plates e dishes são substantivos e têm significados semelhantes.

V. Em “Before, we had never rewarded good service with money”, foi empregado o past perfect, e o verbo destacado significa recompensar.

Estão CORRETAS apenas

Q2022973 Inglês

Text 4A1-I

President Joe Biden predicted Thursday that student loan borrowers will start receiving relief – which is currently on hold over a court challenge – within weeks, projecting confidence that his administration will win the challenge. “We’re going to win that case. I think in the next two weeks you’re going to see those checks going out”, Biden told a TV news correspondent.

The Biden administration started taking student debt forgiveness applications on October 14 and officials have said it could take weeks to process and grant relief. Eligible borrowers won’t be receiving actual checks. Instead, they will see up to a $ 20,000 reduction in their student debt balances. The Department of Education has told borrowers who are eligible for automatic debt relief, without filing an application, not to expect the debt cancellation before November 14.

A federal appeals court put a temporary hold on the administration’s student loan forgiveness program last week, which barred the government from canceling loans covered under the new policy while the court considers a challenge brought by six Republican-led states. The Biden administration is also facing lawsuits from Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, and conservative groups such as the Job Creators Network Foundation and the Cato Institute.

Biden’s student loan forgiveness program, first announced in August, aims to deliver debt relief to millions of borrowers before federal student loan payments resume in January after a nearly three-year, pandemic-related pause.

The President made his comments during an interview with a local TV station network during his visit to Syracuse, New York, to tout a new deal on semiconductor manufacturing. With less than two weeks until the midterm elections Biden took questions on the economy, his message to voters, and the stalled student debt relief program. President Joe Biden is canceling some federal student loan debt, making a once pie-in-the-sky idea a reality. The application officially opened Monday, allowing low- and middle-class federal student loan borrowers to apply for up to $ 20,000 in debt relief.

https: <> (adapted). 

Given that cognates are words from different languages that have the same meaning and descend from the same morpheme, choose the option that consists only of cognates between English and Portuguese taken from text 4A1-I.
Q1994944 Inglês

As palavras denominadas de cognatas vêm do latim cognatus que significa referente a parente. Especificamente, refere-se a uma palavra que deriva da mesma família de línguas ou tronco linguístico (, 2020). As palavras cognatas ou os cognatos são muito importantes, pois, a proximidade morfológica com a língua portuguesa auxilia na compreensão do texto em língua inglesa e na aprendizagem de palavras, ainda, desconhecidas.

A partir do acima explicado, assinale a sequência de palavras cognatas retiradas do texto Crimes.

Ano: 2022 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: CRM-SC Prova: Quadrix - 2022 - CRM-SC - Revisor de Texto |
Q1942898 Inglês

Text for the item. 

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the text, judge the item. 

“Eventually” (line 22) is an example of a false cognate and it could be correctly replaced by finally. 

Q1848050 Inglês
Text for the item.

Internet: <>.

According to the text and previous grammar studies, judge the item.

The words “inteligence”, “artificial”, “service”, “company” and “humans” are all example of false cognates. 

Q1757690 Inglês

PARENTS is considered a false cognate word. All the words below are false cognates, except one:

21: D
22: C
23: A
24: A
25: C
26: B
27: C
28: C
29: D
30: C
31: B
32: C
33: B
34: D
35: B
36: D
37: C
38: C
39: E
40: B