Questões de Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension para Concurso

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Q2721845 Inglês

Consider the following way of teaching reading:

When I teach reading, I like my learners to use the other skills, too. I do various things. For example, before reading a passage, my learners discuss the topic or think about vocabulary they might find in the text; or they listen to a short passage on a related topic and discuss it. At the reading stage, I make sure to spell out why they are reading. We read the passage more than once, each time with a new task. The learners fill in a chart, or match pictures to paragraphs or answer true/false questions. Finally, I save enough time for a follow-up, like a role-play or group work where the learners write a different ending or discuss the issue in the text. (TANNER, R.; GREEN, C. Tasks for Teacher Education: a reflective approach. Essex:Longman, 1998, p. 61). [adapted]

Which reading stage is absent from the teacher's report on the way s/he teaches reading?

Q2721844 Inglês

Do seguinte comentário feito por um aluno, “In class, I like to be physically involved in the activities, so that I can participate actively by means of hands-on experience.”, pode-se inferir que esse aluno tem preferência pelo seguinte estilo cognitivo de aprendizagem:

Q2721841 Inglês

Analyse the following cartoon. Questions 36 and 37 are based on it.

The teaching approach and the technique used by the teacher in the cartoon are coherent with which method/approach?

Q2721840 Inglês

Analyse the following cartoon. Questions 36 and 37 are based on it.

A teacher can play different roles in a single class. The role exemplified in the cartoon above is

Q2721839 Inglês

Analyse the texts below. Questions 31 to 35 are based on them.

Text 1

Dear Helpful Harriet,

I have a problem with this teacher at school. He is always shouting at me, though I don't disturb more than lots of other pupils in the class. It´s true that I sometimes don´t do my homework, but I know his subject very well, always get high marks on the tests, so there is no point in doing silly homework. He gave me a much lower mark than I deserved at the end of the term. It´s not fair. And it´s no good saying go to the head teacher, she always backs him up. What can I do?


Frustrated Student

Adapted from UR, P. A Course in Language Teaching: practice and theory. 1996, p. 252

Text 2

Available at: Access on 24th Mar, 2010.

In relation to the linguistic elements in text 2, it can be affirmed that

611: B
612: D
613: B
614: B
615: C