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Q2243145 Inglês
Regarding English-language Literature history, mark the item that describes the Modernist movement:
Q2243144 Inglês

                                       The intrigue behind the Bermuda Triangle

       On a sunny day nearly 80 years ago, five Navy planes took off from their base in Florida on a _________ training mission, known as Flight 19. Neither the planes nor the crew were ever seen again. Thus was a legend born. The Bermuda Triangle is an area roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. No one keeps statistics, but in the last century, numerous ships and planes have simply vanished without a trace within the imaginary triangle.

       The disappearances have been attributed to the machinations of enormous sea monsters, giant squid, or extra-terrestrials. Alien abductions, the existence of a mysterious third dimension created by unknown beings, and ocean flatulence—the ocean suddenly spewing great quantities of trapped methane—have all been suggested as culprits.

       The reality, say many, is far more prosaic. They argue that a sometimes treacherous Mother Nature, human error, shoddy __________________ or design, and just plain bad luck can explain the many disappearances.

       "The region is highly traveled and has been a busy crossroads since the early days of European exploration," said John Reilly, a historian with the U.S. Naval Historical Foundation. "To say quite a few ships and airplanes have gone down there is like saying there are an ________ lot of car accidents on the New Jersey Turnpike—surprise, surprise."

(Fonte: National Geographic. — adaptado.)

Which item correctly displays the meaning of the word “culprits”, found in the 2nd paragraph of the text?
Q2243142 Inglês

                                       The intrigue behind the Bermuda Triangle

       On a sunny day nearly 80 years ago, five Navy planes took off from their base in Florida on a _________ training mission, known as Flight 19. Neither the planes nor the crew were ever seen again. Thus was a legend born. The Bermuda Triangle is an area roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. No one keeps statistics, but in the last century, numerous ships and planes have simply vanished without a trace within the imaginary triangle.

       The disappearances have been attributed to the machinations of enormous sea monsters, giant squid, or extra-terrestrials. Alien abductions, the existence of a mysterious third dimension created by unknown beings, and ocean flatulence—the ocean suddenly spewing great quantities of trapped methane—have all been suggested as culprits.

       The reality, say many, is far more prosaic. They argue that a sometimes treacherous Mother Nature, human error, shoddy __________________ or design, and just plain bad luck can explain the many disappearances.

       "The region is highly traveled and has been a busy crossroads since the early days of European exploration," said John Reilly, a historian with the U.S. Naval Historical Foundation. "To say quite a few ships and airplanes have gone down there is like saying there are an ________ lot of car accidents on the New Jersey Turnpike—surprise, surprise."

(Fonte: National Geographic. — adaptado.)

According to the text, mark the CORRECT item: 
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Mercado de Capitais |
Q2242624 Inglês
The hard cell

Thanks to politics, stem cell research in the United States is suffering. But not so in Sweden, which is poised to capture what could be the biggest new market to hit biotech in a decade.

By Stephan Herrera
February 13, 2003

New York, January 1, 2006:
Sweden announces that one of its biotechnology companies is the first in the world to enter clinical trials with a new drug that could cure Alzheimer's disease. Four years ago this type of research was all but stopped in the United States by political and ethical questions − which is ....61.... Sweden now seems in the best position to capture a $25 billion market.

    Any day now, the U.S. Congress is expected to pass a sweeping new law that could dramatically inhibit researchers from working with stem cells taken from human embryos. Such cells, which can be used to grow a whole host of new cells and organs, could fundamentally change the way we treat heretofore intractable maladies like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and heart disease. The only problem is that these cells by definition are derived from human embryos, many of which are cloned or come from unused fetuses collected at fertility clinics. The argument, from a certain segment of the American political spectrum, is that ....62.... methods are morally wrong. They are ....63.... a form of abortion or an activity that could eventually lead to human cloning.

    Those working in stem cell research say the short-term effect of the legislation will be to further chill all forms of scientific inquiry and commercialization efforts in the field. Entrepreneurs and investors are already eschewing such research − in large part because of the additional uncertainty and risk that politics introduce.

    Of the nearly 50 private stem cell companies in the United States, only a handful are still viable. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Sweden has avoided many of the political and ethical quagmires surrounding this type of research. It currently has 40 private stem cell companies, a number that's growing. Sweden's leading research universities have 32 percent of the world's stem cell inventory, close on the heels of the United States' 35 percent.

     Sweden, say analysts, is now in the best position to capture a worldwide market for drugs based on stem cell therapies that could grow to $25 billion in the next three to five years − nearly equal to the whole biotech industry at present. This estimate doesn't even address the market for stem cells capable of repairing damaged vital organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. If the United States offers an object lesson of what can happen when scientific inquiry and investment capital fall victim to politics, Sweden and its leading stem cell startup, NeuroNova, offer the opposite example. How odd that the United States, which for generations has been the envy of the world for its progressive views of science and commercialization, should now have a biomedical climate chillier than a Swedish winter.

    One company feeling a lot of pain is StemCells, which at first glance seems to have it all: founding scientists include Stanford's Dr. Weissman and Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. An equally well-regarded expert in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Dr. Gage spent five years in Sweden as a researcher and now sits on a national committee on stem cell research there. The firm's chairman is Roger Perlmutter, Amgen's head of research.
   Yet over the past two years, none of management's efforts to help investors and even critics reconsider the stem cell field have worked. At press time, the stock was thinly traded and sitting in the neighborhood of 50 cents. With less than $15 million in cash, the company likely won't exist at this time next year. (CEO Martin McGlynn, who joined the firm in January 2001, would not talk to Red Herring, despite repeated efforts.)

    Some observers on Wall Street are asking, If StemCells can't make it, who can? Geron, the only other publicly held stem cell firm to speak of, is in a fix, too. The company's stock price is also moribund, at $3.85 per share. Thanks to some capital infusions a few years ago, when money came easy, Geron still has $40 million on hand, but by the end of next year, that too will likely be gone. Once a media darling, Geron focuses on diagnostic tests and drugs derived from stem cells, a strategy that's not going well. For the nine months ended last September, revenue fell 68 percent to $955,000 and net loss widened 18 percent to $26.7 million. The company's financials were also hit hard after it terminated an agreement with Pharmacia and acquired research technology from Lynx Therapeutics, which Geron bought in a desperate attempt to be seen as something more than just a stem cell company.

    The situation is quite different, however, for Sweden's NeuroNova, which has 30 academic partners and a staff of 20. NeuroNova is working on ways to inject stem cells into the human brain to trigger a process called neurogenesis (the growth of new neural cells), which could combat diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and even schizophrenia.

     If NeuroNova is the first to develop a drug capable of treating one of several central nervous system disorders − by far the most lucrative after heart disease products − it will have done so not because it raised more money or got more media buzz than the rest. It will have succeeded because the science is solid, and academe, government, and the investment community are supportive. Meanwhile, the United States will look on with envy and wonder how it, a country known for its entrepreneurial innovation, ever got so short-sighted.

(Adapted from
O autor do artigo 
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Mercado de Capitais |
Q2242623 Inglês
The hard cell

Thanks to politics, stem cell research in the United States is suffering. But not so in Sweden, which is poised to capture what could be the biggest new market to hit biotech in a decade.

By Stephan Herrera
February 13, 2003

New York, January 1, 2006:
Sweden announces that one of its biotechnology companies is the first in the world to enter clinical trials with a new drug that could cure Alzheimer's disease. Four years ago this type of research was all but stopped in the United States by political and ethical questions − which is ....61.... Sweden now seems in the best position to capture a $25 billion market.

    Any day now, the U.S. Congress is expected to pass a sweeping new law that could dramatically inhibit researchers from working with stem cells taken from human embryos. Such cells, which can be used to grow a whole host of new cells and organs, could fundamentally change the way we treat heretofore intractable maladies like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and heart disease. The only problem is that these cells by definition are derived from human embryos, many of which are cloned or come from unused fetuses collected at fertility clinics. The argument, from a certain segment of the American political spectrum, is that ....62.... methods are morally wrong. They are ....63.... a form of abortion or an activity that could eventually lead to human cloning.

    Those working in stem cell research say the short-term effect of the legislation will be to further chill all forms of scientific inquiry and commercialization efforts in the field. Entrepreneurs and investors are already eschewing such research − in large part because of the additional uncertainty and risk that politics introduce.

    Of the nearly 50 private stem cell companies in the United States, only a handful are still viable. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Sweden has avoided many of the political and ethical quagmires surrounding this type of research. It currently has 40 private stem cell companies, a number that's growing. Sweden's leading research universities have 32 percent of the world's stem cell inventory, close on the heels of the United States' 35 percent.

     Sweden, say analysts, is now in the best position to capture a worldwide market for drugs based on stem cell therapies that could grow to $25 billion in the next three to five years − nearly equal to the whole biotech industry at present. This estimate doesn't even address the market for stem cells capable of repairing damaged vital organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. If the United States offers an object lesson of what can happen when scientific inquiry and investment capital fall victim to politics, Sweden and its leading stem cell startup, NeuroNova, offer the opposite example. How odd that the United States, which for generations has been the envy of the world for its progressive views of science and commercialization, should now have a biomedical climate chillier than a Swedish winter.

    One company feeling a lot of pain is StemCells, which at first glance seems to have it all: founding scientists include Stanford's Dr. Weissman and Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. An equally well-regarded expert in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Dr. Gage spent five years in Sweden as a researcher and now sits on a national committee on stem cell research there. The firm's chairman is Roger Perlmutter, Amgen's head of research.
   Yet over the past two years, none of management's efforts to help investors and even critics reconsider the stem cell field have worked. At press time, the stock was thinly traded and sitting in the neighborhood of 50 cents. With less than $15 million in cash, the company likely won't exist at this time next year. (CEO Martin McGlynn, who joined the firm in January 2001, would not talk to Red Herring, despite repeated efforts.)

    Some observers on Wall Street are asking, If StemCells can't make it, who can? Geron, the only other publicly held stem cell firm to speak of, is in a fix, too. The company's stock price is also moribund, at $3.85 per share. Thanks to some capital infusions a few years ago, when money came easy, Geron still has $40 million on hand, but by the end of next year, that too will likely be gone. Once a media darling, Geron focuses on diagnostic tests and drugs derived from stem cells, a strategy that's not going well. For the nine months ended last September, revenue fell 68 percent to $955,000 and net loss widened 18 percent to $26.7 million. The company's financials were also hit hard after it terminated an agreement with Pharmacia and acquired research technology from Lynx Therapeutics, which Geron bought in a desperate attempt to be seen as something more than just a stem cell company.

    The situation is quite different, however, for Sweden's NeuroNova, which has 30 academic partners and a staff of 20. NeuroNova is working on ways to inject stem cells into the human brain to trigger a process called neurogenesis (the growth of new neural cells), which could combat diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and even schizophrenia.

     If NeuroNova is the first to develop a drug capable of treating one of several central nervous system disorders − by far the most lucrative after heart disease products − it will have done so not because it raised more money or got more media buzz than the rest. It will have succeeded because the science is solid, and academe, government, and the investment community are supportive. Meanwhile, the United States will look on with envy and wonder how it, a country known for its entrepreneurial innovation, ever got so short-sighted.

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto, a Geron
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Mercado de Capitais |
Q2242622 Inglês
The hard cell

Thanks to politics, stem cell research in the United States is suffering. But not so in Sweden, which is poised to capture what could be the biggest new market to hit biotech in a decade.

By Stephan Herrera
February 13, 2003

New York, January 1, 2006:
Sweden announces that one of its biotechnology companies is the first in the world to enter clinical trials with a new drug that could cure Alzheimer's disease. Four years ago this type of research was all but stopped in the United States by political and ethical questions − which is ....61.... Sweden now seems in the best position to capture a $25 billion market.

    Any day now, the U.S. Congress is expected to pass a sweeping new law that could dramatically inhibit researchers from working with stem cells taken from human embryos. Such cells, which can be used to grow a whole host of new cells and organs, could fundamentally change the way we treat heretofore intractable maladies like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and heart disease. The only problem is that these cells by definition are derived from human embryos, many of which are cloned or come from unused fetuses collected at fertility clinics. The argument, from a certain segment of the American political spectrum, is that ....62.... methods are morally wrong. They are ....63.... a form of abortion or an activity that could eventually lead to human cloning.

    Those working in stem cell research say the short-term effect of the legislation will be to further chill all forms of scientific inquiry and commercialization efforts in the field. Entrepreneurs and investors are already eschewing such research − in large part because of the additional uncertainty and risk that politics introduce.

    Of the nearly 50 private stem cell companies in the United States, only a handful are still viable. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Sweden has avoided many of the political and ethical quagmires surrounding this type of research. It currently has 40 private stem cell companies, a number that's growing. Sweden's leading research universities have 32 percent of the world's stem cell inventory, close on the heels of the United States' 35 percent.

     Sweden, say analysts, is now in the best position to capture a worldwide market for drugs based on stem cell therapies that could grow to $25 billion in the next three to five years − nearly equal to the whole biotech industry at present. This estimate doesn't even address the market for stem cells capable of repairing damaged vital organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. If the United States offers an object lesson of what can happen when scientific inquiry and investment capital fall victim to politics, Sweden and its leading stem cell startup, NeuroNova, offer the opposite example. How odd that the United States, which for generations has been the envy of the world for its progressive views of science and commercialization, should now have a biomedical climate chillier than a Swedish winter.

    One company feeling a lot of pain is StemCells, which at first glance seems to have it all: founding scientists include Stanford's Dr. Weissman and Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. An equally well-regarded expert in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Dr. Gage spent five years in Sweden as a researcher and now sits on a national committee on stem cell research there. The firm's chairman is Roger Perlmutter, Amgen's head of research.
   Yet over the past two years, none of management's efforts to help investors and even critics reconsider the stem cell field have worked. At press time, the stock was thinly traded and sitting in the neighborhood of 50 cents. With less than $15 million in cash, the company likely won't exist at this time next year. (CEO Martin McGlynn, who joined the firm in January 2001, would not talk to Red Herring, despite repeated efforts.)

    Some observers on Wall Street are asking, If StemCells can't make it, who can? Geron, the only other publicly held stem cell firm to speak of, is in a fix, too. The company's stock price is also moribund, at $3.85 per share. Thanks to some capital infusions a few years ago, when money came easy, Geron still has $40 million on hand, but by the end of next year, that too will likely be gone. Once a media darling, Geron focuses on diagnostic tests and drugs derived from stem cells, a strategy that's not going well. For the nine months ended last September, revenue fell 68 percent to $955,000 and net loss widened 18 percent to $26.7 million. The company's financials were also hit hard after it terminated an agreement with Pharmacia and acquired research technology from Lynx Therapeutics, which Geron bought in a desperate attempt to be seen as something more than just a stem cell company.

    The situation is quite different, however, for Sweden's NeuroNova, which has 30 academic partners and a staff of 20. NeuroNova is working on ways to inject stem cells into the human brain to trigger a process called neurogenesis (the growth of new neural cells), which could combat diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and even schizophrenia.

     If NeuroNova is the first to develop a drug capable of treating one of several central nervous system disorders − by far the most lucrative after heart disease products − it will have done so not because it raised more money or got more media buzz than the rest. It will have succeeded because the science is solid, and academe, government, and the investment community are supportive. Meanwhile, the United States will look on with envy and wonder how it, a country known for its entrepreneurial innovation, ever got so short-sighted.

(Adapted from
De acordo com o texto,
Q2242138 Inglês
The hard cell

The hard cell Thanks to politics, stem cell research in the United States is suffering. But not so in Sweden, which is poised to capture what could be the biggest new market to hit biotech in a decade.

By Stephan Herrera
February 13, 2003

New York, January 1, 2006:
Sweden announces that one of its biotechnology companies is the first in the world to enter clinical trials with a new drug that could cure Alzheimer's disease. Four years ago this type of research was all but stopped in the United States by political and ethical questions − which is ...61... Sweden now seems in the best position to capture a $25 billion market.

      Any day now, the U.S. Congress is expected to pass a sweeping new law that could dramatically inhibit researchers from working with stem cells taken from human embryos. Such cells, which can be used to grow a whole host of new cells and organs, could fundamentally change the way we treat heretofore intractable maladies like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and heart disease. The only problem is that these cells by definition are derived from human embryos, many of which are cloned or come from unused fetuses collected at fertility clinics. The argument, from a certain segment of the American political spectrum, is that ....62... methods are morally wrong. They are ....63... a form of abortion or an activity that could eventually lead to human cloning.

      Those working in stem cell research say the short-term effect of the legislation will be to further chill all forms of scientific inquiry and commercialization efforts in the field. Entrepreneurs and investors are already eschewing such research − in large part because of the additional uncertainty and risk that politics introduce.

      Of the nearly 50 private stem cell companies in the United States, only a handful are still viable. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Sweden has avoided many of the political and ethical quagmires surrounding this type of research. It currently has 40 private stem cell companies, a number that's growing. Sweden's leading research universities have 32 percent of the world's stem cell inventory, close on the heels of the United States' 35 percent.

        Sweden, say analysts, is now in the best position to capture a worldwide market for drugs based on stem cell therapies that could grow to $25 billion in the next three to five years − nearly equal to the whole biotech industry at present. This estimate doesn't even address the market for stem cells capable of repairing damaged vital organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. If the United States offers an object lesson of what can happen when scientific inquiry and investment capital fall victim to politics, Sweden and its leading stem cell startup, NeuroNova, offer the opposite example. How odd that the United States, which for generations has been the envy of the world for its progressive views of science and commercialization, should now have a biomedical climate chillier than a Swedish winter.

       One company feeling a lot of pain is StemCells, which at first glance seems to have it all: founding scientists include Stanford's Dr. Weissman and Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. An equally well-regarded expert in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Dr. Gage spent five years in Sweden as a researcher and now sits on a national committee on stem cell research there. The firm's chairman is Roger Perlmutter, Amgen's head of research.

    Yet over the past two years, none of management's efforts to help investors and even critics reconsider the stem cell field have worked. At press time, the stock was thinly traded and sitting in the neighborhood of 50 cents. With less than $15 million in cash, the company likely won't exist at this time next year. (CEO Martin McGlynn, who joined the firm in January 2001, would not talk to Red Herring, despite repeated efforts.)

      Some observers on Wall Street are asking, If StemCells can't make it, who can? Geron, the only other publicly held stem cell firm to speak of, is in a fix, too. The company's stock price is also moribund, at $3.85 per share. Thanks to some capital infusions a few years ago, when money came easy, Geron still has $40 million on hand, but by the end of next year, that too will likely be gone. Once a media darling, Geron focuses on diagnostic tests and drugs derived from stem cells, a strategy that's not going well. For the nine months ended last September, revenue fell 68 percent to $955,000 and net loss widened 18 percent to $26.7 million. The company's financials were also hit hard after it terminated an agreement with Pharmacia and acquired research technology from Lynx Therapeutics, which Geron bought in a desperate attempt to be seen as something more than just a stem cell company.

     The situation is quite different, however, for Sweden's NeuroNova, which has 30 academic partners and a staff of 20. NeuroNova is working on ways to inject stem cells into the human brain to trigger a process called neurogenesis (the growth of new neural cells), which could combat diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and even schizophrenia.

       If NeuroNova is the first to develop a drug capable of treating one of several central nervous system disorders − by far the most lucrative after heart disease products − it will have done so not because it raised more money or got more media buzz than the rest. It will have succeeded because the science is solid, and academe, government, and the investment community are supportive. Meanwhile, the United States will look on with envy and wonder how it, a country known for its entrepreneurial innovation, ever got so short-sighted.

(Adapted from

Instruções: Para responder a questão, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado.
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Sistemas |
Q2241614 Inglês
The hard cell

Thanks to politics, stem cell research in the United States is suffering. But not so in Sweden, which is poised to capture what could be the biggest new market to hit biotech in a decade.

By Stephan Herrera
February 13, 2003

New York, January 1, 2006:
Sweden announces that one of its biotechnology companies is the first in the world to enter clinical trials with a new drug that could cure Alzheimer's disease. Four years ago this type of research was all but stopped in the United States by political and ethical questions − which is ....58.... Sweden now seems in the best position to capture a $25 billion market.

    Any day now, the U.S. Congress is expected to pass a sweeping new law that could dramatically inhibit researchers from working with stem cells taken from human embryos. Such cells, which can be used to grow a whole host of new cells and organs, could fundamentally change the way we treat heretofore intractable maladies like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and heart disease. The only problem is that these cells by definition are derived from human embryos, many of which are cloned or come from unused fetuses collected at fertility clinics. The argument, from a certain segment of the American political spectrum, is that ....59.... methods are morally wrong. They are ....60.... a form of abortion or an activity that could eventually lead to human cloning.

    Those working in stem cell research say the short-term effect of the legislation will be to further chill all forms of scientific inquiry and commercialization efforts in the field. Entrepreneurs and investors are already eschewing such research − in large part because of the additional uncertainty and risk that politics introduce.

    Of the nearly 50 private stem cell companies in the United States, only a handful are still viable. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Sweden has avoided many of the political and ethical quagmires surrounding this type of research. It currently has 40 private stem cell companies, a number that's growing. Sweden's leading research universities have 32 percent of the world's stem cell inventory, close on the heels of the United States' 35 percent.

     Sweden, say analysts, is now in the best position to capture a worldwide market for drugs based on stem cell therapies that could grow to $25 billion in the next three to five years − nearly equal to the whole biotech industry at present. This estimate doesn't even address the market for stem cells capable of repairing damaged vital organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. If the United States offers an object lesson of what can happen when scientific inquiry and investment capital fall victim to politics, Sweden and its leading stem cell startup, NeuroNova, offer the opposite example. How odd that the United States, which for generations has been the envy of the world for its progressive views of science and commercialization, should now have a biomedical climate chillier than a Swedish winter.

    One company feeling a lot of pain is StemCells, which at first glance seems to have it all: founding scientists include Stanford's Dr. Weissman and Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. An equally well-regarded expert in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Dr. Gage spent five years in Sweden as a researcher and now sits on a national committee on stem cell research there. The firm's chairman is Roger Perlmutter, Amgen's head of research.
   Yet over the past two years, none of management's efforts to help investors and even critics reconsider the stem cell field have worked. At press time, the stock was thinly traded and sitting in the neighborhood of 50 cents. With less than $15 million in cash, the company likely won't exist at this time next year. (CEO Martin McGlynn, who joined the firm in January 2001, would not talk to Red Herring, despite repeated efforts.)

    Some observers on Wall Street are asking, If StemCells can't make it, who can? Geron, the only other publicly held stem cell firm to speak of, is in a fix, too. The company's stock price is also moribund, at $3.85 per share. Thanks to some capital infusions a few years ago, when money came easy, Geron still has $40 million on hand, but by the end of next year, that too will likely be gone. Once a media darling, Geron focuses on diagnostic tests and drugs derived from stem cells, a strategy that's not going well. For the nine months ended last September, revenue fell 68 percent to $955,000 and net loss widened 18 percent to $26.7 million. The company's financials were also hit hard after it terminated an agreement with Pharmacia and acquired research technology from Lynx Therapeutics, which Geron bought in a desperate attempt to be seen as something more than just a stem cell company.

    The situation is quite different, however, for Sweden's NeuroNova, which has 30 academic partners and a staff of 20. NeuroNova is working on ways to inject stem cells into the human brain to trigger a process called neurogenesis (the growth of new neural cells), which could combat diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and even schizophrenia.

     If NeuroNova is the first to develop a drug capable of treating one of several central nervous system disorders − by far the most lucrative after heart disease products − it will have done so not because it raised more money or got more media buzz than the rest. It will have succeeded because the science is solid, and academe, government, and the investment community are supportive. Meanwhile, the United States will look on with envy and wonder how it, a country known for its entrepreneurial innovation, ever got so short-sighted.

(Adapted from
According to the text,
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Sistemas |
Q2241612 Inglês
The hard cell

Thanks to politics, stem cell research in the United States is suffering. But not so in Sweden, which is poised to capture what could be the biggest new market to hit biotech in a decade.

By Stephan Herrera
February 13, 2003

New York, January 1, 2006:
Sweden announces that one of its biotechnology companies is the first in the world to enter clinical trials with a new drug that could cure Alzheimer's disease. Four years ago this type of research was all but stopped in the United States by political and ethical questions − which is ....58.... Sweden now seems in the best position to capture a $25 billion market.

    Any day now, the U.S. Congress is expected to pass a sweeping new law that could dramatically inhibit researchers from working with stem cells taken from human embryos. Such cells, which can be used to grow a whole host of new cells and organs, could fundamentally change the way we treat heretofore intractable maladies like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and heart disease. The only problem is that these cells by definition are derived from human embryos, many of which are cloned or come from unused fetuses collected at fertility clinics. The argument, from a certain segment of the American political spectrum, is that ....59.... methods are morally wrong. They are ....60.... a form of abortion or an activity that could eventually lead to human cloning.

    Those working in stem cell research say the short-term effect of the legislation will be to further chill all forms of scientific inquiry and commercialization efforts in the field. Entrepreneurs and investors are already eschewing such research − in large part because of the additional uncertainty and risk that politics introduce.

    Of the nearly 50 private stem cell companies in the United States, only a handful are still viable. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Sweden has avoided many of the political and ethical quagmires surrounding this type of research. It currently has 40 private stem cell companies, a number that's growing. Sweden's leading research universities have 32 percent of the world's stem cell inventory, close on the heels of the United States' 35 percent.

     Sweden, say analysts, is now in the best position to capture a worldwide market for drugs based on stem cell therapies that could grow to $25 billion in the next three to five years − nearly equal to the whole biotech industry at present. This estimate doesn't even address the market for stem cells capable of repairing damaged vital organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. If the United States offers an object lesson of what can happen when scientific inquiry and investment capital fall victim to politics, Sweden and its leading stem cell startup, NeuroNova, offer the opposite example. How odd that the United States, which for generations has been the envy of the world for its progressive views of science and commercialization, should now have a biomedical climate chillier than a Swedish winter.

    One company feeling a lot of pain is StemCells, which at first glance seems to have it all: founding scientists include Stanford's Dr. Weissman and Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. An equally well-regarded expert in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Dr. Gage spent five years in Sweden as a researcher and now sits on a national committee on stem cell research there. The firm's chairman is Roger Perlmutter, Amgen's head of research.
   Yet over the past two years, none of management's efforts to help investors and even critics reconsider the stem cell field have worked. At press time, the stock was thinly traded and sitting in the neighborhood of 50 cents. With less than $15 million in cash, the company likely won't exist at this time next year. (CEO Martin McGlynn, who joined the firm in January 2001, would not talk to Red Herring, despite repeated efforts.)

    Some observers on Wall Street are asking, If StemCells can't make it, who can? Geron, the only other publicly held stem cell firm to speak of, is in a fix, too. The company's stock price is also moribund, at $3.85 per share. Thanks to some capital infusions a few years ago, when money came easy, Geron still has $40 million on hand, but by the end of next year, that too will likely be gone. Once a media darling, Geron focuses on diagnostic tests and drugs derived from stem cells, a strategy that's not going well. For the nine months ended last September, revenue fell 68 percent to $955,000 and net loss widened 18 percent to $26.7 million. The company's financials were also hit hard after it terminated an agreement with Pharmacia and acquired research technology from Lynx Therapeutics, which Geron bought in a desperate attempt to be seen as something more than just a stem cell company.

    The situation is quite different, however, for Sweden's NeuroNova, which has 30 academic partners and a staff of 20. NeuroNova is working on ways to inject stem cells into the human brain to trigger a process called neurogenesis (the growth of new neural cells), which could combat diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and even schizophrenia.

     If NeuroNova is the first to develop a drug capable of treating one of several central nervous system disorders − by far the most lucrative after heart disease products − it will have done so not because it raised more money or got more media buzz than the rest. It will have succeeded because the science is solid, and academe, government, and the investment community are supportive. Meanwhile, the United States will look on with envy and wonder how it, a country known for its entrepreneurial innovation, ever got so short-sighted.

(Adapted from
Segundo o texto, a NeuroNova
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Sistemas |
Q2241604 Inglês
The hard cell

Thanks to politics, stem cell research in the United States is suffering. But not so in Sweden, which is poised to capture what could be the biggest new market to hit biotech in a decade.

By Stephan Herrera
February 13, 2003

New York, January 1, 2006:
Sweden announces that one of its biotechnology companies is the first in the world to enter clinical trials with a new drug that could cure Alzheimer's disease. Four years ago this type of research was all but stopped in the United States by political and ethical questions − which is ....58.... Sweden now seems in the best position to capture a $25 billion market.

    Any day now, the U.S. Congress is expected to pass a sweeping new law that could dramatically inhibit researchers from working with stem cells taken from human embryos. Such cells, which can be used to grow a whole host of new cells and organs, could fundamentally change the way we treat heretofore intractable maladies like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and heart disease. The only problem is that these cells by definition are derived from human embryos, many of which are cloned or come from unused fetuses collected at fertility clinics. The argument, from a certain segment of the American political spectrum, is that ....59.... methods are morally wrong. They are ....60.... a form of abortion or an activity that could eventually lead to human cloning.

    Those working in stem cell research say the short-term effect of the legislation will be to further chill all forms of scientific inquiry and commercialization efforts in the field. Entrepreneurs and investors are already eschewing such research − in large part because of the additional uncertainty and risk that politics introduce.

    Of the nearly 50 private stem cell companies in the United States, only a handful are still viable. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Sweden has avoided many of the political and ethical quagmires surrounding this type of research. It currently has 40 private stem cell companies, a number that's growing. Sweden's leading research universities have 32 percent of the world's stem cell inventory, close on the heels of the United States' 35 percent.

     Sweden, say analysts, is now in the best position to capture a worldwide market for drugs based on stem cell therapies that could grow to $25 billion in the next three to five years − nearly equal to the whole biotech industry at present. This estimate doesn't even address the market for stem cells capable of repairing damaged vital organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. If the United States offers an object lesson of what can happen when scientific inquiry and investment capital fall victim to politics, Sweden and its leading stem cell startup, NeuroNova, offer the opposite example. How odd that the United States, which for generations has been the envy of the world for its progressive views of science and commercialization, should now have a biomedical climate chillier than a Swedish winter.

    One company feeling a lot of pain is StemCells, which at first glance seems to have it all: founding scientists include Stanford's Dr. Weissman and Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. An equally well-regarded expert in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Dr. Gage spent five years in Sweden as a researcher and now sits on a national committee on stem cell research there. The firm's chairman is Roger Perlmutter, Amgen's head of research.
   Yet over the past two years, none of management's efforts to help investors and even critics reconsider the stem cell field have worked. At press time, the stock was thinly traded and sitting in the neighborhood of 50 cents. With less than $15 million in cash, the company likely won't exist at this time next year. (CEO Martin McGlynn, who joined the firm in January 2001, would not talk to Red Herring, despite repeated efforts.)

    Some observers on Wall Street are asking, If StemCells can't make it, who can? Geron, the only other publicly held stem cell firm to speak of, is in a fix, too. The company's stock price is also moribund, at $3.85 per share. Thanks to some capital infusions a few years ago, when money came easy, Geron still has $40 million on hand, but by the end of next year, that too will likely be gone. Once a media darling, Geron focuses on diagnostic tests and drugs derived from stem cells, a strategy that's not going well. For the nine months ended last September, revenue fell 68 percent to $955,000 and net loss widened 18 percent to $26.7 million. The company's financials were also hit hard after it terminated an agreement with Pharmacia and acquired research technology from Lynx Therapeutics, which Geron bought in a desperate attempt to be seen as something more than just a stem cell company.

    The situation is quite different, however, for Sweden's NeuroNova, which has 30 academic partners and a staff of 20. NeuroNova is working on ways to inject stem cells into the human brain to trigger a process called neurogenesis (the growth of new neural cells), which could combat diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and even schizophrenia.

     If NeuroNova is the first to develop a drug capable of treating one of several central nervous system disorders − by far the most lucrative after heart disease products − it will have done so not because it raised more money or got more media buzz than the rest. It will have succeeded because the science is solid, and academe, government, and the investment community are supportive. Meanwhile, the United States will look on with envy and wonder how it, a country known for its entrepreneurial innovation, ever got so short-sighted.

(Adapted from
Para responder à questão, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado (....59....). 
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Sistemas |
Q2241603 Inglês
The hard cell

Thanks to politics, stem cell research in the United States is suffering. But not so in Sweden, which is poised to capture what could be the biggest new market to hit biotech in a decade.

By Stephan Herrera
February 13, 2003

New York, January 1, 2006:
Sweden announces that one of its biotechnology companies is the first in the world to enter clinical trials with a new drug that could cure Alzheimer's disease. Four years ago this type of research was all but stopped in the United States by political and ethical questions − which is ....58.... Sweden now seems in the best position to capture a $25 billion market.

    Any day now, the U.S. Congress is expected to pass a sweeping new law that could dramatically inhibit researchers from working with stem cells taken from human embryos. Such cells, which can be used to grow a whole host of new cells and organs, could fundamentally change the way we treat heretofore intractable maladies like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, liver failure, and heart disease. The only problem is that these cells by definition are derived from human embryos, many of which are cloned or come from unused fetuses collected at fertility clinics. The argument, from a certain segment of the American political spectrum, is that ....59.... methods are morally wrong. They are ....60.... a form of abortion or an activity that could eventually lead to human cloning.

    Those working in stem cell research say the short-term effect of the legislation will be to further chill all forms of scientific inquiry and commercialization efforts in the field. Entrepreneurs and investors are already eschewing such research − in large part because of the additional uncertainty and risk that politics introduce.

    Of the nearly 50 private stem cell companies in the United States, only a handful are still viable. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Sweden has avoided many of the political and ethical quagmires surrounding this type of research. It currently has 40 private stem cell companies, a number that's growing. Sweden's leading research universities have 32 percent of the world's stem cell inventory, close on the heels of the United States' 35 percent.

     Sweden, say analysts, is now in the best position to capture a worldwide market for drugs based on stem cell therapies that could grow to $25 billion in the next three to five years − nearly equal to the whole biotech industry at present. This estimate doesn't even address the market for stem cells capable of repairing damaged vital organs like the brain, heart, and kidneys. If the United States offers an object lesson of what can happen when scientific inquiry and investment capital fall victim to politics, Sweden and its leading stem cell startup, NeuroNova, offer the opposite example. How odd that the United States, which for generations has been the envy of the world for its progressive views of science and commercialization, should now have a biomedical climate chillier than a Swedish winter.

    One company feeling a lot of pain is StemCells, which at first glance seems to have it all: founding scientists include Stanford's Dr. Weissman and Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. An equally well-regarded expert in the treatment of Alzheimer's, Dr. Gage spent five years in Sweden as a researcher and now sits on a national committee on stem cell research there. The firm's chairman is Roger Perlmutter, Amgen's head of research.
   Yet over the past two years, none of management's efforts to help investors and even critics reconsider the stem cell field have worked. At press time, the stock was thinly traded and sitting in the neighborhood of 50 cents. With less than $15 million in cash, the company likely won't exist at this time next year. (CEO Martin McGlynn, who joined the firm in January 2001, would not talk to Red Herring, despite repeated efforts.)

    Some observers on Wall Street are asking, If StemCells can't make it, who can? Geron, the only other publicly held stem cell firm to speak of, is in a fix, too. The company's stock price is also moribund, at $3.85 per share. Thanks to some capital infusions a few years ago, when money came easy, Geron still has $40 million on hand, but by the end of next year, that too will likely be gone. Once a media darling, Geron focuses on diagnostic tests and drugs derived from stem cells, a strategy that's not going well. For the nine months ended last September, revenue fell 68 percent to $955,000 and net loss widened 18 percent to $26.7 million. The company's financials were also hit hard after it terminated an agreement with Pharmacia and acquired research technology from Lynx Therapeutics, which Geron bought in a desperate attempt to be seen as something more than just a stem cell company.

    The situation is quite different, however, for Sweden's NeuroNova, which has 30 academic partners and a staff of 20. NeuroNova is working on ways to inject stem cells into the human brain to trigger a process called neurogenesis (the growth of new neural cells), which could combat diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and even schizophrenia.

     If NeuroNova is the first to develop a drug capable of treating one of several central nervous system disorders − by far the most lucrative after heart disease products − it will have done so not because it raised more money or got more media buzz than the rest. It will have succeeded because the science is solid, and academe, government, and the investment community are supportive. Meanwhile, the United States will look on with envy and wonder how it, a country known for its entrepreneurial innovation, ever got so short-sighted.

(Adapted from
Para responder à questão, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado (....58....). 
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Sistemas |
Q2241602 Inglês
From the IPO to the First Trade: Is Underpricing Related to the Trading Mechanism?

Sonia Falconieri, Albert Murphy and Daniel Weaver

    As documented by a vast empirical literature, IPOs are characterized by underpricing. Most of the theoretical literature has linked the size of underpricing to the IPO procedure used on the primary market. In this paper, by using a matched sample of NYSE and Nasdaq IPOs, we show that the size of underpricing also depends on the trading method used in the IPO aftermarket.
    There are two major methods of opening trading of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the U.S. The NYSE is an order-driven market ....51.... a call auction allows supply and demand to be aggregated (at one location) prior to the start of trading. ....52.... , Nasdaq is a quote-driven market. Dealers can only specify their best quotes, and participants have ....53.... idea of supply and demand away from the inside quotes.
      We propose a new proxy for ex ante uncertainty of firm value and test it. Our results show that there is a larger level of uncertainty at the beginning of trading on Nasdaq than on the NYSE. This in turn is associated with larger levels of underpricing for Nasdaq IPOs. We suggest that this may be due to the different informational efficiency of the two trading systems.

( 2Fmarketinfo%2Fmarketinfo.html)
Os autores do texto sugerem que
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Sistemas |
Q2241598 Inglês
From the IPO to the First Trade: Is Underpricing Related to the Trading Mechanism?

Sonia Falconieri, Albert Murphy and Daniel Weaver

    As documented by a vast empirical literature, IPOs are characterized by underpricing. Most of the theoretical literature has linked the size of underpricing to the IPO procedure used on the primary market. In this paper, by using a matched sample of NYSE and Nasdaq IPOs, we show that the size of underpricing also depends on the trading method used in the IPO aftermarket.
    There are two major methods of opening trading of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the U.S. The NYSE is an order-driven market ....51.... a call auction allows supply and demand to be aggregated (at one location) prior to the start of trading. ....52.... , Nasdaq is a quote-driven market. Dealers can only specify their best quotes, and participants have ....53.... idea of supply and demand away from the inside quotes.
      We propose a new proxy for ex ante uncertainty of firm value and test it. Our results show that there is a larger level of uncertainty at the beginning of trading on Nasdaq than on the NYSE. This in turn is associated with larger levels of underpricing for Nasdaq IPOs. We suggest that this may be due to the different informational efficiency of the two trading systems.

( 2Fmarketinfo%2Fmarketinfo.html)
Para responder à questão, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado (...53...). 
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Sistemas |
Q2241597 Inglês
From the IPO to the First Trade: Is Underpricing Related to the Trading Mechanism?

Sonia Falconieri, Albert Murphy and Daniel Weaver

    As documented by a vast empirical literature, IPOs are characterized by underpricing. Most of the theoretical literature has linked the size of underpricing to the IPO procedure used on the primary market. In this paper, by using a matched sample of NYSE and Nasdaq IPOs, we show that the size of underpricing also depends on the trading method used in the IPO aftermarket.
    There are two major methods of opening trading of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the U.S. The NYSE is an order-driven market ....51.... a call auction allows supply and demand to be aggregated (at one location) prior to the start of trading. ....52.... , Nasdaq is a quote-driven market. Dealers can only specify their best quotes, and participants have ....53.... idea of supply and demand away from the inside quotes.
      We propose a new proxy for ex ante uncertainty of firm value and test it. Our results show that there is a larger level of uncertainty at the beginning of trading on Nasdaq than on the NYSE. This in turn is associated with larger levels of underpricing for Nasdaq IPOs. We suggest that this may be due to the different informational efficiency of the two trading systems.

( 2Fmarketinfo%2Fmarketinfo.html)
Para responder à questão, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado (...52...). 
Ano: 2003 Banca: FCC Órgão: CVM Prova: FCC - 2003 - CVM - Analista - Sistemas |
Q2241596 Inglês
From the IPO to the First Trade: Is Underpricing Related to the Trading Mechanism?

Sonia Falconieri, Albert Murphy and Daniel Weaver

    As documented by a vast empirical literature, IPOs are characterized by underpricing. Most of the theoretical literature has linked the size of underpricing to the IPO procedure used on the primary market. In this paper, by using a matched sample of NYSE and Nasdaq IPOs, we show that the size of underpricing also depends on the trading method used in the IPO aftermarket.
    There are two major methods of opening trading of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the U.S. The NYSE is an order-driven market ....51.... a call auction allows supply and demand to be aggregated (at one location) prior to the start of trading. ....52.... , Nasdaq is a quote-driven market. Dealers can only specify their best quotes, and participants have ....53.... idea of supply and demand away from the inside quotes.
      We propose a new proxy for ex ante uncertainty of firm value and test it. Our results show that there is a larger level of uncertainty at the beginning of trading on Nasdaq than on the NYSE. This in turn is associated with larger levels of underpricing for Nasdaq IPOs. We suggest that this may be due to the different informational efficiency of the two trading systems.

( 2Fmarketinfo%2Fmarketinfo.html)
Para responder à questão, assinale, na folha de respostas, a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do texto apresentado (...51...). 
Q2240995 Inglês

Obama gets first taste of Oval Office

By Andrew Ward in Washington
Published: November 10 2008 18:29 | Last updated:
November 10 2008 18:29

(1) Barack Obama stepped inside the Oval Office for the first time on Monday during a visit to the White House for talks with George W. Bush, outgoing president. It has long been a tradition for the president to invite his successor to the White House before leaving office, but this year’s meeting promised to be more substantive than usual given the urgent economic challenges awaiting the new administration.

(2) Dana Perino, White House press secretary, refused to be drawn on the agenda, but it was widely assumed the financial crisis and broader economic malaise would be a central focus.

(3) The topics One likely issue for discussion are likely to include the terms for a proposed second economic stimulus package that Mr Obama has urged Congress to pass before he takes office.

(4) Mr Bush has signalled his willingness to consider another stimulus – on top of the $150bn (•118bn, £96bn) of tax relief earlier this year – to shore up the economy.

(5) But Bush officials say the president wants the Democratic-controlled Congress to drop its opposition to the proposed US free trade deal with Colombia in return for him approving further stimulus measures. Rahm Emanuel, appointed last week as Mr Obama’s chief of staff, indicated on Sunday that his new boss would resist any attempt by Mr Bush to force through the Colombia deal.

(6) In another potential flashpoint between the president and president-elect, Mr Emanuel also voiced support for Democratic efforts to extend government support to the ailing US car industry in spite of resistance from the White House.

(7) Despite the potential for conflict, both Mr Bush and Mr Obama have stressed their willingness to work together in a bipartisan fashion during the transition phase since the latter beat John McCain, the Republican candidate, in last week’s election.

(8) Looking ahead to yesterday’s meeting, Mr Obama said: “I’m going to go in there with a spirit of bipartisanship, and a sense that both the president and various leaders of Congress all recognise the severity of the situation right now and want to get stuff done.” 

(9) Mr Obama harshly attacked Mr Bush and his “failed” policies throughout the campaign, but the president has shown no signs of taking the criticism to heart.

(10) In his statement after the election, Mr Bush lauded Mr Obama’s win as “a triumph of the American story, a testament to hard work, optimism and faith in the enduring promise of our nation”.

(11) Mr Obama has visited the White House in the past, but on Monday marked his first time inside the oval-shaped office that he will inherit in just over two months.

(12) The two men were expected to meet alone, allowing a candid discussion about the demands of the job and the pressing issues Mr Obama will face when he takes office on January 20.

(13) The meeting came as aides to Mr Obama made clear the president-elect was planning to move swiftly to revoke a series of Bush administration policies once in office.

(14) “There’s a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action,” said John Podesta, co-chair of the Obama transition team. “I think he feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set.”
The following sentence was extracted from the text.
“I think he feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set.”
The best paraphrase of the excerpt above is:
Q2240994 Inglês

Obama gets first taste of Oval Office

By Andrew Ward in Washington
Published: November 10 2008 18:29 | Last updated:
November 10 2008 18:29

(1) Barack Obama stepped inside the Oval Office for the first time on Monday during a visit to the White House for talks with George W. Bush, outgoing president. It has long been a tradition for the president to invite his successor to the White House before leaving office, but this year’s meeting promised to be more substantive than usual given the urgent economic challenges awaiting the new administration.

(2) Dana Perino, White House press secretary, refused to be drawn on the agenda, but it was widely assumed the financial crisis and broader economic malaise would be a central focus.

(3) The topics One likely issue for discussion are likely to include the terms for a proposed second economic stimulus package that Mr Obama has urged Congress to pass before he takes office.

(4) Mr Bush has signalled his willingness to consider another stimulus – on top of the $150bn (•118bn, £96bn) of tax relief earlier this year – to shore up the economy.

(5) But Bush officials say the president wants the Democratic-controlled Congress to drop its opposition to the proposed US free trade deal with Colombia in return for him approving further stimulus measures. Rahm Emanuel, appointed last week as Mr Obama’s chief of staff, indicated on Sunday that his new boss would resist any attempt by Mr Bush to force through the Colombia deal.

(6) In another potential flashpoint between the president and president-elect, Mr Emanuel also voiced support for Democratic efforts to extend government support to the ailing US car industry in spite of resistance from the White House.

(7) Despite the potential for conflict, both Mr Bush and Mr Obama have stressed their willingness to work together in a bipartisan fashion during the transition phase since the latter beat John McCain, the Republican candidate, in last week’s election.

(8) Looking ahead to yesterday’s meeting, Mr Obama said: “I’m going to go in there with a spirit of bipartisanship, and a sense that both the president and various leaders of Congress all recognise the severity of the situation right now and want to get stuff done.” 

(9) Mr Obama harshly attacked Mr Bush and his “failed” policies throughout the campaign, but the president has shown no signs of taking the criticism to heart.

(10) In his statement after the election, Mr Bush lauded Mr Obama’s win as “a triumph of the American story, a testament to hard work, optimism and faith in the enduring promise of our nation”.

(11) Mr Obama has visited the White House in the past, but on Monday marked his first time inside the oval-shaped office that he will inherit in just over two months.

(12) The two men were expected to meet alone, allowing a candid discussion about the demands of the job and the pressing issues Mr Obama will face when he takes office on January 20.

(13) The meeting came as aides to Mr Obama made clear the president-elect was planning to move swiftly to revoke a series of Bush administration policies once in office.

(14) “There’s a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action,” said John Podesta, co-chair of the Obama transition team. “I think he feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set.”
In paragraph 9, the idiom “take something to heart” means:
Q2240990 Inglês

Obama gets first taste of Oval Office

By Andrew Ward in Washington
Published: November 10 2008 18:29 | Last updated:
November 10 2008 18:29

(1) Barack Obama stepped inside the Oval Office for the first time on Monday during a visit to the White House for talks with George W. Bush, outgoing president. It has long been a tradition for the president to invite his successor to the White House before leaving office, but this year’s meeting promised to be more substantive than usual given the urgent economic challenges awaiting the new administration.

(2) Dana Perino, White House press secretary, refused to be drawn on the agenda, but it was widely assumed the financial crisis and broader economic malaise would be a central focus.

(3) The topics One likely issue for discussion are likely to include the terms for a proposed second economic stimulus package that Mr Obama has urged Congress to pass before he takes office.

(4) Mr Bush has signalled his willingness to consider another stimulus – on top of the $150bn (•118bn, £96bn) of tax relief earlier this year – to shore up the economy.

(5) But Bush officials say the president wants the Democratic-controlled Congress to drop its opposition to the proposed US free trade deal with Colombia in return for him approving further stimulus measures. Rahm Emanuel, appointed last week as Mr Obama’s chief of staff, indicated on Sunday that his new boss would resist any attempt by Mr Bush to force through the Colombia deal.

(6) In another potential flashpoint between the president and president-elect, Mr Emanuel also voiced support for Democratic efforts to extend government support to the ailing US car industry in spite of resistance from the White House.

(7) Despite the potential for conflict, both Mr Bush and Mr Obama have stressed their willingness to work together in a bipartisan fashion during the transition phase since the latter beat John McCain, the Republican candidate, in last week’s election.

(8) Looking ahead to yesterday’s meeting, Mr Obama said: “I’m going to go in there with a spirit of bipartisanship, and a sense that both the president and various leaders of Congress all recognise the severity of the situation right now and want to get stuff done.” 

(9) Mr Obama harshly attacked Mr Bush and his “failed” policies throughout the campaign, but the president has shown no signs of taking the criticism to heart.

(10) In his statement after the election, Mr Bush lauded Mr Obama’s win as “a triumph of the American story, a testament to hard work, optimism and faith in the enduring promise of our nation”.

(11) Mr Obama has visited the White House in the past, but on Monday marked his first time inside the oval-shaped office that he will inherit in just over two months.

(12) The two men were expected to meet alone, allowing a candid discussion about the demands of the job and the pressing issues Mr Obama will face when he takes office on January 20.

(13) The meeting came as aides to Mr Obama made clear the president-elect was planning to move swiftly to revoke a series of Bush administration policies once in office.

(14) “There’s a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action,” said John Podesta, co-chair of the Obama transition team. “I think he feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set.”
In paragraph 4, “to shore up the economy” means:
Q2240988 Inglês

Obama gets first taste of Oval Office

By Andrew Ward in Washington
Published: November 10 2008 18:29 | Last updated:
November 10 2008 18:29

(1) Barack Obama stepped inside the Oval Office for the first time on Monday during a visit to the White House for talks with George W. Bush, outgoing president. It has long been a tradition for the president to invite his successor to the White House before leaving office, but this year’s meeting promised to be more substantive than usual given the urgent economic challenges awaiting the new administration.

(2) Dana Perino, White House press secretary, refused to be drawn on the agenda, but it was widely assumed the financial crisis and broader economic malaise would be a central focus.

(3) The topics One likely issue for discussion are likely to include the terms for a proposed second economic stimulus package that Mr Obama has urged Congress to pass before he takes office.

(4) Mr Bush has signalled his willingness to consider another stimulus – on top of the $150bn (•118bn, £96bn) of tax relief earlier this year – to shore up the economy.

(5) But Bush officials say the president wants the Democratic-controlled Congress to drop its opposition to the proposed US free trade deal with Colombia in return for him approving further stimulus measures. Rahm Emanuel, appointed last week as Mr Obama’s chief of staff, indicated on Sunday that his new boss would resist any attempt by Mr Bush to force through the Colombia deal.

(6) In another potential flashpoint between the president and president-elect, Mr Emanuel also voiced support for Democratic efforts to extend government support to the ailing US car industry in spite of resistance from the White House.

(7) Despite the potential for conflict, both Mr Bush and Mr Obama have stressed their willingness to work together in a bipartisan fashion during the transition phase since the latter beat John McCain, the Republican candidate, in last week’s election.

(8) Looking ahead to yesterday’s meeting, Mr Obama said: “I’m going to go in there with a spirit of bipartisanship, and a sense that both the president and various leaders of Congress all recognise the severity of the situation right now and want to get stuff done.” 

(9) Mr Obama harshly attacked Mr Bush and his “failed” policies throughout the campaign, but the president has shown no signs of taking the criticism to heart.

(10) In his statement after the election, Mr Bush lauded Mr Obama’s win as “a triumph of the American story, a testament to hard work, optimism and faith in the enduring promise of our nation”.

(11) Mr Obama has visited the White House in the past, but on Monday marked his first time inside the oval-shaped office that he will inherit in just over two months.

(12) The two men were expected to meet alone, allowing a candid discussion about the demands of the job and the pressing issues Mr Obama will face when he takes office on January 20.

(13) The meeting came as aides to Mr Obama made clear the president-elect was planning to move swiftly to revoke a series of Bush administration policies once in office.

(14) “There’s a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action,” said John Podesta, co-chair of the Obama transition team. “I think he feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set.”
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Q2240987 Inglês

Obama gets first taste of Oval Office

By Andrew Ward in Washington
Published: November 10 2008 18:29 | Last updated:
November 10 2008 18:29

(1) Barack Obama stepped inside the Oval Office for the first time on Monday during a visit to the White House for talks with George W. Bush, outgoing president. It has long been a tradition for the president to invite his successor to the White House before leaving office, but this year’s meeting promised to be more substantive than usual given the urgent economic challenges awaiting the new administration.

(2) Dana Perino, White House press secretary, refused to be drawn on the agenda, but it was widely assumed the financial crisis and broader economic malaise would be a central focus.

(3) The topics One likely issue for discussion are likely to include the terms for a proposed second economic stimulus package that Mr Obama has urged Congress to pass before he takes office.

(4) Mr Bush has signalled his willingness to consider another stimulus – on top of the $150bn (•118bn, £96bn) of tax relief earlier this year – to shore up the economy.

(5) But Bush officials say the president wants the Democratic-controlled Congress to drop its opposition to the proposed US free trade deal with Colombia in return for him approving further stimulus measures. Rahm Emanuel, appointed last week as Mr Obama’s chief of staff, indicated on Sunday that his new boss would resist any attempt by Mr Bush to force through the Colombia deal.

(6) In another potential flashpoint between the president and president-elect, Mr Emanuel also voiced support for Democratic efforts to extend government support to the ailing US car industry in spite of resistance from the White House.

(7) Despite the potential for conflict, both Mr Bush and Mr Obama have stressed their willingness to work together in a bipartisan fashion during the transition phase since the latter beat John McCain, the Republican candidate, in last week’s election.

(8) Looking ahead to yesterday’s meeting, Mr Obama said: “I’m going to go in there with a spirit of bipartisanship, and a sense that both the president and various leaders of Congress all recognise the severity of the situation right now and want to get stuff done.” 

(9) Mr Obama harshly attacked Mr Bush and his “failed” policies throughout the campaign, but the president has shown no signs of taking the criticism to heart.

(10) In his statement after the election, Mr Bush lauded Mr Obama’s win as “a triumph of the American story, a testament to hard work, optimism and faith in the enduring promise of our nation”.

(11) Mr Obama has visited the White House in the past, but on Monday marked his first time inside the oval-shaped office that he will inherit in just over two months.

(12) The two men were expected to meet alone, allowing a candid discussion about the demands of the job and the pressing issues Mr Obama will face when he takes office on January 20.

(13) The meeting came as aides to Mr Obama made clear the president-elect was planning to move swiftly to revoke a series of Bush administration policies once in office.

(14) “There’s a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action,” said John Podesta, co-chair of the Obama transition team. “I think he feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set.”
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