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Q2232331 Inglês
DIET COKE BREAK? Should you stop drinking Diet Coke? All you need to know about the aspartame scandal affecting more than just soda

(1º§)The ingredient aspartame, which gives the drink its sweet touch, is about to be designated as "possibly carcinogenic" by the World Health Organisation, insiders claimed this week. Aspartame is found in a variety of foods and fizzy drinks, including Diet Coke and in the EU, as for all food additives, the presence of aspartame must be indicated on the label either by its name or its E number (E951).

(2º§)Diet Coke has been made popular over the years by deals with celebs including Whitney Houston, Kate Moss, Taylor Swift and even Holly Willoughby. But the argument over whether sugar or sweeteners is better for your health has raged for years and is one of the most debated topics in nutritional science.

(3º§)WHAT'S THE DEAL? Aspartame is a sweetener that's been used for over 30 years in thousands of products to add sweetness to lower calorie and sugar-free products, including drinks, cereal bars and yoghurts.

(4º§)WHY THE FUSS? This week it emerged that the International Agency for Research on Cancer, an arm of the WHO, could declare aspartame a class 2B carcinogen. That means they deem it "possibly carcinogenic to humans". Other products that fall into this category include aloe vera extract, lead and Asian pickled vegetables. There is no denying it is complicated. Here, we take a look at aspartame, its potential dangers and whether or not you should be going cold-turkey on the popular drink. Gunter Kuhnle, professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Reading, tells The Sun: "Aspartame turns into methanol and phenylalanine in the intestinal tract. "Methanol is converted into formaldehyde by the human body, and formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. "This is at least one of the possible mechanisms."

(5º§)WHAT DOES THE SCIENCE SAY? Whether or not sweeteners are linked to cancer has long been studied. One of the most recent studies of 100,000 people in France - showed those who consumed larger quantities of artificial sweeteners, including aspartame, had a slightly higher cancer risk. But Dr Caitlin Hall, chief dietitian and head of clinical research at myota, tells The Sun: "There is some controversy surrounding these studies. "The French study could not prove definitively that aspartame caused the increased cancer risk. More research is needed."

(6º§)WHAT OF OTHER HEALTH RISKS? Only last month, the WHO issued guidelines advising people not to drink sweeteners if they want to lose weight. It said although short-term weight loss may occur, there could be "undesirable effects" in the long term, such as an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Dr Hall says the chemicals produced by sweeteners have been found to "disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in our gut microbiome" which do "all sorts of amazing things, like strengthening our immune system and keeping our metabolism in check". Registered dietitian Aisling Pigott, a British Dietetic Association spokesperson, says if you're eating "diet" foods to help lose weight, "it's worth making sure these are not displacing fruit, veggies and fibre rich foods too". Other studies have suggested sweeteners could affect male and female fertility, by decreasing sperm motility and affecting the ovaries. Meanwhile people with a rare inherited disease, called phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot safely consume aspartame.

(7º§)SO, SHOULD YOU QUIT DIET COKE NOW? The general consensus is that there is no need to worry. Prof Jones says: "The question is not, 'Does aspartame cause cancer or not,' but 'Does it do so at the level we are exposed to it?' The answer, I think, is no. "Think of it a bit like driving a car; the hazard is that you might get in an accident and be hurt or die but the risk is low enough that most of us don't think it will be an issue." Prof Oliver Jones, professor of chemistry at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, adds: "The amounts of methanol released are lower than found in orange juice, so unlikely an issue."

(8º§)WHAT'S THE RISK? Health experts across the globe have ruled aspartame is safe to consume, if you stick to accepted daily limits. The average Brit could guzzle 15 cans of Diet Coke in a day before exceeding the 40 milligrams of aspartame per kilogram of body weight threshold. In 2013, the European Food Safety Authority, looked at how much formaldehyde is produced from consuming aspartame and had little concern "as the amount was too low", Prof Kuhnle says. "They do not comment on whether higher intakes will cause harm. It is possible that aspartame causes cancer when consumed in amounts much higher than normally consumed." The IARC will review the evidence to determine whether or not to classify aspartame as a hazard. Statistics expert, Prof Kevin McConway from the Open University says: "They assess whether it would ever be capable of presenting a risk, under any circumstances. "Even if the only harmful circumstances are really, really unlikely." Prof Kuhnle adds: "Many things are carcinogens, but in many cases, the exposure to them is too low for this to matter. "The sun can cause cancer, but we can manage the risk." Frances Hunt-Wood, from the International Sweeteners Association, adds: "Aspartame is one of the most thoroughly researched ingredients in history with over 90 food safety agencies across the globe declaring it is safe." Rick Mumford, the deputy chief scientific adviser to the UK's Food Standards Agency, says: "Our view is that the safety of this sweetener has been evaluated by various scientific committees and it is considered safe at current permitted use levels."
What is the general consensus regarding the safety of consuming aspartame?
Q2232330 Inglês
DIET COKE BREAK? Should you stop drinking Diet Coke? All you need to know about the aspartame scandal affecting more than just soda

(1º§)The ingredient aspartame, which gives the drink its sweet touch, is about to be designated as "possibly carcinogenic" by the World Health Organisation, insiders claimed this week. Aspartame is found in a variety of foods and fizzy drinks, including Diet Coke and in the EU, as for all food additives, the presence of aspartame must be indicated on the label either by its name or its E number (E951).

(2º§)Diet Coke has been made popular over the years by deals with celebs including Whitney Houston, Kate Moss, Taylor Swift and even Holly Willoughby. But the argument over whether sugar or sweeteners is better for your health has raged for years and is one of the most debated topics in nutritional science.

(3º§)WHAT'S THE DEAL? Aspartame is a sweetener that's been used for over 30 years in thousands of products to add sweetness to lower calorie and sugar-free products, including drinks, cereal bars and yoghurts.

(4º§)WHY THE FUSS? This week it emerged that the International Agency for Research on Cancer, an arm of the WHO, could declare aspartame a class 2B carcinogen. That means they deem it "possibly carcinogenic to humans". Other products that fall into this category include aloe vera extract, lead and Asian pickled vegetables. There is no denying it is complicated. Here, we take a look at aspartame, its potential dangers and whether or not you should be going cold-turkey on the popular drink. Gunter Kuhnle, professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Reading, tells The Sun: "Aspartame turns into methanol and phenylalanine in the intestinal tract. "Methanol is converted into formaldehyde by the human body, and formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. "This is at least one of the possible mechanisms."

(5º§)WHAT DOES THE SCIENCE SAY? Whether or not sweeteners are linked to cancer has long been studied. One of the most recent studies of 100,000 people in France - showed those who consumed larger quantities of artificial sweeteners, including aspartame, had a slightly higher cancer risk. But Dr Caitlin Hall, chief dietitian and head of clinical research at myota, tells The Sun: "There is some controversy surrounding these studies. "The French study could not prove definitively that aspartame caused the increased cancer risk. More research is needed."

(6º§)WHAT OF OTHER HEALTH RISKS? Only last month, the WHO issued guidelines advising people not to drink sweeteners if they want to lose weight. It said although short-term weight loss may occur, there could be "undesirable effects" in the long term, such as an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Dr Hall says the chemicals produced by sweeteners have been found to "disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in our gut microbiome" which do "all sorts of amazing things, like strengthening our immune system and keeping our metabolism in check". Registered dietitian Aisling Pigott, a British Dietetic Association spokesperson, says if you're eating "diet" foods to help lose weight, "it's worth making sure these are not displacing fruit, veggies and fibre rich foods too". Other studies have suggested sweeteners could affect male and female fertility, by decreasing sperm motility and affecting the ovaries. Meanwhile people with a rare inherited disease, called phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot safely consume aspartame.

(7º§)SO, SHOULD YOU QUIT DIET COKE NOW? The general consensus is that there is no need to worry. Prof Jones says: "The question is not, 'Does aspartame cause cancer or not,' but 'Does it do so at the level we are exposed to it?' The answer, I think, is no. "Think of it a bit like driving a car; the hazard is that you might get in an accident and be hurt or die but the risk is low enough that most of us don't think it will be an issue." Prof Oliver Jones, professor of chemistry at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, adds: "The amounts of methanol released are lower than found in orange juice, so unlikely an issue."

(8º§)WHAT'S THE RISK? Health experts across the globe have ruled aspartame is safe to consume, if you stick to accepted daily limits. The average Brit could guzzle 15 cans of Diet Coke in a day before exceeding the 40 milligrams of aspartame per kilogram of body weight threshold. In 2013, the European Food Safety Authority, looked at how much formaldehyde is produced from consuming aspartame and had little concern "as the amount was too low", Prof Kuhnle says. "They do not comment on whether higher intakes will cause harm. It is possible that aspartame causes cancer when consumed in amounts much higher than normally consumed." The IARC will review the evidence to determine whether or not to classify aspartame as a hazard. Statistics expert, Prof Kevin McConway from the Open University says: "They assess whether it would ever be capable of presenting a risk, under any circumstances. "Even if the only harmful circumstances are really, really unlikely." Prof Kuhnle adds: "Many things are carcinogens, but in many cases, the exposure to them is too low for this to matter. "The sun can cause cancer, but we can manage the risk." Frances Hunt-Wood, from the International Sweeteners Association, adds: "Aspartame is one of the most thoroughly researched ingredients in history with over 90 food safety agencies across the globe declaring it is safe." Rick Mumford, the deputy chief scientific adviser to the UK's Food Standards Agency, says: "Our view is that the safety of this sweetener has been evaluated by various scientific committees and it is considered safe at current permitted use levels."
What has been one of the most debated topics in nutritional science regarding the health effects of Diet Coke? 
Q2232329 Inglês
DIET COKE BREAK? Should you stop drinking Diet Coke? All you need to know about the aspartame scandal affecting more than just soda

(1º§)The ingredient aspartame, which gives the drink its sweet touch, is about to be designated as "possibly carcinogenic" by the World Health Organisation, insiders claimed this week. Aspartame is found in a variety of foods and fizzy drinks, including Diet Coke and in the EU, as for all food additives, the presence of aspartame must be indicated on the label either by its name or its E number (E951).

(2º§)Diet Coke has been made popular over the years by deals with celebs including Whitney Houston, Kate Moss, Taylor Swift and even Holly Willoughby. But the argument over whether sugar or sweeteners is better for your health has raged for years and is one of the most debated topics in nutritional science.

(3º§)WHAT'S THE DEAL? Aspartame is a sweetener that's been used for over 30 years in thousands of products to add sweetness to lower calorie and sugar-free products, including drinks, cereal bars and yoghurts.

(4º§)WHY THE FUSS? This week it emerged that the International Agency for Research on Cancer, an arm of the WHO, could declare aspartame a class 2B carcinogen. That means they deem it "possibly carcinogenic to humans". Other products that fall into this category include aloe vera extract, lead and Asian pickled vegetables. There is no denying it is complicated. Here, we take a look at aspartame, its potential dangers and whether or not you should be going cold-turkey on the popular drink. Gunter Kuhnle, professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Reading, tells The Sun: "Aspartame turns into methanol and phenylalanine in the intestinal tract. "Methanol is converted into formaldehyde by the human body, and formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. "This is at least one of the possible mechanisms."

(5º§)WHAT DOES THE SCIENCE SAY? Whether or not sweeteners are linked to cancer has long been studied. One of the most recent studies of 100,000 people in France - showed those who consumed larger quantities of artificial sweeteners, including aspartame, had a slightly higher cancer risk. But Dr Caitlin Hall, chief dietitian and head of clinical research at myota, tells The Sun: "There is some controversy surrounding these studies. "The French study could not prove definitively that aspartame caused the increased cancer risk. More research is needed."

(6º§)WHAT OF OTHER HEALTH RISKS? Only last month, the WHO issued guidelines advising people not to drink sweeteners if they want to lose weight. It said although short-term weight loss may occur, there could be "undesirable effects" in the long term, such as an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Dr Hall says the chemicals produced by sweeteners have been found to "disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in our gut microbiome" which do "all sorts of amazing things, like strengthening our immune system and keeping our metabolism in check". Registered dietitian Aisling Pigott, a British Dietetic Association spokesperson, says if you're eating "diet" foods to help lose weight, "it's worth making sure these are not displacing fruit, veggies and fibre rich foods too". Other studies have suggested sweeteners could affect male and female fertility, by decreasing sperm motility and affecting the ovaries. Meanwhile people with a rare inherited disease, called phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot safely consume aspartame.

(7º§)SO, SHOULD YOU QUIT DIET COKE NOW? The general consensus is that there is no need to worry. Prof Jones says: "The question is not, 'Does aspartame cause cancer or not,' but 'Does it do so at the level we are exposed to it?' The answer, I think, is no. "Think of it a bit like driving a car; the hazard is that you might get in an accident and be hurt or die but the risk is low enough that most of us don't think it will be an issue." Prof Oliver Jones, professor of chemistry at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, adds: "The amounts of methanol released are lower than found in orange juice, so unlikely an issue."

(8º§)WHAT'S THE RISK? Health experts across the globe have ruled aspartame is safe to consume, if you stick to accepted daily limits. The average Brit could guzzle 15 cans of Diet Coke in a day before exceeding the 40 milligrams of aspartame per kilogram of body weight threshold. In 2013, the European Food Safety Authority, looked at how much formaldehyde is produced from consuming aspartame and had little concern "as the amount was too low", Prof Kuhnle says. "They do not comment on whether higher intakes will cause harm. It is possible that aspartame causes cancer when consumed in amounts much higher than normally consumed." The IARC will review the evidence to determine whether or not to classify aspartame as a hazard. Statistics expert, Prof Kevin McConway from the Open University says: "They assess whether it would ever be capable of presenting a risk, under any circumstances. "Even if the only harmful circumstances are really, really unlikely." Prof Kuhnle adds: "Many things are carcinogens, but in many cases, the exposure to them is too low for this to matter. "The sun can cause cancer, but we can manage the risk." Frances Hunt-Wood, from the International Sweeteners Association, adds: "Aspartame is one of the most thoroughly researched ingredients in history with over 90 food safety agencies across the globe declaring it is safe." Rick Mumford, the deputy chief scientific adviser to the UK's Food Standards Agency, says: "Our view is that the safety of this sweetener has been evaluated by various scientific committees and it is considered safe at current permitted use levels."
According to the World Health Organisation, what is the potential designation for aspartame in relation to cancer?
Q2231449 Inglês
Consider the following sentence:
"The speaker's use of rhetorical questions effectively engages the audience and prompts them to reflect on their own beliefs."
Which of the following aspects of discourse is exemplified in the sentence?
Q2231447 Inglês
Identify the type of syntactic construction used in the underlined portion of the following sentence:
"Not only did he complete the marathon, but he also set a new record."
Select the correct alternative: 
Q2231445 Inglês
Identify the morphological process used to form the word "unconquerable" in the following sentence:
"Her determination made her unconquerable in the face of adversity."
Select the correct alternative: 
Q2231443 Inglês
(§1º)Budelli Island is part of the La Maddalena Archipelago and is home to Spiaggia Rosa - a stretch of pink sand that's been protected by the Italian government since 1992.

(§2º)The pink shade is caused by the crushed shells of a micro-organism mixing with the sand when it dies. But when the beach started to lose its rose-tinted hue because of over-tourism, visitors were banned in a bit to protect the pink sand.

(§3º)The colour has since returned but a new wave of unauthorised daytrippers are threatening the pink shores. While it is strictly forbidden to step foot on the beach, holidaymakers are able to admire the pink sand from the safety of a boat. But according to one expert, some holidaymakers are flouting the ban.

(§4º)In an article in the Times, Fabrizio Fonnesu, director of the Maddalena archipelago national park said: "The beach is again in danger as people arrive by boat, clamber up the beach, then post photos, which allow us to fine them up to 500 euros (£430)."

(§5º)Tourists who've attempted to take Sardinia's pink sand away as a souvenir can up fined up to 3,500 euros (£3,007). And according to the Guardian, a couple were fined 1,000 euros (£860) in 2001 after they were caught filling a plastic bottle with sand.

(§6º)Brits who want to visit the island will need to book themself onto a private boat tour or a ferry service to glimpse this secluded spot from afar. Other beaches on the island have also brought in measures to minimise the impact of tourists. Only 1,600 people can visit Cala Sisine while Santa Maria Navarrese only permits 1,300 euros.

(§7º)Fewer still are able to visit Cala Mariolu, with only 550 people allowed in per day and each having to pay a 1 euro fee. Elsewhere, Pelosa Beach has banned towels and asked visitors to instead bring mats which gather less sand. Anyone visiting will have to pay 3.50 euros.

(§8º)Meanwhile, tourists wanting to visit the beaches of Cala Coticcio and Cala Brigantina in the archipelago of La Maddalena will have to pay 3 euros per person for access each day after new rules were brought in. The archipelago itself is a national park and only accessible with a guide, which will cost 25 euros for five hours.

(§9º)And anyone caught visiting the archipelago without a guide could face prosecution. Just 60 people will be permitted on each beach per day, as the local authorities look at ways to protect the sites from the impact of tourism.

(§10º)Slots must be booked in advance by contacting a local guide but it is hoped that an app will be launched soon. Here are several other pink beaches holidaymakers can visit across Europe - and one's in the UK. And a beach in the Canary Islands even has sand that looks like popcorn, due to the shape of the coral.

How are tourists currently allowed to observe the pink sand on Budelli Island?
Q2231442 Inglês
(§1º)Budelli Island is part of the La Maddalena Archipelago and is home to Spiaggia Rosa - a stretch of pink sand that's been protected by the Italian government since 1992.

(§2º)The pink shade is caused by the crushed shells of a micro-organism mixing with the sand when it dies. But when the beach started to lose its rose-tinted hue because of over-tourism, visitors were banned in a bit to protect the pink sand.

(§3º)The colour has since returned but a new wave of unauthorised daytrippers are threatening the pink shores. While it is strictly forbidden to step foot on the beach, holidaymakers are able to admire the pink sand from the safety of a boat. But according to one expert, some holidaymakers are flouting the ban.

(§4º)In an article in the Times, Fabrizio Fonnesu, director of the Maddalena archipelago national park said: "The beach is again in danger as people arrive by boat, clamber up the beach, then post photos, which allow us to fine them up to 500 euros (£430)."

(§5º)Tourists who've attempted to take Sardinia's pink sand away as a souvenir can up fined up to 3,500 euros (£3,007). And according to the Guardian, a couple were fined 1,000 euros (£860) in 2001 after they were caught filling a plastic bottle with sand.

(§6º)Brits who want to visit the island will need to book themself onto a private boat tour or a ferry service to glimpse this secluded spot from afar. Other beaches on the island have also brought in measures to minimise the impact of tourists. Only 1,600 people can visit Cala Sisine while Santa Maria Navarrese only permits 1,300 euros.

(§7º)Fewer still are able to visit Cala Mariolu, with only 550 people allowed in per day and each having to pay a 1 euro fee. Elsewhere, Pelosa Beach has banned towels and asked visitors to instead bring mats which gather less sand. Anyone visiting will have to pay 3.50 euros.

(§8º)Meanwhile, tourists wanting to visit the beaches of Cala Coticcio and Cala Brigantina in the archipelago of La Maddalena will have to pay 3 euros per person for access each day after new rules were brought in. The archipelago itself is a national park and only accessible with a guide, which will cost 25 euros for five hours.

(§9º)And anyone caught visiting the archipelago without a guide could face prosecution. Just 60 people will be permitted on each beach per day, as the local authorities look at ways to protect the sites from the impact of tourism.

(§10º)Slots must be booked in advance by contacting a local guide but it is hoped that an app will be launched soon. Here are several other pink beaches holidaymakers can visit across Europe - and one's in the UK. And a beach in the Canary Islands even has sand that looks like popcorn, due to the shape of the coral.

According to Fabrizio Fonnesu, director of the Maddalena archipelago national park, what actions have visitors taken that have resulted in fines on Budelli Island?
Q2231440 Inglês
(§1º)Budelli Island is part of the La Maddalena Archipelago and is home to Spiaggia Rosa - a stretch of pink sand that's been protected by the Italian government since 1992.

(§2º)The pink shade is caused by the crushed shells of a micro-organism mixing with the sand when it dies. But when the beach started to lose its rose-tinted hue because of over-tourism, visitors were banned in a bit to protect the pink sand.

(§3º)The colour has since returned but a new wave of unauthorised daytrippers are threatening the pink shores. While it is strictly forbidden to step foot on the beach, holidaymakers are able to admire the pink sand from the safety of a boat. But according to one expert, some holidaymakers are flouting the ban.

(§4º)In an article in the Times, Fabrizio Fonnesu, director of the Maddalena archipelago national park said: "The beach is again in danger as people arrive by boat, clamber up the beach, then post photos, which allow us to fine them up to 500 euros (£430)."

(§5º)Tourists who've attempted to take Sardinia's pink sand away as a souvenir can up fined up to 3,500 euros (£3,007). And according to the Guardian, a couple were fined 1,000 euros (£860) in 2001 after they were caught filling a plastic bottle with sand.

(§6º)Brits who want to visit the island will need to book themself onto a private boat tour or a ferry service to glimpse this secluded spot from afar. Other beaches on the island have also brought in measures to minimise the impact of tourists. Only 1,600 people can visit Cala Sisine while Santa Maria Navarrese only permits 1,300 euros.

(§7º)Fewer still are able to visit Cala Mariolu, with only 550 people allowed in per day and each having to pay a 1 euro fee. Elsewhere, Pelosa Beach has banned towels and asked visitors to instead bring mats which gather less sand. Anyone visiting will have to pay 3.50 euros.

(§8º)Meanwhile, tourists wanting to visit the beaches of Cala Coticcio and Cala Brigantina in the archipelago of La Maddalena will have to pay 3 euros per person for access each day after new rules were brought in. The archipelago itself is a national park and only accessible with a guide, which will cost 25 euros for five hours.

(§9º)And anyone caught visiting the archipelago without a guide could face prosecution. Just 60 people will be permitted on each beach per day, as the local authorities look at ways to protect the sites from the impact of tourism.

(§10º)Slots must be booked in advance by contacting a local guide but it is hoped that an app will be launched soon. Here are several other pink beaches holidaymakers can visit across Europe - and one's in the UK. And a beach in the Canary Islands even has sand that looks like popcorn, due to the shape of the coral.

What measures have been implemented to regulate tourism and minimize its impact on the beaches in the La Maddalena archipelago?
Q2231438 Inglês
(§1º)Budelli Island is part of the La Maddalena Archipelago and is home to Spiaggia Rosa - a stretch of pink sand that's been protected by the Italian government since 1992.

(§2º)The pink shade is caused by the crushed shells of a micro-organism mixing with the sand when it dies. But when the beach started to lose its rose-tinted hue because of over-tourism, visitors were banned in a bit to protect the pink sand.

(§3º)The colour has since returned but a new wave of unauthorised daytrippers are threatening the pink shores. While it is strictly forbidden to step foot on the beach, holidaymakers are able to admire the pink sand from the safety of a boat. But according to one expert, some holidaymakers are flouting the ban.

(§4º)In an article in the Times, Fabrizio Fonnesu, director of the Maddalena archipelago national park said: "The beach is again in danger as people arrive by boat, clamber up the beach, then post photos, which allow us to fine them up to 500 euros (£430)."

(§5º)Tourists who've attempted to take Sardinia's pink sand away as a souvenir can up fined up to 3,500 euros (£3,007). And according to the Guardian, a couple were fined 1,000 euros (£860) in 2001 after they were caught filling a plastic bottle with sand.

(§6º)Brits who want to visit the island will need to book themself onto a private boat tour or a ferry service to glimpse this secluded spot from afar. Other beaches on the island have also brought in measures to minimise the impact of tourists. Only 1,600 people can visit Cala Sisine while Santa Maria Navarrese only permits 1,300 euros.

(§7º)Fewer still are able to visit Cala Mariolu, with only 550 people allowed in per day and each having to pay a 1 euro fee. Elsewhere, Pelosa Beach has banned towels and asked visitors to instead bring mats which gather less sand. Anyone visiting will have to pay 3.50 euros.

(§8º)Meanwhile, tourists wanting to visit the beaches of Cala Coticcio and Cala Brigantina in the archipelago of La Maddalena will have to pay 3 euros per person for access each day after new rules were brought in. The archipelago itself is a national park and only accessible with a guide, which will cost 25 euros for five hours.

(§9º)And anyone caught visiting the archipelago without a guide could face prosecution. Just 60 people will be permitted on each beach per day, as the local authorities look at ways to protect the sites from the impact of tourism.

(§10º)Slots must be booked in advance by contacting a local guide but it is hoped that an app will be launched soon. Here are several other pink beaches holidaymakers can visit across Europe - and one's in the UK. And a beach in the Canary Islands even has sand that looks like popcorn, due to the shape of the coral.

In the context of Budelli Island and its pink sand, why were visitors initially banned from the beach? 
Q2231437 Inglês
(§1º)Budelli Island is part of the La Maddalena Archipelago and is home to Spiaggia Rosa - a stretch of pink sand that's been protected by the Italian government since 1992.

(§2º)The pink shade is caused by the crushed shells of a micro-organism mixing with the sand when it dies. But when the beach started to lose its rose-tinted hue because of over-tourism, visitors were banned in a bit to protect the pink sand.

(§3º)The colour has since returned but a new wave of unauthorised daytrippers are threatening the pink shores. While it is strictly forbidden to step foot on the beach, holidaymakers are able to admire the pink sand from the safety of a boat. But according to one expert, some holidaymakers are flouting the ban.

(§4º)In an article in the Times, Fabrizio Fonnesu, director of the Maddalena archipelago national park said: "The beach is again in danger as people arrive by boat, clamber up the beach, then post photos, which allow us to fine them up to 500 euros (£430)."

(§5º)Tourists who've attempted to take Sardinia's pink sand away as a souvenir can up fined up to 3,500 euros (£3,007). And according to the Guardian, a couple were fined 1,000 euros (£860) in 2001 after they were caught filling a plastic bottle with sand.

(§6º)Brits who want to visit the island will need to book themself onto a private boat tour or a ferry service to glimpse this secluded spot from afar. Other beaches on the island have also brought in measures to minimise the impact of tourists. Only 1,600 people can visit Cala Sisine while Santa Maria Navarrese only permits 1,300 euros.

(§7º)Fewer still are able to visit Cala Mariolu, with only 550 people allowed in per day and each having to pay a 1 euro fee. Elsewhere, Pelosa Beach has banned towels and asked visitors to instead bring mats which gather less sand. Anyone visiting will have to pay 3.50 euros.

(§8º)Meanwhile, tourists wanting to visit the beaches of Cala Coticcio and Cala Brigantina in the archipelago of La Maddalena will have to pay 3 euros per person for access each day after new rules were brought in. The archipelago itself is a national park and only accessible with a guide, which will cost 25 euros for five hours.

(§9º)And anyone caught visiting the archipelago without a guide could face prosecution. Just 60 people will be permitted on each beach per day, as the local authorities look at ways to protect the sites from the impact of tourism.

(§10º)Slots must be booked in advance by contacting a local guide but it is hoped that an app will be launched soon. Here are several other pink beaches holidaymakers can visit across Europe - and one's in the UK. And a beach in the Canary Islands even has sand that looks like popcorn, due to the shape of the coral.

What is the main reason for the pink color of the sand on Budelli Island?
Q2229151 Inglês
"Cohesion is a crucial aspect of successful communication in both spoken and written language." - Deborah Tannen
Which of the following is an example of lexical cohesion?
Q2229150 Inglês
‘A Dream within a Dream’.

Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow — You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream   Poe, Edgar Allan. "A Dream Within a Dream"
How does the poem "A Dream within a Dream" relate to the concept of existentialism?
Q2229146 Inglês
“We die to each other daily. What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them. And they have changed since then. To pretend that they and we are the same is a useful and convenient social convention which must sometimes be broken. We must also remember that at every meeting we are meeting a stranger.”
T.S. Eliot's play "The Cocktail Party"
Which literary movement is associated with the writing style used in the given citation? 
Q2229144 Inglês
"The phenomenon of tone is the use of pitch differences to convey differences in meaning." - Peter Ladefoged
Which aspect of language is Ladefoged referring to in this quote?
Q2229143 Inglês
"The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—'tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning." - Mark Twain
What does Twain's quote suggest about the importance of choosing the right word? 
Q2229141 Inglês
"The importance of English in the world today cannot be overstated." - Jeremy Harmer
What is Harmer's main point regarding the role of English in the curriculum?
Q2229140 Inglês
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." - Ludwig Wittgenstein
What is the main message of Wittgenstein's quote? 
Q2229139 Inglês
"Language learning is not a spectator sport." - D. Freeman and J. Freeman
What does this quote imply about language learning?
Q2229137 Inglês
"The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things." - Jean Piaget
Which of the following best represents Piaget's view on language education? 
2561: D
2562: B
2563: A
2564: E
2565: A
2566: B
2567: A
2568: A
2569: B
2570: A
2571: C
2572: E
2573: E
2574: C
2575: E
2576: A
2577: D
2578: E
2579: C
2580: C