Questões de Inglês - Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension para Concurso

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Ano: 2019 Banca: IF-SC Órgão: IF-SC Prova: IF-SC - 2019 - IF-SC - Docente - Inglês |
Q2958214 Inglês

Raimes (1998) classifies the teaching practices of writing in L2 according to four main focuses: the form, the author, the content and the reader. Associate the column on the right side to the column on the left.

(1) This approach links writing to the content of the student's area of study, seeking to teach the specific rhetorical conventions of the subject.

(2) This approach understands that writing is influenced by the values, expectations and conventions of the discourse communities that will consume the written work.

(3) This proposal is centered on the final product, which should show the domain of certain grammatical, semantic and rhetorical.

(4) This proposal focuses on the process and use of cognitive strategies for producing texts. This is why it is called a "procedural" proposal, which emphasizes a pedagogy focused on the planning and development of ideas and the production of multiple drafts of a text, giving relevance to the recursive, non-linear character of writing.

( ) The form

( ) The author

( ) The content

( ) The reader

The CORRECT sequence, from top to bottom, is:

Ano: 2019 Banca: IF-SC Órgão: IF-SC Prova: IF-SC - 2019 - IF-SC - Docente - Inglês |
Q2958207 Inglês

Read the following statements and decide if they are true (T) or false (F).

( ) Technologies of information and communication create new genres as Twitter and YouTube. These novelties demand a new way to think teaching English as a second language.

( ) Reading and writing have been affected by new technologies. Images and hyperlinks have become an integrated part of the new genres.

( ) Teaching English as a second language has to follow different concepts of language learning and abstract from the changes society goes through.

( ) Intertextuality is a relevant characteristic of the technological genres.

( ) Multimedia educational proposals contribute to a contextualized teaching and to a better understanding of the world.

Choose the alternative which CORRECTLY shows if the statements are true of false:

Ano: 2019 Banca: IF-SC Órgão: IF-SC Prova: IF-SC - 2019 - IF-SC - Docente - Inglês |
Q2957766 Inglês

Considering classroom management and teacher-student interaction, write true (T) or false (F) to the following statements:

( ) Teacher talk is important to provide students with live target language input. ( ) Code switching is a teaching strategy used when teacher and students do not share the same L1.

( ) Classroom management has to do with decisions related to unexpected (but pertinent) questions, misbehaving students, technical problems with equipment or materials, among others.

( ) The one condition for interaction to happen in the language classroom is having negotiation of meaning between two or more speakers with the same proficiency level.

Choose the option with the correct sequence (top to bottom):

Q2956141 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

How Telecommuting Works

Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows employees to avoid long commutes.

“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It’s 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office. You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you don’t have to go far – you work at home. Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in popularity over the last 20 years.

On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of employees working from home grew by 23 percent from 1990 to 2000.

Telecommuting workers revel in making their own schedule – allowing them to schedule work around family and personal commitments. With the ready availability of technology tools, like the Internet and home computers, companies are more willing to let employees work from home.

(Adapted from: Access on 18 January, 2014)

The technology tools mentioned in the text refer to:

Q2956134 Inglês

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

How Telecommuting Works

Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows employees to avoid long commutes.

“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It’s 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office. You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you don’t have to go far – you work at home. Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in popularity over the last 20 years.

On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of employees working from home grew by 23 percent from 1990 to 2000.

Telecommuting workers revel in making their own schedule – allowing them to schedule work around family and personal commitments. With the ready availability of technology tools, like the Internet and home computers, companies are more willing to let employees work from home.

(Adapted from: Access on 18 January, 2014)

According to the text, workers:

66: E
67: C
68: A
69: D
70: A