Questões de Concurso
Sobre interpretação de texto | reading comprehension em inglês
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Fonte: Instagram #cambridgeenglishteaching
Fonte: Instagram #cambridgeenglishteaching
Fonte: Instagram #cambridgeenglishteaching
In viewing this Instagram photo, the teacher will realize that
items 2 and 3 involve mostly
The text below refers to question that follow it.
The text below refers to question that follow it.
( ) The concept of critical literacy lacks precise definition.
( ) Functional and critical literacies have similar aims.
( ) Classroom practices based on critical literacy vary.
The statements are, respectively:
1. Hot air keeps balloons up and flying.
2. Cold air keeps food cooked.
3. The burner produces a huge flash.
4. Usually made of wicker, the envelope is comfortable and warm. .
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sentences.
( ) Air goes up and out the top of a chimney when you light a fire.
( ) Cool air collects about the ceiling when you open a refrigerator.
( ) Smoke from a candle rises after you blow out the flame.
( ) Cold air coming from an air conditioning vent settles about the floor.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.