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Q1775287 Inglês

Munoz, Maricela. “Diplomacy in times of COVID-19.” Diplo (blog). Jul. 16, 2020. Accessed Sep. 10, 2020., with adaptations. 

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

The phrase “capital-based experts” in line 16 refers specifically to those who make international economic investments.

Q1775286 Inglês

Munoz, Maricela. “Diplomacy in times of COVID-19.” Diplo (blog). Jul. 16, 2020. Accessed Sep. 10, 2020., with adaptations. 

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).
In line 14, the word “one” is used as a pronoun for the antecedent “a whole new environment” (line 13).
Q1775285 Inglês

Munoz, Maricela. “Diplomacy in times of COVID-19.” Diplo (blog). Jul. 16, 2020. Accessed Sep. 10, 2020., with adaptations. 

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).
The word “business” in line 7 only refers to economic transactions.
Q1775284 Inglês

Munoz, Maricela. “Diplomacy in times of COVID-19.” Diplo (blog). Jul. 16, 2020. Accessed Sep. 10, 2020., with adaptations. 

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

The information presented in the text indicates that the size of the diplomatic corps in many developing countries is one element influencing their overall online presence.

Q1775283 Inglês

Munoz, Maricela. “Diplomacy in times of COVID-19.” Diplo (blog). Jul. 16, 2020. Accessed Sep. 10, 2020., with adaptations. 

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

The author asserts that a major challenge for diplomats now is the timing of negotiations in relation to their ability to receive quality information from a variety of stakeholders.

Q1775282 Inglês

Munoz, Maricela. “Diplomacy in times of COVID-19.” Diplo (blog). Jul. 16, 2020. Accessed Sep. 10, 2020., with adaptations. 

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

According to the text, the current viral outbreak has sped up the move towards small groups of diplomats holding their meetings online, but not large ones.

Q1775281 Inglês

Munoz, Maricela. “Diplomacy in times of COVID-19.” Diplo (blog). Jul. 16, 2020. Accessed Sep. 10, 2020., with adaptations. 

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following item as right (C) or wrong (E).

The author states that the COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted diplomatic discussions around the globe.

Q1773433 Inglês

What is blended learning and how does it work? 


Blended learning as an approach is not new. Indeed, the practice of combining (blending) different learning approaches and strategies is not new. Distance learning courses have long combined blended learning through a mix of self-access content (print/video/TV/ radio) and face-to-face/telephone support. 'Traditional' courses have always combined (and some still do) a variety of delivery modes that combine content such as lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops and group work to give learners a range of learning opportunities. And of course, 'good teachers will always use more than one method or approach in their teaching, and good learners will always combine different strategies in their learning' (Marsh, 2012:3*).

So we could say that the term 'blended learning' refers to every time teachers mix different media (e.g. print, audio, and video) with classroom interaction, maximising authentic input in order to support learners' output and skills development. As such, blended learning has more or less always existed, although the term itself is a mere 15 years old at most, and is now understood to mean a rich, supportive learner-centred learning environment where the 'right blend' is synonymous with effective learning (and teaching).

 What is new is that today, technology combines all the different media within one environment: online. The online space facilitates learner–learner interaction, encourages incidental and exploratory learning and allows learners and teachers to stay connected outside the classroom, if they so wish. Learners can benefit from the fact that space and distance do not matter any more. Teachers and educationalists are now understanding more and more that, with the 'right blend', teachers can offer a much richer, supportive learning environment, learning opportunities increase, learning becomes more effective and the learning process becomes more enjoyable.

There are many definitions for blended learning, but they all have the following in common: they refer to two different learning environments — face-to-face (synchronous) and online (asynchronous); and they refer to combining those two learning environments in a complementary way to deliver a programme of study so that learners can be supported both within the classroom environment and outside of it. In other words, the term blended learning refers to any programme of study that is delivered by appropriately combining both synchronous interactive study (usually face-to-face) and asynchronous (individual) study (usually online).

We could go further and say, 'It's in the blend!' That is, the key to a successful blended learning approach is to use the strengths of each medium appropriately, combining the two different learning environments in an integrated way so that each medium complements one another: the classroom environment being used for what it does best, such as introducing new topics, explaining important language points or for meaningful communicative activities, and the online environment being used for what it does best, such as preparing for the next topic (by watching a video/reading a text, etc.), and/or practising and consolidating what has been learnt in class or for extra practice. Both modes of delivery put the learner at the centre of the learning process.

*Marsh, D. Blended Learning:Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
(Adapted from: KING, A. Blended language learning: Part of the Cambridge Papers in ELTseries. [pdf] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, p. 2.Available st at: Accessed on October 31, 2019). 
To King (2012), a successful blended learning approach mainly entails
Q1773432 Inglês

What is blended learning and how does it work? 


Blended learning as an approach is not new. Indeed, the practice of combining (blending) different learning approaches and strategies is not new. Distance learning courses have long combined blended learning through a mix of self-access content (print/video/TV/ radio) and face-to-face/telephone support. 'Traditional' courses have always combined (and some still do) a variety of delivery modes that combine content such as lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops and group work to give learners a range of learning opportunities. And of course, 'good teachers will always use more than one method or approach in their teaching, and good learners will always combine different strategies in their learning' (Marsh, 2012:3*).

So we could say that the term 'blended learning' refers to every time teachers mix different media (e.g. print, audio, and video) with classroom interaction, maximising authentic input in order to support learners' output and skills development. As such, blended learning has more or less always existed, although the term itself is a mere 15 years old at most, and is now understood to mean a rich, supportive learner-centred learning environment where the 'right blend' is synonymous with effective learning (and teaching).

 What is new is that today, technology combines all the different media within one environment: online. The online space facilitates learner–learner interaction, encourages incidental and exploratory learning and allows learners and teachers to stay connected outside the classroom, if they so wish. Learners can benefit from the fact that space and distance do not matter any more. Teachers and educationalists are now understanding more and more that, with the 'right blend', teachers can offer a much richer, supportive learning environment, learning opportunities increase, learning becomes more effective and the learning process becomes more enjoyable.

There are many definitions for blended learning, but they all have the following in common: they refer to two different learning environments — face-to-face (synchronous) and online (asynchronous); and they refer to combining those two learning environments in a complementary way to deliver a programme of study so that learners can be supported both within the classroom environment and outside of it. In other words, the term blended learning refers to any programme of study that is delivered by appropriately combining both synchronous interactive study (usually face-to-face) and asynchronous (individual) study (usually online).

We could go further and say, 'It's in the blend!' That is, the key to a successful blended learning approach is to use the strengths of each medium appropriately, combining the two different learning environments in an integrated way so that each medium complements one another: the classroom environment being used for what it does best, such as introducing new topics, explaining important language points or for meaningful communicative activities, and the online environment being used for what it does best, such as preparing for the next topic (by watching a video/reading a text, etc.), and/or practising and consolidating what has been learnt in class or for extra practice. Both modes of delivery put the learner at the centre of the learning process.

*Marsh, D. Blended Learning:Creating Learning Opportunities for Language Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
(Adapted from: KING, A. Blended language learning: Part of the Cambridge Papers in ELTseries. [pdf] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, p. 2.Available st at: Accessed on October 31, 2019). 
Blended learning refers to
Q1773431 Inglês


(Available at: Accessed on October 22 , 2019).

In the sentence “It allows them to show what they know, as soon as they know it”, the pronouns “It”, “them”, “they” and “it” (in bold) refer, respectively, to
Q1773430 Inglês


(Available at: Accessed on October 22 , 2019).

According to the infographic, which of the sentences below is the CORRECT one?
Q1773427 Inglês


(Available at: Accessed on October 26 , 2019)

Based on the cartoon, it is possible to infer that the student
Q1773424 Inglês


Another Brick In The Wall (Pink Floyd)

We don't need no education

We don't need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers, leave them kids alone

Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!

All in all, it's just another brick in the wall

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall

(Adapted from: Accessed on October 31 , 2019).

Considering Pink Floyd's lyrics, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
Q1773421 Inglês


ENEM and the Language Policy forEnglish in the Brazilian Context

Andrea Barros Carvalho de Oliveira


In the present article, I report the results of a doctoral research that focused on the language policy for English in Brazil, considering specifically the role of Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (hereinafter ENEM) in this policy. Thus, taking into account the sociopolitical aspects of the teaching processes, learning, and use of English as a foreign language, we sought to identify the possible impact of ENEM on the status of English language as a school subject.

ENEM was initially conceived as a final exam to evaluate students at the end of basic education. However, it has been modified over the last few years to work as an entrance examination for public and private universities. In addition, the use of this exam in several governmental programs aimed at higher education access was preponderant to make it a high stakes exam in the educational scenario.

 According to the literature on language examination exams, especially those considered to be high stakes, are seen as an intrinsically political activity (ALDERSON; BANERJEE, 2001). These exams can be used as educational policy tools as well as to promote a specific language related to local language policy objectives.

The theoretical conception of Language Policy (hereinafter LP) adopted in this investigation refers to Shohamy (2006). This author postulates that, although there is an official LP established in legislation and official documents, it is also necessary to consider the existence of a “real” LP, or “de facto” LP, which is put into practice through mechanisms, resources such as traffic signs, rules and laws related to official bodies, language exams, among others. Besides mechanisms, the beliefs or representations about the language that are shared in the community ought to be considered as well. The importance of mechanisms is that they reveal the true aims of LPas established by the government for a specific language, which are not always explicit in Brazilian law.

The research, the results of which are presented in this article, covered the three components of Shohamy’s theoretical model, namely: legislation, mechanisms (in this case, an exam, ENEM), and representations or beliefs about language. To obtain a sample of representations about English language, interviews were conducted with the students from an ENEM preparatory course for university entrance, with two teachers of English and two coordinators from public schools.

 In the present article, I begin with a review of the expanded conception of LPelaborated by Shohamy, as it is the theoretical basis of this research. Second, I analyze some documents and laws regarding English teaching in Brazil. In addition to these documents, the English questions of ENEM (2016) were taken in consideration. Finally, I present an overview of the representations about English language that emerged from the interviews which constituted the empirical data of my doctoral thesis.

ALDERSON, J. C; BANERJEE, J. Language Testing and Assessment. Language Testing, [S.l.], n. 34, 2001, p. 213-236.

SHOHAMY, E. Language Policy: Hidden Agendas and New Approaches. London; New York: Routledge, 2006. (Adapted from: OLIVEIRA, A.B.C. ENEM and the Language Policy for English in the Brazilian Context. In.: Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada. vol.19 no.2 th Belo Horizonte Apr./June 2019 Available at: Accessed on October 20 , 2019)

According to Shohamy (2006), the “real” or “de facto” Language Policy may be found
Q1773420 Inglês


ENEM and the Language Policy forEnglish in the Brazilian Context

Andrea Barros Carvalho de Oliveira


In the present article, I report the results of a doctoral research that focused on the language policy for English in Brazil, considering specifically the role of Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (hereinafter ENEM) in this policy. Thus, taking into account the sociopolitical aspects of the teaching processes, learning, and use of English as a foreign language, we sought to identify the possible impact of ENEM on the status of English language as a school subject.

ENEM was initially conceived as a final exam to evaluate students at the end of basic education. However, it has been modified over the last few years to work as an entrance examination for public and private universities. In addition, the use of this exam in several governmental programs aimed at higher education access was preponderant to make it a high stakes exam in the educational scenario.

 According to the literature on language examination exams, especially those considered to be high stakes, are seen as an intrinsically political activity (ALDERSON; BANERJEE, 2001). These exams can be used as educational policy tools as well as to promote a specific language related to local language policy objectives.

The theoretical conception of Language Policy (hereinafter LP) adopted in this investigation refers to Shohamy (2006). This author postulates that, although there is an official LP established in legislation and official documents, it is also necessary to consider the existence of a “real” LP, or “de facto” LP, which is put into practice through mechanisms, resources such as traffic signs, rules and laws related to official bodies, language exams, among others. Besides mechanisms, the beliefs or representations about the language that are shared in the community ought to be considered as well. The importance of mechanisms is that they reveal the true aims of LPas established by the government for a specific language, which are not always explicit in Brazilian law.

The research, the results of which are presented in this article, covered the three components of Shohamy’s theoretical model, namely: legislation, mechanisms (in this case, an exam, ENEM), and representations or beliefs about language. To obtain a sample of representations about English language, interviews were conducted with the students from an ENEM preparatory course for university entrance, with two teachers of English and two coordinators from public schools.

 In the present article, I begin with a review of the expanded conception of LPelaborated by Shohamy, as it is the theoretical basis of this research. Second, I analyze some documents and laws regarding English teaching in Brazil. In addition to these documents, the English questions of ENEM (2016) were taken in consideration. Finally, I present an overview of the representations about English language that emerged from the interviews which constituted the empirical data of my doctoral thesis.

ALDERSON, J. C; BANERJEE, J. Language Testing and Assessment. Language Testing, [S.l.], n. 34, 2001, p. 213-236.

SHOHAMY, E. Language Policy: Hidden Agendas and New Approaches. London; New York: Routledge, 2006. (Adapted from: OLIVEIRA, A.B.C. ENEM and the Language Policy for English in the Brazilian Context. In.: Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada. vol.19 no.2 th Belo Horizonte Apr./June 2019 Available at: Accessed on October 20 , 2019)

The main purpose of Oliveira's research was to
Q1769101 Inglês

Workplace Happiness
Happiness is often equated with a form of mood or emotion. The term in the present form was defined by Argyle (1987) as the positive inner feeling of an individual towards a particular aspect. The term happiness is viewed as a positive personnel feeling, contentment, pleasure, joy, gladness and enjoyment. Some authors view it as a moment. The term is often confused with the word satisfaction; both these terms are used simultaneously by many authors. The Psychologists attribute different meanings to satisfaction and happiness. The term is associated with positive organizational behavior (Luthans, 2002; Cropanzano & Wright, 2001).
The psychological explanation for happiness is a particular moment in the transition process of behavior. But the happiness may be prolonged unlike the emotion in some circumstances. The happiness is derived on acceptance of the policy or practices of the organization. The differentiation between happiness and satisfaction is another complex set of issues where researchers were engaged. The Human Development Index was developed by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to measure the extent of development in response to society needs, in Bhutan the measure for development is the Happiness Index (Karma Ura, 2015). The World has designated 20th March as International Happiness Day. The Happiness at the work place is the level of contentment of the employees and their feelings towards work and performance. The happiness at workplace is not to be confused with satisfaction. The happiness at workplace is inherent to the psychology of individual but whether it is source for satisfaction is a research question. The factors of happiness and satisfaction at the workplace are a debatable issue.
Adapted from: 42%20%20Vijaya%20Lakshmi%20%20Jun-2017.pdf. Accessed on April 07, 2021.
The question that cannot be answered with the information given in the text is:
Q1769099 Inglês


What is Engineering Mind-set thinking?

Engineering Mind-set Thinking is a way of thinking that combines the problem solving/design process with the life-skills that fosters dealing with others as in a team. It provides the culture, measurements, feedback, planning skills, tools and values of engineering without the high level knowledge of math and science (Content Knowledge). Mastering this way of thinking is important for all students, regardless of their career objectives.

You can integrate Engineering mind-set thinking into an existing curriculum by including project-based, experiential focus on all social skills that connect people & society to create a better design and problem-solving solution. It's the culture & tools for thinking. Away of thinking for an entire organization. 

The process is not only about solving problems but also about interfacing with people and the community to communicate background information about the problem. In the business world this means having empathy with your customer. The mindset is breaking the problem into manageable chucks to better understand the problem, taking a system view (inputs & outputs) of the problem and seeing the right issues are addressed for the needs of the community. It's being a leader of your learning environment and taking ownership and responsibility of the project. Engineering mindset also means seeing problems as opportunities and the fun in solving those problems.

Adapted from: Engineering-Mind-set-summary-13.pdf Accessed on April 5, 2021.

According to the text , it is correct to state that Engineering Mind-set Thinking:
Q1768848 Inglês

Logistics refers to the overall process of managing how resources are acquired, stored, and transported to their final destination.Logistics management involves identifying prospective distributors and suppliers and determining their effectiveness and accessibility. Logistics managers are referred to as logisticians.
"Logistics" was initially a military-based term used in reference to how military personnel obtained, stored, and moved equipment and supplies. The term is now used widely in the business sector, particularly by companies in the manufacturing sectors, to refer to how resources are handled and moved along the supply chain.

Adapted from: Accessed on April 08, 2021.

In the sentence “The term is now used widely in the business sector, particularly by companies in the manufacturing sectors, to refer to how resources are handled and moved along the supply chain” the underlined word refers to:
Q1768847 Inglês

Logistics refers to the overall process of managing how resources are acquired, stored, and transported to their final destination.Logistics management involves identifying prospective distributors and suppliers and determining their effectiveness and accessibility. Logistics managers are referred to as logisticians.
"Logistics" was initially a military-based term used in reference to how military personnel obtained, stored, and moved equipment and supplies. The term is now used widely in the business sector, particularly by companies in the manufacturing sectors, to refer to how resources are handled and moved along the supply chain.

Adapted from: Accessed on April 08, 2021.

The best title for text is:
Q1768845 Inglês

Business Assistant - Job Description
Business Assistants perform a wide range of office support functions, from making photocopies to putting together presentations. Once they have been on the job for a bit, good Business Assistants often are able to anticipate what actions will be required without being specifically told what to do.
Business Assistants work in offices, and most of them are full-time employees. Standard weekday hours are the norm, but deadlines or busy seasons may involve working overtime. Pinpointing the exact duties of a Business Assistant is difficult, as their responsibilities can vary greatly based on the industry, staff size and willingness of managers to delegate.Business Assistants at a college, for instance, may be in charge of sending welcome packets to accepted students. At an insurance office, Business Assistants might sit with new clients and ask questions to process an application or claim.In a small office,Business Assistants may have a wide-encompassing job description because of the lack of staff members.

Adapted from: Accessed on April 08, 2021
According to the text, the job description of a Business Assistant includes:
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