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Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805339 Inglês


What is administrative excellence?

Administrative Professionals perform some of the toughest functions in an office. Not only are you required to keep pace with ever-changing technology, you need to work with and through many people to meet deadlines, resolve conflicts, gather information, and coordinate schedules and logistics. Additionally, you are often the first point-of-contact for customers – your competence and professionalism in meeting their demands might be one of the most important factors in how your organization is perceived in the marketplace. To satisfy the needs of so many, your technical skills and your interpersonal skills must be well-balanced to generate efficient and effective results.

Administrative excellence pertains to the quality of work and the caliber of service that you provide in carrying out your responsibilities. Excellence by definition exceeds the routine expectations of managers, coworkers, and other customers, but it is a standard first set by you. It is something that many aspire to and work hard to deliver. I once read that excellence means "you are better today than you were yesterday, but not as good as you will be tomorrow." With that understanding, you can see there is no finish line. Excellence is a commitment to continually do and give your best.

Although we each have personal standards and differing values in terms of excellence, there are a few things that help to streamline administrative efforts in reaching high levels of job performance. Here are what I considered to be the "5Ps" of administrative excellence:

1. Perception Self-awareness of behaviors and skills that maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses.

Know yourself and what you like and what you dislike about your job. Pay attention to those activities that excite and engage you. Typically, these are things that come naturally or easily for you – your strengths. Find opportunities to do more of what you love to do – you’ll be happier and more satisfied with your work. Take control and find solutions for those parts of your job that are less fulfilling so that your emotions and attitude don’t work against you.

2. Purpose – Understanding the importance of job responsibilities and identifying with the overall objectives of the team, department, and organization.

It’s one thing to know how to do your job, but it’s more important to know why you do what you do. Understanding your role in the bigger picture of organizational success helps to ignite feelings of inclusion and professional pride.

3. Progress – Ability to think progressively for continuous personal and professional improvement.

Challenge yourself to try new things and new ways of doing routine things. Don’t let yourself stagnate or become too comfortable – seize opportunities to showcase your skills or push self-imposed limitations. People rarely gain a professional edge when others can’t see or don’t know what they are capable of achieving.

4. Partnership – Willingness and ability to foster good relationships and teamwork with coworkers, managers, and customers.

Good relationships are the foundation for resourcefulness in your job. Treat others with respect. Do what you say you will do, offer to help others, exhibit a sense of urgency in responding to requests, and extend common courtesy – when others reciprocate, a trusting partnership is formed.

5. Professionalism – High standards of appearance, personal conduct, work product, and expertise.

Don’t leave doubts in the minds of others. Match image with skills and knowledge to help shape the thoughts and experiences of others. Continue to learn and produce accurate, timely work and your reputation and credibility will "speak for itself."

There are many other measurements of excellence. Find things that are unique about you and make your pathway to excellence your own. No one else will do it or achieve it in exactly the same manner. It’s often the small things that make a person stand out in a big way. Several years ago, a manager described his admin’s stellar performance in this way, "I don’t know how else to explain it…everything she does for me comes back just a little bit better than I expected it to." That’s a strong endorsement for administrative excellence – a little effort, a lot of admiration.

©Administrative Excellence – 2010 (Adapted from:, in 12/01/2017)

Based on text 1, the alternative which best contains some of the characteristics required for achieving professional excellence is:
Ano: 2017 Banca: COSEAC Órgão: UFF Prova: COSEAC - 2017 - UFF - Secretário Executivo |
Q805338 Inglês


What is administrative excellence?

Administrative Professionals perform some of the toughest functions in an office. Not only are you required to keep pace with ever-changing technology, you need to work with and through many people to meet deadlines, resolve conflicts, gather information, and coordinate schedules and logistics. Additionally, you are often the first point-of-contact for customers – your competence and professionalism in meeting their demands might be one of the most important factors in how your organization is perceived in the marketplace. To satisfy the needs of so many, your technical skills and your interpersonal skills must be well-balanced to generate efficient and effective results.

Administrative excellence pertains to the quality of work and the caliber of service that you provide in carrying out your responsibilities. Excellence by definition exceeds the routine expectations of managers, coworkers, and other customers, but it is a standard first set by you. It is something that many aspire to and work hard to deliver. I once read that excellence means "you are better today than you were yesterday, but not as good as you will be tomorrow." With that understanding, you can see there is no finish line. Excellence is a commitment to continually do and give your best.

Although we each have personal standards and differing values in terms of excellence, there are a few things that help to streamline administrative efforts in reaching high levels of job performance. Here are what I considered to be the "5Ps" of administrative excellence:

1. Perception Self-awareness of behaviors and skills that maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses.

Know yourself and what you like and what you dislike about your job. Pay attention to those activities that excite and engage you. Typically, these are things that come naturally or easily for you – your strengths. Find opportunities to do more of what you love to do – you’ll be happier and more satisfied with your work. Take control and find solutions for those parts of your job that are less fulfilling so that your emotions and attitude don’t work against you.

2. Purpose – Understanding the importance of job responsibilities and identifying with the overall objectives of the team, department, and organization.

It’s one thing to know how to do your job, but it’s more important to know why you do what you do. Understanding your role in the bigger picture of organizational success helps to ignite feelings of inclusion and professional pride.

3. Progress – Ability to think progressively for continuous personal and professional improvement.

Challenge yourself to try new things and new ways of doing routine things. Don’t let yourself stagnate or become too comfortable – seize opportunities to showcase your skills or push self-imposed limitations. People rarely gain a professional edge when others can’t see or don’t know what they are capable of achieving.

4. Partnership – Willingness and ability to foster good relationships and teamwork with coworkers, managers, and customers.

Good relationships are the foundation for resourcefulness in your job. Treat others with respect. Do what you say you will do, offer to help others, exhibit a sense of urgency in responding to requests, and extend common courtesy – when others reciprocate, a trusting partnership is formed.

5. Professionalism – High standards of appearance, personal conduct, work product, and expertise.

Don’t leave doubts in the minds of others. Match image with skills and knowledge to help shape the thoughts and experiences of others. Continue to learn and produce accurate, timely work and your reputation and credibility will "speak for itself."

There are many other measurements of excellence. Find things that are unique about you and make your pathway to excellence your own. No one else will do it or achieve it in exactly the same manner. It’s often the small things that make a person stand out in a big way. Several years ago, a manager described his admin’s stellar performance in this way, "I don’t know how else to explain it…everything she does for me comes back just a little bit better than I expected it to." That’s a strong endorsement for administrative excellence – a little effort, a lot of admiration.

©Administrative Excellence – 2010 (Adapted from:, in 12/01/2017)

According to text 1, the alternative that best describes professional excellence is:
Q795870 Inglês
Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

Students learn errors from other students.

Q795869 Inglês
Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

Overextension is one type of overgeneralization error.

Q795868 Inglês
Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

The text defends that the more different a grammar structure in the second language is, the longer a learner will take to acquire it.

Q795867 Inglês
Text 19A3AAA
The transfer of patterns from the native language is undoubtedly one of the major sources of errors in learner language. However, there are other causes for errors too, one of which is overgeneralization of target-language rules. For example, research has shown that second-language learners from different first-language backgrounds often make the same kinds of errors when learning a particular second language. In such cases, second-language errors are evidence of the learners’ efforts to discover the structure of the target language itself rather than attempts to transfer patterns from their first language. Interestingly, some of these errors are remarkably similar to the kinds of errors made by first language learners.
These observations are a strong indication that second language learning is not simply a process of putting second-language words into first-language sentences. Research has also shown that aspects of the second language which are different from the first language will not necessarily be acquired later or with more difficulty than those aspects which are similar.
On the other hand, when errors are caused by the overextension of some partial similarity between the first and second languages, these errors may be difficult to overcome. This may be particularly problematic if learners are frequently in contact with other learners who make the same errors.
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. How languages are learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 165 (adapted).

Judge the following item according to text 19A3AAA.

First language learners’ errors are similar to second language learners’ errors despite the latter’s first language.

Q795866 Inglês

Based on the text 19A1BBB, judge the following item.

It can be concluded from the text that current times call for action, change and diversity in language teaching.

Q795859 Inglês

Judge the following item, concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of text 19A1AAA.

Palmer must have had another job prior to working as a teacher of EFL.

Ano: 2015 Banca: UFMT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: UFMT - 2015 - IF-MT - Secretário Executivo |
Q792812 Inglês
Read the following text. T
he new frontier for Business: work-life Integration
The days of clear separation between work and home are a thing of the past, and we´re still trying to figure out how to integrate life and work in a healthy way. In a recent Advise America survey, 87 percent of respondents felt they overwork – but at the same time, more than a third also said they don´t feel overloaded by work. Work-life integration is different than simply trying to find balance and separation, however. Let´s take a look.
For many, the key to integration has been leaving the office all together and working remotely. Esna, a provider of embedded real-time communication and collaboration solutions, reports that 20 percent of the 4.6 billion people that make up the global workforce telecommute. That´s 920 million people who have left the traditional office and integrated their work and home lives.
Chances are, if you’ve ever been to any coffee shop ever, you´ve been in someone´s office. Creative professionals often do their best work when inspiration strikes, and getting out of the “be here work here” mentality frees them to be more productive as well as live their own lives. Flexible employers recognize that employees working from home not only save money for the organization, but it produces a sense of fulfillment for staff that is hard to match. If you are struggling to find an integration between work and home, consider approaching your employer about working remotely, even if it is just for a fraction of your work week. Being able to wake up, have coffee in your own living room and work in a space that is comfortable and private can make a world of a difference.
(Available at Access 2015/07/02.) 
According to the text, it is INCORRECT to say:
Ano: 2015 Banca: UFMT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: UFMT - 2015 - IF-MT - Secretário Executivo |
Q792811 Inglês

Read the following text.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

In work-life interaction, it is clear from the chart that

Ano: 2015 Banca: UFMT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: UFMT - 2015 - IF-MT - Secretário Executivo |
Q792809 Inglês
According to the author, what shouldn´t a demotivated employee do?
Ano: 2015 Banca: UFMT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: UFMT - 2015 - IF-MT - Secretário Executivo |
Q792808 Inglês
What piece of advice is not given by the author?
Q792295 Inglês
Text 3A7AAA
Software architecture is a complex topic. Due to its complexity, our profession has produced a variety of definitions, each more or less useful depending on your point of view. Here is a definition from my first book, Journey of the Software Professional: “A system architecture defines the basic “structure” of the system (e.g., the high level modules comprising the major functions of the system, the management and distribution of data, the kind and style of its user interface, what platform(s) will it run on and so forth)”.
This definition is pretty consistent with many others. However, it lacks some important elements, such as specific technology choices and the required capabilities of the desired system. A colleague of mine, Myron Ahn, created the following definition of software architecture. It is a bit more expansive and covers a bit more ground than my original: “Software architecture is the sum of the nontrivial modules, processes, and data of the system, their structure and exact relationships to each other, how they can be and are expected to be extended and modified, and on which technologies they depend, from which one can deduce the exact capabilities and flexibilities of the system, and from which one can form a plan for the implementation or modification of the system”.
We could extend these definitions from the technical point of view, but this wouldn’t provide a lot of value. More than any other aspect of the system, architecture deals with the “big picture”. The real key to understanding it is to adopt this big picture. Moreover, while these definitions are useful, they are far too simplistic to take into account the full set of forces that shape, and are shaped by, an architecture. In truth, I doubt that any single definition of software architecture will ever capture all of what we believe to be important.
Luke Hohmann. Defining software architecture. In: Beyond software architecture: creating and sustaining winning solutions. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2003, p. 1-2 (adapted).
The author of text 3A7AAA concludes that
Q792293 Inglês
Text 3A7AAA
Software architecture is a complex topic. Due to its complexity, our profession has produced a variety of definitions, each more or less useful depending on your point of view. Here is a definition from my first book, Journey of the Software Professional: “A system architecture defines the basic “structure” of the system (e.g., the high level modules comprising the major functions of the system, the management and distribution of data, the kind and style of its user interface, what platform(s) will it run on and so forth)”.
This definition is pretty consistent with many others. However, it lacks some important elements, such as specific technology choices and the required capabilities of the desired system. A colleague of mine, Myron Ahn, created the following definition of software architecture. It is a bit more expansive and covers a bit more ground than my original: “Software architecture is the sum of the nontrivial modules, processes, and data of the system, their structure and exact relationships to each other, how they can be and are expected to be extended and modified, and on which technologies they depend, from which one can deduce the exact capabilities and flexibilities of the system, and from which one can form a plan for the implementation or modification of the system”.
We could extend these definitions from the technical point of view, but this wouldn’t provide a lot of value. More than any other aspect of the system, architecture deals with the “big picture”. The real key to understanding it is to adopt this big picture. Moreover, while these definitions are useful, they are far too simplistic to take into account the full set of forces that shape, and are shaped by, an architecture. In truth, I doubt that any single definition of software architecture will ever capture all of what we believe to be important.
Luke Hohmann. Defining software architecture. In: Beyond software architecture: creating and sustaining winning solutions. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2003, p. 1-2 (adapted).
About the definition for software architecture, text 3A7AAA shows that
Ano: 2017 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: SEDF Prova: Quadrix - 2017 - SEDF - Professor - Inglês |
Q790119 Inglês

Based on the text, judge the following items.

The nutritional content of these fad diets is so complex because they are based on a scientific theory.

Ano: 2017 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: SEDF Prova: Quadrix - 2017 - SEDF - Professor - Inglês |
Q790114 Inglês

Based on the text, judge the following items.

In paragraph 1, according to some doctors, fad diets have recently contributed to making the obesity issue much worse. 

Ano: 2017 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: SEDF Prova: Quadrix - 2017 - SEDF - Professor - Inglês |
Q790107 Inglês

Based on the text, judge the following items. 

It is clearly stated in the text that there are now more cats than dogs in British homes.

Ano: 2017 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: SEDF Prova: Quadrix - 2017 - SEDF - Professor - Inglês |
Q790105 Inglês

Based on the text, judge the following items. 

In 1993 the dog population in Britain increased by 7 million.

Ano: 2017 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: SEDF Prova: Quadrix - 2017 - SEDF - Professor - Inglês |
Q790102 Inglês

Based on the text, judge the following items. 

“The dog” (line 1) means a specific type of animal. Not a specific dog. 

Q789657 Inglês
Atenção: Para responder à questão, considere o texto abaixo. 

Harvard study: Men want powerful jobs more than women
By Justine Hofherr, Staff | 09.29.15

  Let’s get one thing straight: Women believe they are as capable as men to attain and perform high-level leadership positions at work. Many just don’t want them as much, according to new research from Harvard Business School.
  The paper, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), includes nine studies conducted on high-achieving groups. Professor Francesca Gino, doctoral student Caroline Wilmuth, and associate professor Alison Wood Brooks (all of HBS) surveyed over 4,000 male and female employees from different industries, and found a big gap between the professional objectives of men and women.
  While women reported having twice as many “life goals” as men - desired achievements that ranged from having strong relationships, marriage, a meaningful career, and family - fewer were focused on professional power, which women were more likely to associate with negative outcomes like stress and conflict.
  “This is a snapshot of where our culture is right now", Brooks told “If we these questions 50 years ago, or in another 50 years, we might see dramatically different results. Women are pursuing careers on par with men, yet women are still a little more responsible for things at home.”
(Adaptado de: sfxm40plrL/story.html
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