Questões de Inglês - Sinônimos | Synonyms para Concurso

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Q866998 Inglês
The word “actual” (ℓ.24) is synonymous with
Q866997 Inglês
The expression “rather than” (ℓ.20) is the same as
Q866992 Inglês
In the text, the word “current” (ℓ.1) means
Q865126 Inglês
In the fragment of the text “people have managed to live with such unpredictable and destructive occurrences”, the adjectives unpredictable and destructive can be replaced with no change in meaning, by:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IESES Órgão: IGP-SC Prova: IESES - 2017 - IGP-SC - Papiloscopista |
Q861039 Inglês
In the fragment of the text “people have managed to live with such unpredictable and destructive occurrences”, the adjectives unpredictable and destructive can be replaced with no change in meaning, by:
651: D
652: B
653: C
654: D
655: C