Questões de Concurso Sobre sinônimos | synonyms em inglês

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Q1753960 Inglês
    The pandemic has exposed a contradiction in modern society. We are more connected than ever – proven by the speed and truly global spread of the virus; nevertheless, we are also deeply divided.
    Today’s connectedness, enforced by social distancing, has pushed the role of technology in every aspect of our lives to a new level. The tech industry is now in a challenging space: trapped between the increasing politicization of technology, the still superficial social debate around its impact and the slow adaptation of appropriate legislation. Right now, the industry needs to enable and push forward this ethical debate, recognizing its responsibility in this historic moment.
    The first step is to end the myth of tech neutrality. We need to acknowledge that technology is caught between private economic interests and its social value. Some tech business models, for example, prioritize commodification of data or advertising revenue over the social value of their services — the sharing of knowledge, connecting people, etc.
    The social impact of tech is deeper than we usually perceive and most of the time invisible to us. Digital architecture determines, increasingly, social interactions in our digital society. An example of this is the invisible influence of search engine and social media algorithms, the results of which shape our understanding of the world.
    In this moment of crisis, technology can play a fundamental role in overcoming the economic recession and reducing the systemic injustices that have been exposed.
Social exclusion - the next pandemic.
Internet: <> (adapted)

Concerning the ideas stated in the text and the words used in it, judge the following items.
The words “trapped” (in the second sentence of the second paragraph) and “caught” (in the second sentence of the third paragraph) can be considered synonyms and are used with similar meanings in the text.
Q1753958 Inglês
    The pandemic has exposed a contradiction in modern society. We are more connected than ever – proven by the speed and truly global spread of the virus; nevertheless, we are also deeply divided.
    Today’s connectedness, enforced by social distancing, has pushed the role of technology in every aspect of our lives to a new level. The tech industry is now in a challenging space: trapped between the increasing politicization of technology, the still superficial social debate around its impact and the slow adaptation of appropriate legislation. Right now, the industry needs to enable and push forward this ethical debate, recognizing its responsibility in this historic moment.
    The first step is to end the myth of tech neutrality. We need to acknowledge that technology is caught between private economic interests and its social value. Some tech business models, for example, prioritize commodification of data or advertising revenue over the social value of their services — the sharing of knowledge, connecting people, etc.
    The social impact of tech is deeper than we usually perceive and most of the time invisible to us. Digital architecture determines, increasingly, social interactions in our digital society. An example of this is the invisible influence of search engine and social media algorithms, the results of which shape our understanding of the world.
    In this moment of crisis, technology can play a fundamental role in overcoming the economic recession and reducing the systemic injustices that have been exposed.
Social exclusion - the next pandemic.
Internet: <> (adapted)

Concerning the ideas stated in the text and the words used in it, judge the following items.
The sentence “the industry needs to enable and push forward this ethical debate” (in the last sentence of the second paragraph) can be correctly rephrased as the industry ought to facilitate and advance forward this ethical debate, without changing the meaning of the text
Q1750585 Inglês
Let’s keep the lights on when she’s your age. What sort of world will this little girl grow up in? Many experts agree that it will be a considerably more energyhungry one. There are already seven billion people on our planet. And the forecast is that there will be around two billion more by 2050. So if we’re going to keep the lights on for her, we will need to look at every possible energy source. At Shell we’re exploring a broad mix of energies. We’re making our fuels and lubricants more advanced and more efficient than before. With our partner in Brazil, we’re also producing ethanol, a biofuel made from renewable sugar cane. And we’re delivering natural gas to more countries than any other energy company. When used to generate electricity, natural gas emits around half the CO2 of coal. Let’s broaden the world’s energy mix. (Newsweek. June 25, 2012. Cover. Adapted.)
In “And the forecast is that there will be around two billion more by 2050” the underlined word means
Q1750187 Inglês
Observe the sentence below. “It has quite a few weeks to potentially grow during its run.” The underlined item can be understood as:
Q1745226 Inglês
Observe the context below. This will assuredly be the standings once the regular season is said and done. The sentence below can be rewritten, without losing meaning, as:
Q1745225 Inglês
Read the sentence below. Women are therefore paid 26% less of average than men. The conjunction “therefore” can be replaced by:
Q1743987 Inglês
Q1743986 Inglês
Q1739914 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder à questão.



Right at the top of the recommended reading list for Eton Institute’s TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) program is “How to Teach English” by Jeremy Harmer. Alisa W., TESOL graduate from Eton Institute, shares with us a review of the book and how it helped her own personal TESOL journey.

Prior to the training course I took to learn how to be an EFL teacher, I had no formal teacher training, I had a limited exposure to different styles of teaching, and I had never even done basic self-reflection about why I preferred some instructors over others (I always assumed it was their personality that I enjoyed). If the CEFR gave teacher ratings, I would be at the A1.1 level. I read ‘How to Teach English’ by Jeremy Harmer as part of my TESOL training course, and it was perfect for my level. It is by no means a replacement to a full teaching course, but it is a valuable supplement to those who are learning and a good refresher for those who have been out of practice for a while. It provides contemporary teaching practices and keeps its descriptions pithy and hands-on.

While some of the sections are a bit obvious or too shallow to be useful, the book is so well organized that it is easy to find what you need and skip over what you don’t. Each chapter is divided into main sections (also listed in the table of contents), and subdivided again, bolds important words, and features a list at the end of the chapter that allows you to briefly review what you just read.

As with any well-designed reference book, the glossary, index, and appendices in the back are good sources for extending your self-education as a teacher.

The book comes with a DVD that has clips from real classes so you can observe good teaching practice in the comfort of your pyjamas and the support of a bowl of chips. The DVD wouldn’t play on my MacBook, so I can’t tell you if it is helpful or not. Another feature that is nice-to-have-but-I-didn’t-use is the “Task Files” at the back. After completing a chapter, you can quiz yourself by completing info tables, answering multiple-choice questions, matching definitions, and the like.

Adaptado de: ETON INSTITUTE. Disponível em: Acesso em 27 mar. 2021.

Mark the word which could substitute the word “shallow” with no prejudice of meaning.
Q1739278 Inglês
In any language, some words can be replaced without changing the complete meaning. Observe the vocabulary in the first column and their possible synonyms in the second column. Match the columns relating vocabulary to its synonym:
First Column: Vocabulary 1- but 2- excellent 3- compliment 4- assume 5- should
Second Column: Synonym ( ) terrific ( ) nevertheless ( ) suppose ( ) praise ( ) ought to
Choose the alternative that presents the correct match:
Q1738715 Inglês

Global warming

The world’s oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously thought due to climate change, Australian and US climate researchers reported Wednesday. Higher ocean temperatures expand the volume of water, contributing to a rise in sea levels that is submerging small island nations and threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying, denselypopulated delta regions around the globe.

The study, published ....................... the British journal Nature,adds ....................... a growing scientific chorus of warnings ....................... the pace and consequences rising oceans. It also serves as a corrective to a massive report issued last year ....................... the Nobel-winning UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), according to the authors. 

Rising sea levels are driven by two things: the thermal expansion of sea water, and additional water from melting sources of ice. Both processes are caused by global warming. The ice sheet that sits atop Greenland, for example, contains enough water to raise world ocean levels by seven metres (23 feet), which would bury sea-level cities from Dhaka to Shanghai.

Trying to figure out how much each of these factors contributes to rising sea levels is critically important to understanding climate change, and forecasting future temperature rises, scientists say. But up to now, there has been a perplexing gap between the projections of computer-based climate models, and the observations of scientists gathering data from the oceans.

The new study, led by Catia Domingues of the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, is the first to reconcile the models with observed data. Using new techniques to assess ocean temperatures to a depth of 700 metres (2,300 feet) from 1961 to 2003, it shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.53 millimetre-per-year rise in sea levels rather than the 0.32 mm rise reported by the IPCC.

Identify the alternatives below as ( T )rue or ( F )alse.

( ) The following underlined words: “…important to understanding climate change, and forecasting future temperature rises …” , are examples of gerund forms.

( ) The word “rising”, in the following sentence: “Rising sea levels are driven by two things…..” means ‘decreasing’.

( ) The word ‘Higher’ is being used in the text to compare ocean’s temperature.

( ) The singular form of ‘data’ is ‘datum’.

The alternative which presents the correct sequence from top to bottom is:

Q1738713 Inglês

Global warming

The world’s oceans have warmed 50 percent faster over the last 40 years than previously thought due to climate change, Australian and US climate researchers reported Wednesday. Higher ocean temperatures expand the volume of water, contributing to a rise in sea levels that is submerging small island nations and threatening to wreak havoc in low-lying, denselypopulated delta regions around the globe.

The study, published ....................... the British journal Nature,adds ....................... a growing scientific chorus of warnings ....................... the pace and consequences rising oceans. It also serves as a corrective to a massive report issued last year ....................... the Nobel-winning UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), according to the authors. 

Rising sea levels are driven by two things: the thermal expansion of sea water, and additional water from melting sources of ice. Both processes are caused by global warming. The ice sheet that sits atop Greenland, for example, contains enough water to raise world ocean levels by seven metres (23 feet), which would bury sea-level cities from Dhaka to Shanghai.

Trying to figure out how much each of these factors contributes to rising sea levels is critically important to understanding climate change, and forecasting future temperature rises, scientists say. But up to now, there has been a perplexing gap between the projections of computer-based climate models, and the observations of scientists gathering data from the oceans.

The new study, led by Catia Domingues of the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, is the first to reconcile the models with observed data. Using new techniques to assess ocean temperatures to a depth of 700 metres (2,300 feet) from 1961 to 2003, it shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.53 millimetre-per-year rise in sea levels rather than the 0.32 mm rise reported by the IPCC.

The word ‘warning’ in: ‘…chorus of warnings about the pace and consequences rising oceans.’ has its correct definition in which alternative?
Q1735527 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


When you’re in a long line waiting for your turn with a bunch of other cranky people, a good wallet is essential. For everyone’s benefit, you want to be able to find the right card or bills, make your transaction, and get out of there as quickly as possible. Mobile payments, vendor apps, and the decline of cash have lessened the amount of space you need for library cards and twenties, and they’ve lessened the need for bulky, old-school leather cash carriers. There’s never been a better time to trim down your wallet and your carbon footprint in turn by choosing a wallet made from recycled or eco-friendly materials.  
The sentence “…for your turn with a bunch of other cranky people.” (lines 01-02), MEANS THAT:
Q1735523 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.


The time to embrace change in education is right now! In fact, it’s long overdue. Did you know that the model for modern-day public education was created by the need for on-time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution? That was certainly a technological disruption, but it happened 250 years ago. It’s what we call the front-lead method, and it’s not the best model for addressing the learning needs of many students: divergent thinkers, neurodiverse minds, creatives, scientists, and the list goes on. Which brings us to our next point: it’s time for the next wave of disruption. Luckily for us, it’s here. And it’s been here since 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee — a British scientist from CERT — invented the World Wide Web. We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great, but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it already is. A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as one of the central hubs for positive educational change today. It’s our connection to others, our access to a world of educational resources, it’s a format that works for many learners, it’s at the heart of countless services (that don’t work in an unconnected world), and it’s driving access to education.  
The word HUBS in the phrase "the central hubs" (line 13), means:
Q1729076 Inglês
The producers don't care what they're doing to people since they're making their ratings. Identify the best alternative that replaces the bold item.
Q1727856 Inglês

Read the sentence below.

Even though I'm not on the ballot, in a certain way I am on the ballot.

Choose the best option that can replace the underlined connective without changing the meaning of the context.
Q1724592 Inglês

Observe the sentence below.

The new imports bloomed repeatedly during the summer.

The preposition “during”, without changing the meaning, can be replaced by:

Q1724251 Inglês

Em abril de 1912, o transatlântico Titanic colidiu com um iceberg e afundou em sua viagem inaugural. Como consequência de seu naufrágio, e também da falta de botes salva-vidas e de muitas outras medidas de segurança que foram negligenciadas, mais de 1.500 vidas foram perdidas.

Utilizamos, em inglês, a construção gramatical chamada Orações Condicionais (Conditional Clauses) para exemplificar algo imaginário que poderia ter acontecido se ações diferentes tivessem sido tomadas. Analise a seguinte oração:

If the safety measures had been taken, many lives could have been saved.

Assinale a alternativa que significa o mesmo que a oração acima.
Q1721768 Inglês
Answer the question according to the text bellow


Scientists studying brain scans of people who were asked to come up with inventive uses for everyday objects found a specific pattern of connectivity that correlated with the most creative responses. Researchers were then able to use that pattern to predict how creative other people's responses would be based on their connections in this network. The study is described in a January 15 (2018) paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"What this shows is that the creative brain is wired differently," said Roger Beaty, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Psychology and the first author of the study. "People who are more creative can simultaneously engage brain networks that don't typically work together. We also used predictive modeling to show we could predict, with some degree of accuracy, how creative people's ideas were (based on brain scans) that had already been published." Beaty and colleagues reanalyzed brain data from previous studies and found that, by simply measuring the strength of connections in these peoples' brain networks, they could estimate how original their ideas would be.

While the data showed that regions across the brain were involved in creative thought, Beaty said the evidence pointed to three subnetworks -- the default mode network, the salience network and the executive control network -- that appear to play key roles in creative thought.

The default mode network, he said, is involved in memory and mental simulation, so the theory is that it plays an important role in processes like mindwandering, imagination, and spontaneous thinking.

"In terms of creativity, we think that's important for brainstorming," Beaty said. "But you're not always going to stumble onto the most creative idea that way, because you might be drawn to something unoriginal from memory, so that's when these other networks come online."

The salience network, he said, detects important information, both in the environment and internally. When it comes to creativity, researchers believe it may be responsible for sorting through the ideas that emerge from the default mode network.

Lastly, Beaty said, the executive control network works to help people keep their focus on useful ideas while discarding those that aren't working.

"It's the synchrony between these systems that seems to be important for creativity," Beaty said. "People who think more flexibly and come up with more creative ideas are better able to engage these networks that don't typically work together and bring these systems online."

To identify the brain network involved in creativity, Beaty and colleagues recruited a total of 163 volunteers, and used functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) technology to scan their brains as they tried to conceive of creative ideas for everyday objects, like a brick or a knife or a rope.

The team then trained "raters" to review the responses from participants and evaluate how creative their ideas were.

"Creativity is typically defined as the ability to come up with new and useful ideas," Beaty said. "We correlated the connectivity strength in this network while they were thinking creatively with the quality of their responses."

Based on the results of that test, Beaty and colleagues developed a predictive model and tested against brain scan data collected for earlier studies on creativity.

"We used already-published data. we found that based on how strong the connections are in this network, we could guess pretty accurately how creative you're going to be on a task," Beaty said.

Ultimately, Beaty said he hopes the study dispels some myths about creativity and where it comes from.

"One thing I hope this study does is dispel the myth of left versus right brain in creative thinking," he said. "This is a whole-brain endeavor."

It's also not clear that this can't be modified with some kind of training. "It's not something where you have it or you don't," he added. "Creativity is complex, and we're only scratching the surface here, so there's much more work that's needed."

Adapted from: Harvard University. Roger E. Beaty, Yoed N. Kenett, Alexander P. Christensen, Monica D. Rosenberg, Mathias Benedek, Qunlin Chen, Andreas Fink, Jiang Qiu, Thomas R. Kwapil, Michael J. Kane, Paul J. Silvia, 2018, accessed in February 2020.
As we read in the text "Creativity is typically defined as the ability to come up with new and useful ideas”, in the same way when we say someone is reliable, we meant to say:
Q1719856 Inglês
        Ba-room, ba-room, ba-room, baripity, baripity, baripity, baripity. Good. His dad had the pickup going. He could get up now. Jess slid out of bed and into his overalls. He didn't worry about a shirt because once he began running he would be hot as popping grease even if the morning air was chill, or shoes because the bottoms of his feet were by now as tough as his worn-out sneakers.
        "Where you going, Jess?" May Belle lifted herself up sleepily from the double bed where she and Joyce Ann slept.
        "Sh." He warned. The walls were thin. Momma would he mad as flies in a fruit jar if they woke her up this time of day.
        He patted May Belle's hair and yanked the twisted sheet up to her small chin. "Just over the cow field," he whispered. May Belle smiled and snuggled down under the sheet.
        "Gonna run?"
        Of course he was going to run. He had gotten up early every day all summer to run. He figured if he worked at it – and Lord, had he worked – he could be the fastest runner in the fifth grade when school opened up. He had to be the fastest – not one of the fastest or next to the fastest, but the fastest. The very best.

(Excerpt from Bridge to Terabithia, by Katherine Paterson. Available on _Bridge_to_Terabithia.pdf)
What could be a synonym for the underlined word? “He patted May Belle's hair and yanked the twisted sheet up to her small chin.”
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