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Q2298716 Inglês

Future of jobs 

A survey conducted ______ 1 the World Economic Forum and published in May 2023 reveals that approximately 25% of jobs will ______ 2 significant changes in the next five years.

The report indicates that by 2027, 69 million jobs will be created, while 83 million jobs will be eliminated, resulting in a ______ 3 employment decrease of 2%. The survey incorporates input from over 800 companies that employ more than 11 million workers and utilizes a dataset of 673 million jobs. The report highlights technology and digitalization as the catalysts for both job ______ 4 and destruction.

Secretarial and clerical roles such as bank tellers and cashiers are expected to decline rapidly due to automation, while there will be a growing demand for experts in AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity.

Source (adapted):

The blank numbered as “2” could be CORRECTLY filled with:
Q2298715 Inglês

Future of jobs 

A survey conducted ______ 1 the World Economic Forum and published in May 2023 reveals that approximately 25% of jobs will ______ 2 significant changes in the next five years.

The report indicates that by 2027, 69 million jobs will be created, while 83 million jobs will be eliminated, resulting in a ______ 3 employment decrease of 2%. The survey incorporates input from over 800 companies that employ more than 11 million workers and utilizes a dataset of 673 million jobs. The report highlights technology and digitalization as the catalysts for both job ______ 4 and destruction.

Secretarial and clerical roles such as bank tellers and cashiers are expected to decline rapidly due to automation, while there will be a growing demand for experts in AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity.

Source (adapted):

The underlined word ‘approximately’ (1 st paragraph) could be replaced in the sentence CORRECTLY and without any major change in meaning for:
Q2298714 Inglês

Future of jobs 

A survey conducted ______ 1 the World Economic Forum and published in May 2023 reveals that approximately 25% of jobs will ______ 2 significant changes in the next five years.

The report indicates that by 2027, 69 million jobs will be created, while 83 million jobs will be eliminated, resulting in a ______ 3 employment decrease of 2%. The survey incorporates input from over 800 companies that employ more than 11 million workers and utilizes a dataset of 673 million jobs. The report highlights technology and digitalization as the catalysts for both job ______ 4 and destruction.

Secretarial and clerical roles such as bank tellers and cashiers are expected to decline rapidly due to automation, while there will be a growing demand for experts in AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity.

Source (adapted):

The blank numbered as “1” could be CORRECTLY filled with: 
Q2298711 Inglês

Two US banks collapse 

Last week, Silicon Valley Bank failed, and it left customers in a tough spot as the government took ______ 1

The so-called bank run happened because there ______ 2 news that the bank couldn’t meet its deposit obligations. It means that it had invested the money in various things that weren’t making the money back. Typically, thats the point where the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, ______ 3 insures deposits ______ 4 250,000 dollars, comes in. However, 98% of Silicon Valley Bank customers didn’t have 250,000 dollars but billions of dollars. The government announced that it would step in and secure the depositors, with US president Joe Biden ______ 5 that the US banking system was safe. 

Shortly after the fall of Silicon Valley Bank, regulators closed New York-based Signature Bank, too, citing systemic risk. Experts said that these stories would continue repeating themselves because many corporations were overleveraged in dollar debt.

After the collapse, European banks lost 100 billion dollars in value in a week, and despite tough regulations that should make a similar banking failure in Europe unlikely, the contagion is accelerating.


The underlined words ‘because’ and ‘despite’ (3 rd and 4th paragraph) could be replaced in the sentence CORRECTLY and without any major change in meaning for, RESPECTIVELY:
Q2297185 Inglês

Mistakes help you learn
Maija Kozlova
May 19, 2021

It is not uncommon for English language lessons to favour communication over accuracy: real life is nothing like a classroom! In real-life situations, when you make a mistake in the language you are learning, context provides ample information as to what the intended message is. In fact, most of the time, impeccable accuracy is not needed at all! “Don’t worry about making mistakes,” I used to tell my English language students. “Communicating is the most important thing!”

While making mistakes when trying to master a language might seem counter-intuitive, letting learners freely communicate and negotiate meaning is key to success. A learner who communicates a lot while making a few mistakes is much more likely to develop confidence for dealing with real-life situations than a learner who communicates very little because they’re afraid of making any. In communicative language teaching, for example, the teacher is tasked with both encouraging the learner to express themselves and with providing corrective feedback in a way that is not obstructive to communication. 

This means that if a learner says, “I go swimming last night,” it is much more effective to respond with, “Oh, that’s nice, you went swimming. What did you do after?” rather than, “No! You went swimming! Use past simple for past events!” – the former encourages the learner to continue their narrative while the latter is much more likely to make the learner stop in their tracks, re-evaluate the context, and think twice before expressing themselves again in the future, for the fear of making a mistake again. Teachers need to be careful not to parrot back everything the students say in this manner, of course, but the technique can be an effective method of acknowledging the content of a student’s response, while also providing feedback on accuracy.

The importance of the freedom to make mistakes in language learning is also supported by research in psychology, which suggests that learners who try a task without having mastered it completely experience improved retention of new information. A similar experiment in the context of language learning also indicates that the process of making mistakes activates a greater network of related knowledge in the brain, which leads to superior learning outcomes.

It is believed that the key to help learners feel relaxed and ready for communicating freely in the classroom is authenticity. This means that there should be both a real communicative need for a learner to speak and the authentic reaction from those around to what the learner has said.

Here are a few ways of how such authentic communicative interactions can be practiced in the classroom: 

• surround learners with the English language – encourage them to speak to you and each other in English;

• don’t worry about diverging from topics that are not strictly covered in your lesson plan;

• model communication by telling your students stories and anecdotes about your own life and encourage them to do the same;

• let your learners have fun with English – give them colloquial expressions to try and ask them to share some expressions

; • do not overcorrect – make a note of errors and cover it in subsequent lessons;

• avoid the temptation to turn what was intended as speaking practice into a full-on grammar lesson.

While easier said than done, especially when the outcome of an exam is at stake, it is worth remembering that people that our learners might come to interact with outside of the classroom are driven by the natural desire to understand the people they communicate with. This is especially powerful when practiced in the context of a classroom. They set the learners up for success in real-life communication. In other words, when communication is the goal, mistakes are secondary, and that’s real life, isn’t it?

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Na frase “Here are a few ways of how such authentic communicative interactions can be practiced in the classroom”, a expressão destacada pode ser substituída, sem prejuízo de significado, por:
91: B
92: D
93: C
94: B
95: B