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Q2271308 Inglês

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the item.

“surplus” (R.16) is synonymous with product

Q2264357 Inglês
Design Languages

     Just as spoken languages are the basis for our conversations with people, so design languages are the basis for our interactions with products and services. Spoken languages consist of words and rules of grammar. By analogy, design languages consist of design elements and guidelines for their combination. People use spoken language to express themselves. Product designers use design languages to design expressive objects. When a designer uses a design language to design a product, the resulting product expresses what it is, what it does, how it is to be used, and the experiences to which it has the potential to contribute. When people use a design language to use a product, the resulting experience of use is simple and straightforward. The best design languages take the design of experience on step further by making interactions between people and objects pleasant and continuously meaningful. Design languages play a very important role in the expression of the “unfolding of meaning” of objects. 

[Fonte: Usability, Paul S. Adler & Terry A. Winograd,
Oxford University Press, 1992, pg. 18]
Considerando a palavra straightforward presente no texto apresentado, assinale a alternativa que expressa adequadamente o seu significado nesse contexto.
Q2257674 Inglês
E-9.025 Patient Advocacy for Change in Law and Policy

        Physicians may participate in individual acts, grassroots activities, or legally permissible collective action to advocate for change, as provided for in the AMA’s Principles of Medical Ethics. Whenever engaging in advocacy efforts, physicians ...12... ensure that the health of patients is not jeopardized and that patient care is not compromised.
        Formal unionization of physicians, and including physicians-in-training, may tie physicians’ obligations to the interests of workers who may not share physicians’ primary and overriding commitment to patients and the public health. Physicians should not form workplace alliances with those who do not share these ethical priorities.
        Strikes and other collective action may reduce access to care, eliminate or delay necessary care, and interfere with continuity of care. Each of these consequences raises ethical concerns. Physicians should refrain from the use of the strike as a bargaining tactic. In rare circumstances, individual or grassroots actions, such as brief limitations of personal availability, may be appropriate as a means of calling attention to needed changes in patient care. Physicians are cautioned that some actions may put them or their organizations at risk of violating antitrust laws. Consultation with legal counsel is advised.
        Physicians and physicians-in-training should press for needed reforms through the use of informational campaigns, non-disruptive public demonstrations, lobbying and publicity campaigns, and collective negotiation, or other options that do not jeopardize the health of patients or compromise patient care.

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Um sinônimo para not jeopardized, no texto, é 
Q2256154 Inglês
States Push Online Fitness Programs

        With obesity …22… across the nation, a growing number of states like Indiana are launching online initiatives to combat residents’ expanding waistlines. One such initiative is Indiana’s “10 in 10 Challenge,” an online program that commits participants to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks. Proponents say online programs reach a vast audience, are relatively cheap and a quick way to let people know about upcoming fitness events and local resources.
        Action to curtail obesity is badly needed for Indiana, which consistently ranks among the top 10 most obese states, and is second, behind Kentucky, in the percentage of adults who smoke, said Eric Neuburger, executive director of the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
        Indiana is far from alone – it’s one of 17 states where at least 25 percent of the population is obese, according to 2005 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
        In a report released in August by the Trust for America’s Health, the public health advocacy group said research suggests the nation would save $5.6 billion a year in costs associated with treating heart disease if just one-tenth of Americans began walking regularly.
        Walking is one of the ideas behind Lighten Up Iowa, a Web-based four-month program that’s driven by teams who either track their minutes of activity, their weight-loss, or both. Now in its sixth year, the Iowa program has been so successful that 17 other states have modeled their own programs after it, capitalizing on the Internet’s vast reach and ability to connect people, helping them stay motivated, said the program’s coordinator, Deborah Martinez. Its sponsor, the nonprofit Iowa Sports Foundation, recently launched a national version, Lighten Up America.
        The federal health agency is trying to combat obesity more broadly with programs in 28 states that encourage fitness through efforts that include building sidewalks and walking trails, said Robin Hamre, team leader of a national nutrition and obesity prevention program at the CDC.
        Hamre hopes Congress will fund the program for all 50 states. With obesity striking Americans of all backgrounds, and surging in children, she said action is needed now.
        “We’re seeing the same thing in all age groups and all races. This is an equal opportunity epidemic,” she said.

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Um sinônimo para badly, no texto, é 
Q2254458 Inglês
Senate Passes Plan to Cut $35 Billion From Deficit

By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 4, 2005; A01

    The Senate approved sweeping deficit-reduction legislation last night that would save about $35 billion over the next five years by cutting federal spending on prescription drugs, agriculture supports and student loans, while clamping down on fraud in the Medicaid program.
     The measure would also open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, a long-sought goal of the oil industry that took a major step forward after years of political struggle. A bipartisan effort to strip the drilling provision narrowly failed.
    The Senate bill, which passed 52 to 47, is the first in nearly a decade to tackle the growth of entitlement spending, the part of the federal budget that rises automatically based on set formulas and population changes.
     It would shave payments to some farmers by 2.5 percent, while eliminating a major cotton support program and trimming agriculture conservation spending. A proposal to limit payments to rich farmers failed yesterday. The measure passed largely along party lines, with only two Democrats voting for it and five Republicans voting against it.
     Yesterday's action is part of an effort by congressional Republicans to demonstrate fiscal discipline after widespread complaints of profligate spending on Capitol Hill. ....51.... many Democrats and some moderate Republicans are concerned that the effort may go too far, prominent Republicans in the Senate and House said the cuts were necessary to slow the rate of spending and control a deficit projected to total $314 billion by the end of the fiscal year.
      During a speech yesterday, former House majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tex) repeatedly apologized for excessive spending by Congress, including recent highway legislation that was ....52.... with lawmakers’ pet projects. After noting that House Republicans have voted to cut taxes every year since winning the majority in 1994, DeLay acknowledged, “Our record on spending has not been as consistent, ....53.... .”

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No 3o parágrafo, nearly pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
111: E
112: B
113: A
114: B
115: C