Questões de Inglês - Sinônimos | Synonyms para Concurso

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Q1345131 Inglês

What is a Programming Algorithm?

So, what is a programming algorithm? You can think of a programming algorithm as a recipe that describes the exact steps needed for the computer to solve a problem or reach a goal. We've all seen food recipes - they list the ingredients needed and a set of steps for how to make the described meal. Well, an algorithm is just like that. In computer lingo, the word for a recipe is a procedure, and the ingredients are called inputs. Your computer looks at your procedure, follows it to the letter, and you get to see the results, which are called outputs. A programming algorithm describes how to do something, and your computer will do it exactly that way every time. Well, it will once you convert your algorithm into a language it understands! However, it's important to note that a programming algorithm is not computer code. It's written in simple English (or whatever the programmer speaks). It doesn't beat around the bush--it has a start, a middle, and an end. In fact, you will probably label the first step 'start' and the last step 'end.' It includes only what you need to carry out the task. It does not include anything unclear, often called ambiguous in computer lingo, that someone reading it might wonder about. It always leads to a solution and tries to be the most efficient solution we can think up. It's often a good idea to number the steps, but you don't have to. Instead of numbered steps, some folks use indentation and write in pseudocode, which is a semiprogramming language used to describe the steps in an algorithm. But, we won't use that here since simplicity is the main thing.

Adapted from: Acesso em 28 de fevereiro de 2019. 

According to the text, lingo and think up are closest in meaning to:
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) Órgão: INB Provas: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Analista de Comunicação | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Ambiental | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Administrador | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro da Computação | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro de Produção | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Civil | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro de Automação e Controle | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Mecânico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Químico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Agrônomo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Eletricista | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Metalúrgico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Médico do Trabalho | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Bibliotecário | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Analista de Sistemas | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Economista | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Advogado | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Contador | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Analista de Comércio Exterior | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Assistente Social | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Psicólogo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Geólogo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Biólogo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Auditor | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Enfermeiro do Trabalho | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Químico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Físico |
Q917095 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Read the abstract and answer to the question.


Scientists know greenhouse gas emissions cause climate change, but what causes greenhouse gas emissions in the first place? We assessed how many greenhouse gases are released to support the lifestyles of people living in different parts of Europe – in other words, we figured out people’s carbon footprint. We found that different lifestyle choices resulted in very different carbon footprints. In general, people with higher incomes (_____ bought more things and traveled more) had much higher carbon footprints than people ______ lived more modestly.

Understanding how our purchases affect greenhouse gas emissions is an important step to designing policies and guidelines for cutting emissions and addressing climate change.

Available at: < uploads/5/4/2/8/54289603/footprint_article.pdf>.

Accessed on: Dec 7th, 2017.

Read the sentence: In other words, we figured out people’s carbon footprint.
The verb figure out can be replaced by:
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) Órgão: INB Provas: FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Analista de Comunicação | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Ambiental | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Administrador | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro da Computação | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro de Produção | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Civil | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro de Automação e Controle | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Mecânico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Químico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Agrônomo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Eletricista | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Engenheiro Metalúrgico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Médico do Trabalho | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Bibliotecário | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Analista de Sistemas | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Economista | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Advogado | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Contador | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Analista de Comércio Exterior | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Assistente Social | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Psicólogo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Geólogo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Biólogo | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Auditor | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Enfermeiro do Trabalho | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Químico | FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2018 - INB - Físico |
Q917088 Inglês

INSTRUCTION: Read the cartoon and answer to the question.

Available at: < cartoons-about-reading/toon-3448.gif>. Accessed on: Dec 7th, 2017.
The word updated can be replaced by:
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNRIO Órgão: AL-RR Prova: FUNRIO - 2018 - AL-RR - Tradutor (Inglês) |
Q912937 Inglês

Read this text and answer to the question

Inside the world's quietest room

If you stand in it for long enough, you start to hear your heartbeat. A ringing in your ears becomes deafening. When you move, your bones make a grinding noise. Eventually you lose your balance, because the absolute lack of reverberation sabotages your spatial awareness.
In this room at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, Washington, all sound from the outside world is locked out and any sound produced inside is stopped cold. It's called an anechoic chamber, because it creates no echo at all — which makes the sound of clapping hands downright eerie.
The background noise in the room is so low that it approaches the lowest threshold theorized by mathematicians, the absolute zero of sound — the next step down is a vacuum, or the absence of sound.
This is the world's quietest place.

Deafening silence

The room offers a very rare sensorial experience.
As soon as one enters the room, one immediately feels a strange and unique sensation which is hard to describe, wrote Hundraj Gopal, a speech and hearing scientist and the principal designer of the anechoic chamber at Microsoft, in an email. Most people find the absence of sound deafening, feel a sense of fullness in the ears, or some ringing. Very ____ sounds become clearly audible because the ambient noise is exceptionally low. When you turn your head, you can hear that motion. You can hear yourself breathing and it sounds somewhat loud, he said.
In the real world, Gopal explained, our ears are constantly subject to some level of sound, so there is always some air pressure on the ear drums. But upon entering the anechoic room this constant air pressure is gone, since there are no sound reflections from the surrounding walls.
This is a novel experience, he wrote. [...]

Jacopo Prisco, CNN

Disponível em: < anechoic-chamber-worlds-quietest-room/index.html>. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2018.
A word that is NOT a synonym for somewhat, underlined in the text, is
1266: X
1267: E
1268: A
1269: A
1270: D