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Q2052637 Inglês

11_- 15.png (291×221) 

    Working the IT help desk can be a great entry-level job. As a help desk professional, your core responsibilities are to provide technical help and support; that could mean setting up and repairing computers or responding to a customer’s question about how to use their computer, as well as performing routine maintenance of a company’s computer networks and internet systems or teaching staff how to use new technologies. The job requires deep computer knowledge and good technical and interpersonal skills. But what if you want more? Additional credentials and advanced degrees can help you move beyond the IT help desk. Here are three career paths to consider.
     (i) Cloud and systems administrator – Network and systems administration is a natural next step from the IT help desk. Organizations need reliable computer networks, so there’s great demand for skilled professionals who can manage, administer, and protect computer systems. (ii) Network ops and security expert - Cybersecurity is a top-of-mind concern in every sector and industry. IT professionals with expert training in network operations and security systems are in high demand. (iii) IT manager – Yes, you will need plenty of experience, credentials, and certifications; still, you can get to a managerial or executive-level position from the IT help desk. It can be tough to see the top through all those steps of the stair, but the top is closer than you think.
   Software development, computer network architecture, and computer programming are other possible professions those working on the IT help desk or in other entry-level IT positions can pursue. In today’s ever-changing job marketplace, there’s no one career pathway.

( adaptado)
In the excerpt from the first paragraph “beyond the IT help desk”, the underlined word may be substituted without change in meaning by
Q2052424 Inglês
( ) 

  Mining trucks are monstrous machines that guzzle fuel at a scarcely believable rate. Weighing 220 tonnes, they can get through 134 litres of diesel every hour. Little wonder then that mining companies are focusing their attention on these vehicles as the first step to reducing their carbon footprint.
    Anglo American, in collaboration with several partners, is retrofitting a mining haul truck with hydrogen power technology. A first of its kind, the monster mining vehicle is being piloted in Limpopo, South Africa, at the firm’s Mogalakwena platinum mine. Due to be launched early 2022, the truck will be hybrid, with a hydrogen fuel cell providing roughly half of the power and a battery pack the other half.
    Instead of having a tank of diesel that powers the motor, hydrogen enters the fuel cell and mixes with oxygen to create water in a chemical reaction catalysed by platinum, which generates the electricity needed to power the motors that drive the wheels. By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet, Anglo American says it will be “taking the equivalent of half a million diesel cars ‘off the road”.
    The construction sector, which includes mining, accounted for 39% of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017, according to Davide Sabbadin, from the European Environmental Bureau. He says the sector will need to reduce its energy consumption by a third if it hopes to be compatible with the Paris Agreement. “While electric-powered vehicles, generally speaking, are less damaging to the environment than internal combustion engines on a life cycle analysis, this does not mean that they are green,” he says. It all hinges on how the hydrogen is produced. Some hydrogen is created using fossil fuels, which of course means there are substantial emissions as a result. “We should refrain from presenting hydrogen as a technological solution to all problems… all forms of hydrogen come at an environmental cost – water use, impacts on nature,” says Mr Sabbadin.

(Jesse Preyser., 21.12.2021. Adaptado)
In the fragment from the third paragraph – By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet –, the terms in bold can be correctly replaced, with no change in meaning, by
Q2021560 Inglês

A Mayor on Easter Island Is Up in Arms After a Runaway Pickup Truck Knocked Over a Sacred Statue

(1º§)Archaeologists have long assumed that the ancient society that erected the colossal Moai figures on Chile's Rapa Nui, better known as Easter Island, collapsed many centuries ago. Now, a new study indicates that the islanders' civilization was still going strong when Europeans arrived in 1722.
(2º§)The island was settled in the 13th century by Polynesians, and is known __ the famed Easter Island "heads" (many of the bodies have been buried by erosion over the centuries).
(3º§)The research, which appears in the Journal of Archaeological Science, contests the accepted timeline that the Easter Island society was already in decline by the year 1600 and its massive stone statues left to fall into disrepair.
(4º§)Conducting radiocarbon dating on 11 sites __ Easter Island, the authors determined the timeline of each monument's construction. Their findings indicate that Easter Islanders were still actively building new Moai figures, and maintaining existing ones, up until at least 1750.s of fresh water-a precious resource. As well as moments to their ancestors, it turns out they may have also served a more utilitarian purpose.
(5º§)Further supporting these results are historical documents __ the island's first European visitors. Written accounts from the Dutch explorers who arrived in 1722 found that the monuments were in active ritual use, with no signs of decline, and the same goes for the Spaniards who landed in 1770. It was only in 1774 that James Cook found the giant statues in ruins and the figures knocked over.
(6º§)"The way we interpret our results and this sequence of historical accounts is that the notion of a pre-European collapse of monument construction is no longer supported," lead author Robert DiNapoli told Archaeology & Arts.
(7º§)"Once Europeans arrive on the island, there are many documented tragic events due to disease, murder, slave raiding and other conflicts," added co-author Carl Lipo. "The degree to which [the Rapa Nui people's] cultural heritage was passed on-and is still present today through language, arts, and cultural practices-is quite notable and impressive. I think this degree of resilience has been overlooked due to the collapse narrative and deserves recognition."

Consider a sentence below:
(5º§)Further supporting these results are historical documents from the island's first European visitors.
Considering the context of the sentence, choose an alternative that presents a synonym for "further".
Q2021558 Inglês

A Mayor on Easter Island Is Up in Arms After a Runaway Pickup Truck Knocked Over a Sacred Statue

(1º§)Archaeologists have long assumed that the ancient society that erected the colossal Moai figures on Chile's Rapa Nui, better known as Easter Island, collapsed many centuries ago. Now, a new study indicates that the islanders' civilization was still going strong when Europeans arrived in 1722.
(2º§)The island was settled in the 13th century by Polynesians, and is known __ the famed Easter Island "heads" (many of the bodies have been buried by erosion over the centuries).
(3º§)The research, which appears in the Journal of Archaeological Science, contests the accepted timeline that the Easter Island society was already in decline by the year 1600 and its massive stone statues left to fall into disrepair.
(4º§)Conducting radiocarbon dating on 11 sites __ Easter Island, the authors determined the timeline of each monument's construction. Their findings indicate that Easter Islanders were still actively building new Moai figures, and maintaining existing ones, up until at least 1750.s of fresh water-a precious resource. As well as moments to their ancestors, it turns out they may have also served a more utilitarian purpose.
(5º§)Further supporting these results are historical documents __ the island's first European visitors. Written accounts from the Dutch explorers who arrived in 1722 found that the monuments were in active ritual use, with no signs of decline, and the same goes for the Spaniards who landed in 1770. It was only in 1774 that James Cook found the giant statues in ruins and the figures knocked over.
(6º§)"The way we interpret our results and this sequence of historical accounts is that the notion of a pre-European collapse of monument construction is no longer supported," lead author Robert DiNapoli told Archaeology & Arts.
(7º§)"Once Europeans arrive on the island, there are many documented tragic events due to disease, murder, slave raiding and other conflicts," added co-author Carl Lipo. "The degree to which [the Rapa Nui people's] cultural heritage was passed on-and is still present today through language, arts, and cultural practices-is quite notable and impressive. I think this degree of resilience has been overlooked due to the collapse narrative and deserves recognition."

Consider the following assertives:
I.The word "deserves" (7º§) could be translated as "merece".
II.The word "degree" (7º§) is a verb.
III.The word "raiding" (7º§) could be replaced by "framing".

Which one(s) is(are) correct?
Q2016754 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
Seven secrets to savvy packing before you head off on your holidays

(1º§) 1.Tuck and roll clothes
ITEMS like sarongs and dresses are vulnerable to creasing, but rolling them up and tucking them in tightly is the way to beat wrinkling. Or follow tidying guru Marie Kondo's advice and pack all of your clothes upright, rather than in a pile, so that you can see all of the outfits in your case.

(2º§) 2. Keep hats in shape
WHAT'S a holiday without a hat? If you need to put yours in a suitcase, make sure it's one of the first things you pack, and stuff it! A swimsuit works well as the cossie will keep its shape no matter what you pack it in. Then place small items such as underwear around it.

(3º§) 3. Stuff sandals to keep shape
YOU don't want your sandals to be bent out of shape while en route, so stuff them with a small item such as a pair of socks. That way they will also take up less room in your suitcase. You can also slot the ends of your sandals together to help preserve their shape even more.

(4º§) 4. The rule off three fold
THE rule of three is an effective way to keep smaller items such as T-shirts folded nice and tightly. Think of your T-shirt split into three equal parts down the middle. Fold each side into the centre, fold in half and then again until your item is small and compact.

(5º§) 5. Tie belts around shorts
IF you have a pair of shorts or trousers that have a tie, use it to your advantage. Remove it from the belt loops and once your item is rolled, wrap the tie around as many times as needed before tucking ends in. It will stop clothing unrolling and has the extra benefit of keeping the tie crease-free.

(6º§) 6. Fold up bag and add trinkets
FOLD your bag in half before placing it flat at the bottom of the suitcase. Then add your larger, rolleditems on top of the bag. It will stay as flat as possible and so avoid becoming misshapen. Add smaller items such as jewellery inside your rolled clothes to keep them safe.

(7º§) 7. Sunglasses protection
IF your sunglasses don't come with a protective case, then they need to be protected from being damaged during the journey, it's horribly easy to scratch the lenses. A soft sarong, which is all one fabric, is perfect for this. Pop your sunnies in, roll to the end, and pack it up.
Mark the alternative that has a synonym to the word "misshapen" (6º§).
191: C
192: B
193: B
194: D
195: D