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Q2016752 Inglês

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Seven secrets to savvy packing before you head off on your holidays

(1º§) 1.Tuck and roll clothes
ITEMS like sarongs and dresses are vulnerable to creasing, but rolling them up and tucking them in tightly is the way to beat wrinkling. Or follow tidying guru Marie Kondo's advice and pack all of your clothes upright, rather than in a pile, so that you can see all of the outfits in your case.

(2º§) 2. Keep hats in shape
WHAT'S a holiday without a hat? If you need to put yours in a suitcase, make sure it's one of the first things you pack, and stuff it! A swimsuit works well as the cossie will keep its shape no matter what you pack it in. Then place small items such as underwear around it.

(3º§) 3. Stuff sandals to keep shape
YOU don't want your sandals to be bent out of shape while en route, so stuff them with a small item such as a pair of socks. That way they will also take up less room in your suitcase. You can also slot the ends of your sandals together to help preserve their shape even more.

(4º§) 4. The rule off three fold
THE rule of three is an effective way to keep smaller items such as T-shirts folded nice and tightly. Think of your T-shirt split into three equal parts down the middle. Fold each side into the centre, fold in half and then again until your item is small and compact.

(5º§) 5. Tie belts around shorts
IF you have a pair of shorts or trousers that have a tie, use it to your advantage. Remove it from the belt loops and once your item is rolled, wrap the tie around as many times as needed before tucking ends in. It will stop clothing unrolling and has the extra benefit of keeping the tie crease-free.

(6º§) 6. Fold up bag and add trinkets
FOLD your bag in half before placing it flat at the bottom of the suitcase. Then add your larger, rolleditems on top of the bag. It will stay as flat as possible and so avoid becoming misshapen. Add smaller items such as jewellery inside your rolled clothes to keep them safe.

(7º§) 7. Sunglasses protection
IF your sunglasses don't come with a protective case, then they need to be protected from being damaged during the journey, it's horribly easy to scratch the lenses. A soft sarong, which is all one fabric, is perfect for this. Pop your sunnies in, roll to the end, and pack it up.
Consider the following assertives:
I.The word "trinkets" could be translated as "bugigangas" (6º§).
II."Rule off" is a phrasal verb (4º§).
III."Belt loops" could be replaced by "Strap tied" (5º§).
Which one(s) is(are) CORRECT?
Q2016697 Inglês
Critical Literacy

    Critical literacies are not new among scholars and researchers in literacy education. However, due to different theoretical bases, there is no unique definition of “critical literacy”. In their broadest sense, critical literacies refer to the ability to read texts going beyond their superficial meaning. That is, it implies approaching texts in a reflective way to understand working ideologies such as power, inequality, and injustice. In the realm of critical literacy, text is understood as a “vehicle through which individuals communicate with one another using the codes and conventions of society” (Robinson & Robinson, 2003, p. 3). Texts, in this sense, can be either songs, novels, poems, conversations, pictures, movies, and so on. […]

    Hence, the critical literacies approach is generally contrasted with functional literacy. The former views literacy as a social practice, while the latter views literacy as the mastery of linguistic skills. In addition, Manning (1999) developed a framework to distinguish critical literacies from functional literacy by establishing the difference between their respective ideology purpose, literacy curriculum, and instruction. On the one hand, the main objective of functional literacy is to produce skilled workers for the marketplace. Consequently, the curriculum is restrictive and the instruction is individualistic and competitive. On the other hand, for critical literacies, texts are not neutral but marked by power messages, dominating interests, and hidden agendas. In order to deconstruct these texts and unveil their ideological messages and power relationships, the curriculum is to employ materials from the everyday world as text and analytic tools.

    Critical scholars have overtly supported the idea that there is not a single procedure for incorporating critical literacies into the classroom, given that the particularities of the context where the foreign language is taught differ from one another. Thus, an approach to critical literacies “needs to be continually redefined in practice” (Comber, 2001, p. 274).

Adapted from: Jiménez, M.C. G. and Gutiérrez, C.P. “Engaging English as a Foreign Language Students in Critical Literacy Practices: The Case of a Teacher at a Private University” available at sci_arttext&pid=S1657-07902019000100091&lng=en&nrm=iso
“Hence” (2nd paragraph) can be replaced without change of meaning by
Q2013435 Inglês

Have you ever wondered what keeps a hot air balloon flying? The same principle that keeps food frozen in the open chest freezers at the grocery store allows hot air balloons to fly. It’s a very basic principle: Hot air rises and cold air falls. So while the super-cooled air in the grocery store freezer settles down around the food, the hot air in a hot air balloon pushes up, keeping the balloon floating above the ground. In order to understand more about how this principle works in hot air balloons, it helps to know more about hot air balloons themselves.

A hot air balloon has three major parts: the basket, the burner, and the envelope. The basket is where passengers ride. The basket is usually made of wicker. This ensures that it will be comfortable and add little extra weight. The burner is positioned above the passenger’s heads and produces a huge flame to heat the air inside the envelope. The envelope is the colorful fabric balloon that holds the hot air. When the air inside the envelope is heated, the balloon rises.

The pilot can control the up-and-down movements of the hot air balloon by regulating the heat in the envelope. To ascend, the pilot heats the air in the envelope. When the pilot is ready to land, the air in the balloon is allowed to cool and the balloon becomes heavier than air. This makes the balloon descend.

Before the balloon is launched, the pilot knows which way the wind is blowing. This means that she has a general idea........................... which way the balloon will go. But, sometimes the pilot can actually control the direction that the balloon flies while.......................................... flight. This is because the air above the ground is sectioned .........................................layers in which the direction of the wind may be different. So even though the pilot can’t steer the balloon, she can fly or higher or lower into a different layer ......................................air. Some days the difference between the direction of the wind between layers is negligible. But other days the difference is so strong that it can actually push the balloon in a completely different direction!

Analyse these sentences below.
1. As used in paragraph 3, the best synonym for ‘ascend’ is ‘climb’.
2. As used in paragraph 3, the best antonym for ‘descend’ is ‘fall’.
3. According to the author, wicker is “a pliable twig to make items such as furniture and baskets”.
4. The words ‘higher’ and ‘lower’, as used in the last paragraph are examples of the comparative of superiority form of the adjectives ‘high’ and ‘low’.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sentences.
Q2009392 Inglês
Read the following text and answer the questions from 26 to 35:

In our modern world, there are many factors that place the wellbeing of the planet in jeopardy. While some people have the opinion that environmental problems are just a natural occurrence, others believe that human beings have a huge impact on the environment. Regardless of your viewpoint, take into consideration the following factors that place our environment as well as the planet Earth in danger.
Global warming or climate change is a major contributing factor to environmental damage. Because of global warming, we have seen an increase in melting ice caps, a rise in sea levels, and the formation of new weather patterns. These weather patterns have caused stronger storms, droughts, and flooding in places that they formerly did not occur.
Air pollution is primarily caused as a result of excessive and unregulated emissions of carbon dioxide into the air. Pollutants mostly emerge from the burning of fossil fuels in addition to chemicals, toxic substances, and improper waste disposal. Air pollutants are absorbed into the atmosphere, and they can cause smog, a combination of smoke and fog, in valleys as well as produce acidic precipitation in areas far away from the pollution source.
In many areas, people and local governments do not sustainably use their natural resources. Mining for natural gases, deforestation, and even improper use of water resources can have tremendous effects on the environment. While these strategies often attempt to boost local economies, their effects can lead to oil spills, interrupted animal habitats, and droughts.
Ultimately, the effects of the modern world on the environment can lead to many problems. Human beings need to consider the repercussions of their actions, trying to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials while establishing environmentally sustainable habits. If measures are not taken to protect the environment, we can potentially witness the extinction of more endangered species, worldwide pollution, and a completely uninhabitable planet. 
Choose the option that best replaces the words in bold:
Ultimately, the effects of the modern world on the environment can lead to many problems.”
Q2009391 Inglês
Read the following text and answer the questions from 26 to 35:

In our modern world, there are many factors that place the wellbeing of the planet in jeopardy. While some people have the opinion that environmental problems are just a natural occurrence, others believe that human beings have a huge impact on the environment. Regardless of your viewpoint, take into consideration the following factors that place our environment as well as the planet Earth in danger.
Global warming or climate change is a major contributing factor to environmental damage. Because of global warming, we have seen an increase in melting ice caps, a rise in sea levels, and the formation of new weather patterns. These weather patterns have caused stronger storms, droughts, and flooding in places that they formerly did not occur.
Air pollution is primarily caused as a result of excessive and unregulated emissions of carbon dioxide into the air. Pollutants mostly emerge from the burning of fossil fuels in addition to chemicals, toxic substances, and improper waste disposal. Air pollutants are absorbed into the atmosphere, and they can cause smog, a combination of smoke and fog, in valleys as well as produce acidic precipitation in areas far away from the pollution source.
In many areas, people and local governments do not sustainably use their natural resources. Mining for natural gases, deforestation, and even improper use of water resources can have tremendous effects on the environment. While these strategies often attempt to boost local economies, their effects can lead to oil spills, interrupted animal habitats, and droughts.
Ultimately, the effects of the modern world on the environment can lead to many problems. Human beings need to consider the repercussions of their actions, trying to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials while establishing environmentally sustainable habits. If measures are not taken to protect the environment, we can potentially witness the extinction of more endangered species, worldwide pollution, and a completely uninhabitable planet. 
Choose the option that best replaces the words in bold:
Regardless of your viewpoint, take into consideration the following factors that place our environment as well as the planet Earth in danger.” 
196: C
197: B
198: E
199: A
200: C