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Q2003598 Inglês


What does an occupational and environmental physician do?
As highly trained specialists, OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers through preventive medicine, clinical care, disability management, research, and education. OEM professionals have expertise in determining the ability of employees to perform work; the arrangements of work, the physical, chemical, biological, and social environments of the workplace, and the health outcomes of environmental exposures.
They recognize that work and the environment in which it is performed can have favorable or adverse effects upon the health of workers as well as of other populations; that the nature of work can be arranged to protect worker health; and that health and well-being at the workplace are promoted when workers’ physical attributes or limitations are accommodated in job placement.
They are skilled at using the tools of preventive medicine ______ improve the health of workers and their families, and they are trained in the complex Returnto-Work process, an advanced system of health monitoring that optimizes the time in which ill or injured workers can safely return to work. The occupational and environmental physician must communicate with and inspire confidence in people on all levels.
Perhaps most importantly, occupational health professionals occupy a critical position at the center of virtually all health-related transactional activities in the workplace. They are connected to all of the other parts of this complex infrastructure—senior management, benefits and human resources, legal, worker’s compensation, government regulatory agencies, labor and unions, hospitals and public health organizations. They are a fulcrum of workplace health—understanding the needs and challenges of each of these diverse groups. They provide a unique bridge between the clinical/scientific medical community and the businessbased employer community.

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The word enhance in “OEM physicians and other health professionals enhance the health of workers” could be replaced by
Q1995700 Inglês
Text 9A3-I

       If you were to judge 2018’s most important legal technology by looking at conference agendas and media coverage, you’d probably say it was the continuing development of artificial intelligence. But if you judge the most important technology by its direct impact on the practice of law, then it would have to be analytics. As I suggested in a recent column, we could be nearing the point where it would be malpractice for a lawyer not to use analytics.

Internet: < (adapted).
In the first sentence of text 9A3-I, the word “judge” is synonymous with 
Q1991574 Inglês
       BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) refers to the policy of allowing employees to supply their own computing devices for use at work. Employers save money by eliminating hardware purchasing and maintenance overhead, and employees enjoy the freedom of choice to use whichever mobile phone, tablet or laptop that best meets their preferences.
       For example, a user may have a Windows PC for work and a MacBook for a personal laptop. The keyboard shortcuts for each platform are slightly different, making it easy to mangle copy-paste functions in word processors and spreadsheets. Using the same BYOD MacBook for work and personal computing eliminates these switchover errors.              Even for non-SaaS organizations, user error typically represents a third of all data loss, second only to hardware failure. The reduction in user error gained from BYOD policies is present regardless of whether an employee is creating a document in Google Apps or Microsoft Word.
       There has yet been no rigorous study of the change in rates of user error before and after adopting BYOD policies. Nonetheless, it's safe to assume that some level of user error is reduced by familiarity and comfort with BYOD devices.
       BYOD can't make your data invulnerable, but combined with good security policies, regular user training and effective data backup, it can make a noticeable difference in the availability and integrity of your company data.

(Disponível em:
Inthe fragment from the fourth paragraph "Nonetheless, it's safe to assume that some level of user error is reduced by familiarity and comfort with BYOD devices" the underlined expression can be replaced, without any change in the meaning of the sentence, by:  
Q1990341 Inglês
In the fragment from the second paragraph “Rather than creating and managing their own IT infrastructure”, the underlined expression can be replaced without any change in the meaning of the sentence by  
Q1985723 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the four question that follow it.

Text I

Behind the rise of ransomware

   The story of the ransomware surge is the story of the discovery, professionalization, and growth of the targeted attack extortion model. Prior to 2016, most ransomware campaigns targeted a large and effectively random pool of end users. This “spray-and-pray” business model privileged quantity over quality, meaning ransomware actors spent less time focusing on how to apply pressure on a given victim and more time trying to reach as many victims as possible. Until the tail end of this period, ransomware did not generate enormous profits. Being a secondtier avenue of cybercrime, it failed to attract as much talent or activity as it would in the years to come.

   Ransomware experienced its first period of significant growth between 2013 and 2016, when refinements to ransomware payloads, the emergence of virtual currencies, and enhanced anti-fraud measures from banks and cybersecurity vendors increased the profitability of digital extortion relative to other common avenues of cybercrime. What happened next remains unclear, but with more activity concentrating on ransomware, criminals appear to have learned how easy it was to extort organizations before piecing together how lucrative these attacks could be. Regardless, between 2016 and 2019, established cybercriminal gangs entered the targeted ransomware business en masse.

   From that point until the summer of 2021, cybercriminals invested growing time and resources to improve the targeted extortion model. During this period, digital extortion became more profitable because cybercriminal gangs and cybercrime markets reoriented around a near limitless demand for targeted ransomware. Moreover, as criminals learned how to best extract revenue from victims, they launched increasingly disruptive ransomware attacks.


   Even though it is tempting to hope that we are just one diplomatic agreement, one technological leap, or one regulation away from its elimination, targeted ransomware is here to stay. As with other forms of crime, the government can expect better outcomes by planning how to manage the issue over time rather than searching for quick and complete solutions.

Adapted from:
The word “Regardless” in “Regardless, between 2016 and 2019, established cybercriminal gangs entered the targeted ransomware business en masse” is similar in meaning to
206: B
207: B
208: D
209: C
210: B