Questões de Concurso Sobre sinônimos | synonyms em inglês

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Q466033 Inglês
Computers are used to control a wide range of systems from simple domestic machines, through games controllers, to entire manufacturing plants. These computers interact directly with hardware devices. Their software must react to events generated by the hardware and, often, issue control signals in response to these events. These signals result in an action, such as the initiation of a phone call, the movement of a character on the screen, the opening of a valve, or the display of the system status. The software in these systems is embedded in system hardware, often in read-only memory, and usually responds, in real time, to events from the system’s environment. By real time, I mean that the software system has a deadline for responding to external events. If this deadline is missed, then the overall hardware-software system will not operate correctly.

Embedded software is very important economically because almost every electrical device now includes software. There are therefore many more embedded software systems than other types of software system. If you look around your house you may have three or four personal computers. But you probably have 20 or 30 embedded systems, such as systems in phones, cookers, microwaves etc

Responsiveness in real time is the critical difference between embedded systems and other software systems, such as information systems, web-based systems, or personal software systems, whose main purpose is data processing. For non-real- time systems, the correctness of a system can be defined by specifying how system inputs map to corresponding outputs that should be produced by the system. In response to an input, a corresponding output should be generated by the system and, often, some data should be stored. For example, if you choose a create command in a patient information system, then the correct system response is to create a new patient record in a database, and to confirm that this has been done. Within reasonable limits, it does not matter how long this takes.

However, in a real-time system, the correctness depends both on the response to an input and the time taken to generate that response. If the system takes too long to respond, then the required response may be ineffective. For example, if embedded software controlling a car braking system is too slow, then an accident may occur because it is impossible to stop the car in time.

(Extraído de: Software Engineering, I. Sommerville, 9th Edition, 2011, pg. 538.)

Na frase “Within reasonable limits, it does not matter how long this takes.”, o termo reasonable, no contexto, tem o significado de
Q461163 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.


How to get the most enjoyment from your
color TV set

Your new color TV incorporates a host of features designed to give you excellent performance. Besides, this model utilizes a highly sophisticated control microprocessor that can give you unprecedented convenience and control in the areas of picture adjustment, channel tuning, monitor operation, on-screen information, and remote control.

We therefore strongly urge that you read all of these instructions before using yourTV for the first time.



Unless your TV is connected to a cable TV system, or to a centralized antenna system, a good outdoor color TV antenna is recommended for the best performance. However, if you are located in a strong signal area that is free from interference and ghost conditions (multipath), an indoor antenna may be sufficient. The two pole antenna packedwith this set is for your convenience only. It is not capable of providing you with the sharp detail and rich color that this televisionwas designed to display.


Select an area where sunlight or bright indoor illumination will not fall directly on the picture screen. Also, be sure that the location selected allows a free flow of air to and fromthe perforated back cover of the set.


Never remove the back cover of the set. This can expose you to very high voltage and other hazards.

If the set does not operate properly, unplug it and call your dealer or service shop.

(Fonte: Color Television – Operating Instructions.)

Theword BESIDES in the first paragraph means:
Q460781 Inglês
In “Furthermore, those who had two or more of these statements were seven times more likely to get the job” (lines 87-89), Furthermore can be substituted, without change in meaning, by
Q460778 Inglês
Based on the meanings in the text, the two items are synonymous in
Q460755 Inglês
                        History of the Income Tax in the United States
      The nation had few taxes in its early history. From 1791 to 1802, the United States government was supported by internal taxes on distilled spirits, carriages, refined sugar, tobacco and snuff, property sold at auction, corporate bonds, and slaves. The high cost of the War of 1812 brought about the nation's first sales taxes on gold, silverware, jewelry, and watches. In 1817, however, Congress did away with all internal taxes, relying on tariffs on imported goods to provide sufficient funds for running the government.
      In 18 62, in order to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the nation's first income tax law. It was a forerunner of our modern income tax in that it was based on the principles of graduated, or progressive, taxation and of withholding income at the source. Additional sales and excise taxes were added, and an "inheritance" tax also made its debut.
      The Act of 18 62 established the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The Commissioner [TO GIVE] the power to assess, levy, and collect taxes, and the right to enforce the tax laws through seizure of property and income and through prosecution. The powers and authority remain very much the same today.
      In 18 68 , Congress again focused its taxation efforts on tobacco and distilled spirits and eliminated the income tax in 1872. It had a short-lived revival in 18 94 and 18 95. In the latter year, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the income tax was unconstitutional because it was not apportioned among the states in conformity with the Constitution.
      In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution made the income tax a permanent fixture in the U.S. tax system. The amendment gave Congress legal authority to tax income and resulted in a revenue law that taxed incomes of both individuals and corporations. The withholding tax on wages was introduced in 1943 and was instrumental in increasing the number of taxpayers to 60 million and tax collections to $43 billion by 1945.
      In 1981  , Congress enacted the largest tax cut in U.S. history, approximately $750 billion over six years. The tax reduction, however, was partially offset by two tax acts, in 1982 and 1984, that attempted to raise approximately $265 billion.
(Adapted from http://w w w

Um sinônimo para offset, no texto, é
Q452392 Inglês
The words of Text I: output (line 26), mild (line 30), balance (line 37) and inventories (line 42) may be replaced, without change in meaning, respectively, by:
Q449403 Inglês
This text refers to question


In the text, “From then on” (L.6-7) means
Q449401 Inglês
In the text, “In addition” means
Q444271 Inglês
Read the sentence below and choose the alternative that rewrites it using a synonym to the underlined word.

Our nation is embarked on an ambitious space exploration program, and we owe it to the American taxpayers to get it right.
Ano: 2012 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: DATAPREV Provas: Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Administração de Pessoal e Benefício | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Arquitetura | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Comunicação Social | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Advocacia | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Engenharia Elétrica | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Contabilidade | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Engenharia Civil | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Engenharia Mecânica | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Médico do Trabalho | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Análise de Negócios | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Desenvolvimento | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Análise de Informações | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Finanças | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Processos Administrativos | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Qualidade de Vida | Quadrix - 2012 - DATAPREV - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Banco de Dados |
Q441881 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions.

Hedge Fund Manager Donates $100 Million for
Central Park

     Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and the Central Park Conservancy announced that the hedge fund billionaire John A. Paulson, along with the Paulson Family Foundation, were giving $100 million to the Central Park Conservancy. It is believed to be the largest gift ever to a public park.
     Mr. Paulson, a lifelong New Yorker, said that as an infant he was pushed around in a baby carriage in the park and that he later remembered going to Bethesda Fountain as a teenager and seeing it covered in graffiti, with no water flowing. The announcement of the gift carne during a
ceremony at the fountain.
    When asked at the news conference what prompted the gift, Mr. Paulson said: "Walking through the
park in different seasons, it kept coming back that in my mind Central Park is the most deserving of ali of New York's cultural institutions. And I wanted the amount to make a difference. The park is very  large, and its endowment is relatively small."
    The park's current endowment stands at $144 million. Half of Mr. Paulson's gift will go to the endowment, while the other half will be used for capital improvements. Mr. Paulson mentioned that he considered important: Restoring the park's North Woods, and sprucing up the Merchanfs Gate entrance at the park's Southwest comer, the most heavily used entrance.
     Mr. Paulson has been a supporter of the Central Park Conservancy for 20 years, but this is his first major gift to the park. He joined the conservancy's board in June.
     Two former parks commissioners, Henry Stern and  Adrian Benepe, were at the news conference on Tuesday. It  was also attended by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Richard Gilder, key figures in the conservancy's founding.
     The announcement was made under cloudy skies in a ceremony attended by hundreds of employees of the Central Park Conservancy in their gray sweatshirts, as well  as the conservancy's board. Doug Blonsky, the president and chief executive officer of the conservancy, which operates Central Park for the city, hailed the gift as "transformational," saying that it would break the cycle of  restoration and decline that has marked the park  throughout its 153-year history.

                                                                                                                      (h ttp ://www. nytimes. com)
The word "capitar' in "capital improvements":
Ano: 2013 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: IBGE Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Analista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Tecnologista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Arquivologia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Estatística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Análise e Desenvolvimento de Aplicações | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte Operacional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Desenvolvimento de Pessoas | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Materiais e Logística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Administração de Pessoal | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Designer Institucional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Orçamento e Finanças | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Planejamento e Gestão | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte à Comunicação e Rede | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Ciências Contábeis | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Administração Escolar | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Agrícola | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Pecuária | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Socioeconômica | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Cartografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Edição de Vídeo | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geoprocessamento |
Q437122 Inglês
In the excerpts of Text II: “The US economic and social systems are set up to provide opportunity for immigrants to prosper” (lines 10-12) and “if immigrants are instead brought in as low-wage replacements for American workers” (lines 60-61) set up and brought in mean, respectively,
Ano: 2013 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: IBGE Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Analista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Todos os Cargos - Conhecimentos Básicos - Tecnologista | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Arquivologia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Estatística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Análise e Desenvolvimento de Aplicações | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte Operacional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Desenvolvimento de Pessoas | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Materiais e Logística | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Recursos Humanos - Administração de Pessoal | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Designer Institucional | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Orçamento e Finanças | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Planejamento e Gestão | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Suporte à Comunicação e Rede | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Ciências Contábeis | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Analista - Administração Escolar | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Agrícola | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Pecuária | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Análise Socioeconômica | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Cartografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Edição de Vídeo | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geografia | CESGRANRIO - 2013 - IBGE - Tecnologista - Geoprocessamento |
Q437118 Inglês
In the excerpt of Text I: “other estimates find that immigration raises the wages of all US workers, regardless of education” (lines 23-25), regardless of,is substituted, without change in meaning, by
Q432758 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the following items.

In line 4, the term “clear-cut" gives the reader information about “answer".
Q428560 Inglês
Based on the text above, judge the items below.

The expression “thanks to” (l.4) can be replaced by due to, without changing the original meaning of sentence.
Q427847 Inglês
Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The verb form “ensure” (l.3) could be replaced by make certain without changing the meaning of the text.
Q422677 Inglês
The phrasal verb “make something up” is the same:
Q422615 Inglês

And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service hotline.


Dear Customer,

If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name, address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery, or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.

Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product are covered for a period of one (1) year fromthe date of purchase.

What we will do

If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.

(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

The verb REPAIR in “the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement”means:
Q422608 Inglês

And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service hotline.


Dear Customer,

If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name, address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery, or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.

Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product are covered for a period of one (1) year fromthe date of purchase.

What we will do

If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.

(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

The verb PURCHASED in: “contact the store from which you purchased the product”means:
Q420835 Inglês

Judge the following items, according to the text above.
The expression “magic bullet” (L.23) could be correctly replaced by cure-all, wonder drug or perfect solution, without any change in its meaning.
Q420822 Inglês

According to the text above, judge the following item.
The word “allay” (L.3) is used as a verb and it means reduce or ease.
901: E
902: E
903: C
904: D
905: D
906: E
907: E
908: B
909: B
910: A
911: A
912: D
913: C
914: C
915: C
916: D
917: A
918: C
919: C
920: C