Questões de Concurso Público SERPRO 2008 para Analista - Programação Visual

Foram encontradas 120 questões

Q149193 Português

A partir do texto acima, julgue os itens que se seguem.

O emprego da primeira pessoa do plural em “Vamos ter” (L.14) indica que tanto o autor quanto o leitor do texto não estão incluídos entre o conjunto de pessoas com “pressa em determinar as conseqüências futuras das atividades simultâneas” (L.12-13).
Q149199 Estatística
       Uma empresa de consultoria realizou um levantamento estatístico para obter informações acerca do tempo (T) gasto por empregados de empresas brasileiras na Internet em sítios pessoais durante suas semanas de trabalho. Com base em uma amostra aleatória de 900 empregados de empresas brasileiras com um regime de trabalho de 44 h semanais, essa empresa de consultoria concluiu que cada empregado gasta, em média, 6 h semanais na Internet em sítios pessoais durante uma semana de trabalho; 50% dos empregados gastam 5 h semanais ou mais na Internet em  sítios pessoais durante uma semana de trabalho; e o desvio padrão do tempo gasto na Internet em sítios pessoais durante o regime de trabalho é igual a 4 h semanais por empregado.

Com base nas informações da situação hipotética acima descrita, julgue os itens a seguir.

Os empregados observados no levantamento gastaram, em média, mais de 12% do regime de trabalho semanal na Internet em sítios pessoais.
Q149201 Estatística
       Uma empresa de consultoria realizou um levantamento estatístico para obter informações acerca do tempo (T) gasto por empregados de empresas brasileiras na Internet em sítios pessoais durante suas semanas de trabalho. Com base em uma amostra aleatória de 900 empregados de empresas brasileiras com um regime de trabalho de 44 h semanais, essa empresa de consultoria concluiu que cada empregado gasta, em média, 6 h semanais na Internet em sítios pessoais durante uma semana de trabalho; 50% dos empregados gastam 5 h semanais ou mais na Internet em  sítios pessoais durante uma semana de trabalho; e o desvio padrão do tempo gasto na Internet em sítios pessoais durante o regime de trabalho é igual a 4 h semanais por empregado.

Com base nas informações da situação hipotética acima descrita, julgue os itens a seguir.

Considerando que o tempo útil semanal do regime de trabalho seja a diferença U = 44 – T (em horas), o desvio padrão de U será inferior a 5 h.
Q149202 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Technical reviews and inspections are two areas which are often looked over.
Q149203 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The presenters should be duly prepared to take part in a technical review.
Q149204 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Some audiovisual materials are required for the presentation of issues to be dealt with.
Q149205 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
During the practice sessions the critic’s role is to elaborate on the items to be reviewed.
Q149206 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The reviewers must read and rewrite the material while being present in the meetings.
Q149207 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Large projects demand patient learning to go through it.
Q149208 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
A system design review can need 150 hours of work.
Q149209 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
In a lot of projects, it is hoped that the plan should be able to spot specific risky areas.
Q149210 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The plan is supposed to include the likelihood of failure, its results and the actions to be taken to contain development risk.
Q149211 Inglês
          One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be published and distributed and presentation material organized and made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
              The reviewers should read the material, attend the presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example, a system design review for one module or unit can require 150 labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very large error in resource and schedule estimation.
          Many projects include risk assessment and risk management as a key part of the planning process and expect the plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.
                                 A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
At the beginning of the second paragraph, “should” can be correctly replaced by ought to.
Q152186 Português
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Julgue os seguintes itens, a respeito das estruturas lingüísticas do
texto acima.

Preservam-se a coerência textual e a correção gramatical ao se substituir “a quem” (L.2) por à pessoa que.
21: C
22: E
23: C
24: C
25: E
26: C
27: C
28: E
29: E
30: C
31: E
32: E
33: C
34: C
35: E
36: C
37: C
38: C
39: E
40: C