Questões de Concurso Público SEDUC-AL 2021 para Professor - Inglês

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Q1848937 Pedagogia
   No processo de pensar e fazer pedagógico, assume destaque o Referencial Curricular de Alagoas (ReCAL), documento construído coletivamente e que levou em consideração trajetórias, necessidades, intencionalidades, potencialidades do nosso povo em cada etapa de ensino.
Alagoas. Referencial Curricular de Alagoas. 2020. p. 13 (com adaptações).

Tendo o texto precedente como referência inicial, julgue o item seguinte, acerca do trabalho docente. 
O estado de Alagoas apresenta uma organização curricular que leva em consideração as habilidades de cada componente curricular, os diferentes grupos etários e as singularidades das redes de ensino. 
Q1848938 Pedagogia
   No processo de pensar e fazer pedagógico, assume destaque o Referencial Curricular de Alagoas (ReCAL), documento construído coletivamente e que levou em consideração trajetórias, necessidades, intencionalidades, potencialidades do nosso povo em cada etapa de ensino.
Alagoas. Referencial Curricular de Alagoas. 2020. p. 13 (com adaptações).

Tendo o texto precedente como referência inicial, julgue o item seguinte, acerca do trabalho docente. 
O ReCAL apresenta a organização das aprendizagens e estratégias pedagógicas a serem desenvolvidas em todas as modalidades e níveis de ensino. 
Q1848939 Pedagogia
   No processo de pensar e fazer pedagógico, assume destaque o Referencial Curricular de Alagoas (ReCAL), documento construído coletivamente e que levou em consideração trajetórias, necessidades, intencionalidades, potencialidades do nosso povo em cada etapa de ensino.
Alagoas. Referencial Curricular de Alagoas. 2020. p. 13 (com adaptações).

Tendo o texto precedente como referência inicial, julgue o item seguinte, acerca do trabalho docente. 
As orientações apresentadas no ReCAL devem ser implementadas, de forma unânime, em todas as unidades de ensino do estado de Alagoas. 
Q1848940 Pedagogia
     Com nove anos de duração, o ensino fundamental é a etapa mais longa da educação básica, atendendo estudantes entre 6 e 14 anos de idade. Há, portanto, crianças e adolescentes que, ao longo desse período, passam por uma série de mudanças relacionadas a aspectos físicos, cognitivos, afetivos, sociais, emocionais, entre outros.
Brasil. BNCC: Ensino Fundamental no Contexto da Educação Básica. 2019 (com adaptações).

Considerando o texto apresentado e os múltiplos aspectos a ele relacionados, julgue o item a seguir.
Os anos iniciais caracterizam-se pelo rompimento com a educação infantil e a sistematização imediata de novas formas de construção de conhecimentos.
Q1848941 Pedagogia
     Com nove anos de duração, o ensino fundamental é a etapa mais longa da educação básica, atendendo estudantes entre 6 e 14 anos de idade. Há, portanto, crianças e adolescentes que, ao longo desse período, passam por uma série de mudanças relacionadas a aspectos físicos, cognitivos, afetivos, sociais, emocionais, entre outros.
Brasil. BNCC: Ensino Fundamental no Contexto da Educação Básica. 2019 (com adaptações).

Considerando o texto apresentado e os múltiplos aspectos a ele relacionados, julgue o item a seguir.
A escola assume um importante papel na construção do pensamento lógico quando incentiva os estudantes a utilizar tecnologias da informação e comunicação, para que eles ampliem a compreensão de si mesmos, do mundo e das relações entre os seres humanos.
Q1848942 Pedagogia
     Com nove anos de duração, o ensino fundamental é a etapa mais longa da educação básica, atendendo estudantes entre 6 e 14 anos de idade. Há, portanto, crianças e adolescentes que, ao longo desse período, passam por uma série de mudanças relacionadas a aspectos físicos, cognitivos, afetivos, sociais, emocionais, entre outros.
Brasil. BNCC: Ensino Fundamental no Contexto da Educação Básica. 2019 (com adaptações).

Considerando o texto apresentado e os múltiplos aspectos a ele relacionados, julgue o item a seguir.
Embora seja papel da educação básica desnaturalizar a violência nas diferentes sociedades, é necessário naturalizar a violência simbólica que ocorre entre diversos grupos sociais, para dialogar com essa diversidade.
Q1848943 Pedagogia
     Com nove anos de duração, o ensino fundamental é a etapa mais longa da educação básica, atendendo estudantes entre 6 e 14 anos de idade. Há, portanto, crianças e adolescentes que, ao longo desse período, passam por uma série de mudanças relacionadas a aspectos físicos, cognitivos, afetivos, sociais, emocionais, entre outros.
Brasil. BNCC: Ensino Fundamental no Contexto da Educação Básica. 2019 (com adaptações).

Considerando o texto apresentado e os múltiplos aspectos a ele relacionados, julgue o item a seguir.
A organização do currículo e das propostas pedagógicas do ensino fundamental, em duas fases, requer a formação de um percurso contínuo de aprendizagens que garanta maior sucesso dos estudantes. 
Q1848944 Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990
O Estatuto da Criança e do adolescente (ECA) garante a esse público o direito à educação, com vistas ao pleno desenvolvimento de sua pessoa, preparo para o exercício da cidadania e qualificação para o trabalho. A esse respeito, julgue o item subsequente. 
Adolescentes só poderão trabalhar a partir dos 14 anos se estiverem na condição de aprendiz.
Q1848945 Pedagogia
O Estatuto da Criança e do adolescente (ECA) garante a esse público o direito à educação, com vistas ao pleno desenvolvimento de sua pessoa, preparo para o exercício da cidadania e qualificação para o trabalho. A esse respeito, julgue o item subsequente. 
O ECA garante aos pais o direito de participarem da proposta pedagógica da escola de seus filhos.
Q1848946 Pedagogia
O Estatuto da Criança e do adolescente (ECA) garante a esse público o direito à educação, com vistas ao pleno desenvolvimento de sua pessoa, preparo para o exercício da cidadania e qualificação para o trabalho. A esse respeito, julgue o item subsequente. 
Compete aos dirigentes de estabelecimentos escolares comunicar ao conselho tutelar somente os casos de excesso de faltas injustificadas e elevados níveis de repetência. 
Q1854050 Inglês
    In Tanzania, the national government assigns teachers to schools, which means that they are often sent to teach in faraway regions and then frequently request transfers, trying to get assignments closer to their hometowns. Ms. Njau is lucky to have been assigned to a school in the community where she grew up, and she has taught there since the start of her career.
    At the end of her four years of secondary school, she scored too low on the national exams in mathematics and bookkeeping, which meant she could not study business, as she had intended. However, her results on the English test were better. A teacher encouraged her to follow her strengths and “take the subject that seems simple so you can go far,” advice that Ms. Njau now passes on to her own students. She continued her studies as an English major and passed the difficult national examinations before studying for her teaching diploma.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In Tanzania, the national government often request transfers for the teachers.

Q1854051 Inglês
    In Tanzania, the national government assigns teachers to schools, which means that they are often sent to teach in faraway regions and then frequently request transfers, trying to get assignments closer to their hometowns. Ms. Njau is lucky to have been assigned to a school in the community where she grew up, and she has taught there since the start of her career.
    At the end of her four years of secondary school, she scored too low on the national exams in mathematics and bookkeeping, which meant she could not study business, as she had intended. However, her results on the English test were better. A teacher encouraged her to follow her strengths and “take the subject that seems simple so you can go far,” advice that Ms. Njau now passes on to her own students. She continued her studies as an English major and passed the difficult national examinations before studying for her teaching diploma.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

It can be inferred from the text that Ms. Njau is happy with the school to which she has been assigned.

Q1854052 Inglês
    In Tanzania, the national government assigns teachers to schools, which means that they are often sent to teach in faraway regions and then frequently request transfers, trying to get assignments closer to their hometowns. Ms. Njau is lucky to have been assigned to a school in the community where she grew up, and she has taught there since the start of her career.
    At the end of her four years of secondary school, she scored too low on the national exams in mathematics and bookkeeping, which meant she could not study business, as she had intended. However, her results on the English test were better. A teacher encouraged her to follow her strengths and “take the subject that seems simple so you can go far,” advice that Ms. Njau now passes on to her own students. She continued her studies as an English major and passed the difficult national examinations before studying for her teaching diploma.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

According to the text, Ms. Njau always wanted to become an English teacher.

Q1854053 Inglês
    In Tanzania, the national government assigns teachers to schools, which means that they are often sent to teach in faraway regions and then frequently request transfers, trying to get assignments closer to their hometowns. Ms. Njau is lucky to have been assigned to a school in the community where she grew up, and she has taught there since the start of her career.
    At the end of her four years of secondary school, she scored too low on the national exams in mathematics and bookkeeping, which meant she could not study business, as she had intended. However, her results on the English test were better. A teacher encouraged her to follow her strengths and “take the subject that seems simple so you can go far,” advice that Ms. Njau now passes on to her own students. She continued her studies as an English major and passed the difficult national examinations before studying for her teaching diploma.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In the second paragraph, the word “bookkeeping” could be correctly replaced with librarianship.

Q1854054 Inglês
    In Tanzania, the national government assigns teachers to schools, which means that they are often sent to teach in faraway regions and then frequently request transfers, trying to get assignments closer to their hometowns. Ms. Njau is lucky to have been assigned to a school in the community where she grew up, and she has taught there since the start of her career.
    At the end of her four years of secondary school, she scored too low on the national exams in mathematics and bookkeeping, which meant she could not study business, as she had intended. However, her results on the English test were better. A teacher encouraged her to follow her strengths and “take the subject that seems simple so you can go far,” advice that Ms. Njau now passes on to her own students. She continued her studies as an English major and passed the difficult national examinations before studying for her teaching diploma.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

The quote “take the subject that seems simple so you can go far” (second paragraph) is a piece of advice from Ms. Njau’s teacher.

Q1854055 Inglês
    As soon as learners step outside the classroom, they act as users of English who communicate with other speakers of English from a wide variety of linguacultural backgrounds. Given the global spread of English and the fact that the majority of users do not speak English as their mother tongue, learners are likely to be involved in interactions with other non-native speakers. These situations then bear the hallmarks of English as a lingua franca (ELF), which is “any use of English among speakers of different first languages for whom English is the communicative medium of choice, and often the only option”, according to Seidlhofer.
    Since ELF speakers represent various cultures and languages, ELF contexts of use are characterized by diversity and the subsequent unpredictability and variability of communication. Therefore, interactions where English functions as a lingua franca require active engagement in the meaning-making process by the participants.

Éva Illés and Sumru Akcan. Bringing real-life language use into EFL
classrooms. In: ELT Journal, Volume 71, Issue 1, 2017, p. 3-12 (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

According to the text, ELF speakers must be active in making sense of the communication going on for its context of use changes from one person to another.

Q1854056 Inglês
    As soon as learners step outside the classroom, they act as users of English who communicate with other speakers of English from a wide variety of linguacultural backgrounds. Given the global spread of English and the fact that the majority of users do not speak English as their mother tongue, learners are likely to be involved in interactions with other non-native speakers. These situations then bear the hallmarks of English as a lingua franca (ELF), which is “any use of English among speakers of different first languages for whom English is the communicative medium of choice, and often the only option”, according to Seidlhofer.
    Since ELF speakers represent various cultures and languages, ELF contexts of use are characterized by diversity and the subsequent unpredictability and variability of communication. Therefore, interactions where English functions as a lingua franca require active engagement in the meaning-making process by the participants.

Éva Illés and Sumru Akcan. Bringing real-life language use into EFL
classrooms. In: ELT Journal, Volume 71, Issue 1, 2017, p. 3-12 (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

The expression to bear the hallmarks of, as used in “These situations then bear the hallmarks of English as a lingua franca” (first paragraph), means to have the typical features of.

Q1854057 Inglês
    As soon as learners step outside the classroom, they act as users of English who communicate with other speakers of English from a wide variety of linguacultural backgrounds. Given the global spread of English and the fact that the majority of users do not speak English as their mother tongue, learners are likely to be involved in interactions with other non-native speakers. These situations then bear the hallmarks of English as a lingua franca (ELF), which is “any use of English among speakers of different first languages for whom English is the communicative medium of choice, and often the only option”, according to Seidlhofer.
    Since ELF speakers represent various cultures and languages, ELF contexts of use are characterized by diversity and the subsequent unpredictability and variability of communication. Therefore, interactions where English functions as a lingua franca require active engagement in the meaning-making process by the participants.

Éva Illés and Sumru Akcan. Bringing real-life language use into EFL
classrooms. In: ELT Journal, Volume 71, Issue 1, 2017, p. 3-12 (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In ‘any use of English among speakers of different first languages for whom English is the communicative medium of choice, and often the only option’ (first paragraph), the word ‘whom’ could be correctly replaced with who.

Q1854058 Inglês
    As soon as learners step outside the classroom, they act as users of English who communicate with other speakers of English from a wide variety of linguacultural backgrounds. Given the global spread of English and the fact that the majority of users do not speak English as their mother tongue, learners are likely to be involved in interactions with other non-native speakers. These situations then bear the hallmarks of English as a lingua franca (ELF), which is “any use of English among speakers of different first languages for whom English is the communicative medium of choice, and often the only option”, according to Seidlhofer.
    Since ELF speakers represent various cultures and languages, ELF contexts of use are characterized by diversity and the subsequent unpredictability and variability of communication. Therefore, interactions where English functions as a lingua franca require active engagement in the meaning-making process by the participants.

Éva Illés and Sumru Akcan. Bringing real-life language use into EFL
classrooms. In: ELT Journal, Volume 71, Issue 1, 2017, p. 3-12 (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In “learners are likely to be involved in interactions with other non-native speakers” (first paragraph), the phrase “are likely to be” could be correctly replaced with will probably be.

Q1854059 Inglês
    As soon as learners step outside the classroom, they act as users of English who communicate with other speakers of English from a wide variety of linguacultural backgrounds. Given the global spread of English and the fact that the majority of users do not speak English as their mother tongue, learners are likely to be involved in interactions with other non-native speakers. These situations then bear the hallmarks of English as a lingua franca (ELF), which is “any use of English among speakers of different first languages for whom English is the communicative medium of choice, and often the only option”, according to Seidlhofer.
    Since ELF speakers represent various cultures and languages, ELF contexts of use are characterized by diversity and the subsequent unpredictability and variability of communication. Therefore, interactions where English functions as a lingua franca require active engagement in the meaning-making process by the participants.

Éva Illés and Sumru Akcan. Bringing real-life language use into EFL
classrooms. In: ELT Journal, Volume 71, Issue 1, 2017, p. 3-12 (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

The word “functions” (in the second paragraph) is used as a noun.

41: C
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