Questões de Concurso Público Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal 2018 para Técnico Legislativo - Técnico em Manutenção e Operação de Equipamentos Audiovisuais

Foram encontradas 70 questões

Q934587 Engenharia Eletrônica
Em relação à especificação H.323 para sistemas de comunicação multimídia em redes que são baseadas em pacotes, tem-se que
Q934588 Engenharia Elétrica
Em relação à soldagem de componentes eletrônicos em uma placa de circuito impresso, tem-se que
Q934589 Engenharia Elétrica
O multímetro é um instrumento de medida de várias grandezas elétricas, como corrente, tensão e resistência. Essa característica traz facilidades, mas requer cuidados do usuário quando for utilizá-lo. Sobre essa utilização, é correto afirmar que
Q934590 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir.

Video Camera

Ensure you have a good-quality video camera. Generally, a higher-cost camera probably will be better quality, because a large part of the cost goes towards the lens and sensors. As far as resolution goes, there is no real reason not to record in HD at least in 720p (720 pixels tall) or maybe even 1080p (1,080 pixels tall).

Tip: the p stands for progressive, which means that each horizontal row of the picture is recorded and played in succession (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), as opposed to i, or interlaced, where every other horizontal row is recorded and played in an alternating pattern (1, 3, 2, 4, etc.).

You’ll also want to take care of all the creative details, including ensuring that there is enough light to get a good image. Too little light results in a dark or grainy video.

Tip: Ensure the camera is in focus before starting the recording.

(How to Record High-Quality Audio and Video, Andrew Minion, 3 Apr 2014. Disponível em: how-to-record-high-quality-audio-and-video-cms-19668)

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Q934591 Inglês

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Though many video cameras have microphones built in, you’ll get better quality audio with a lavalier or headset microphone, because the mic itself can be much closer to the source of the audio.

Our ears and brain can filter out ambient noise so we can listen to what’s important, but microphones cannot, and a mic placed several feet away from the subject will pick up a lot of extra noise (heating/air conditioning systems, automotive traffic, people walking in a hallway, etc.) that will be noticeable and probably distracting in the final recording.

If possible, record a minute or several minutes of the subject speaking normally as they will during the interview and listen to the recording to see how much extra noise is audible; the less, the better.

Tip: get the mic as close to the subject as you reasonably can without it being visually distracting.

(How to Record High-Quality Audio and Video, Andrew Minion, 3 Apr 2014. Disponível em: how-to-record-high-quality-audio-and-video-cms-19668)

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66: E
67: B
68: A
69: C
70: D