Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Palhoça - SC 2024 para Professor de Anos Finais - Inglês

Foram encontradas 32 questões

Q2494997 Pedagogia

São princípios em que o ensino será ministrado, conforme estabelecido pela Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional.

1. igualdade de condições para o acesso e permanência na escola.

2. pluralismo de ideias e de concepções pedagógicas.

3. garantia de padrão de qualidade.

4. respeito à liberdade e apreço à tolerância.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q2494998 Pedagogia
Leia o trecho do artigo 15 do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) abaixo:

“A criança e o adolescente têm o direito à liberdade, ao respeito e à dignidade como pessoas humanas em processo de desenvolvimento e como sujeitos de direitos civis, humanos e sociais garantidos na constituição e nas leis.”
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) com base nos aspectos compreendidos como direito à liberdade.

( ) opinião e expressão ( ) crença e culto religioso ( ) buscar refúgio, auxílio e orientação ( ) participar da vida política, na forma da lei

Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Q2535856 Inglês

Text 1

Youth and Adult Literacy in Brazil:

learning from practice

The Concept of functional ILLITERACY

[…] A person is considered functionally literate....................he or she is capable..........using reading and writing the demands of his or her social context, using them to continue learning and developing over their lifetimes. With the expansion of the access to schooling beyond literacy, the focus was shifted to the quality of the educational process offered to all. The issue here is not simply whether people know how to read or write, but what they are capable of doing with those skills. This means that, besides the issue of illiteracy, a social problem that still persists in Brazil, there is also the issue of functional illiteracy; in other words, the inability to effectively use reading and writing skills in the various areas of social life after a certain number of years of schooling. According to census criteria, individuals with less than 4 years of schooling are considered functionally illiterate. […]


According to the information in text 1, it’s correct to infer that:
Q2535857 Inglês

Text 1

Youth and Adult Literacy in Brazil:

learning from practice

The Concept of functional ILLITERACY

[…] A person is considered functionally literate....................he or she is capable..........using reading and writing the demands of his or her social context, using them to continue learning and developing over their lifetimes. With the expansion of the access to schooling beyond literacy, the focus was shifted to the quality of the educational process offered to all. The issue here is not simply whether people know how to read or write, but what they are capable of doing with those skills. This means that, besides the issue of illiteracy, a social problem that still persists in Brazil, there is also the issue of functional illiteracy; in other words, the inability to effectively use reading and writing skills in the various areas of social life after a certain number of years of schooling. According to census criteria, individuals with less than 4 years of schooling are considered functionally illiterate. […]


Choose the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks of text 1.
Q2535858 Inglês

Text 1

Youth and Adult Literacy in Brazil:

learning from practice

The Concept of functional ILLITERACY

[…] A person is considered functionally literate....................he or she is capable..........using reading and writing the demands of his or her social context, using them to continue learning and developing over their lifetimes. With the expansion of the access to schooling beyond literacy, the focus was shifted to the quality of the educational process offered to all. The issue here is not simply whether people know how to read or write, but what they are capable of doing with those skills. This means that, besides the issue of illiteracy, a social problem that still persists in Brazil, there is also the issue of functional illiteracy; in other words, the inability to effectively use reading and writing skills in the various areas of social life after a certain number of years of schooling. According to census criteria, individuals with less than 4 years of schooling are considered functionally illiterate. […]


Prefixes are affixes added to the beginning of a base word to slightly change its meaning.

Study these examples in the following sentence from text 1 “…there is also the issue of functional illiteracy; in other words, the inability to effectively…”.

The underlined words indicate that they:

21: E
22: A
23: E
24: D
25: C