Questões de Concurso Público Consórcio do Trairí - RN 2018 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 30 questões

Q1248519 Inglês

Choose the best option to complete the dialog below.

A: Have you heard about the accident involving ____ NATO official?

B: No. What happened?

A: I heard on ____ FM station that he was shot in his leg by a friend.

B: That’s sad!

A: Yeah! It all happened in ____ European headquarter.

Q1248520 Inglês
If on the one hand word order rules are not fixed, on the other hand there are more conventional ways of ordering words. That said, which of the following options to fill in the gap below displays the most conventional word order?
Watch out for your baby girl! She is playing with that _____________ of yours.
Q1248521 Inglês

Choose the best option to complete the following dialog:

A: My car is __________ yours. Even though, it is __________ comfortable.
B: I don’t; agree. Your car is __________ mine.

Q1248522 Inglês
Choose the best option in order to complete the paragraph below.
Because there was a fight _______ Julie, Mike and Josh, their parents decided to make an auction _______ the conference, which happens _______ December 8th _______ 5 PM, and share the profit _______ the orphanages in the city.
Q1248523 Inglês

The Teacher

Amelia Jane

Remember when we met?

When I was just a kid.

And you said to me,

'It's okay, we're all friends here.'

And treated me like a normal kid?

Well even if you don't,

Thank you, as you now mean the world to me.

Remember when I first cried in front of you?

When times were tough for me.

And you said to me,

'It's okay, I'm here.'

And it all seemed a little better?

Well even if it's slipped your mind,

It made me who I am today.

Remember when you fell apart?

You couldn't cope without your Dad.

And I said to you,

'It's okay, I'm here for you.'

And you put back up your mask?

Because it had slipped that day and I saw,

The real you, scared and hiding.

Remember when I left you?

To move on to my next stage.

And you said to me,

'I'll always be here for you.'

And we hugged and talked for hours?

You wanted me to chase my dreams,

And helped me through my fear.

Remember when I became you?

And you took to the sidelines.

And I said to you,

'I'm here to carry on.'

And you watched like a proud parent,

As I took my first steps?

Now it's me remembering you,

As you lie in the ground.

I'll always remember your calming voice,

And be grateful for what I found.

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According to the text, it is possible to say that
21: C
22: A
23: D
24: B
25: C