Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Quaraí - RS 2019 para Professor - Inglês

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Q1244644 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

What is neurodiversity and what should schools be doing?


The words ‘whole’ (l. 27) and ‘hole’ are homophones. Mark the pair that is NOT a homophone.
Q1244645 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

What is neurodiversity and what should schools be doing?


In lines 40 and 41, ‘may’ is used to express:
I. What is hypothetical, counterfactual, or remotely possible. II. What is possible, factual, or could be factual. III. What is an obligation, a necessity.
Which ones are correct?
Q1244646 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

What is neurodiversity and what should schools be doing?


The pronoun ‘it’ (l. 19) refers to:
Q1244647 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

What is neurodiversity and what should schools be doing?


Analyse the following statements about the text:
I. Neurodiversity involves a specific number of language-related neurological differences. II. Some people believe neurodiversity is part of evolution because it has always been present, therefore it shouldn’t be considered a disability. III. Regardless of the discussion about neurodiversity as a disability, it is important to raise awareness about neurological differences especially because of mental health issues.
Which ones are correct?
Q1244648 Inglês

Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.

What is neurodiversity and what should schools be doing?


Relate the Column 1 to the Column 2, considering the four advices shared on how to support young people with neurological differences and their definition.
Column 1 1. Celebrate neurological differences. 2. Boost self-esteem. 3. Recognise mental-health issues. 4. Support.
Column 2 ( ) Be aware of your students interests in order to include them in the classroom. ( ) Teach every student about the existence of neurological differences. ( ) Give assistance when possible. ( ) Pay attention to signs of distress.
The correct order from top to bottle is:
6: E
7: B
8: C
9: D
10: C