Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Porto Belo - SC 2019 para Professor - Inglês

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Q1625025 Inglês
Some nouns are countable in other languages but uncountable in English. Choose the alternative that presents only uncountable nouns in English:
Q1625026 Inglês
Match the phrasal verbs to their meanings:
First column:
1- break down
2- get by
3- take off
4- take somebody in
5- call off
Second column: ( ) go into the air
( ) cancel
( ) manage
( ) stop working
( ) deceive
Choose the alternative that presents the correct match:
Q1625027 Inglês
Analyze the sentences paying attention to the use of prepositions of time:
I- See you on next Friday.
II- I’ll see you on Friday morning.
III- She was born on October 24, 1986.
IV- They arrived at 5 o’clock.
V- Oktoberfest in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil, takes place on October.
Choose the alternative that presents only accurate sentences:
Q1625028 Inglês
In relation to text types and genres, classify the assertions below into true (T) or false (F):
( ) A genre is a type of text, defined by its purpose and intended audience and identified by its format, style and language. An advertisement, a letter, an e-mail and a fairy tale are all examples of genres.
( ) Text types, on the other hand, represent groupings of texts which are similar in linguistic form, irrespective of genre. For instance, Hammond and colleagues (1992) classified the genre recipe as being of the procedure text type, and the genre student essay as being of the expository text type.
( ) Let’s take the ‘genre’ of advertisements for example. The purpose of an advertisement is to persuade the reader to buy something. Therefore, the format is attractive with pictures and few words. The style is direct and persua-sive, and the language uses short, simple sentences with powerful vocabulary.
( ) Teaching genre features do not help set the context for reading but, for writing, knowing genre features provide learners with a starting point and ensure cohesion.
( ) Teachers should use a range of genres and text types that match learners’ age, interests and needs.
Choose the alternative with the correct sequence:
Q1625029 Inglês
Read the following sentences and analyze them in terms of the use of prepositions of place:
I- My colleague is unfortunately still in the hospital. He has cancer.
II- Susan works in hospital as a nurse.
III- The beer is at the freezer. IV- My favorite singers were on stage. V- Her favorite restaurant in New York is at 945, Madison Ave.
Choose the alternative that presents only accurate sentences:
26: D
27: D
28: A
29: D
30: C