Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Massaranduba - SC 2020 para Professor de Inglês

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Q1739280 Inglês
Observe the following statements regarding to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL):
I- Learning is improved through increased motivation and the study of natural language seen in context. When learners are interested in a topic they are motivated to acquire language to communicate. II- Language is seen in real-life situations in which students can acquire the language. This is natural language development which builds on other forms of learning. III- Fluency is more important than accuracy and errors are a natural part of language learning. Learners develop fluency in English by using English to communicate for a variety of purposes. IV- CLIL is based on language acquisition focusing severely on learning grammar and sentence structure.
Choose the alternative with the correct answer:
Q1739281 Inglês
Read and analyze the following statements, then choose the correct alternative:
Q1739282 Inglês
Read the statements about Textual Genres and classify them as true (T) or false (F):
( ) According to Mikhail Bakhtin, textual genres are defined mainly by their social function. ( ) Textual genres are texts that are used for a particular reason in a communicative situation to promote a specific interaction. ( ) As they serve the need to communicate, textual genres are transmuted by presenting new forms from existing ones. The email address, for example, is a variation of the letter's communicative function. ( ) Textual genres define what kind of literature will be read by men and what type will be read by women. ( ) A textual genre is any one of the several linear sequences of elements of some specific kind whose combination constitutes a phonological representation.
Choose the alternative with the correct sequence:
Q1739922 Pedagogia
A implementação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) requer o monitoramento do
29: B
30: E
31: C
32: A