Questões de Concurso Público IF-SP 2018 para Português/Inglês

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Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-SP Órgão: IF-SP Prova: IF-SP - 2018 - IF-SP - Português/Inglês |
Q947613 Inglês

“Different learners have different preferred learning styles. This means that activities should be variable and should cater for all learning styles” (TOMLINSON, 2011, p. 17) Tomlinson (2011) presents the styles of learning which need to be catered for in language learning material.

Choose the alternative in which the exemplification of the learning style is correct:

Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-SP Órgão: IF-SP Prova: IF-SP - 2018 - IF-SP - Português/Inglês |
Q947614 Inglês

An autonomous learner is someone who is able to learn on their own. In a sense, every learner is autonomous to some extent because each student in the classroom has to learn for themselves. Teachers try to help students learn by exposing them to English and providing opportunities for them to practice the new language in class as well as revise and learn at home, but they cannot learn for their students.

Students who are successful are those who take some responsibility for their learning. We can promote this by encouraging and fostering students’ ability to remember, learn, extrapolate and achieve on their own. Think about something you learned to do. Someone probably showed you what to do and how to do it, but in the end it was up to you to try for yourself. The moment that you did this was the moment you really began to learn.

(LOWES, Ricky. Helping Students to Learn. A Guide to Learner Autonomy. Richmond : 1998, p.5)

What Teaching Approach is best described by the passage above?

Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-SP Órgão: IF-SP Prova: IF-SP - 2018 - IF-SP - Português/Inglês |
Q947615 Inglês

Brown ( 2007, p.15-17 ) explains the differences among methodology, approach, method, curriculum/syllabus and technique.

Choose the alternative in which the definition of METHOD is according to Brown’s (2007) explanation.

Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-SP Órgão: IF-SP Prova: IF-SP - 2018 - IF-SP - Português/Inglês |
Q947616 Inglês

Tomlinson ( 2011, p. 9-10 ) postulates that “materials should help learners to develop confidence”.

Which of the following alternatives present the author’s statement about this subject?

Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-SP Órgão: IF-SP Prova: IF-SP - 2018 - IF-SP - Português/Inglês |
Q947617 Inglês

Hutchinson and Waters (1987) use the analogy of a tree to get to a definition of what ESP is. However, they approach this definition by showing not what ESP is, but rather by showing what ESP isn’t.

Choose the statement that is true according to their definition:

11: B
12: D
13: A
14: D
15: C