Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Rio Pardo - RS 2019 para Professor - Ensino Fundamental de 6º ao 9º Ano - Língua Portuguesa/Língua Inglesa
Foram encontradas 40 questões
I. Os gestores serão indicados pelos governantes. II. Pluralismo de ideias e de concepções pedagógicas, e coexistência de instituições públicas e privadas de ensino. III. Liberdade de aprender, ensinar, pesquisar e divulgar o pensamento, a arte e o saber. IV. Igualdade de condições para o acesso e permanência na escola.
( ) Primazia de receber proteção e socorro em quaisquer circunstâncias. ( ) Precedência de atendimento nos serviços públicos ou de relevância pública. ( ) Destinação privilegiada de recursos públicos nas áreas relacionadas ao lazer.
I. O atendimento educacional será realizado somente no espaço escolar. II. Haverá, quando necessário, serviços de apoio especializado, na escola regular, para atender as peculiaridades da clientela de educação especial. III. Entende-se por Educação Especial, a modalidade de educação escolar oferecida preferencialmente na rede regular de ensino, para educandos com deficiência, transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades ou superdotação. IV. A oferta de Educação Especial tem início na Educação Infantil e estende-se ao longo da vida.
I. O Poder Público buscará garantir, por meio de atos normativos necessários à preservação dos elementos formadores tradicionais da capoeira nas suas relações internacionais. II. Somente os agentes financeiros públicos promoverão ações para viabilizar o acesso da população negra aos financiamentos habitacionais. III. O Poder Público elaborará e implementará políticas públicas capazes de promover o acesso da população negra à terra e às atividades produtivas no campo.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
( ) A luta pela superação do racismo e da discriminação racial é, pois, tarefa de todo e qualquer educador, independentemente do seu pertencimento étnico-racial, crença religiosa ou posição política. O racismo, segundo o Artigo 5º da Constituição Brasileira, é crime inafiançável e isso se aplica a todos os cidadãos e instituições, inclusive, à escola. ( ) A educação das relações étnico-raciais impõe aprendizagens entre brancos e negros, trocas de conhecimentos, quebra de desconfianças, projeto conjunto para construção de uma sociedade justa, igual, equânime. ( ) A escola tem papel preponderante para eliminação das discriminações e para emancipação dos grupos discriminados, ao proporcionar acesso aos conhecimentos científicos, a registros culturais diferenciados, à conquista de racionalidade que rege as relações sociais e raciais, a conhecimentos avançados, indispensáveis para consolidação e concerto das nações como espaços democráticos e igualitários.
A educação de qualidade social é conquista e, como conquista da sociedade brasileira, é manifestada pelos movimentos sociais, pois é direito de todos (1ª parte). As políticas de formação dos profissionais da educação, as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, os parâmetros de qualidade definidos pelo Ministério da Educação, associados às normas dos sistemas educativos dos Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios, são orientações cujo objetivo central é o de criar condições para que seja possível melhorar o desempenho das escolas, mediante ação de todos os seus sujeitos (2ª parte).
A sentença está:
I. A escola, como organização, tem de ser um sistema aberto, pensante e flexível. Sistema aberto sobre si mesmo, e aberto à comunidade em que se insere. II. O pensamento e a compreensão são os grandes fatores de desenvolvimento pessoal, social, institucional, nacional, internacional.
( ) A educação para a cultura da solidariedade pode ser feita de qualquer maneira, pois é uma questão de voluntarismo. ( ) O crescimento de uma pessoa é fruto da interação constante que ela mantém com o meio ambiente culturalmente organizado. ( ) Aprender é um processo complexo, pois não aprendemos somente conhecimentos elaborados por outros, também aprendemos capacidades, atitudes e valores.
A necessidade da integração surge dos direitos dos alunos e é a concretização na prática social do princípio da igualdade: todos os alunos devem ter acesso à educação de forma não segregadora (1ª parte). O objetivo de criar escolas inclusivas que tenham seu prolongamento natural em sociedades abertas e não segregadoras é uma tarefa concluída (2ª parte).
A sentença está:
É a capacidade de fazer e fazer-se oportunidade. Inclui o questionamento reconstrutivo como sua base inovadora através do conhecimento e como processo de formação do sujeito histórico capaz.
I. A relação do aluno com a escola é afetada pela significação que os pais dão a ela, pais que tenham sido submetidos a uma educação rígida, buscam uma escola com o mesmo perfil para seus filhos. II. A relação de confiança entre família e escola é irrelevante, uma vez que os pais não necessitam de auxílio na educação de seus filhos.
Segundo SAUSSURE, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. O som não passa de instrumento do pensamento e não existe por si mesmo. O som, unidade complexa acústico-vocal, forma, por sua vez, com a ideia, uma unidade complexa, fisiológica e mental.
II. A linguagem tem um lado individual e um lado social, sendo impossível conceber um sem o outro.
Conforme Leite in GERALDI, assinalar a alternativa INCORRETA:
Em concordância com GONZAGA, sobre os períodos literários, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
( ) A Literatura Informativa se caracteriza pela expressão ideológica da Contra-Reforma e o conflito entre corpo e alma.
( ) O Naturalismo se caracteriza pela subjetividade e pela falta de cientificismo.
Segundo VENTURI, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
Na perspectiva ___________ de aquisição da linguagem, destaca-se a importância do fato de que a aquisição da língua realiza-se através da negociação na busca do significado.
The Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday that repeated or lengthy use of general anesthesia or sedation drugs _______ children younger than 3 or pregnant women in their third trimester may affect youngsters' developing brains. The agency, which said its warning is based _________ a comprehensive analysis of the latest research, issued a “drug-safety communication” to inform health-care providers, parents and pregnant women about the risks of using the drugs repeatedly or for more than three hours at a time. It also ordered manufacturers to add warnings to their products labels. “We recognize that in many cases these exposures may be medically necessary,” Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. The new data on potential harms, she said, “must be carefully weighed against the risk of not performing a specific medical procedure.
The agency said that laboratory studies show that using the drugs in pregnant or young animals for more than three hours at a time causes widespread loss of nerve cells, which correlated with long-term effects on learning and behavior.
Some studies have also been conducted in children, with some supporting the findings from the animal research, particularly after repeated or prolonged exposure to the drugs early ____ life. But, all the studies in children had limitations, and the FDA said that “it is unclear whether any negative effects seen in children’s learning or behavior were due to the drugs or to other factors, such as the underlying medical condition that led to the need for the surgery or procedure.” A single, short exposure to the drugs is unlikely to have a negative effect, the agency added. More than 1 million children under age 4 require anesthesia for surgery in the United States each year, for conditions such as congenital heart defects or pyloric stenosis, which is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine.
The FDA said it has been investigating the effects of anesthesia on brain development since the first animal study on the topic was published in 1999. In 2010, it formed a partnership ________ the International Anesthesia Research Society on a project called SmartTots – Strategies for Mitigating Anesthesia-Related Neurotoxicity in Tots – to fund research on the effect of the drugs on pregnant women and children.
The Washington Post - adapted.
The Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday that repeated or lengthy use of general anesthesia or sedation drugs _______ children younger than 3 or pregnant women in their third trimester may affect youngsters' developing brains. The agency, which said its warning is based _________ a comprehensive analysis of the latest research, issued a “drug-safety communication” to inform health-care providers, parents and pregnant women about the risks of using the drugs repeatedly or for more than three hours at a time. It also ordered manufacturers to add warnings to their products labels. “We recognize that in many cases these exposures may be medically necessary,” Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. The new data on potential harms, she said, “must be carefully weighed against the risk of not performing a specific medical procedure.
The agency said that laboratory studies show that using the drugs in pregnant or young animals for more than three hours at a time causes widespread loss of nerve cells, which correlated with long-term effects on learning and behavior.
Some studies have also been conducted in children, with some supporting the findings from the animal research, particularly after repeated or prolonged exposure to the drugs early ____ life. But, all the studies in children had limitations, and the FDA said that “it is unclear whether any negative effects seen in children’s learning or behavior were due to the drugs or to other factors, such as the underlying medical condition that led to the need for the surgery or procedure.” A single, short exposure to the drugs is unlikely to have a negative effect, the agency added. More than 1 million children under age 4 require anesthesia for surgery in the United States each year, for conditions such as congenital heart defects or pyloric stenosis, which is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine.
The FDA said it has been investigating the effects of anesthesia on brain development since the first animal study on the topic was published in 1999. In 2010, it formed a partnership ________ the International Anesthesia Research Society on a project called SmartTots – Strategies for Mitigating Anesthesia-Related Neurotoxicity in Tots – to fund research on the effect of the drugs on pregnant women and children.
The Washington Post - adapted.
The Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday that repeated or lengthy use of general anesthesia or sedation drugs _______ children younger than 3 or pregnant women in their third trimester may affect youngsters' developing brains. The agency, which said its warning is based _________ a comprehensive analysis of the latest research, issued a “drug-safety communication” to inform health-care providers, parents and pregnant women about the risks of using the drugs repeatedly or for more than three hours at a time. It also ordered manufacturers to add warnings to their products labels. “We recognize that in many cases these exposures may be medically necessary,” Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. The new data on potential harms, she said, “must be carefully weighed against the risk of not performing a specific medical procedure.
The agency said that laboratory studies show that using the drugs in pregnant or young animals for more than three hours at a time causes widespread loss of nerve cells, which correlated with long-term effects on learning and behavior.
Some studies have also been conducted in children, with some supporting the findings from the animal research, particularly after repeated or prolonged exposure to the drugs early ____ life. But, all the studies in children had limitations, and the FDA said that “it is unclear whether any negative effects seen in children’s learning or behavior were due to the drugs or to other factors, such as the underlying medical condition that led to the need for the surgery or procedure.” A single, short exposure to the drugs is unlikely to have a negative effect, the agency added. More than 1 million children under age 4 require anesthesia for surgery in the United States each year, for conditions such as congenital heart defects or pyloric stenosis, which is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine.
The FDA said it has been investigating the effects of anesthesia on brain development since the first animal study on the topic was published in 1999. In 2010, it formed a partnership ________ the International Anesthesia Research Society on a project called SmartTots – Strategies for Mitigating Anesthesia-Related Neurotoxicity in Tots – to fund research on the effect of the drugs on pregnant women and children.
The Washington Post - adapted.
According to the text, analyze the following items:
I. The expression “which”, in “… agency, which said its warning…” (1st paragraph), refers to “agency”.
II. The word “single”, in “…single, short exposure to the drugs…” (3rd paragraph), has a similar meaning to “alone”.
III. The word “but”, in “… But, all the studies in children…” (3rd paragraph), could be substituted, without any change in meaning, by “also”.
The CORRECT item(s) is(are):
The Food and Drug Administration warned Wednesday that repeated or lengthy use of general anesthesia or sedation drugs _______ children younger than 3 or pregnant women in their third trimester may affect youngsters' developing brains. The agency, which said its warning is based _________ a comprehensive analysis of the latest research, issued a “drug-safety communication” to inform health-care providers, parents and pregnant women about the risks of using the drugs repeatedly or for more than three hours at a time. It also ordered manufacturers to add warnings to their products labels. “We recognize that in many cases these exposures may be medically necessary,” Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. The new data on potential harms, she said, “must be carefully weighed against the risk of not performing a specific medical procedure.
The agency said that laboratory studies show that using the drugs in pregnant or young animals for more than three hours at a time causes widespread loss of nerve cells, which correlated with long-term effects on learning and behavior.
Some studies have also been conducted in children, with some supporting the findings from the animal research, particularly after repeated or prolonged exposure to the drugs early ____ life. But, all the studies in children had limitations, and the FDA said that “it is unclear whether any negative effects seen in children’s learning or behavior were due to the drugs or to other factors, such as the underlying medical condition that led to the need for the surgery or procedure.” A single, short exposure to the drugs is unlikely to have a negative effect, the agency added. More than 1 million children under age 4 require anesthesia for surgery in the United States each year, for conditions such as congenital heart defects or pyloric stenosis, which is a narrowing of the opening from the stomach into the small intestine.
The FDA said it has been investigating the effects of anesthesia on brain development since the first animal study on the topic was published in 1999. In 2010, it formed a partnership ________ the International Anesthesia Research Society on a project called SmartTots – Strategies for Mitigating Anesthesia-Related Neurotoxicity in Tots – to fund research on the effect of the drugs on pregnant women and children.
The Washington Post - adapted.