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Q2298726 Inglês
choose the GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT sentence.
Q2291648 Inglês

Text III

English as an Additional Language:
Enhancing Critical Digital Literacy

        EAL classrooms are spaces to build communicative competence in the English language. That language has a unique role for many people around the world. For those without financial resources who do not live in English dominant countries, the digital sphere is perhaps the only space in which authentic use of the language is likely to take place. For learners situated in inner circle countries, effective use of the language can make the difference between social, economic and political exclusion, or inclusion. This is also true for a lesser extent in outer circle countries. For those in expanding circle countries, English is becoming a language of the global elite in political, economic, and academic life. In all of these circles, it is often used as a lingua franca. Sociocultural theory states that true competence in encoding and decoding language can only exist when there is an understanding of the cultural realities attached to the communication when it is used. Digital media provide the vector of communication for a tremendous number of communicative acts in all of the circles, but communication in the digital medium carries special attributes that are not necessarily obvious or transparent. Therefore, it seems imperative to arm language users with an understanding of communication issues the digital realm as well as an understanding of the implication of communication in this space. Furthermore, there is an ethical responsibility to empower language users from a variety of background with equal agency and therefore equal voice. Doing so requires more than just technical skills, but also skills of critique and critical language awareness, productive ability, and an understanding of agency and rights claims that stretch from the linguistic to the economic and political. By reimagining Critical Language Awareness as a component of a multiliteracy approach that encompasses the full spectrum of analogue to digital communication in English, teachers, students, and policy makers can work toward making language studies as relevant, authentic, and empowering as possible. 

Adapted from: (PDF) English as an Additional Language: Enhancing Critical Digital Literacy (
In “to arm language users”, the word “arm” is a(n)
Q2281245 Inglês
Text CB1A2-I

        Oppenheimer’s brief advance into astrophysics began with a 1938 paper about neutron stars, which continued in a 1939 installment that further incorporated the principles of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He then published a third paper on black holes on September 1st, 1939—but at the time, it was scarcely noticed because this was the very day Germany invaded Poland, launching World War II. Oppenheimer never wrote on the topic again.
        Even if it hadn’t been overshadowed by war, Oppenheimer’s work on neutron stars and black holes “was not understood to be terribly significant at the time,” says Cathryn Carson, a historian of science at the University of California, Berkeley.
        Each paper was written with a different member of the swarm of graduate students that Oppenheimer carefully cultivated. These protégés facilitated his ability to jump between research topics—and ultimately, helped him develop some of his most important contributions to physics.
        Oppenheimer’s climactic third paper, written with his student Hartland Snyder, explores the implications of general relativity on the universe’s most massive stars. Although the physicists needed to include some assumptions to simplify the question, they determined that a large enough star would gravitationally collapse indefinitely—and within a finite amount of time, meaning that the objects we now know as black holes could exist.

Internet: <> (adapted)
Based on the vocabulary and linguistic aspects of text CB1A2-I, judge the following item.
The pronoun “they” (last sentence of the last paragraph) refers to the word “assumptions”.
Ano: 2023 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: CRT-BA Prova: Quadrix - 2023 - CRT-BA - Assistente de T.I. |
Q2276170 Inglês

 Internet: <> (with adaptations).

Regarding the text and its linguistics aspects, judge the item below.
In the construction “whence the state derives its name.” (lines 5 and 6) “whence” means from where and its is a possessive adjective related to “the state”. 
Q2273301 Inglês

TEXT I – Tema: O papel da Língua Inglesa na BNCC


(by Lúcia Rodrigues Alves)

(Adapted from:      Accessed on July 1 , 2023)

In the sentence “[…] in terms of the necessary teacher development  which is the base for the implementation of this new curriculum base” (lines 2 and 2 ), the word in bold:
66: A
67: D
68: E
69: C
70: E