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Q1725015 Inglês
Climate change: Oceans running out of oxygen as temperatures rise

    “Climate change and nutrient pollution are driving the oxygen from our oceans, and threatening many species of fish.
     While nutrient run-off has been known for decades, researchers say that climate change is making the lack of oxygen worse. Around 700 ocean sites are now suffering from low oxygen, compared with 45 in the 1960s.
    Researchers say the depletion is threatening species including tuna, marlin and sharks.
     The scientists estimate that between 1960 and 2010, the amount of the gas dissolved in the oceans declined by 2%. That may not seem like much as it is a global average, but in some tropical locations the loss can range up to 40%.
    If countries continue with a business-as-usual approach to emissions, the world's oceans are expected to lose 3-4% of their oxygen by the year 2100.
    This is likely to be worse in the tropical regions of the world. Much of the loss is expected in the top 1,000m of the water column, which is richest in biodiversity.
    "Ocean oxygen depletion is menacing marine ecosystems already under stress from ocean warming and acidification," said Dan Laffoley, also from IUCN and the report's co-editor. "To stop the worrying expansion of oxygen-poor areas, we need to decisively curb greenhouse gas emissions as well as nutrient pollution from agriculture and other sources."”

(Adapted from
The word “worse”, in “this is likely to be worse in the tropical regions of the world” means, in Portuguese:
Q1725014 Inglês
Climate change: Oceans running out of oxygen as temperatures rise

    “Climate change and nutrient pollution are driving the oxygen from our oceans, and threatening many species of fish.
     While nutrient run-off has been known for decades, researchers say that climate change is making the lack of oxygen worse. Around 700 ocean sites are now suffering from low oxygen, compared with 45 in the 1960s.
    Researchers say the depletion is threatening species including tuna, marlin and sharks.
     The scientists estimate that between 1960 and 2010, the amount of the gas dissolved in the oceans declined by 2%. That may not seem like much as it is a global average, but in some tropical locations the loss can range up to 40%.
    If countries continue with a business-as-usual approach to emissions, the world's oceans are expected to lose 3-4% of their oxygen by the year 2100.
    This is likely to be worse in the tropical regions of the world. Much of the loss is expected in the top 1,000m of the water column, which is richest in biodiversity.
    "Ocean oxygen depletion is menacing marine ecosystems already under stress from ocean warming and acidification," said Dan Laffoley, also from IUCN and the report's co-editor. "To stop the worrying expansion of oxygen-poor areas, we need to decisively curb greenhouse gas emissions as well as nutrient pollution from agriculture and other sources."”

(Adapted from
In the text, the word “”greenhouse”, in “greenhouse gas emissions”, means, in Portuguese:
Q1719604 Inglês
Um estudante, ao tentar ler um texto em inglês, teve dificuldades para entender o seguinte trecho:
It's unclear what actually happened that day”. Por isso, utilizou um aplicativo de traduções, obtendo o seguinte resultado: Não está claro atualmente o que aconteceu naquele dia. O resultado apresentado pelo aplicativo está:
Q1719602 Inglês

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Arecibo Observatory will be demolished

      Arecibo’s days are done. After two support cables failed in recent months, the radio observatory’s 305-meter-wide dish is damaged beyond repair, the National Science Foundation announced on November 19. It will be decommissioned and dismantled.

     The telescope, famous for appearances in movies like GoldenEye and Contact, consists of a wide dish to collect radio waves from space and focus them into detectors housed in a dome suspended above the dish.

     In August, one of the cables that holds up the dome slipped out of a socket and punched a hole in the dish. Then a second cable unexpectedly broke on November 6. If a third cable were to break, it could send the platform holding up the dome swinging, or the whole structure could collapse. 

     The NSF determined that there was no safe way to repair the telescope. 

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No texto, o trecho “the whole structure could collapse” significa que:
Q1718401 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question:

China has unveiled ambitious plans to drastically reduce single-use plastics by 2025. China's National Development and Reform Commission is fast-tracking a number of measures designed to slash the production and use of plastics over the next five years. It announced that by the end of 2020, non-biodegradable plastic bags will be banned in supermarkets and shopping malls in major cities. The ban will also apply to food delivery services, which use vast amounts of the plastics. Single-use plastic straws and cutlery used by food takeaway services will be banned nationwide by the end of this year. China will encourage the use of alternative materials such as non-plastic products and biodegradable shopping bags.
Single-use plastics are one of the world's biggest sources of plastic pollution. They have become a ubiquitous part of daily life and a part of our throwaway culture. The Chinese authorities set a goal of reducing the "intensity of consumption" in order to reverse our reliance on single-use plastics. Previous regulations to curb plastic use, in 2008, led to an estimated cut in plastic bag production of 67 billion bags. The United Nations said it is urgent that all countries adopt policies similar to those China is introducing. It said: "We are already unable to cope with the amount of plastic waste we generate, unless we rethink the way we manufacture, use and manage plastics."
 Available on: Accessed on January, 22nd 2020.
They have become a ubiquitous part of daily life...” The underlined word can be translated as:
91: D
92: A
93: C
94: D
95: E