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Q2052637 Inglês

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    Working the IT help desk can be a great entry-level job. As a help desk professional, your core responsibilities are to provide technical help and support; that could mean setting up and repairing computers or responding to a customer’s question about how to use their computer, as well as performing routine maintenance of a company’s computer networks and internet systems or teaching staff how to use new technologies. The job requires deep computer knowledge and good technical and interpersonal skills. But what if you want more? Additional credentials and advanced degrees can help you move beyond the IT help desk. Here are three career paths to consider.
     (i) Cloud and systems administrator – Network and systems administration is a natural next step from the IT help desk. Organizations need reliable computer networks, so there’s great demand for skilled professionals who can manage, administer, and protect computer systems. (ii) Network ops and security expert - Cybersecurity is a top-of-mind concern in every sector and industry. IT professionals with expert training in network operations and security systems are in high demand. (iii) IT manager – Yes, you will need plenty of experience, credentials, and certifications; still, you can get to a managerial or executive-level position from the IT help desk. It can be tough to see the top through all those steps of the stair, but the top is closer than you think.
   Software development, computer network architecture, and computer programming are other possible professions those working on the IT help desk or in other entry-level IT positions can pursue. In today’s ever-changing job marketplace, there’s no one career pathway.

( adaptado)
In the excerpt from the first paragraph “beyond the IT help desk”, the underlined word may be substituted without change in meaning by
Q2052424 Inglês
( ) 

  Mining trucks are monstrous machines that guzzle fuel at a scarcely believable rate. Weighing 220 tonnes, they can get through 134 litres of diesel every hour. Little wonder then that mining companies are focusing their attention on these vehicles as the first step to reducing their carbon footprint.
    Anglo American, in collaboration with several partners, is retrofitting a mining haul truck with hydrogen power technology. A first of its kind, the monster mining vehicle is being piloted in Limpopo, South Africa, at the firm’s Mogalakwena platinum mine. Due to be launched early 2022, the truck will be hybrid, with a hydrogen fuel cell providing roughly half of the power and a battery pack the other half.
    Instead of having a tank of diesel that powers the motor, hydrogen enters the fuel cell and mixes with oxygen to create water in a chemical reaction catalysed by platinum, which generates the electricity needed to power the motors that drive the wheels. By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet, Anglo American says it will be “taking the equivalent of half a million diesel cars ‘off the road”.
    The construction sector, which includes mining, accounted for 39% of energy-related CO2 emissions in 2017, according to Davide Sabbadin, from the European Environmental Bureau. He says the sector will need to reduce its energy consumption by a third if it hopes to be compatible with the Paris Agreement. “While electric-powered vehicles, generally speaking, are less damaging to the environment than internal combustion engines on a life cycle analysis, this does not mean that they are green,” he says. It all hinges on how the hydrogen is produced. Some hydrogen is created using fossil fuels, which of course means there are substantial emissions as a result. “We should refrain from presenting hydrogen as a technological solution to all problems… all forms of hydrogen come at an environmental cost – water use, impacts on nature,” says Mr Sabbadin.

(Jesse Preyser., 21.12.2021. Adaptado)
In the fragment from the third paragraph – By rolling out this technology across its global truck fleet –, the terms in bold can be correctly replaced, with no change in meaning, by
Q2026112 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question that follow:
Text 1:

What makes a school good? (Part I)

Everyone is concerned about the quality of education a school offers, but how is quality measured? We often hear that schools in some countries are excellent, while schools in other countries are filled with problems. What factors should we be looking at to judge how 'good' schools are or aren't? I decided to do some research on the topic to see if I could come up with some answers.

One way of deciding if a school is good is by looking at how many students go on to university when they leave. If you look at all the schools in the world, the country which sends the highest numbers of its students to university is Finland. So, I looked at conditions in Finnish schools to see what made them so successful.

Often you will hear people say that the best schools are those that are strict. So, are the schools in Finland very strict? The answer is no, they aren't. They are usually very informal places with teachers and students sharing ideas. In fact, Finnish schools have a unique way of dealing with students and this could be the reason why they are so successful. While students in many countries spend long hours in school studying boring subjects, lucky students in Finland have short school days and ten weeks of summer holidays.Added to that, lunch is free and there are lots of lessons in sport, music and art.

Also, Finnish schools seem to have a different philosophy. They believe in equality and making school seem like a home away from home, so students feel comfortable and enjoy going there. The aim of the schools is not only to focus on 'good' students but also to provide extra help to students that need it. The result of this is that less able students do much better in Finland than they would in other countries.

Taken from: Chapman, Joanne. Laser B1 +. Teacher's book. Macmillan, 2008.
Notice the use of the comparative form in the sentence: “... students do much better in Finland than they would in other countries.” (fourth paragraph)
Choose the sentence in which the comparative form was correctly used.
Q2026109 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question that follow:
Text 1:

What makes a school good? (Part I)

Everyone is concerned about the quality of education a school offers, but how is quality measured? We often hear that schools in some countries are excellent, while schools in other countries are filled with problems. What factors should we be looking at to judge how 'good' schools are or aren't? I decided to do some research on the topic to see if I could come up with some answers.

One way of deciding if a school is good is by looking at how many students go on to university when they leave. If you look at all the schools in the world, the country which sends the highest numbers of its students to university is Finland. So, I looked at conditions in Finnish schools to see what made them so successful.

Often you will hear people say that the best schools are those that are strict. So, are the schools in Finland very strict? The answer is no, they aren't. They are usually very informal places with teachers and students sharing ideas. In fact, Finnish schools have a unique way of dealing with students and this could be the reason why they are so successful. While students in many countries spend long hours in school studying boring subjects, lucky students in Finland have short school days and ten weeks of summer holidays.Added to that, lunch is free and there are lots of lessons in sport, music and art.

Also, Finnish schools seem to have a different philosophy. They believe in equality and making school seem like a home away from home, so students feel comfortable and enjoy going there. The aim of the schools is not only to focus on 'good' students but also to provide extra help to students that need it. The result of this is that less able students do much better in Finland than they would in other countries.

Taken from: Chapman, Joanne. Laser B1 +. Teacher's book. Macmillan, 2008.
According to the third paragraph, “... people say that the best schools are those that are strict.”
The opposite of the superlative form THE BEST is: 
Q2026101 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the question that follow:
Text 1:

What makes a school good? (Part I)

Everyone is concerned about the quality of education a school offers, but how is quality measured? We often hear that schools in some countries are excellent, while schools in other countries are filled with problems. What factors should we be looking at to judge how 'good' schools are or aren't? I decided to do some research on the topic to see if I could come up with some answers.

One way of deciding if a school is good is by looking at how many students go on to university when they leave. If you look at all the schools in the world, the country which sends the highest numbers of its students to university is Finland. So, I looked at conditions in Finnish schools to see what made them so successful.

Often you will hear people say that the best schools are those that are strict. So, are the schools in Finland very strict? The answer is no, they aren't. They are usually very informal places with teachers and students sharing ideas. In fact, Finnish schools have a unique way of dealing with students and this could be the reason why they are so successful. While students in many countries spend long hours in school studying boring subjects, lucky students in Finland have short school days and ten weeks of summer holidays.Added to that, lunch is free and there are lots of lessons in sport, music and art.

Also, Finnish schools seem to have a different philosophy. They believe in equality and making school seem like a home away from home, so students feel comfortable and enjoy going there. The aim of the schools is not only to focus on 'good' students but also to provide extra help to students that need it. The result of this is that less able students do much better in Finland than they would in other countries.

Taken from: Chapman, Joanne. Laser B1 +. Teacher's book. Macmillan, 2008.

According to the second paragraph, Finnish schools are very successful.

The opposite of the adjective SUCCESSFUL is:

221: C
222: B
223: E
224: C
225: A