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Q2189256 Inglês
 Em relação à teoria de tradução, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA: 
Q2189255 Inglês
Asteroids vs. comets: How do they differ, and do they pose a threat to Earth?

Asteroids are _______________ chunks of rock that measure in size from a few feet to hundreds of miles in diameter. NASA has identified more than a million asteroids, and more than 150 of them have their own moons. In 2022, astronomers published evidence that the asteroid Elektra has as many as _______ chunks of rock orbiting it—making it the first known quadruple asteroid.
 For many years, astronomers considered Ceres to be the largest asteroid at about 590 miles wide. In 2006, however, the International Astronomical Union reclassified Ceres as a dwarf planet—making Vesta the largest asteroid at 329 miles wide. Yet this remains a point of contention among some astronomers, and the U.S. Geological Survey’s Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature defines Ceres as both an asteroid and a dwarf planet.
Comets are balls of ice and rock whose glowing tails can sometimes be seen from Earth as they streak through the night sky. Comets grow those tails whenever their orbits bring them close to the sun, causing the icy objects to heat up and _________ a trail of gas and dust. The sun illuminates the tail, giving it a majestic glow.
Compared to asteroids, comets tend to have more elliptical, or oval-shaped, orbits. They also contain more chemical compounds that vaporize when heated, such as water. And when observed through a telescope, comets appear fuzzier than asteroids.
(Fonte: National Geographic – adaptado.)

Check the alternative that CORRECTLY fills the gaps in the text:
Q2188978 Inglês
Applied linguists for a long time have been publishing many books and materials on teaching and learning English as a second and a foreign language. So, in this question, we provoke some reflections about these studies and how they could affect practice in our English classes.
Considering language and background to language learning and teaching, match the topic to its definition. 
( 1 ) Grammar ( 2 ) Lexis ( 3 ) Phonology ( 4 ) Function 
( ) is the study of the sound features used in a language to communicate meaning. ( ) is a reason why we communicate. ( ) describes how we combine, organize and change words and parts of words to make meaning. ( ) is individual words or sets of words that have a specific meaning.
Choose the item with the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188977 Inglês
“In recent years Content-Based Instruction (CBI) has become increasingly popular as a means of developing linguistic ability. It has strong connections to project work, task-based learning and a holistic approach to language instruction and has become particularly popular within the state school secondary (11 - 16 years old) education sector. It is a kind of approach in which lesson focuses on the topic or subject matter. During the lesson students are focused on learning about something that interests them, from a serious science subject to their favorite pop star or even a topical news story or film”. 
Peachey, N. (2021), disponível em:, accessed on 15h December 2022.

According to Peachey, judge the items as (T) True or (F) False concerning CBI ADVANTAGES.
I. It can make learning a language more interesting and motivating. Students can use the language to fulfill a real purpose, which can make them both more independent and confident.
II. Taking information from different sources, re-evaluating and restructuring that information can help students to develop very valuable thinking skills that can then be transferred to other subjects. So students can also develop a much wider knowledge of the world through CBI, which can feed back into improving and supporting their general educational needs.
III. CBI is very popular among EAP (English for Academic Purposes) teachers as it helps students to develop valuable study skills such as note taking, summarizing and extracting key information from texts.
IV. The inclusion of a group work element within the framework given can also help students to develop their collaborative skills, which can have great social value. V. Particularly in monolingual classes, the overuse of the students' native language during parts of the lesson can be a problem. Because the lesson isn't explicitly focused on language practice, students find it much easier and quicker to use their mother tongue.
VI. It can be hard to find information sources and texts that lower levels can understand. Also the sharing of information in the target language may cause great difficulties.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
Q2188976 Inglês
Teachers in the history of language learning and teaching have faced several methods that have been employed to the course of language teaching and learning, among them, we have faced Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).
Choose the CORRECT item that points the basic premises of this approach.
286: A
287: B
288: A
289: C
290: B