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Q2385594 Inglês
        “Deste modo, considerar o desenvolvimento de habilidades orais como central no ensino de Língua Estrangeira no Brasil não leva em conta o critério de relevância social para a sua aprendizagem. Com exceção da situação específica de algumas regiões turísticas ou de algumas comunidades plurilíngues, o uso de uma língua estrangeira parece estar, em geral, mais vinculado à leitura de literatura técnica ou de lazer. Note-se também que os únicos exames formais em Língua Estrangeira (vestibular e admissão a cursos de pós-graduação) requerem o domínio da habilidade de leitura. Portanto, a leitura atende, por um lado, às necessidades da educação formal, e, por outro, é a habilidade que o aluno pode usar em seu contexto social imediato. Além disso, a aprendizagem de leitura em Língua Estrangeira pode ajudar o desenvolvimento integral do letramento do aluno. A leitura tem função primordial na escola e aprender a ler em outra língua pode colaborar no desempenho do aluno como leitor em sua língua materna”.

(BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental.
Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: terceiro e quarto
ciclos do ensino fundamental: língua estrangeira.
Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Brasília:
MEC/SEF, 1998, p. 20).
O ensino das quatro habilidades em língua estrangeira, conforme aponta o documento, propicia um desenvolvimento integral das potencialidades dos estudantes. Todavia, há fatores que dificultam o trabalho do professor de língua estrangeira na escola pública. Sendo assim, assinale a alternativa que NÃO apresenta tais fatores.
Q2383498 Inglês
Text 3A4

      During the last century water infrastructure projects involving large dams played a major role in the socio-economic transformation of many countries. At the same time, in a significant number of cases the benefits were not shared equitably, and the negative impacts on the environmental and sociocultural structures were excessive. In some cases their economic performance was questionable. Diverging views have arisen on the merits and demerits of dams, the roles they play, and their alternatives in providing water and energy services. However, recognition that such roles are complementary rather than mutually exclusive has been growing as the dam debate has moved forward.

      It is envisaged that, as part of the global effort to improve water and energy supplies, more dams will be constructed, especially in developing countries, alongside other diverse alternatives. There will, consequently, be a need to enhance the benefits of dams and avoid many of their drawbacks by applying better decision-making processes within the overall framework of sustainability. There are complex issues around the planning and management of dams in the context of sustainable development which will need to be adequately considered and addressed to achieve sustainable outcomes.

      Dealing with the environmental and social challenges within the context of meeting water and energy needs is at the heart of the sustainability of projects involving dams. Dams are one of the options, structural or non-structural, available to meet specific water or energy needs. In many cases water and energy services are best provided through a mix of options. Each case is different. A decision to build a dam should emerge after a comprehensive assessment of the full range of available options, giving appropriate consideration to all aspects of sustainability.

 United Nations Environmental Programme. Dams and Development: Relevant Practices for Improved

Decision-making. Nairobi: The Secretariat of the Dams and Development Project, 2007. p. 10-1 (adapted).

Maintaining the meaning and correction of text 3A4, the excerpt “It is envisaged that” could be replaced with
Q2379803 Inglês
Choose the correct form of the verb in the past simple to complete the following sentence about Emma's vacation:

"Emma _____ (to visit) several national parks during her trip."
Q2379798 Inglês
Last Saturday, Lucy had a birthday party and all her friends joined her for the celebration. Which of these sentences is correct to describe the actions of Lucy's friends at the party in the simple past tense? 
Q2379797 Inglês
'Oh, the Places You'll Go!', 'Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!'

Which form of the verb 'to be' is used and why is it used in this context?
26: B
27: A
28: A
29: D
30: A