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Ano: 2014 Banca: FUNCAB Órgão: SEPLAG-MG Prova: FUNCAB - 2014 - SEPLAG-MG - Administração |
Q628323 Inglês

            How Telecommuting Works

Telecommuting, which is growing in popularity, allows

employees to avoid long commutes.

“Brring,” the alarm startles you out of a deep sleep. It’s

8 a.m. on Monday morning. Time to head to the office.

You roll out of bed, brush your teeth and stumble your

way to the kitchen to grab some coffee.

Moments later, you head to the office, still wearing

your pajamas and fluffy slippers. Luckily for you, you

don’t have to go far – you work at home.

Telecommuting, or working at home, has grown in

popularity over the last 20 years.

On an increasing basis, workers are saying “no” to

long commutes and opting to work at home. In fact,

the U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of

employees working from home grew by 23 percent

from 1990 to 2000.

Telecommuting workers revel in making their own

schedule – allowing them to schedule work around

family and personal commitments. With the ready

availability of technology tools, like the Internet and

home computers, companies are more willing to let

employees work from home.

    ( Adaptedfrom : < http: //>Access on 18th January, 2014) 

The pronoun THEM in the last paragraph of the text refers to:
Ano: 2014 Banca: SCGás Órgão: SCGás Prova: SCGás - 2014 - SCGás - Advogado |
Q626165 Inglês

Choose the best dialogue completion:

I don’t remember ____________ about the accident.

Q623532 Inglês
Microsoft’s Project Natick brings data centers underwater
Jordan Novet January 31, 2016 9:11 PM

Microsoft today unveiled Project Natick, a fascinating research initiative that could bring cloud computing infrastructure closer to big cities near large bodies of water — by putting data centers underwater

Microsoft isn‘t running any web services, like Office 365, through the data center infrastructure inside of these capsules. But Microsoft did build one (named the Leona Philpot, after the Halo character) and set it 30 feet underwater off of the California coast for four months in 2015. The capsules could have their computing hardware replaced every five years, but eventually they could well be kept underwater, without people onsite, for 20 years or more. And they could be powered by renewable energy, too. 

"Project Natick reflects Microsoft‘s ongoing quest for cloud datacenter solutions that offer rapid provisioning, lower costs, high responsiveness, and are more environmentally sustainable,‖ Microsoft explained on the website for the project. 

It‘s an unusual and forward-looking way for a company at Microsoft‘s scale — or any scale, really — to operate its core data center infrastructure. It‘s reminiscent of the Google barge that some people suspected had been intended to house data center hardware. (Other reports suggested it could be used for retail purposes.) But that project has been forgotten. Major web companies like Google and Facebook are now focusing on using aircraft to deliver the Internet to people, which has taken up some of the spotlight on research into new or better ways to deliver services. But the servers, storage, and networking equipment have got to live somewhere.

One might think putting data centers in the ocean might have environmental repercussions. But Microsoft is indicating that nothing untoward happened in the initial experiment. 

"During our deployment of the Leona Philpot vessel, sea life in the local vicinity quickly adapted to the presence of the vessel,‖ Microsoft said on the Project Natick website. 

Now Microsoft is looking to advance the research by building larger capsules. People working on the project have begun devising one three times as large as the first, according to John Markoff of the New York Times. 

SOURCE: accessed on 19/02/16 at 3:30 pm. 
No extrato do texto “ During our development of the Leona Philpot vessel,...” o adjetivo possessivo 'our‘ faz referência a
Q622736 Inglês
Text 2

The advantage

1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place.

2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to pre-owned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation.

3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that's no small thing.

                     Source: [slightly adapted]
The pronoun 'they' occurs twice in #1 line 6, referring to
Ano: 2014 Banca: SCGás Órgão: SCGás Prova: SCGás - 2014 - SCGás - Engenheiro |
Q609133 Inglês
Choose the best dialogue completion:

I don't remember ____________ about the accident. 

311: B
312: B
313: B
314: E
315: C