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Biblis, Germany — Not since the grim period after World War II has Germany had significant blackouts, but it is now bracing for that possibility after shutting down half its nuclear reactors practically overnight.
Nuclear plants have long generated nearly a quarter of Germany’s electricity. But after the tsunami and earthquake that sent radiation spewing from Fukushima, half a world away, the government disconnected the 8 oldest of Germany’s 17 reactors — including the two in this drab factory town — within days. Three months later, with a new plan to power the country without nuclear energy and a growing reliance on renewable energy, Parliament voted to close them permanently. There are plans to retire the remaining nine reactors by 2022.
As a result, electricity producers are scrambling to ensure an adequate supply. Customers and companies are nervous about whether their lights and assembly lines will stay up and running this winter. Economists and politicians argue over how much prices will rise.
“It’s easy to say, ‘Let’s just go for renewables’, and I’m quite sure we can someday do without nuclear, but this is too abrupt”, said Joachim Knebel, chief scientist at Germany’s prestigious Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He characterized the government’s shutdown decision as “emotional” and pointed out that on most days, Germany has survived this experiment only by importing electricity from neighboring France and the Czech Republic, which generate much of their power with nuclear reactors.
Then there are real concerns that the plan will jettison efforts to rein in manmade global warming, since whatever nuclear energy’s shortcomings, it is low in emissions. If Germany, the world’s fourth-largest economy, falls back on dirty coal-burning plants or uncertain supplies of natural gas from Russia, isn’t it trading a potential risk for a real one?
The world is watching Germany’s extreme energy makeover, as politicians from New York to Rome have floated their own plans to shut or shelve reactors.
The International Energy Agency, generally a fan of Germany’s green-leaning energy policy, has been critical. Laszlo Varro, head of the agency’s gas, coal and power markets division, called the plan “very, very ambitious, though it is not impossible, since Germany is rich and technically sophisticated”.
Even if Germany succeeds in producing the electricity it needs, “the nuclear moratorium is very bad news in terms of climate policy”, Mr. Varro said. “We are not far from losing that battle, and losing nuclear makes that unnecessarily difficult”.
The government counters that it is prepared to make huge investments in improving energy efficiency in homes and factories as well as in new clean power sources and transmission lines. So far, there have been no blackouts.
But Jürgen Grossmann, chief executive of the German energy giant RWE, which owns two closed reactors here in Biblis, about 40 miles south of Frankfurt, expressed skepticism. “Germany, in a very rash decision, decided to experiment on ourselves”, he said. “The politics are overruling the technical arguments”.
(Disponível em: Acesso em: 30/08/2011)
Com base no texto, identifique as afirmativas a seguir como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F):
( ) A decisão da Alemanha de fechar reatores de usinas nucleares recebeu apoio da população, mas não das empresas.
( ) Os reatores fechados em Biblis pertenciam a uma grande empresa alemã.
( ) Na opinião de Jürgen Grossmann, a decisão da Alemanha de fechar reatores de usinas elétricas priorizou fatores técnicos.
( ) Após o desligamento de 8 reatores, a Alemanha já sofreu alguns blackouts.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Design Patterns A design pattern is often posed as a question: how do we solve some design problem? However a design problem is, by its nature, nonspecific, and rarely has a single straight-forward answer. There might be several ways to solve the same problem, some better than others depending on the specific situation and the specific context of the problem. A design pattern is intended to share not just solutions but a better understanding of both the problem and how it might be solved.
Firstly, patterns have a well-defined structure. This consistent layout makes it easy to browse through a collection of patterns to find relevant help and then dive further into the material. The structure encourages the author of the pattern to think carefully about the knowledge they're sharing, whilst making the material more consistently accessible to a reader.
Secondly, unlike a tutorial or recipe which typically guides you through a single approach to solving a problem, patterns encourage discussion of related and complementary approaches. Design decisions are rarely clear cut, so it can be useful to understand the context in which a decision is made and the resulting trade-offs. Communicating these nuances is how we share knowledge rather than just fixes for a problem.
Consider the following sentence from the text: “Design decisions are rarely clear cut, so it can be useful to understand the context in which a decision is made and the resulting trade-offs”. Taking into consideration the underlined excerpt from the sentence, it is correct to say that design decisions are:
( ) Delegar a pessoa estranha à repartição pública, exceto nos casos previstos em lei, atribuição que seja de sua competência e responsabilidade. ( ) Retirar, sem prévia autorização da autoridade competente, qualquer documento ou objeto da repartição. ( ) Ausentar-se do serviço durante o expediente, sem prévia autorização do superior imediato. ( ) Recusar fé a documentos públicos. ( ) Utilizar pessoal ou recursos materiais da repartição em serviços ou atividades particulares. ( ) Praticar comércio de compra e venda de bens ou serviços no recinto da repartição, ainda que fora do horário normal de expediente.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a numeração correta, de cima para baixo.
(IstoÉ, 22/06/2011. Adaptado)
As lacunas do texto devem ser preenchidas, correta e respectivamente, com:
1. Regulamentos são obrigatórios e sua não observância pode levar a penalidades disciplinares. 2. Procedimentos são descritivos vagos e superficiais a respeito de práticas cotidianas. 3. Diretrizes não são obrigatórias e têm caráter consultivo. 4. Normas estabelecem parâmetros a serem observados.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
1. O processo de BI ocorre sobre um Data warehouse e não sobre a base de dados transacional (OLTP), pois o Data warehouse já foi gerado a partir de processos de limpeza de dados, duplicação de registros, sumarização de dados e seleção de atributos. 2. O processo de BI procura identificar as causas dos eventos de interesse por meio da aplicação de OLAP em algoritmos supervisionados de Mineração de Dados. 3. Durante a execução do processo de BI, a Mineração de Dados gera modelos preditivos multidimensionais intermediários, que são então organizados em cubos OLAP para a geração de dashboards analíticos. 4. Durante o processo de BI, os dados são organizados multidimensionalmente, para permitir a análise sob vários pontos de vista por meio do OLAP.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
A Proposta Pedagógica, por sua vez, é aquela a que a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB) faz referência nos arts. 12 e 13. Trata-se do currículo da escola, isto é, é o grande planejamento pedagógico da escola, é o documento que apresenta os conteúdos escolares, os procedimentos metodológicos e as premissas avaliativas.
Com base nesse texto, é correto afirmar:
Chris Watts is scheduled to be in a Colorado court at 10 a.m. MST.
Shanann was reported missing August 13 after she missed a doctor’s appointment. Her husband initially appeared on television pleading for help finding his wife and daughters. Later, he admitted he murdered them. Despite the guilty plea, Watts’ parents said they believe there is more to the story. “It boils down to: I just want the truth of what really happened”, said Ronnie Watts, Chris’ father. “If he did it all, I can live with it. If he didn’t, I want him to fight for it”. Shanann’s family pushed back saying her memory and reputation should be protected. “Shanann was a wonderful soul. Everyone who knew Shanann knows this to be true. Even Chris Watts knows this to be true. Yet Chris Watts still chose to murder Shanann, Bella, Celeste, and Nico. Chris Watts still chose to dump the bodies of his own family in oil tanks. And Chris Watts still chose to lie about it until he could lie no more”. He pled guilty to murdering his family because he is guilty. In court Monday, Shanann’s parents will be allowed to speak. Watts is expected to receive life in prison without the chance of parole. His eligibility for the death penalty was removed as part of the plea deal.
(Disponível em: <>.)
According to the text, it is correct to say: