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Q2558821 Educação Física
Na avaliação de indivíduos na Educação Física, é comum utilizar medidas fisiológicas para compreender o impacto da atividade física. Selecione a alternativa correta que descreve uma medida específica e seu significado na avaliação do condicionamento físico.
Q2558820 Educação Física
Como as dimensões filosóficas, antropológicas e sociais se entrelaçam na relação entre Educação e Esporte?
Q2558819 Educação Física
Em um contexto histórico, a Educação Física tem evoluído ao longo dos séculos, refletindo as mudanças sociais, culturais e políticas. Indique a alternativa correta que destaca as principais fases da Educação Física ao longo da história, identificando as influências de diferentes períodos e como essas mudanças impactaram a abordagem pedagógica e os objetivos dessa disciplina.
Q2558753 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

Humane Wants Its New Ai Pin to Liberate You From Your Phone Screen
Kocienda raises his palm. A green volume meter, pause button, and next-song button appear on his hand. He twists his wrist clockwise, and the volume rises. Anticlockwise, and the song gets quieter. He clasps his fingers, and the music pauses completely. Then he drops his hand and the green laser display vanishes.
“I just love the way the computer’s there, and then the computer’s gone,” Kocienda tells me, maintaining eye contact. “One of the aspects is, you stay in the moment with people that you’re with.”
Kocienda is the head of product engineering at Humane, a San Francisco company which, on Thursday, launched a device that its creators hope will be the iPhone for the AI generation. While the wearable computer, called the Humane Ai Pin, has a laser display that can be projected onto your hand if needed, the idea is that the device is screenless, instead conversing with its user in the form of speech. Its operating system calls upon AI large language models, including OpenAI’s GPT-4, for tasks as varied as calling a friend, translating a face-to-face conversation in real time, taking photographs, reminding you what your partner texted you last Thursday, or settling a dinnertime dispute about how many moons Jupiter has.


According to the text, what is a notable feature of the Humane Ai Pin?
Q2558752 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.

        Earth just had its hottest year ever recorded — by far
Last year was Earth’s hottest in recorded history, the European Union’s climate agency announced Tuesday, confirming what scientists have been expecting — and dreading.
The E.U.’s Copernicus Climate Change Service said global temperatures in 2023 were higher than in any year going back to at least 1850, reaching “exceptionally high” levels and averaging 1.48 degrees Celsius (2.66 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than in preindustrial times.
It’s a milestone that many climate scientists saw coming after a year that was chock full of extremes. Beginning in June, the planet notched month after month of warmer-than-usual conditions, with July and August 2023 coming in as the warmest two months ever recorded, according to the Copernicus report.


According to the information provided in the text, what is the significance of the global temperatures recorded in 2023? 
81: C
82: C
83: C
84: E
85: B