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Oferece ferramentas de gerenciamento de e-mail para pessoas físicas e jurídicas. Com aparência renovada, organização avançada de e-mail, pesquisa, comunicação e recursos de redes sociais, ele fornece uma experiência extraordinária para que os usuários se mantenham produtivos e em contato com suas redes pessoais e comerciais. Estamos falando do:
De acordo com a RDC nº 20/2011, a frase: "Venda sob prescrição médica – só pode ser vendido com retenção da receita" deve constar nas bulas e rótulos das embalagens dos seguintes medicamentos:
De acordo com a Resolução nº 67/2007, o processo pelo qual se elimina, por meio de calor, a energia medicamentosa impregnada nos utensílios e embalagem primária para sua utilização, denominamos:
Instruction: Answer questions 36 to 40 based on the following text.
Klingon to Dothraki: Invented languages gain popularity
- The idea of invented languages is not new. People have been trying to create new tongues
- for a long time. One of the most famous examples is Esperanto, created by Ludwik Zamenhof
- in 1887 which he hoped would become __ globally spoken unifying language. The fact that it
- is based on 16 very simple rules and took words from languages already present makes it very
- easy to learn. This was a conscious decision by Zamenhof who hoped that if everyone spoke
- one language, there would be fewer wars and conflicts.
- So far, none of the existing constructed languages has achieved a large number of
- speakers. Klingon, the invented language of Star Trek has around 20-30 speakers. Na’vi, the
- language created for the movie “Avatar” has one fluent speaker, 10 intermediate speakers,
- and over forty novices. Dothraki, which was crafted specifically for __ series Game of Thrones,
- boasts seven intermediate speakers and around a hundred novices. For now, Garadálava has
- exactly one speaker: Fynn Schlemminger himself.
- However Esperanto is a notable exception: it’s estimated that the language has around
- some 1,000 native speakers, and many parents teach it to their children. TV series, movies,
- books, and especially the Internet have given invented languages a chance like never before.
- According to the BBC, Esperanto, which was created almost exactly 100 years ago, is currently
- experiencing a boost, mostly thanks to the language learning app Duolingo, and a highly
- engaged online community. Wikipedia is also available in this language.
- With the amount of time and effort it takes to learn a new language, it is rather unlikely
- that __ invented tongue will achieve world domination in the same way English has. But it is
- clear that there is rising interest in creating new languages. “Yes, there might be more of them
- in the future, or more people will try their hand at it,” said Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Analyse the following statements:
I. None of the created languages have a large ammount of speakers, being used only in movies and books.
II. Esperanto was created to be an universal language, meant to promote peace.
III. Despite the fact that created languages haven’t been globally speaken, in the future they will certainly replace English as the world dominant language.
Which ones are correct?
Instruction: Answer questions 36 to 40 based on the following text.
Klingon to Dothraki: Invented languages gain popularity
- The idea of invented languages is not new. People have been trying to create new tongues
- for a long time. One of the most famous examples is Esperanto, created by Ludwik Zamenhof
- in 1887 which he hoped would become __ globally spoken unifying language. The fact that it
- is based on 16 very simple rules and took words from languages already present makes it very
- easy to learn. This was a conscious decision by Zamenhof who hoped that if everyone spoke
- one language, there would be fewer wars and conflicts.
- So far, none of the existing constructed languages has achieved a large number of
- speakers. Klingon, the invented language of Star Trek has around 20-30 speakers. Na’vi, the
- language created for the movie “Avatar” has one fluent speaker, 10 intermediate speakers,
- and over forty novices. Dothraki, which was crafted specifically for __ series Game of Thrones,
- boasts seven intermediate speakers and around a hundred novices. For now, Garadálava has
- exactly one speaker: Fynn Schlemminger himself.
- However Esperanto is a notable exception: it’s estimated that the language has around
- some 1,000 native speakers, and many parents teach it to their children. TV series, movies,
- books, and especially the Internet have given invented languages a chance like never before.
- According to the BBC, Esperanto, which was created almost exactly 100 years ago, is currently
- experiencing a boost, mostly thanks to the language learning app Duolingo, and a highly
- engaged online community. Wikipedia is also available in this language.
- With the amount of time and effort it takes to learn a new language, it is rather unlikely
- that __ invented tongue will achieve world domination in the same way English has. But it is
- clear that there is rising interest in creating new languages. “Yes, there might be more of them
- in the future, or more people will try their hand at it,” said Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Evaluate the following translations, considering its contex:
I. People have been trying to create new tongues (l. 01) – Pessoas vem criando novas línguas.
II. none of the existing constructed languages (l.07) – nenhuma das construções de linguagens existentes.
III. there might be more of them in the future (l.21-22) – podem haver mais deles no futuro.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Instruction: Answer questions 36 to 40 based on the following text.
Klingon to Dothraki: Invented languages gain popularity
- The idea of invented languages is not new. People have been trying to create new tongues
- for a long time. One of the most famous examples is Esperanto, created by Ludwik Zamenhof
- in 1887 which he hoped would become __ globally spoken unifying language. The fact that it
- is based on 16 very simple rules and took words from languages already present makes it very
- easy to learn. This was a conscious decision by Zamenhof who hoped that if everyone spoke
- one language, there would be fewer wars and conflicts.
- So far, none of the existing constructed languages has achieved a large number of
- speakers. Klingon, the invented language of Star Trek has around 20-30 speakers. Na’vi, the
- language created for the movie “Avatar” has one fluent speaker, 10 intermediate speakers,
- and over forty novices. Dothraki, which was crafted specifically for __ series Game of Thrones,
- boasts seven intermediate speakers and around a hundred novices. For now, Garadálava has
- exactly one speaker: Fynn Schlemminger himself.
- However Esperanto is a notable exception: it’s estimated that the language has around
- some 1,000 native speakers, and many parents teach it to their children. TV series, movies,
- books, and especially the Internet have given invented languages a chance like never before.
- According to the BBC, Esperanto, which was created almost exactly 100 years ago, is currently
- experiencing a boost, mostly thanks to the language learning app Duolingo, and a highly
- engaged online community. Wikipedia is also available in this language.
- With the amount of time and effort it takes to learn a new language, it is rather unlikely
- that __ invented tongue will achieve world domination in the same way English has. But it is
- clear that there is rising interest in creating new languages. “Yes, there might be more of them
- in the future, or more people will try their hand at it,” said Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Analyse the following statements:
I. ‘So far’ (l.07) could be replaced by Up to this time.
II. The expression ‘However’ (l.13) introduces a statement that contrast with what has been said.
III. ‘But’ (l.20) introduces an impossibility and could be replaced by Thus.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Instruction: Answer questions 36 to 40 based on the following text.
Klingon to Dothraki: Invented languages gain popularity
- The idea of invented languages is not new. People have been trying to create new tongues
- for a long time. One of the most famous examples is Esperanto, created by Ludwik Zamenhof
- in 1887 which he hoped would become __ globally spoken unifying language. The fact that it
- is based on 16 very simple rules and took words from languages already present makes it very
- easy to learn. This was a conscious decision by Zamenhof who hoped that if everyone spoke
- one language, there would be fewer wars and conflicts.
- So far, none of the existing constructed languages has achieved a large number of
- speakers. Klingon, the invented language of Star Trek has around 20-30 speakers. Na’vi, the
- language created for the movie “Avatar” has one fluent speaker, 10 intermediate speakers,
- and over forty novices. Dothraki, which was crafted specifically for __ series Game of Thrones,
- boasts seven intermediate speakers and around a hundred novices. For now, Garadálava has
- exactly one speaker: Fynn Schlemminger himself.
- However Esperanto is a notable exception: it’s estimated that the language has around
- some 1,000 native speakers, and many parents teach it to their children. TV series, movies,
- books, and especially the Internet have given invented languages a chance like never before.
- According to the BBC, Esperanto, which was created almost exactly 100 years ago, is currently
- experiencing a boost, mostly thanks to the language learning app Duolingo, and a highly
- engaged online community. Wikipedia is also available in this language.
- With the amount of time and effort it takes to learn a new language, it is rather unlikely
- that __ invented tongue will achieve world domination in the same way English has. But it is
- clear that there is rising interest in creating new languages. “Yes, there might be more of them
- in the future, or more people will try their hand at it,” said Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Consider the pair of words below, then judge if they are synonyms (S) or not (N) according to the context of occurrence.
( ) ‘conscious’ (l.05) – deliberate.
( ) ‘notable’ (l.13) – remarkable.
( ) ‘rather’ (l.19) – absolutely.
The correct order of filling in the parenthesis, from the top to the bottom, is:
Instruction: Answer questions 36 to 40 based on the following text.
Klingon to Dothraki: Invented languages gain popularity
- The idea of invented languages is not new. People have been trying to create new tongues
- for a long time. One of the most famous examples is Esperanto, created by Ludwik Zamenhof
- in 1887 which he hoped would become __ globally spoken unifying language. The fact that it
- is based on 16 very simple rules and took words from languages already present makes it very
- easy to learn. This was a conscious decision by Zamenhof who hoped that if everyone spoke
- one language, there would be fewer wars and conflicts.
- So far, none of the existing constructed languages has achieved a large number of
- speakers. Klingon, the invented language of Star Trek has around 20-30 speakers. Na’vi, the
- language created for the movie “Avatar” has one fluent speaker, 10 intermediate speakers,
- and over forty novices. Dothraki, which was crafted specifically for __ series Game of Thrones,
- boasts seven intermediate speakers and around a hundred novices. For now, Garadálava has
- exactly one speaker: Fynn Schlemminger himself.
- However Esperanto is a notable exception: it’s estimated that the language has around
- some 1,000 native speakers, and many parents teach it to their children. TV series, movies,
- books, and especially the Internet have given invented languages a chance like never before.
- According to the BBC, Esperanto, which was created almost exactly 100 years ago, is currently
- experiencing a boost, mostly thanks to the language learning app Duolingo, and a highly
- engaged online community. Wikipedia is also available in this language.
- With the amount of time and effort it takes to learn a new language, it is rather unlikely
- that __ invented tongue will achieve world domination in the same way English has. But it is
- clear that there is rising interest in creating new languages. “Yes, there might be more of them
- in the future, or more people will try their hand at it,” said Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Consider the following statements:
I. ‘an’ correctly fills in the blank of line 03.
II. In order to correctly fill in the blank of line 10, it should be used ‘a’.
III. In line 20, the blank should be filled with ‘the’.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Instruction: Answer questions 31 to 35 based on the following text.
German student invents own language
- Fynn Schlemminger _____ exactly what he wanted to do for his A-levels special project:
- create a language from scratch. And that’s exactly what he did. The invented language is
- called Garadálava, and, according to its creator, it is unique. “The premise of creating
- Garadálava was to make it unlike any spoken language. I came up with a phonology people
- usually interpret as harsh or pointed, featuring some guttural sounds and a very unmelodious
- tone,” he explained.
- All languages are, to a point, constructed because they went through corrections and
- reforms over time. However, there is one main difference according to a professor of linguistics
- at Wellesley College. Angela Carpenter, who has been teaching a course on invented languages
- since 2010, said the main difference is that “an invented language originates in someone's
- mind and is developed and expanded upon mostly by that person. A natural language ______
- within a speech community, usually from another language, dialect or creole, over a period of
- time.”
- When Schlemminger began working on Garadálava, he started with a sketch, an idea of
- how the language should sound and feel like.
- “You begin with the more superficial things, the shape of the language so to speak, some
- basic words, a sound inventory, sentence order. After that you simply go into more detail and
- mostly rotate between making up words and grammar rules, until you are done,” he said to
- Euronews. To him, the experience of creating a language was not unlike making a sculpture,
- creating a work of art.
- “Inventing a language is a very creative process that also requires knowledge of linguistic
- structures to make it a viable language. Having to create your own language really ______
- you to understand linguistic structure and the complex nature of language communication,”
- explained Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Consider the following statements about the text:
I. Garadávala is a language widely spoken in Germany.
II. Opposed to invented languages, natural languages are not part of a construction.
III. In order to invent a language, one must be both creative and have a good understanding of language structure.
Which ones are in agreement with the text?
Instruction: Answer questions 31 to 35 based on the following text.
German student invents own language
- Fynn Schlemminger _____ exactly what he wanted to do for his A-levels special project:
- create a language from scratch. And that’s exactly what he did. The invented language is
- called Garadálava, and, according to its creator, it is unique. “The premise of creating
- Garadálava was to make it unlike any spoken language. I came up with a phonology people
- usually interpret as harsh or pointed, featuring some guttural sounds and a very unmelodious
- tone,” he explained.
- All languages are, to a point, constructed because they went through corrections and
- reforms over time. However, there is one main difference according to a professor of linguistics
- at Wellesley College. Angela Carpenter, who has been teaching a course on invented languages
- since 2010, said the main difference is that “an invented language originates in someone's
- mind and is developed and expanded upon mostly by that person. A natural language ______
- within a speech community, usually from another language, dialect or creole, over a period of
- time.”
- When Schlemminger began working on Garadálava, he started with a sketch, an idea of
- how the language should sound and feel like.
- “You begin with the more superficial things, the shape of the language so to speak, some
- basic words, a sound inventory, sentence order. After that you simply go into more detail and
- mostly rotate between making up words and grammar rules, until you are done,” he said to
- Euronews. To him, the experience of creating a language was not unlike making a sculpture,
- creating a work of art.
- “Inventing a language is a very creative process that also requires knowledge of linguistic
- structures to make it a viable language. Having to create your own language really ______
- you to understand linguistic structure and the complex nature of language communication,”
- explained Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Analyse the following statements about word formation.
I. ‘unmelodious’ (l.05) and ‘viable’ (l.22) are formed by suffixation.
II. Both ‘mostly’ (l.11) and ‘simply’ (l.17) are formed by only adding the suffix –ly.
III. The suffix –ly only forms adverbs.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Instruction: Answer questions 31 to 35 based on the following text.
German student invents own language
- Fynn Schlemminger _____ exactly what he wanted to do for his A-levels special project:
- create a language from scratch. And that’s exactly what he did. The invented language is
- called Garadálava, and, according to its creator, it is unique. “The premise of creating
- Garadálava was to make it unlike any spoken language. I came up with a phonology people
- usually interpret as harsh or pointed, featuring some guttural sounds and a very unmelodious
- tone,” he explained.
- All languages are, to a point, constructed because they went through corrections and
- reforms over time. However, there is one main difference according to a professor of linguistics
- at Wellesley College. Angela Carpenter, who has been teaching a course on invented languages
- since 2010, said the main difference is that “an invented language originates in someone's
- mind and is developed and expanded upon mostly by that person. A natural language ______
- within a speech community, usually from another language, dialect or creole, over a period of
- time.”
- When Schlemminger began working on Garadálava, he started with a sketch, an idea of
- how the language should sound and feel like.
- “You begin with the more superficial things, the shape of the language so to speak, some
- basic words, a sound inventory, sentence order. After that you simply go into more detail and
- mostly rotate between making up words and grammar rules, until you are done,” he said to
- Euronews. To him, the experience of creating a language was not unlike making a sculpture,
- creating a work of art.
- “Inventing a language is a very creative process that also requires knowledge of linguistic
- structures to make it a viable language. Having to create your own language really ______
- you to understand linguistic structure and the complex nature of language communication,”
- explained Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Consider sentences from the text; then analyse the following statements:
I. A possible synonym of ‘harsh’ (l. 05) is ‘rough’, considering the context of the sentence.
II. Considering the context, ‘who has been teaching’ (l.09) should be translated to ‘que têm ensinado’.
III. Although it has a gerund form, ‘having’ (l.22) is classified as an adjective.
Which ones are correct?
Instruction: Answer questions 31 to 35 based on the following text.
German student invents own language
- Fynn Schlemminger _____ exactly what he wanted to do for his A-levels special project:
- create a language from scratch. And that’s exactly what he did. The invented language is
- called Garadálava, and, according to its creator, it is unique. “The premise of creating
- Garadálava was to make it unlike any spoken language. I came up with a phonology people
- usually interpret as harsh or pointed, featuring some guttural sounds and a very unmelodious
- tone,” he explained.
- All languages are, to a point, constructed because they went through corrections and
- reforms over time. However, there is one main difference according to a professor of linguistics
- at Wellesley College. Angela Carpenter, who has been teaching a course on invented languages
- since 2010, said the main difference is that “an invented language originates in someone's
- mind and is developed and expanded upon mostly by that person. A natural language ______
- within a speech community, usually from another language, dialect or creole, over a period of
- time.”
- When Schlemminger began working on Garadálava, he started with a sketch, an idea of
- how the language should sound and feel like.
- “You begin with the more superficial things, the shape of the language so to speak, some
- basic words, a sound inventory, sentence order. After that you simply go into more detail and
- mostly rotate between making up words and grammar rules, until you are done,” he said to
- Euronews. To him, the experience of creating a language was not unlike making a sculpture,
- creating a work of art.
- “Inventing a language is a very creative process that also requires knowledge of linguistic
- structures to make it a viable language. Having to create your own language really ______
- you to understand linguistic structure and the complex nature of language communication,”
- explained Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Consider the following statements.
I. The plural of the words ‘sketch’ (l.14) and ‘inventory’ (l.17) follow the same spelling rule.
II. To turn a singular sentence into plural, one has to both nouns and adjectives.
III. The main rule of verb agreement in the third person singular is to add –s, as it is the case in ‘go’ (l.17).
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Instruction: Answer questions 31 to 35 based on the following text.
German student invents own language
- Fynn Schlemminger _____ exactly what he wanted to do for his A-levels special project:
- create a language from scratch. And that’s exactly what he did. The invented language is
- called Garadálava, and, according to its creator, it is unique. “The premise of creating
- Garadálava was to make it unlike any spoken language. I came up with a phonology people
- usually interpret as harsh or pointed, featuring some guttural sounds and a very unmelodious
- tone,” he explained.
- All languages are, to a point, constructed because they went through corrections and
- reforms over time. However, there is one main difference according to a professor of linguistics
- at Wellesley College. Angela Carpenter, who has been teaching a course on invented languages
- since 2010, said the main difference is that “an invented language originates in someone's
- mind and is developed and expanded upon mostly by that person. A natural language ______
- within a speech community, usually from another language, dialect or creole, over a period of
- time.”
- When Schlemminger began working on Garadálava, he started with a sketch, an idea of
- how the language should sound and feel like.
- “You begin with the more superficial things, the shape of the language so to speak, some
- basic words, a sound inventory, sentence order. After that you simply go into more detail and
- mostly rotate between making up words and grammar rules, until you are done,” he said to
- Euronews. To him, the experience of creating a language was not unlike making a sculpture,
- creating a work of art.
- “Inventing a language is a very creative process that also requires knowledge of linguistic
- structures to make it a viable language. Having to create your own language really ______
- you to understand linguistic structure and the complex nature of language communication,”
- explained Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks of lines 01, 11 and 22, respectively:
De acordo com a RDC nº 15/2012, que dispõe sobre requisitos de boas práticas para o processamento de produtos para saúde, na seção VII referente à Inspeção, Preparo e Acondicionamento dos produtos para saúde, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
O Manual Técnico de Assistência ao Pré-Natal do Ministério da Saúde orienta sobre assistência integral à saúde da mulher. A assistência ao pré-natal deve ser organizada para atender às necessidades da população de gestantes, ações de saúde voltadas para a cobertura de toda a população-alvo da área de abrangência da unidade de saúde, assegurando continuidade no atendimento, acompanhamento e avaliação dessas ações sobre a saúde materna e perinatal. No entanto, existem algumas condições necessárias para uma assistência pré-natal efetiva, quais sejam:
I. Discussão permanente com a população da área, em especial com as mulheres, sobre a importância da assistência pré-natal na unidade de saúde e nas diversas ações comunitárias.
II. Identificação precoce de todas as gestantes na comunidade e o pronto início do acompanhamento pré-natal, para que tal se dê ainda no 1º trimestre da gravidez, visando as intervenções oportunas em todo o período gestacional, sejam elas preventivas ou terapêuticas.
III. Realizar visitas domiciliares diárias a todas gestantes, a fim de acompanhar condições sociais em que a gestante está incluída, como objetivo de garantir uma melhor qualidade de vida durante seu período de gestação.
IV. Acompanhamento periódico e contínuo de todas as mulheres grávidas, visando assegurar o seguimento da gestante durante toda a gestação, em intervalos preestabelecidos, acompanhando-a tanto na unidade de saúde como em seu domicílio, e por meio de reuniões comunitárias.
V. Sistema eficiente de referência e contra referência, objetivando garantir a continuidade da assistência pré-natal em todos os níveis de complexidade do sistema de saúde, para toda a clientela, conforme a exigência de cada caso.
Quais estão corretas?
O Código de Ética dos profissionais de enfermagem em seu preâmbulo ressalta a necessidade de aprimoramento do comportamento ético do profissional que passa pelo processo construção de uma consciência individual e coletiva, pelo compromisso social e profissional configurado pelo plano das relações de trabalho com reflexos no campo científico e político. Na Seção I, no que diz respeito às relações com a pessoa, família e coletividade, são proibidos aos profissionais de enfermagem, EXCETO:
Tem suas causas decorrentes do Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio, Isquemia Miocárdica, Disfunção do Músculo Papilar, Miocaridopatia em estágio terminal, Miocardite, Insuficiência Mitral Aguda ou Aórtica Aguda, defeito em Septo Ventricular e Aneurisma ventricular. Trata-se da descrição de choque:
A sonda utilizada em pacientes no sangramento de varizes esofágicas em caso de emergência, quando não há tempo para escleroterapia ou ligadura com risco eminente de morte do paciente, é chamada de:
A Política Nacional de Segurança do Paciente (PNSP) foi criada com base na necessidade de se desenvolver estratégias, produtos e ações direcionadas aos gestores, profissionais e usuários da saúde sobre segurança do paciente, que possibilitem a promoção da mitigação da ocorrência de evento adverso na atenção à saúde. Essa portaria, instituída em 1º de abril de 2013, tem como objetivo geral:
A higienização das mãos é reconhecida mundialmente como uma medida primária e muito importante no controle de infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde. Por esse motivo, tem sido considerada como um dos pilares da prevenção e do controle de infecções nos serviços de saúde. Conforme o tipo de higienização das mãos, associe a Coluna 1 à Coluna 2.
Coluna 1
1. Higienização antisséptica.
2. Higienização simples.
3. Fricção das mãos com antisséptico.
( ) Remove os microrganismos que colonizam as camadas superficiais da pele, assim como o suor, a oleosidade e as células mortas, retirando a sujidade propícia à permanência e à proliferação de microrganismos.
( ) Promove a remoção de sujidades e de microrganismos, reduzindo a carga microbiana das mãos.
( ) Reduz a carga microbiana das mãos (não há remoção de sujidades).
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é: