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Sobre fonemas e a relação entre fonemas e grafias, considere as assertivas a seguir, levando em conta os conceitos apresentados por Cegalla:
I. Os fonemas da Língua Portuguesa classificam-se em vogais, semivogais e consoantes. Na Língua Portuguesa, a vogal é um elemento básico, suficiente e indispensável para a formação da sílaba. As consoantes e as semivogais são fonemas dependentes: só podem formar sílaba com o auxílio de vogais.
II. Considerando-se que fonemas são as menores unidades sonoras da fala, é correto dizer que, na língua escrita, os fonemas são representados pelo conjunto de duas letras que constituem as sílabas dos vocábulos.
III. Encontro consonantal ou dígrafo é o nome dado ao grupo de fonema que representa as consonantes; em ambos os casos, o conjunto de letras equivale a apenas um fonema.
Quais estão corretas?
Sobre os termos que constituem uma oração, segundo nos ensina Cegalla, analise as assertivas que seguem, assinalando V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas.
( ) O núcleo de um termo é a palavra principal (geralmente um substantivo, pronome ou verbo), que encerra a essência de sua significação.
( ) Os termos essenciais de uma oração são representados pelo sujeito (ser do qual se diz alguma coisa) e pelo predicado (aquilo que se declara do sujeito, ou melhor, é o termo que contém a declaração, referida, em geral, ao sujeito).
( ) O complemento nominal e o agente da passiva são considerados termos integrantes da oração. O primeiro é reclamado pela significação transitiva, incompleta de certos substantivos, adjetivos e advérbios; o segundo é o complemento de um verbo na voz passiva.
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:
Segundo Bechara, no decorrer da história, nem sempre a palavra guarda seu significado etimológico, isto é, originário. Por variadas razões, ultrapassa os limites de sua primitiva “esfera semântica” e assume valores novos. Sobre figuras de palavras, de pensamento e de sintaxe, avalie as assertivas a seguir, conforme o autor citado:
I. Eufemismo: translação de sentido pela suavização da ideia, como, por exemplo, para referir-se à morte, usar a expressão “ir para a cidade dos pés juntos”.
II. Ironia: consiste na expressão de pensamentos antitéticos aparentemente absurdos, como na expressão “vivo sem viver em mim”.
III. Elipse: inserção de um termo que recupera expressão anteriormente citada, evitando a possibilidade de interpretação inadequada, como, por exemplo, em “a vida é bela, ela deve ser vivida intensamente”.
Quais estão corretas?
Avalie as assertivas que seguem a respeito do uso do sinal indicativo de crase, conforme preconiza Cegalla, o qual diz que a palavra crase (do grego krásis = mistura fusão) designa, em gramática normativa, a contração da preposição “a” com:
I. O artigo feminino, seja ele definido ou indefinido.
II. Todos os pronomes demonstrativos.
III. O “a” inicial dos pronomes “aquele(s)”, “aquela(s)”, “aquilo”.
Quais estão corretas?
Em um pub, as bebidas têm um único preço e a porção de pastéis também. Um grupo de amigos pediu duas bebidas e uma porção de pastéis e pagou R$ 60,75. Outro grupo pediu três bebidas e duas porções de pastéis e pagou R$ 96,00. Nessas condições, qual é a diferença (em R$) entre o preço de cada bebida e o preço da porção de pastéis?
Scientists study the world’s oldest person
- After being bewildered by the “super grandmother’s” great health at 116 years old,
- scientists are studying Maria Branyas, the world’s oldest person, in an attempt to unearth the
- secret to a long life. Mr. Branyas was born __ San Francisco __ 1907, and __ the age of eight,
- she moved __ Catalonia, Spain, where her family was originally from. Ms. Branyas, known to her
- X followers as the “Super Catalan Grandma”, has lived in the region ever since and has resided
- in the same nursing home, Residència Santa María del Tura, for the last 22 years.
- She has agreed to undergo scientific testing, which researchers hope will further their
- understanding of certain illnesses associated with old age, such as neurodegenerative or
- cardiovascular diseases. Despite her age, Ms. Branyas has no health complications other than
- mobility issues and hearing (she suffered permanent hearing loss when she was a child). She also
- still has a great memory: “She has a completely lucid head,” scientist Manel Esteller told ABC, a
- Spanish outlet. “She remembers with impressive clarity episodes of her when she was only four
- years old, and she does not present any cardiovascular disease, common in elderly people.”
- Esteller, who studies genetics and how it applies to health conditions, became curious about how
- Ms. Branyas’ genetic makeup might affect her aging. After a long talk with Ms. Branyas, Mr.
- Esteller believes there must be more to her longevity than meets the eye.
- The remarkable woman has not had an easy life; she survived an earthquake while she
- was in the US, a major fire, both world wars, the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish Flu pandemic,
- and more recently, COVID-19 in 2020. Despite the various pandemics, wars, and family losses
- she has endured, her longevity has made scientists question what her secret could be. “We know
- Maria’s chronological age, 116 years, but we must determine her biological age,” Esteller said to
- ABC, believing that “she is much younger” physically. The scientist has taken biological samples
- of saliva, blood, and urine from Ms. Branyas, which are thought to be the “longest-lived” biological
- samples and have great scientific value, Josep Carreras, the head of a leukemia research institute,
- said to ABC. The samples will be compared with the 116-year-old’s middle daughter, who is 79
- years old.
- Ms. Branyas often has been asked what her secret is to her long life, and she uses her X
- account to post her advice for others. She attributed her longevity to “order, tranquillity, good
- connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no
- regrets, lots of positivity, and staying away from toxic people”. However, she also credits a great
- amount of luck. “It is clear that there is a genetic component because there are several members
- of her family who are over 90 years old,” said Esteller. The rare biological samples will assess her
- genes, which will hopefully advance the research of drugs that could help diseases associated
- with age and cancer. As for Ms. Branyas, she said on her X account that she is “very happy she
- can be useful for research and progress”.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
In the image below we see a doctor asking “How’s your energy level?”, and the patient answering “I want to rock & roll on occasion, and party every once in a while.”
“On occasion” and “every once in a while” are considered:
Scientists study the world’s oldest person
- After being bewildered by the “super grandmother’s” great health at 116 years old,
- scientists are studying Maria Branyas, the world’s oldest person, in an attempt to unearth the
- secret to a long life. Mr. Branyas was born __ San Francisco __ 1907, and __ the age of eight,
- she moved __ Catalonia, Spain, where her family was originally from. Ms. Branyas, known to her
- X followers as the “Super Catalan Grandma”, has lived in the region ever since and has resided
- in the same nursing home, Residència Santa María del Tura, for the last 22 years.
- She has agreed to undergo scientific testing, which researchers hope will further their
- understanding of certain illnesses associated with old age, such as neurodegenerative or
- cardiovascular diseases. Despite her age, Ms. Branyas has no health complications other than
- mobility issues and hearing (she suffered permanent hearing loss when she was a child). She also
- still has a great memory: “She has a completely lucid head,” scientist Manel Esteller told ABC, a
- Spanish outlet. “She remembers with impressive clarity episodes of her when she was only four
- years old, and she does not present any cardiovascular disease, common in elderly people.”
- Esteller, who studies genetics and how it applies to health conditions, became curious about how
- Ms. Branyas’ genetic makeup might affect her aging. After a long talk with Ms. Branyas, Mr.
- Esteller believes there must be more to her longevity than meets the eye.
- The remarkable woman has not had an easy life; she survived an earthquake while she
- was in the US, a major fire, both world wars, the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish Flu pandemic,
- and more recently, COVID-19 in 2020. Despite the various pandemics, wars, and family losses
- she has endured, her longevity has made scientists question what her secret could be. “We know
- Maria’s chronological age, 116 years, but we must determine her biological age,” Esteller said to
- ABC, believing that “she is much younger” physically. The scientist has taken biological samples
- of saliva, blood, and urine from Ms. Branyas, which are thought to be the “longest-lived” biological
- samples and have great scientific value, Josep Carreras, the head of a leukemia research institute,
- said to ABC. The samples will be compared with the 116-year-old’s middle daughter, who is 79
- years old.
- Ms. Branyas often has been asked what her secret is to her long life, and she uses her X
- account to post her advice for others. She attributed her longevity to “order, tranquillity, good
- connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no
- regrets, lots of positivity, and staying away from toxic people”. However, she also credits a great
- amount of luck. “It is clear that there is a genetic component because there are several members
- of her family who are over 90 years old,” said Esteller. The rare biological samples will assess her
- genes, which will hopefully advance the research of drugs that could help diseases associated
- with age and cancer. As for Ms. Branyas, she said on her X account that she is “very happy she
- can be useful for research and progress”.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
The word “bewildered” in line 01 could be replaced, with no significant changes in meaning, by any of the words bellow, EXCEPT for:
Scientists study the world’s oldest person
- After being bewildered by the “super grandmother’s” great health at 116 years old,
- scientists are studying Maria Branyas, the world’s oldest person, in an attempt to unearth the
- secret to a long life. Mr. Branyas was born __ San Francisco __ 1907, and __ the age of eight,
- she moved __ Catalonia, Spain, where her family was originally from. Ms. Branyas, known to her
- X followers as the “Super Catalan Grandma”, has lived in the region ever since and has resided
- in the same nursing home, Residència Santa María del Tura, for the last 22 years.
- She has agreed to undergo scientific testing, which researchers hope will further their
- understanding of certain illnesses associated with old age, such as neurodegenerative or
- cardiovascular diseases. Despite her age, Ms. Branyas has no health complications other than
- mobility issues and hearing (she suffered permanent hearing loss when she was a child). She also
- still has a great memory: “She has a completely lucid head,” scientist Manel Esteller told ABC, a
- Spanish outlet. “She remembers with impressive clarity episodes of her when she was only four
- years old, and she does not present any cardiovascular disease, common in elderly people.”
- Esteller, who studies genetics and how it applies to health conditions, became curious about how
- Ms. Branyas’ genetic makeup might affect her aging. After a long talk with Ms. Branyas, Mr.
- Esteller believes there must be more to her longevity than meets the eye.
- The remarkable woman has not had an easy life; she survived an earthquake while she
- was in the US, a major fire, both world wars, the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish Flu pandemic,
- and more recently, COVID-19 in 2020. Despite the various pandemics, wars, and family losses
- she has endured, her longevity has made scientists question what her secret could be. “We know
- Maria’s chronological age, 116 years, but we must determine her biological age,” Esteller said to
- ABC, believing that “she is much younger” physically. The scientist has taken biological samples
- of saliva, blood, and urine from Ms. Branyas, which are thought to be the “longest-lived” biological
- samples and have great scientific value, Josep Carreras, the head of a leukemia research institute,
- said to ABC. The samples will be compared with the 116-year-old’s middle daughter, who is 79
- years old.
- Ms. Branyas often has been asked what her secret is to her long life, and she uses her X
- account to post her advice for others. She attributed her longevity to “order, tranquillity, good
- connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no
- regrets, lots of positivity, and staying away from toxic people”. However, she also credits a great
- amount of luck. “It is clear that there is a genetic component because there are several members
- of her family who are over 90 years old,” said Esteller. The rare biological samples will assess her
- genes, which will hopefully advance the research of drugs that could help diseases associated
- with age and cancer. As for Ms. Branyas, she said on her X account that she is “very happy she
- can be useful for research and progress”.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Choose the alternative that correctly completes the gaps in lines 03-04.
Scientists study the world’s oldest person
- After being bewildered by the “super grandmother’s” great health at 116 years old,
- scientists are studying Maria Branyas, the world’s oldest person, in an attempt to unearth the
- secret to a long life. Mr. Branyas was born __ San Francisco __ 1907, and __ the age of eight,
- she moved __ Catalonia, Spain, where her family was originally from. Ms. Branyas, known to her
- X followers as the “Super Catalan Grandma”, has lived in the region ever since and has resided
- in the same nursing home, Residència Santa María del Tura, for the last 22 years.
- She has agreed to undergo scientific testing, which researchers hope will further their
- understanding of certain illnesses associated with old age, such as neurodegenerative or
- cardiovascular diseases. Despite her age, Ms. Branyas has no health complications other than
- mobility issues and hearing (she suffered permanent hearing loss when she was a child). She also
- still has a great memory: “She has a completely lucid head,” scientist Manel Esteller told ABC, a
- Spanish outlet. “She remembers with impressive clarity episodes of her when she was only four
- years old, and she does not present any cardiovascular disease, common in elderly people.”
- Esteller, who studies genetics and how it applies to health conditions, became curious about how
- Ms. Branyas’ genetic makeup might affect her aging. After a long talk with Ms. Branyas, Mr.
- Esteller believes there must be more to her longevity than meets the eye.
- The remarkable woman has not had an easy life; she survived an earthquake while she
- was in the US, a major fire, both world wars, the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish Flu pandemic,
- and more recently, COVID-19 in 2020. Despite the various pandemics, wars, and family losses
- she has endured, her longevity has made scientists question what her secret could be. “We know
- Maria’s chronological age, 116 years, but we must determine her biological age,” Esteller said to
- ABC, believing that “she is much younger” physically. The scientist has taken biological samples
- of saliva, blood, and urine from Ms. Branyas, which are thought to be the “longest-lived” biological
- samples and have great scientific value, Josep Carreras, the head of a leukemia research institute,
- said to ABC. The samples will be compared with the 116-year-old’s middle daughter, who is 79
- years old.
- Ms. Branyas often has been asked what her secret is to her long life, and she uses her X
- account to post her advice for others. She attributed her longevity to “order, tranquillity, good
- connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no
- regrets, lots of positivity, and staying away from toxic people”. However, she also credits a great
- amount of luck. “It is clear that there is a genetic component because there are several members
- of her family who are over 90 years old,” said Esteller. The rare biological samples will assess her
- genes, which will hopefully advance the research of drugs that could help diseases associated
- with age and cancer. As for Ms. Branyas, she said on her X account that she is “very happy she
- can be useful for research and progress”.
(Available in: – text especially adapted for this test).
Which of the following statements about Ms. Branyas is INCORRECT?
A educação escolar é um direito fundamental de todo indivíduo, configurando, dessa forma, a acessibilidade nas escolas como uma questão de direitos humanos. Atualmente, a concepção de acessibilidade vai além da ideia de adequações arquitetônicas, ampliando a sua definição. São barreiras que podem interferir na participação plena das pessoas com deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida:
I. Tecnológicas.
II. Atitudinais.
III. De comunicação.
IV. Urbanísticas.
Quais estão corretas?
A Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva (2008) discorre a respeito do público-alvo do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE). Sobre esse tema, analise as assertivas abaixo:
I. São considerados educandos com deficiência aqueles que têm impedimentos de longo prazo, de natureza física e intelectual, que podem obstruir sua participação plena e efetiva na sociedade em igualdade de condições com as demais pessoas.
II. Os alunos com transtornos globais do desenvolvimento são aqueles que apresentam um quadro de alterações no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, tendo comprometimento nas relações sociais, na comunicação ou estereotipias motoras.
III. São caracterizados como alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação aqueles que apresentam notas elevadas em todas as áreas do conhecimento humano, isoladas ou combinadas: intelectual, acadêmica, liderança, psicomotora, artes e criatividade.
Quais estão INCORRETAS?
A tecnologia assistiva tem o objetivo de dar suporte as pessoas com algum tipo de deficiência em seu cotidiano. O mouse e acionador de pressão auxilia na utilização de computadores, e é utilizado principalmente por alunos que apresentam deficiências:
Relacione a Coluna 1 à Coluna 2, associando as principais tendências pedagógicas na prática escolar brasileira aos seus pressupostos de aprendizagem.
Coluna 1
1. Liberal tradicional.
2. Liberal renovada progressivista.
3. Liberal renovada não diretiva.
4. Liberal tecnicista.
5. Progressista libertadora.
Coluna 2
( ) Atua no aperfeiçoamento da ordem social vigente, articulando-se diretamente com o sistema produtivo. Seu interesse principal é, portanto, produzir indivíduos “competentes” para o mercado de trabalho, não se preocupando com as mudanças sociais.
( ) A atividade pedagógica é centrada no professor, as diferenças de classe social não são consideradas e toda a prática escolar não tem nenhuma relação com o cotidiano do aluno. Não leva em conta a capacidade de assimilação de acordo com as características próprias de cada idade.
( ) Acentua o sentido da cultura como desenvolvimento das aptidões individuais, adaptando as necessidades do educando ao meio social. Defende a ideia de “aprender fazendo”, valorizando as tentativas experimentais, a pesquisa, a descoberta, o estudo do meio natural e social, etc.
( ) Ultrapassa os limites da pedagogia, situando-se também no campo da economia, da política e das ciências sociais. Aprender é um ato de conhecimento da realidade concreta, isto é, da situação real vivida pelo educando, e só tem sentido se resulta de uma aproximação crítica dessa realidade.
( ) Destaca o papel da escola na formação de atitudes, razão pela qual deve estar mais preocupada com os problemas psicológicos do que com os pedagógicos ou sociais. Todo o esforço deve visar a uma mudança dentro do indivíduo, ou seja, a uma adequação pessoal às solicitações do ambiente.
A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:
De acordo com Libâneo (2005), o ________________ é uma das formas de seleção da cultura produzida pela sociedade, utilizada para a formação dos alunos. É tudo o que se espera que seja aprendido, tendo como objetivo orientar as práticas pedagógicas para o desenvolvimento das aprendizagens dos educandos, considera a cultura de cada um e tem papel importante na sua formação.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do trecho acima.
De acordo com a Lei Ordinária nº 683/2007 de Balneário Pinhal, são requisitos básicos para ingresso no serviço público municipal, EXCETO:
De acordo com a Lei Ordinária nº 904/2009 de Balneário Pinhal, considera-se promoção:
De acordo com a Lei Ordinária nº 838/2009 de Balneário Pinhal, para o cargo de auxiliar de serviços gerais, a carga horária é de quantas horas semanais?
De acordo com a Lei Ordinária nº 838/2009 de Balneário Pinhal, assinale a alternativa que apresenta corretamente a idade mínima exigida para o provimento do cargo de auxiliar de serviços gerais.
Conforme a Constituição Federal do Brasil, o voto é obrigatório para os maiores de:
Daniel, um estudante de Direito de 20 anos, está trabalhando em uma apresentação sobre a separação dos poderes da União, prevista na Constituição Federal. Seu tio, que é advogado, explicou corretamente para Daniel que os Três Poderes são: